
Wu Junshan’s brow frowned slightly, he didn’t expect Lin Yun to dare to kill someone in front of him!

And the people who saw Wu Junshan were like seeing a savior.

They all shouted to Wu Junshan: “Help! The man in front of you is the Corpse King! Corpse King! It’s a monster! Help me! ”

Hearing everyone’s pleas for help, Wu Junshan was very confused.

Corpse King?

His gaze fell on Lin Yun’s body.

This young man in front of him was probably in his early twenties, handsome and handsome, and he was actually a corpse king?

However, even if Lin Yun was not the Corpse King, he would not let him go!

“What the hell are you!” What’s going on with these robots! If you don’t give me an explanation, I’ll kill you with my own hands!” Wu Junshan asked Lin Yun.

He also felt very incredible when he saw the scene in front of him just now.

It is inconceivable that in this last days, hundreds of robots will appear here.

It is even more inconceivable that the person controlling this group of robots is not an organization, but an ordinary twenty-year-old youth!

In the face of Wu Junshan’s question, Lin Yun said lightly: “Kill me? Do you have the ability? ”

“Lin Yun!”

Suddenly, Yang Weiyu, who was beside Lin Yun, spoke.

She said in Lin Yun’s ear, “This Wu Junshan is the second eldest of the Yunjiang Headquarters Ability Organizer Organization, and their organization has nearly a thousand people, which may be a little difficult to deal with.” ”

“More than a thousand?” Well, I see. ”

Lin Yun roughly understood the identity of the other party.

It turned out to be the Yunjiang Ability Organization.

After so many days, he finally saw the regular Ability Organization of Yunjiang.

“Although I don’t know where your robots come from, don’t think that there is a bunch of broken copper and iron that can deal with our abilities!” Wu Junshan sneered.

Actually, he was right.

Although robots are more powerful than ordinary zombies or humans, they don’t even feel pain.

But when faced with those with stronger combat effectiveness, the strength they show is not so strong.

However, what Wu Junshan did not know was that when the number of robots reached a height, even weak creatures could shout at the most powerful people!

“You can try!” Lin Yun replied plainly.

“You boy really don’t know the height of the sky!”

The woman next to Wu Junshan shouted to Lin Yun, “Angkor, if you want me to see the direct action, isn’t he the Corpse King?” Wouldn’t it be better if more than a hundred of us captured this corpse king!? ”

“Yes! Although it didn’t look like it, the hundred or so people who had captured him would be a powerful force if they were to be trained! ”

Another also agreed with the woman’s statement.

But he appreciates the inclusion of more than a hundred people.

Of course, they are not aware of the crimes committed by these people.

Wu Junshan’s eyes rolled and he shouted at Lin Yun, “I said the last time, let this group of people go!” ”

“Fucking bullshit! Do it! ”

Lin Yun was bored to hear this, and directly let his robot carry out indiscriminate strafing attacks on the more than one hundred prisoners.

For a moment, screams erupted.

In less than a minute, there were only a hundred corpses left.


Wu Junshan’s group of people froze, and Lin Yun did not take their words into account at all.

Directly ordered the killing of all those who were captured.

“He’s a demon!” We must kill him! ”

“That’s right! Murderous bastards who don’t blink! We have an obligation to punish him! ”

“Kill him!”

“Kill him!”

Wu Junshan’s people were full of hostility towards Lin Yun.

They all clamored to avenge the more than one hundred people and punish Lin Yun, a demon.

“You’re really me off!” You have to pay for what you do! ”

Wu Junshan was angry, he was a person full of a sense of justice, and Lin Yun’s actions directly violated his bottom line!

“Not so!”

Yang Weiyu wanted to explain it to Lin Yun.

But just after exiting, it was stopped by Lin Yun.

Only to see Lin Yun take a few steps forward, smiled and said, “I just haven’t moved my body yet, you are very suitable!” ”

“Your robot is no threat to us!” Wu Junshan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said coldly.

“Robots? Nope! ”

Lin Yun said, and a white blade appeared in his hand.

He continued, “I’m alone, that’s enough! ”

Lin Yun This is to test the ability of life recovery to see how far it can be achieved!


“What is he kidding?” One man hit us with more than a hundred people? ”

“I think this man is stupid, right?”

“Maybe after becoming a zombie, the brain is not right.”

“Leave him alone, kill him first!”

A group of people were shocked by Lin Yun’s actions, after all, they had more than a hundred abilities, even orange level zombies, they could deal with.

Or just a human being?

Although Lin Yun was called the Corpse King by them, it was only a call.

Unless Lin Yun’s appearance changed to the level of the huge zombie just now, it would not be able to cause direct damage to their senses.

“You guys back off, I’ll test his abilities first!”

Only to see a man with a dark body stand up.

He stretched out and walked towards Lin Yun, posing with a menacing look, making people think that he was a master.

However, in the next moment, Lin Yun’s knife moved!

A cold light flashed, and the crowd was still waiting for the battle to begin, but did not know that the battle was over.

The man’s body was instantly split in half, and even his figure had not yet stepped out of the ten positions of the large army!

The crowd exclaimed, “This! How is this possible?! ”

“What just happened?”

“I don’t know! I didn’t see anything clearly! ”

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