
Shen Qiuyu had already fallen asleep.

Lin Yun was still keeping his eyes open, staring at the scenery outside the window.

In the face of Shen Qiuyu’s question, he had no answer, as long as the zombies did not disappear one day, it was impossible to return to the days before.


Lin Yun took a deep breath, such a big earth, he couldn’t spend a huge amount of time to eliminate zombies, so Shen Qiuyu’s idea was always just a dream.

“Forget it, sleep!”


The next day, Lin Yun got up from the bed, and Shen Qiuyu beside him had long disappeared.

He stretched out and went into the bathroom to wash up, and after getting dressed, walked out of the room.

But I found that there was no one in the living room, and there was still only one Yu Qian there watching crosstalk.

But it was nearly ten o’clock now, and it was supposed that they should all be up.

“What about them?”

Lin Yun asked Yu Qian.

Yu Qian turned her head to look at Lin Yun and replied, “In the kitchen.” ”


Lin Yun had some doubts, what was he doing in the kitchen at this point in time?

Do you want to prepare a big meal?

“It’s early!”

Yang Weiyu appeared in front of Lin Yun, she had just gotten up, but not because she had just woken up, but after waking up, she took a shower and lay on the sleeping chair on the balcony to dry naturally.

Her hair was still a little wet.


Lin Yun nodded.

Yang Weiyu has just arrived in this big family, so she has not yet integrated into them.

Yu Qian naturally did not like to be with people because of her own reasons.

Lin Yun touched his nose and said to the two of them, “I’ll go out for a trip and probably come back at night.” ”

“Well, okay.”

The two women did not ask much, and Lin Yun’s figure instantly disappeared into their sight.

At this moment, Chen Moting rushed over and shouted, “What about Lin Yun?” ”

“It’s out.” Yu Qian replied.

“Out?! Today is a big day! ”

Chen Mojing’s face suddenly became very bad, and there were still some complaints that Yu Qian did not mean to stop Lin Yun.

“What day?” Yu Qian looked at Chen Mojing doubtfully.

Chen Mojing crossed her hands at her waist in anger and said to Yu Qian, “Today is Lin Yun’s birthday!” You idiot! ”

“Lin Yun’s birthday?” A touch of color also appeared on Yu Qian’s originally cold and ruthless face.

Where would she have thought that today was Lin Yun’s birthday.

“He said he would come back in the evening.” Yang Weiyu added at the side.

Chen Moting sighed helplessly, “How did this idiot run out again, forget it!” Hope he comes back early in the evening! Otherwise I want him to look good! ”


“Has anyone been here?”

Lin Yun had returned to the place where he was fighting.

He saw many new footprints on the muddy ground, and the number was enormous.


Lin Yun set his eyes on a corpse, which had a dark red color different from other corpses.

And if you look closely, you can also find several pinholes in his neck.

Apparently someone wanted to revive him, and something had caused it.

Suddenly, Lin Yun’s face became gloomy.

The other party has a high probability of getting information about themselves.

“Don’t move!”

Suddenly, a person appeared behind Lin Yun.

Lin Yun’s gaze looked at him, it was an elderly man dressed in rags and holding a gun in his hand.

Looking at his appearance, it should be the survivors of this neighborhood, as to why it is here.

Most likely, it is for foraging.

The old guy glanced at Lin Yun, and a pair of small eyes flashed with golden light.

Obviously, he regarded Lin Yun as a big fish, dressed so brightly, there must be a lot of food.

“Hand me over your food!” Otherwise I’ll shoot you!” The old guy yelled at Lin Yun.

Lin Yun smiled slightly and said, “Are you ordering me?” ”

“What the are you talking about!?” Hurry up and hand me over your food!” ”

The old guy raised his gun and aimed it at Lin Yun’s brow, his hand did not tremble a little, obviously he had already had the experience of killing people before.

Lin Yun sneered and extended his hand to the old man.

“Still dare to move? I’m not going to kill you! ”


The old thing fired, and a shot hit Lin Yun’s leg roots.

However, something happened that surprised the old stuff.

The bullet did not cause any harm to the man in front of him, and the warhead fell to the ground like cotton.

It is only because of the external force that has been squeezed beyond recognition.

“How is this possible!?”

The old stuff couldn’t believe its eyes.

What happened to this bullet? Why can’t even the human body penetrate?

And Lin Yun in front of him, his hand was already on the old guy’s head.

With a slight force, he lifted his whole body up.

“Let go of me! Let me go! ”

The old thing wanted to struggle, but Lin Yun’s hand was like a vise that firmly cuffed his head.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t struggle out of Lin Yun’s hands.

“Old fellow, I ask you, did you see a bunch of people leaving from here?”

“Nothing! No! ”


Lin Yun’s hand squeezed slightly, and the old thing screamed in pain.

“Yes! Yes! They went southwest! I saw this, you let me go! ”

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