“What’s the matter?”

“Can’t you sleep on this big night?”

“I’ve just fought with a large group of zombies, so why do you want to assemble?”

A group of capable people in Nanxi City were very confused.

They had just finished fighting the zombies and were already exhausted.

But Bai Yuan called them to assemble and let them scream bitterly.

“Quiet! All give me quiet! ”

The gray-haired man shouted to the people below, hoping to maintain order for the capable in Nanxi City.

But he was not Bai Yuan after all, and without that majesty, no one listened to him at all.

You can still hear the sighs of the group of capable people.

The man’s brow frowned slightly, and he shook his head helplessly, and sure enough, there was a huge gap between him and Bai Yuan.

If it is Bai Yuan, this group of people definitely does not dare to say a word of!

“Shut me up!”

Suddenly! White Yuan appeared!

A roar of anger fell, instantly quieting the group.

Even you can only hear Bai Yuan’s footsteps!

“White Willow, you back off!”

As soon as Bai Yuan gave the order, the gray-haired man took a few steps back and gave the main stage to Bai Yuan.

Bai Yuan stood in the sight of everyone, a pair of cold eyes with cold breath scanned the people of Nanxi City, and they actually produced a coercion like an overlord, frightening nearly a thousand people to dare not say a word!

After a moment, Bai Yuancai said, “You capable people of Nanxi City! Good! Very good! Bold! ”


The voice fell, and Bai Yuan stepped out!

In an instant, the cement ground under his feet collapsed directly, and countless pieces of rubble flew out and fell to everyone.

“What happened?”

Bai Willow on the side was very confused, he did not know what had just happened, only that the base had been invaded by zombies.

“Deputy Zhao is dead!”

“Old Zhao is dead?”

Bai Liu was stunned, Deputy Zhao was the second strongest among the people who came this time, second only to Bai Yuan!

But died in the battle just now?

How is this possible?

“He didn’t die at the hands of a zombie!” Bai Yuan explained, “But an enemy we don’t know!” ”

“Unknown enemy? In Nanxi City? ”

White Willow was said to be confused.

Bai Yuan had already turned his gaze and once again set his gaze on this group of trembling Nanxi City Ability.

“That’s right! Unknown enemies! Some of you must know the identity of the other party, it is best to say it quickly, don’t force me to attack you! ”

“What enemy?”

“Didn’t you just get a bunch of zombies?”

“What is he talking about?”

Most of the capable people in Nanxi City did not know Bai Yuan’s words and looked at each other.

However, among these hundreds of people, there were always a few who saw a mysterious person who had purchased scientific research equipment from the organization on that day.

Even Guo Xiang and Xiao Wenwen were very respectful to that person.

If anyone can pose a threat to Bai Yuan, I am afraid that it is him.

“How? Didn’t anyone say it? ”

Bai Yuan’s tone had dropped to the extreme, and the cold breath made everyone tremble involuntarily.

Seeing that no one answered him, Bai Yuan’s right hand was slightly raised.

In an instant, the Yanjing Capable Ones surrounding them directly raised their guns and aimed them at the Capable Ones in Nanxi City.

“What are you going to do?”

“Why kill us?” What are we doing wrong? ”

“Who knows! Say it soon! ”

“! So many of us! Big deal and fight with them! ”

When they saw the dark muzzle of the gun aimed at them, the capable people of Nanxi City began to panic.

They are not on the front line of the conversation with Bai Yuan.

Even less did he know that Xiao Wenwen’s death and Guo Xiang’s escape.

As ordinary people of ability in Nanxi City, they are just guarding their posts.

But it turned out that they had already become an outcast!

“Slow down, slow down!”

Just as Bai Yuan’s order was about to fall, a person appeared in his line of sight.

Bai Yuan raised an eyebrow.

It was no one else who appeared in front of Bai Yuan, it was Guo Xiang who had already escaped!

Bai Yuan was very surprised, he never dreamed that Guo Xiang would appear in front of him again!

“White Boss, they are all the lowest level of ability, they don’t know anything, why do you have to embarrass them?”

Guo Xiang still put on that smiling face and smiled at Bai Yuan.


After Bai Yuan saw Guo Xiang, the corners of his mouth rose and he responded, “Since you came, then I won’t take a shot at them, say, who is the hand on Deputy Zhao?” ”

“Hey! You’re in such a hurry! ”

Guo Xiang sneered and then continued, “Isn’t that person right next to you?” It’s just that you haven’t seen it all the time. ”

“You? Hum! It can’t be yours, so don’t play these tricks on me! Bai Yuan snorted coldly.

“Of course I didn’t say it was me!” Guo Xiang spread his hands, and then pointed his finger at the top of Bai Yuan’s head, “You look up.” ”


Bai Yuan raised his head upwards with doubt, and he was surprised to find that in mid-air, there was a figure floating in mid-air?


Just when Bai Yuan wanted to speak, suddenly, a white sword came towards him!

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