“Come on! Chowder! ”

Guo Xiang, who turned into a zombie, roared angrily!

Suddenly, the Yanjing Ability around him showed fear.

Where have they faced black zombies?

Even if you have just turned into a black zombie, it is also a black level!

Just a simple confrontation made them feel a huge pressure!

“Kill me!”

Bai Yuan saw that everyone was retreating and immediately roared.

Under the command of Bai Yuan, the crowd finally launched the first wave of attacks on Guo Xiang.

The capable person standing in the front row raised his gun and fired it at Guo Xiang.

In the face of countless bullets, Guo Xiang controlled several arms on his back to resist.

After evolving into a black-level zombie, these bullets are basically incapable of inflicting damage on him.

The bullet that could have shattered the body armor fell on Guo Xiang as if it had landed on an iron plate, and the soft and silky one had no effect.

“How can that be?”

Everyone was shocked, the bullet could not penetrate the mysterious person just now, why couldn’t even Guo Xiang, who had just turned into a black-level zombie, penetrate it?

What is the use of this broken gun?

“Everyone! White Blade Battle! Use chemical weapons! ”

Bai Yuan also knew that the bullet had lost its effect, and immediately let everyone use the white blade battle!

Only to see that Yan Jinglai’s capable people drew daggers from their waists one after another.

The dagger turned out to be a brilliant green!

Lin Yun in the sky frowned.

Chemical weapon?

Don’t know what chemical composition is smeared on it?

Just when Lin Yun hesitated, Yan Jing’s capable person had already launched an attack.

Several capable people took the lead in holding daggers to attack the zombie Guo Xiang.

In the face of attacks from all sides, Guo Xiang quickly made countermeasures.

After turning into a zombie, his strength and speed have been greatly improved!

The figures of these capable people were as slow as children in his eyes!

Just by simply reaching out his hand, he easily grabbed a person’s body, and then with a gentle force, he tore him in half!


Suddenly, there were many screams.

The several people who attacked Guo Xiang were all torn in half by him and thrown to the ground.

Suddenly, the crowd hesitated again and stopped.

“Go on! Give it to me! Who dares to back off! Not only him! His family in Yanjing also had to die! ”

However, Bai Yuan’s orders still echoed in his ears!

Under the vicious threat, they had to attack Guo Xiang again.

This time, no more people!

Instead, dozens of people attacked Guo Xiang together.

This time, even if Guo Xiang could see through their speed, his hands and feet could not accurately capture everyone’s movements.

As soon as he tore a man’s body apart, he was stabbed in the back by a Yanjing capable person with a knife, shedding bright red blood.

However, Guo Xiang did not feel the pain.


He roared in anger, grabbed the mighty one, and tore him to pieces.

With the passage of time, countless Yanjing capable people died at the hands of Guo Xiang.

At this moment, Guo Xiang’s side was already full of corpses.

And his body was already covered with knife edges.

However, as a zombie, he did not feel any pain, not even fatigue.

“Come on! Go ahead! ”

Guo Xiang shouted, this was the peak moment of his life.

Turning into a zombie, he can be said to be like a god of war! Nearly a hundred Yanjing Capable Ones had already died at his hands!

However, he found that Yanjing’s capable people stopped their offensive and slowly retreated backwards.

In the rear, Bai Yuan’s face showed a strange smile.

“Huh? Come again! ”

Guo Xiang continued to shout.

But no one continued to attack him at all.

Just when he wanted to take the initiative, he found that his body had become paralyzed!

“What’s going on?”

Guo Xiang was shocked, he found that there was a green liquid flowing out of the injured part!

And that area becomes soft! It caused him to be unable to exert himself for a while!

“What’s going on?”

Guo Xiang was horrified, where would he have thought that this so-called chemical weapon was so terrible!

How could he destroy his zombie body?

“Guo Xiang, do you think I can’t deal with you when you turn into a black-level zombie?” Bai Yuan in the back sneered, “We are one of the strongest capable organizations in Yanjing!” Wouldn’t it be too much to look down on us without a little means? What does chemical weapons taste like? Is it because you don’t even have the strength to raise your hand? ”


Over time, the chemical reaction that occurred in Guo Xiang’s body intensified.

The flesh of his whole body began to decay, not to mention the strength to fight, and he didn’t even have the ability to stand up!

It’s like it’s about to turn into a pool of meat paste!


Guo Xiang struggled, but there was no effect, his body was decaying little by little, and it was even about to turn into a pool of sewage!

At this moment, the forest clouds in the sky moved.

He suddenly appeared beside Guo Xiang, a pair of cold eyes looking at Guo Xiang who was about to turn into sewage.

Seeing Lin Yun’s figure, Guo Xiang’s face somehow showed a faint smile.

After opening his mouth, he eventually turned into a pool of sewage and disappeared into this world forever.

Lin Yun took a deep breath, and his gaze fell on Bai Yuan in the distance.

Guo Xiang set up Bai Yuan’s means for Lin Yun, and the price was his life.

“He’s dead! Now it’s your turn! ”

Bai Yuan sneered, it seemed that he was full of confidence in this chemical weapon and could kill Lin Yun.

However, Lin Yun’s face was still cold, cold like an iceberg drifting above the North Pole!

A cold word spat out of his mouth:


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