
Chen Yaowei put on a look of doubt, his two eyes stared at Lin Yun’s face, and he didn’t say a word for a while.

Lin Yun’s brow frowned slightly, didn’t this guy know?

“Haven’t you heard?”

“I haven’t heard of it.”

“Forget it!”

Lin Yun frowned, Chen Yaowei’s previous official rank of such a big rank did not even know the existence of the Heavenly Mountain, it seemed that the authority of this Bai family was really somewhat powerful.

“No, no, isn’t the Tianshan Mountain you are talking about, a mountain, a war?”

Suddenly, Chen Yaowei thought of something.

Lin Yun was stunned for a moment, this guy originally knew!

He continued to ask, “Yes, it is a battle that the White Family is going to participate in, and as for whether there is this mountain or not, I don’t know.” ”

Hearing Lin Yun’s description, Chen Yaowei nodded.

Apparently, he knew about it.

Immediately afterward, he said to Lin Yun, “The so-called Tianshan War is a battle between several families in some secret place, and each time the location changes, this Tianshan is just a code name.” ”

“That’s the way it is.” Lin Yun nodded thoughtfully, and then continued to ask, “And then?” ”

“Then the meaning of this war is to determine the ownership of Yanjing’s sovereignty, but now that it is the end of the world, how can there still be the Tianshan War?” Chen Yaowei asked very doubtfully.

Now that it is the end of the world, everyone is trying to find a way to survive, who is still going to participate in the Tianshan War?

“No, the Bai family still wants to participate in the Tianshan War, and their owners have said it themselves.” Lin Yun shook his head.

“Homeowner? White Yuan? Have you seen a hundred dollars? ”

Chen Yaowei was a little surprised, he hadn’t seen him in a few months, Lin Yun had even seen Bai Yuan?

Lin Yun touched his nose and said calmly, “Not only have you seen it, he has died in my hands.” ”

“What? You killed Bai Yuan!? ”

Chen Yaowei was so shocked that he jumped straight from his seat.

He never dreamed that Lin Yun would actually kill Bai Yuan?

He actually killed Bai Yuan, the head of the Bai family?

“How? Is it weird? ”

Lin Yun asked.

“No, no, no.”

Chen Yaowei shook his head, if he changed to someone else, he would definitely say that it was very strange, but if it was Lin Yun, it seemed that there was nothing strange.

“Then you ask me if I want to participate in the Tianshan War?” Since it was going to be opened, the most powerful families of the Dragon Kingdom would all appear in the Tianshan War. ”

“Well, then what? After I participate, I can control the power of Yanjing? Lin Yun said without reporting hopefully.

“That can’t be done unless you’re a representative of a certain family.”

Chen Yaowei said awkwardly that as long as he became the representative of a certain family, he could control the power of Yanjing.

Lin Yun glanced at Chen Yaowei, he was just alone, where did he represent this statement?

“Okay, let’s not talk about that. Drinking? ”

Suddenly, Chen Yaowei asked Lin Yun.


Lin Yun looked at Chen Yaowei with some hesitation, he usually did not drink much, but it was not impossible to drink.

So he said to Chen Yaowei, “Then I will accompany you.” ”




Lin Yun came to the room arranged by Chen Yaowei.

Although he drank a lot, he would not be drunk at all, unlike Chen Yaowei, who was now drunk and unconscious, and needed someone to help him back to his room.

After Lin Yun entered the room, his brow suddenly wrinkled, because he smelled a wonderful fragrance.

It was like the taste of cosmetics, but its taste was very soft, so Lin Yun couldn’t help but take two more sips.

“It’s a little weird.”

Lin Yun, who was confused, slowly entered the room, and found that on the big bed, Chen Moting and Chen Mofeng’s two sisters were chatting about their parents.

Moreover, the moment Lin Yun entered the door, he seemed to hear his own name.

No wonder there was a refreshing smell, it turned out to be their two sisters’ room.

“Eh? Lin Yun? How did you get to our room? ”

Chen Mofeng asked Lin Yun in surprise.

Both of them looked at Lin Yun with wide eyes, and they were very confused about Lin Yun’s appearance.

Lin Yun laughed bitterly and had to say, “Go to the wrong room, go.” ”

After saying that, I was ready to turn around and leave.

“Eh! Come on, come on! What else to go! ”

Suddenly, Chen Mojing rushed over and hugged Lin Yun’s arm.

Lin Yun smiled and knocked on Chen Mojing’s head and asked, “What do you want to do?” ”


Chen Mozhen was about to say it, but she held back the sentence and instead looked at Chen Mofeng.

For Chen Mofeng’s gaze, Chen Mofeng seemed to be a little embarrassed, and her face instantly turned red.

Then he nodded silently.

Chen Mofeng’s reply, Chen Mofeng’s mouth, raised a faint smile.

Speaking to Lin Yun, he said, “Come quickly, we can chat, and do something else by the way.” ”

“Something else?”

Lin Yun turned his gaze to Chen Mofeng and asked Chen Mofeng, “Your sister is here, isn’t it?” ”

“Nothing bad!”

Chen Moting smiled and dragged Lin Yun into the room and said, “She can watch from the side and learn by the way!” ”

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