“It’s over!”

Wang Xin was horrified and immediately stretched out his hand to protect Li Hongyu behind him with his body.

Although he understood that the attack of the red-level zombie could directly kill him, he was still willing to give his life to protect Li Hongyu.

Just as Wang Xin closed his eyes and waited for death, a magical scene happened.

The zombie actually stopped attacking and immediately turned around to attack the other weak zombies.

Wang Xin and Li Hongyu, who saw this scene, were very surprised and did not understand what had happened.

“Long time no see.”

Suddenly, a person’s voice came into the ears of Wang Xin and Li Hongyu.

They looked back in surprise and shouted in surprise, “Lin Yun! ”

They never dreamed that Lin Yun would appear behind them!

You know, several people have not seen each other for several months after they separated.

Lin Yun was also very surprised by the two of them.

He was already doomed to death by the time he left his villa.

But they are alive and well.

“Lin Yun! How did you end up here?”

Wang Xin asked Lin Yun in surprise.

They belonged to the northernmost part of Yunhai City, and it was a long way from Lin Yun’s villa.

Even if you come out in search of food, you can’t run that far.

Lin Yun touched his nose and said, “I happened to come back from another city and met you.” ”

“Other cities!?”

Hearing Lin Yun’s words, the two were very surprised, they didn’t expect Lin Yun to be able to go to other cities in the zombie-infested world?

That’s too powerful, isn’t it?

“What about Qiu Yu?” How is she doing now? Li Hongyu asked Lin Yun anxiously.

In this world, the only people they know may be Lin Yun and Shen Qiuyu.

Therefore, for how Shen Qiuyu’s recent life is, the two are eager to know.

Lin Yun smiled slightly and said, “Go to a safe place and talk about it.” ”

“Good! Go to our house! I’ll take you! ”

Wang Xin immediately took Lin Yun back to the refuge of the two.

It was a small apartment, probably because it was close to a supermarket and sparsely staffed, so the two of them set up the resettlement site there.

After Lin Yun entered the door, he was warmly welcomed by the two men.

In one room, it was full of food, which made Lin Yun have some doubts, and the reason for the two to go out.

But the next moment, he understood.

Li Hongyu took off the clothes suitable for action, and Lin Yun saw that Li Hongyu’s stomach was somewhat bulging.

“Are you pregnant?”

Lin Yun asked Li Hongyu in surprise.

In the face of Lin Yun’s question, Li Hongyu nodded and replied: “It has been five months, and when the New Year comes, the baby will be born.” ”

After speaking, she and Wang Xin took off their backpacks, which contained a lot of milk powder and baby products.

Apparently, the two went out to prepare for their baby.

Lin Yun also smiled and nodded, happy for the two of them.

Then, he said to them, “I will bring Shen Qiuyu here immediately.” ”

“Now? But very…”

When the two were wondering what Lin Yun was going to do, before the words had fallen, Shen Qiuyu’s figure appeared in front of the two.

At this moment, Shen Qiuyu was holding a fork in his hand, as if he was eating dessert.

Suddenly being summoned here surprised her.

“What’s going on? Where am I? ”

Shen Qiuyu shouted in surprise.

“Hey, look at me.”

Lin Yun shouted at Shen Qiuyu twice, and this guy eased the fear in his heart.

When she turned her head to look behind her, she found that Wang Xin and the couple were looking at themselves in surprise.

“Wang Xin! Li Hongyu! You guys! Unexpectedly! ”

Shen Qiuyu was stunned, she did not expect that she would see the two of them one day.

She almost hugged the two of them excitedly, but was stopped by Lin Yun.

“Have you had a good time lately?” Li Hongyu asked with a smile, but from Shen Qiuyu’s expression and countenance, it could be seen that there was no crisis in her recent days.

On the contrary, it was her, because of these months of running, her skin became a little worse.

“Lin Yun took good care of me!” Shen Qiuyu said with a smile.

Suddenly, she noticed Li Hongyu’s bulging stomach and immediately asked her, “You! Are you pregnant? ”

Shen Qiuyu asked in surprise.

Li Hongyu smiled and nodded, “It’s been five months.” ”

“Oh my God!”

Shen Qiuyu was shocked, she did not expect that Li Hongyu and Wang Xin had their own children!

And it’s in the midst of these last days.

“You two talk, and I’ll talk to Wang Xin for a few words.”

Lin Yun pulled Wang Xin to another room.

In the face of Lin Yun’s sudden move, Wang Xin was a little overwhelmed.

However, he was also very grateful to Lin Yun and said to Lin Yun: “I really want to thank you just now, if it wasn’t for you, Li Hongyu and I would be in danger.” ”

Lin Yun just smiled and nodded, and now Wang Xin had also become a capable person, but his strength was not very strong.

So Lin Yun said to Wang Xin, “I am looking for you for the right thing, and your wife is going to give birth, right?” ”


Wang Xin nodded, because Li Hongyu was pregnant, so he was even more desperate to find supplies.

He had been alone before, but he was seriously injured again, and Li Hongyu asked to work with Wang Xin to find supplies.

Only then did he have to bring Li Hongyu with him.

“Are you here to let your wife give birth?” Lin Yun asked seriously.


Wang Xin also had no way, and the only power he could rely on was himself.

“In this way, I will take you to Ninghang City, where you and your wife will be taken care of.” Lin Yun suddenly proposed!

“Really!?” Wang Xin was horrified.

“Yes, really!”


Wang Xin excitedly hugged Lin Yun, making Lin Yun frown suddenly, do you need to be so excited?

“That’s right!”

Suddenly, Wang Xin remembered something, and he immediately rushed to his room and frantically searched for something inside.


He then took out an item.

“I don’t know what this is, it was found in some supermarket, and it should be more useful for you than in my hands!”


Lin Yun took the item.

It was a dark stone, but it shone like a starry sky.

“Ding! Get unidentified treasures! Identification! ”

“Ding! Identification Success: Black zombie drop crystal. ”

“Get a special mission: kill the black zombies!”

“Mission Reward: God-level Ability – Mind Power!”

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