“Howe… Brother Hao….

Seeing that Ahao in the field was instantly bitten off his head by a zombie, his men’s eyes widened in an instant.

They followed the big brother for more than half a year, which was killed in an instant?

“It’s your turn.”

And this was, Lin Yun’s demonic words echoed in their ears, frightening them to fall directly to the ground.

“Spare your life! Spare your life! We were all forced, and we didn’t want to follow him! ”

A group of people began to retreat in panic, and at this moment, Lin Yun was even more terrifying in their eyes than a zombie.

They didn’t dare to imagine what Lin Yun had done to make an ordinary red-level zombie enhance to such an extent?

Is this still something a human being can do?

However, they haven’t waited for the second sentence to be spoken.

Black zombie seedlings appeared behind them….


The screams broke out, and in just an instant, they all died here.


Liu Qing looked in horror at the zombie boxing arena at this moment, which was still a crowded entertainment venue just now, but now it had become a hell on earth.

Hundreds of people were all killed at the mouth of the zombies, and all this was done by the man she brought.

Not only does he have great strength, but he can even control zombies.

Let Liu Qing suddenly be full of fear for it, he….. Is it really personal?

At this moment, Lin Yun, who had solved everything, looked at Miao Zi, who had turned into a black-level zombie, and asked Liu Qing, “Kill her and fulfill your wish, right?” ”


Liu Qing swallowed a mouthful of spit, turned his gaze to Miao Zi, who was motionless waiting for Lin Yun’s instructions, and nodded.

“Well, let her go.”

The next moment, a shining blade appeared in Lin Yun’s hand, and then a knife stabbed into Miao Zi’s body.


Miao Zi let out a deafening scream, forcing Liu Qing to immediately block her ears with her hands.

As Lin Yun waved the Blade of Nothingness to cut her in half, the roar stopped and fell into the pool of blood.


Liu Qing looked at Po’s girlfriend, and she also let go of the one in her heart

“Now that it’s settled, I’ll leave first.”

Lin Yun said he was ready to turn around and leave.

“Can you let me follow you?”

Suddenly, Liu Qing asked Lin Yun.


Lin Yun replied very crisply, next he was going to go to the Bai family, what did she follow herself?

“Just for a moment! I’ll leave on my own after this night!” Please! Liu Qing prayed to Lin Yun.

Lin Yun did not make any answer, but instantly disappeared in front of Liu Qing.

“What about people?”

Liu Qing was stunned, why did Lin Yun suddenly disappear?

Fortunately, after Lin Yun disappeared, the zombies did nothing to her, and she could get out of here safely.

After disappearing, Lin Yun naturally returned to his own world.

As soon as he appeared, he was in front of Kaoru Hakuba.

As a member of the White Family, he wanted to hear what Kaoru Hakuba thought.


Seeing Lin Yun suddenly appear in front of him, Bai Yu Kaoru was a little frightened.

Because she could only move in the laboratory, she simply threw a bed in the laboratory, although it was still very simple, but it was much better than prison.

“Talk to you.”

Lin Yun said to Bai Yuxuan.

“Talk? What do I have to talk about with you? ”

Bai Yu glanced at Lin Yun and slipped into the quilt.

Because she likes to sleep without clothes, she wraps her quilt very tightly.

“Do you know the white paragraph? I saw him today. Lin Yun continued.

“White segments?”

Hearing this name, Bai Yu Kaoru naturally had an impression: “I know that Bai Yuan’s dry son, said to be a dry son, was actually born of his mistress and a wild man, and the ghost knows why he adopted the son of his own man.” ”

When Lin Yun heard this, the five tastes in his mind were suddenly mixed, was this relationship so chaotic?

“And then what?” Bai Yu Kaoru only showed his head and asked Lin Yun, “Are you going to the Bai family tomorrow?” ”

“That’s right.” Lin Yun nodded, “So come and hear what your white family wants to say.” ”

“What did you go to the White House for?” Kaoru Hakuba asked.

“For what?”

Lin Yun touched his chin, “It should be to get the coordinates and qualifications of the Tianshan War, do a thing once and for all, and take all the power of this country into your own hands.” ”

Hearing Lin Yun’s words, Bai Yukao’s eyes instantly glowed 543.

She didn’t expect Lin Yun to organize the ability to rule the whole country?

However, this guy does have this ability, after all, just controlling zombies is already an extremely terrifying means.

And those messy abilities.

“So you want to kill the Bai family and let the Bai family be your pawn?” The corners of Bai Yu’s mouth raised slightly, “If you think so, then you had better give up, even if the old man of Bai Meng dies, he can’t give the Bai family to others, and he wants the Bai family to surrender, unless you are also a member of the Bai family.” ”

“Oh? That guy is so tough? Lin Yun asked with a smile.

“Not only is it fierce, but there’s something strange about that guy. Anyway, you just need to know that it is not the White Family, it is impossible to manipulate the White Family! Kaoru Hakuba stressed again.

“Is it?”

Lin Yun suddenly put his palm into Bai Yukao’s quilt and grabbed her jade foot, “Are you hinting at me something?” The woman of the White Family? ”

In response, the corners of Bai Yu’s mouth revealed a faint smile.

“The implication is not, just want you to use all the resources around you, such as….. I”

“Then it depends on whether you listen or not, talk about it, what do you want?” _

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