“Kaoru Hakuba! You’re coming out! I have something to look for you! ”

Liu Qing was calling Bai Yukao’s name at the door of the Bai family.

Just when she was a little tired of shouting, Bai Yu Kaoru finally came out, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared at her viciously, making her can’t help but shake her body.

Feeling a little scared.

However, after thinking that Lin Yun would avenge himself, Liu Qing immediately had enough courage and threatened, “Let me go in, my good friend!” ”


Bai Yu Kaoru frowned slightly when she heard this title, she couldn’t remember what kind of friends she and this guy were.

He said coldly, “What are you looking for me to do?” Me and you don’t…”

Kaoru Hakuba was trying to say that she didn’t know her well.

Suddenly, Liu Qing took out the necklace.

Suddenly, Bai Yu’s eyes widened.

This necklace is the same as the necklace style on her body.

Does that mean Lin Yun gave it to her? And from Liu Qing’s confident expression, it seems that this guy is not bound by Lin Yun.

The only reason for that is that this chain is also used to bind oneself!

Bai Yu Kaoru frowned suddenly, now Lin Yun didn’t know where to run, and he still had to send someone to bind himself?

“Come in.”

Although not willingly, Kaoru Hakuba could only let Liu Qing come first.

In this way, Liu Qing entered the Bai family with a big swing.

“The White Family is worthy of the White Family, and the security is tight.”

Liu Qing turned her gaze around.

Although she had already followed Lin Yun to the Bai Family once before, now that she looked at it, the Bai Family’s security was much tighter than she had imagined.

For example, every time you walk through a building, you can see a camera, and there are special people guarding here, and zombies can’t escape their eyes.

“What the hell are you here for?” Lin Yun sent you here? ”

Bai Yu asked Liu Qing coldly.

She only has deep hostility towards Liu Qing now, and even if she has a chance, she still wants to kill Liu Qing.

Of course, she wouldn’t do that, because killing Liu Qing might anger Lin Yun.

“What to do?”

Liu Qing smiled and looked at Bai Yu Kaoru and slowly walked over to her.

He asked, “Don’t be so nervous, I won’t hurt you, and you’ll know what I’m going to do later, where is your room?” Take me there. ”

“My room?”

Kaoru Hakuba frowned and asked, “What are you going to do in my room?” I’ll arrange a place for you to sleep. ”


Liu Qing shook her head and said, “That guy said, let me stare at you all the time!” ”

With that, she took out the necklace again.

This thing is like Sun Wukong’s tight curse, firmly enveloping Bai Yu Kaoru.

Kaoru Hakuba looked painfully at the necklace around his neck.

She still didn’t know what the necklace was for, but she was full of fear about it.

“Come with me.”

Kaoru Hakuba took Liu Qing to his room.

As soon as she entered the room, Liu Qing seemed to be her own home, and she fell into bed.

But immediately stood up.

Because she seemed to have touched something she shouldn’t have touched.

Standing up, Liu Qing swept her eyes to Bai Yukao’s room, especially seeing the ragdoll doll above, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

“Didn’t expect you to like this kind of girlish stuff too?” What a rarity! ”

Hearing Liu Qing’s words, Bai Yu Kaoru did not answer, but a pair of beautiful eyes kept staring at her, obviously she was very unwelcome to Liu Qing’s appearance.

Liu Qing shrugged her shoulders and said, “I’m thirsty for what I said, doesn’t this help me pour a glass of water?” ”

“Do you want to die?”

Bai Yukao’s icy voice entered Liu Qing’s ears, frightening Liu Qing for a moment, and immediately replied:

“Whew! I’ll pour it myself! ”

Liu Qing was frightened by Bai Yu Kaoru’s momentum and did not dare to summon her again, after all, how could a female liar make Bai Yu Kaoru move?

“What the hell is going on with Lin Yun asking you to come?” Go ahead. ”

Kaoru Bai Yu asked Liu Qing coldly.

“Why do you always think about him?” In fact, I don’t have to listen to him. ”

Liu Qingbai glanced at her, she just wanted to find someone to avenge herself.

As for whether it was Lin Yun or not, it didn’t matter at all.

“What do you mean?”

Kaoru Hakuba asked Yanagi Qing.

“It’s very simple, you help me kill Cai Han, I’ll help you hide everything, that guy won’t know.” Liu Qing replied.

This made Bai Yukao’s eyes narrow slightly, and she roughly understood Liu Qing.

Lin Yun really had an interesting choice to have this guy spy on himself.

And helping Liu Qing kill Cai Han was not a difficult task.

After all, Yanjing didn’t have too many forces to compete with the Bai Family, even if it lost more than a thousand elites.

“Then we can have a good talk.”

Kaoru Hakuba nodded and said.

“I just like people like you!”

Liu Qing chuckled, and the two began to discuss their plan!


“It’s kind of interesting.”

In Ninghang City, Lin Yun was sitting in a room.

He seemed to be lying asleep, but smiling, as if he had discovered some secret.

It turned out that he had stuffed a bugging device into Liu Qing’s body, but this guy didn’t know it.

Now, the purpose of both of them is known to themselves!

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