“Do something? What’s up!? ”

Several people heard that Lin Yun wanted them to do something to let them live, and immediately gave them hope for life.

In the face of several people’s inquiries, Lin Yun’s mouth slightly cocked, and he replied: “You send me to the Bai family to make trouble!” The louder the noise, the better! ”


Several people could not understand what Lin Yun meant by this.

Only Bai Yukao, who was next to him, had a shocked face, and the two beautiful eyes stared at Lin Yun deadly.

Where would she have thought that Lin Yun could come up with such a destructive move.

“Yes, make trouble, you will just say that you can scold Bai Xin to my death, and give me all the ones that are not!”

Lin Yun continued.

“But… We will be killed by the subordinates of the White Family, right? We don’t dare….”

Several people were a little scared.

After all, the Bai family is not a vegetarian, especially if they want to scold Bai Xin, the ruler of the Bai family, is this not looking for death?

“Then you can die now!”

Lin Yun snorted coldly, and the knife in his hand was about to fall immediately.

“Don’t do anything else! Here we go! Here we go! ”

Several people thought that this side is death, and that side is also death, so why not fight?

“Rest assured.”

Lin Yun put away the knife, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, “I will teach you how to scold, and I promise that it will be okay!” ”

“Really? Then you talk about it! ”

Several people were very curious about what Lin Yun could do to let them live in the Bai family’s bullets while insulting Bai Xin.

“Take these two heads!”

Lin Yun didn’t know where to pull out two heads.

Frightened, several people took a few steps backwards.

“This! Who is this? ”

Looking at the two bloody heads, several people were instantly frightened.

“The two brothers of the Xuan family?”

Bai Yu Kaoru naturally knew these two people, weren’t these the two killers of the Xuan family?

“Yes, you take these two heads, and then you cry for me, scold me, and say that Bai Xin hired someone to kill my sister!” Heaven forbid! ”

“Kill your sister?”

Everyone was dazed, although they didn’t know what happened to the Bai family, but Lin Yun said so, and they had to be forced to be helpless and send a wave of death.

“Does this work?”

Kaoru Hakuba asked doubtfully, “Why are they upset with me?” ”

“Of course they can’t, so someone has to take them with them.”

Lin Yun smiled and looked at Liu Qing.


Liu Qing asked doubtfully.

Just listen to Lin Yun say, “It’s time for you to come in handy, remember, from now on Bai Yu Kaoru is your best friend!” Good enough to wear the same pair of pants! ”

“Why? I don’t…”

Liu Qing was angry and wanted to reject Lin Yun, but she was frightened by Lin Yun’s cold eyes and held back her words.

“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re saying to Kaoru Hakuba, and you want to eat both?” You’re so bold! Lin Yun’s murderous words came out, frightening Liu Qing into trembling, “Do this thing well, I will let you go, do you understand?” ”


Liu Qing did not dare to say another word, afraid that Lin Yun would send her directly on the road.

She always felt that this man could not cause harm to him no matter what method he used, so he had to obediently obey.

However, she did not do nothing, but turned her eyes to the men who were threatened by Lin Yun to insult Bai Xin.

If you want to survive in this extreme environment, you still need some extreme means.

Bai Yu Kaoru pulled Lin Yun aside and asked him, “Is this really useful?” If they get it wrong, Liu Qing and they will die. ”

“If there were only those four people, it might be dead, but with Liu Qing and the Xuan family’s two heads, it would be fine.” Their role is to destroy Bai Xin’s hypocritical pretense in the Bai family, so that the Bai family will begin to realize that Bai Xin is a hypocrite who pretends! ”

Lin Yun replied with a smile.

Kaoru Hakuba: “Really? What if Liu Qing died? ”

“Are you still worried about this guy?”

Lin Yun was a little surprised to hear that Bai Yuxuan was actually concerned about Liu Qing, and said with a smile: “Rest assured, she will not have an accident, she is much more clever than you think!”

“Are we really going to do what the man says?”

The four men who were blackmailed by Lin Yun looked at each other, they were nothing more than Cai Han’s wine and meat friends, and now Cai Han was tired of going to the Bai family to die, making the faces of several people become a little pale.

“What can I do then? We can’t beat him again! ”

One of them shouted angrily.

Lin Yun was like a demon who killed people without blinking, how could they have the ability to resist him!

“I heard that the woman will go with us too, does that mean we won’t die?” That man wouldn’t let his woman die, would he? ”

“The ghost knows! What if this man’s heart is fierce, and even his own woman can abandon it? This is not a strange thing in the last days! ”

Suddenly, the faces of several people became more gloomy, and they originally thought that they had a glimmer of hope for life, but they still had to go to death.

“What are you guys talking about?”

Liu Qing walked up to them and immediately frightened the four of them.

“Big sister, we didn’t say anything, we didn’t say anything!”

The four men said tremblingly.

They were also very afraid of Liu Qing.

After all, Lin Yun was brought by this woman!

She is the source of sin!

Seeing that the four people were so afraid of themselves, Liu Qing rolled her eyes disdainfully and said, “Listen, if you want to live, give me a good job, otherwise the end will only be death!” ”

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