“You guy!”

Hearing Lin Yun’s words, everyone’s faces instantly darkened to the extreme.

They never imagined that Lin Yun would dare to be so disrespectful to Elder Xiao, which was simply not to put everyone in his eyes!

Elder Xiao also reluctantly showed a smile and looked at Lin Yun calmly.

However, in his heart, it was already turbulent, full of complaints about the young man in front of him.

“Boy, are you going to get along with me?” Elder Xiao smiled and asked Lin Yun.

“Can’t get along with you?” Lin Yun showed a disdainful smile, “You think too much, you don’t have that ability.” ”

“Hahaha, really a boy who doesn’t know the height of the sky.” Elder Xiao smiled and shook his head, a pair of deep pupils staring at Lin Yun’s eyes, as if he was thinking about something in his heart.

“I don’t think this guy took you in his eyes!”

“It just is!”

“Who is the Bai family looking for?”

“I think this guy with no one in sight should get out!”

The people of the other families could not bear Lin Yun’s attitude towards Elder Xiao and strongly condemned Lin Yun.

“Old man, are you very powerful?”

Just when everyone was sneering at Lin Yun and wanted to deal with him, Chen Mojing unconsciously walked up to Elder Xiao and questioned him curiously.

“Hey, are you polite?”

Elder Xiao’s granddaughter hurriedly blocked in front of Chen Mojing to prevent Chen Mojing from messing around.

But where could she stop Chen Mojing?

Chen Mojing’s dexterous body instantly dodged the hand that the other party wanted to block, and then a small jump came to the front of Elder Xiao.

In the face of Chen Moting’s sudden swooping into front of his eyes, Elder Xiao didn’t care much, just gently raised his hand, and a wave of energy roared towards Chen Mojing.


Chen Moting was naturally aware of this momentum, which was powerful enough to shock her and make her desperately want to flee.

However, it was too late.

Elder Zhen’s strength was completely above Chen Mojing, and the withered yellow hand had already descended on her, and the next moment it would seriously injure her!

At this moment, Lin Yun appeared between the two of them like a ghost.

Then, let the palm of the old man clap on his body.


When Elder Xiao’s palm landed on Lin Yun’s body, he suddenly felt some doubts.

Because, originally this palm should be able to shoot ordinary people to death, but it hit Lin Yun as if nothing had happened, and the other party was still smiling and looking at him.

“Good boy.”

Old Man Xiao frowned and immediately stepped back a few steps.

A pair of deep eyes stared at Lin Yun, and there was some shock in his heart.

The strength of the young man in front of him was even more terrifying than he had imagined, and even he couldn’t be sure now that he could defeat Lin Yun.

“Did you just lay down your dead hand?” Right? ”

Lin Yun stared coldly at Elder Zhen, who had shot at Chen Mojing, this guy’s palm just now was not casually waved.

If it hits Chen Mozhen’s key point, it may cause Chen Mojing’s death.

“Probably, so what?”

Elder Xiao smiled and shook his head, a pair of eyes looking at Lin Yun flatly, it seemed that he did not intend to make any explanation.

“I see you’re tired of living, get me out of the way!”

One of the Liu family members was furious and rushed directly to Lin Yun.

However, before he could touch Lin Yun, the whole person was directly pulled into the air by an invisible force.

“This! What’s going on here? The man exclaimed, “Let me down!” Save me! ”


“How did he fly up?”

“What did this man do?”

“How does this work?”

Everyone looked at the scene in disbelief, as if the man was firmly grasped in the sky by some magical force, unable to be liberated.


Only to hear, Lin Yun faintly spat out a word from his mouth

Subsequently, the Liu family in mid-air instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist!


“What the hell is going on here?”

“Liu Zhan!”

“Straight… Straight into blood? ”

Everyone was shocked, the person who was caught in the air turned into a blood mist in an instant?

“Interesting, interesting!”

Wang Yin was very excited to see this scene.

Obviously, Lin Yun’s appearance was unexpected by him.

In addition, now, Lin Yun’s strength has improved super huge compared to before, so he seems even more excited!

“Is this a supernatural force?”

Seeing this scene, Elder Xiao’s eyes also narrowed slightly, which was beyond human cognition.

The young man named Lin Yun in front of him, the secrets on his body exceeded his imagination!

“Old man.”

At this moment, Lin Yun’s cold voice came into Elder Xiao’s ear, “Give you a chance to kneel down and apologize, otherwise you can also die.” ”

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