
The five major families gathered again in the central area, but this time there were more troops from Ninghang City.

In the face of everyone gathering together again, Elder Xiao’s face was still smiling and greeting the spring, as if he didn’t care about yesterday’s events at all.

“Elder Xiao, start quickly according to the usual practice, we don’t have so much time to spend.”

The owner of the Liu family snorted coldly, and a pair of complaining eyes turned in the direction of the Bai family.

The other families also behaved very bluntly, and they did not have a good look for the people of the Bai family.

It seems that the four major families are already in a trend of incompatibility with the Bai family.

“No rush, no rush.”

Xiao Lao said lightly.

Then he looked at his granddaughter next to him and nodded.

Xiao LingEr responded to this, and then slowly took a few steps forward.

Shouting to the crowd, “My grandfather said that this time is a little different from usual, because the world has become torn apart by the arrival of the end of the world, so this time for the competition of hard power, he decided to let the major families send two representatives to the point of the competition.” ”

“Are there two of you this time?”

“Last time I remembered dozens of them, right?”

“After all, the rules have changed, and the gap between people is even worse after obtaining the flesh enhancement of the zombie crystal.”

“Then who do we send?” Two words…. It’s really hard to choose. ”

The five major families began to talk for a while, and it was obvious that some of them could not decide who should participate in this competition at once.

“I’ll go.”

Bai Yu Kaoru said to Lin Yun.

Although most families will send middle-aged men in their forties and fifties, after all, they enjoy the richest resources in the family.

For example, Bai Yuan, who was killed by Lin Yun, his strength is absolutely top-notch.

The Bai family does not have this number of figures, so it can only be done by Bai Yu Kaoru.

“Didn’t expect you to be in person?”

Seeing that Bai Yu Kaoru was going to do it himself, Xuan Long took a step forward with interest, “Then I will also come to play and see.” ”

In the face of Xuan Long’s provocation, Bai Yukao didn’t have any words, just looked at Lin Yun.

Obviously, she hoped that Lin Yun could become the representative of the Bai family with her.

After all, as long as Lin Yun shoots, all this will become sewn and solved.

However, Lin Yun’s words surprised everyone.

Only to hear Lin Yun shouting at Chen Mojing, “Mo-chan, you and Bai Yuxuan went up together.” ”


Moru tugged at the small hat on her head and ran to Kaoru’s side.

Seeing that it was this little girl who was fighting with her, Bai Yu Kaoru was instantly a little unhappy.

Facing Lin Yun, he asked, “Are you serious?” ”



Watching Lin Yun leisurely drinking tea, Bai Yuxuan didn’t know what to say, so he shook his head bitterly and looked at Chen Mojing beside him.

There was a hint of anxiety on his face.

On the contrary, Chen Mojing seemed very confident, it seemed that she could blow everyone up!

And other families have also chosen the candidates to send.

Most of the combinations are the head of the family plus a younger generation.

Either the sons of the heads of each family or the powerful subordinates, whoever is the best is their purpose anyway.

But they all have one thing in common, and that is that it’s all men!

Only the White Family is an exception!

They actually sent two female characters!

“Hey hey hey! Is there no one in the White Family? ”

“Actually let two women play? Really fake? ”

“Although Kaoru Hakuba is a fierce character, I can understand it, but what happened to that little girl?” Have you ever played with the house? ”


Seeing the representative of the White Family, the crowd immediately burst into sharp laughter.

Bai Yukao’s brow furrowed, not knowing what Lin Yun was thinking.

Xuan Long also turned his attention to Lin Yun for this.

Sneering, he asked, “What?” Want to hide behind a woman? Don’t you show your hands? ”

Hearing Xuan Long’s words, Lin Yun looked at Xuan Long indifferently.

Then he replied plainly: “Are you worthy?” ”


Xuan Long was a little angry, but he still resisted moving towards Lin Yun.

After all, this guy’s strength is far better than his own, unless he lets Wang Yin behind him take a shot, it is better to have less frontal conflict.

After saying the three words, Lin Yun’s gaze turned to Wang Yin, who had been sitting in the Xuan family.

This guy covered his face from the beginning to the present with a top hat as if he were asleep.

However, the bare mouth on the outside showed a smile, which looked extremely strange, resulting in no Xuan family members around him willing to stand.

This made Lin Yun wonder what this guy was going to do.

Could it be that the black-level zombie under the lake is a ghost made by this guy?

After all, the only person who can control the zombies at the scene is himself and him.

“It seems that everyone has already chosen a representative.”

When everyone was ready, Elder Xiao slowly stood up from the Taiyi chair.

He announced to the crowd: “The rules are still the same as in the previous years, the ring match, remember the point said before, do you understand?” ”

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