“What do you do?” Can’t we go yet? ”

The people of the Li family and the Wang family were very confused.

But the thought that there was still a black zombie behind them that was chasing them.

It seems a bit weak-minded.

In addition, the black and white tentacles seem to originate from the camp of the White Family.

This means that there are guys in the White Family’s camp who can fight with black-level zombies.

Their tone was a bit somber.

“Go? Are you dreaming? ”

Kaoru asked with a sneer.

Of course, she couldn’t let the two guys go, after all, these two guys had a very important task.


The owner of the Li family is trying to rise up and resist.

But the lord of the Wang family pulled him aside.

“Calm down! The current situation is very unfavorable to us! ”

Under the words of the lord of the Wang family, the owner of the Li family took back his stinky temper.

“So what do we do? Become a captive of the White Family? ”

The owner of the Li family asked the lord of the Wang family.

“Of course not!”

The owner of the Wang family shook his head.

Of course, they could not become prisoners of the White Family, knowing that the two sides were now opposed.

Although a black-level zombie came out to stir up trouble, the two sides were still in a situation of endless death.

Therefore, surrendering to the White Family is simply to tell your own people that their owner is a waste!

However, the black-level zombie behind him was still pressing forward step by step.

Although Keqi was blocking it, the strength of the other party seemed to be a few points stronger than that of Keqi.

The tentacles summoned by Keqi had broken three or four of them.

“That’s right! What about the Xuanlong guy? ”

The two suddenly turned their eyes to the Xuan family.

It was found that the Xuan family was still staying where they were.

Moreover, Xuan Long was staring at them coldly, even if the black-level zombies were closest to them at the moment, there was no move to leave.

“Damn! Does this guy just don’t want to live? ”

The two masters were very confused and did not understand what Xuan Long meant.

Weren’t they afraid of that black-level zombie?

However, in the next moment, Bai Yukao’s words made the two owners feel very desperate.

“Don’t you know? That black-level zombie was Xuan Long’s thing. ”


The two were stunned.

They never dreamed that this black-level zombie was actually in the same group as Xuan Long!

“How do you know? How could someone manipulate a black-level zombie? How is this possible? ”

They asked Kaoru Hakuba in surprise.

However, Kaoru Hakuba did not answer their question.

Instead, he threatened them: “Now you have two choices, obediently surrender, or roll back into the lunch of that black zombie!” ”


The two owners looked very hesitant.

They didn’t know for a moment what kind of choice to make, after all, both choices would make them lose their reputation.

“As long as you obediently surrender, this black-level zombie will be handed over to our White Family, and we will kill him!”

Kaoru Hakuba added again!

“Good! We surrender! ”

The owner of the Li family took the lead in saying his choice.

After all, this was a helpless choice, they could neither fight against the black-level zombies nor fight the White Family.

I had to obediently surrender.


The owner of the Wang family could not believe that the owner of the Li family had surrendered in an instant.

However, in this situation, the choice of the owner of the Lai family is obviously very wise.

After a few seconds of inner struggle.

The lord of the Wang family had no choice but to surrender to Bai Yukao.

Kneel down in front of Kaoru Hakuba.

“Come on people! Tie up the people of the Wang family and the Li family for me! Then follow me to destroy the Xuan family and this black zombie! ”

The corners of the mouth of the white feather are slightly raised.

Now that the Li family and the Wang family have been solved.

The Liu family had already become a candle in the wind, and even the owner of the house had died at the hands of black-level zombies.

All the only variables are the Xuan Family!

As long as they defeat the Xuan Family, their White Family will go to the final victory.

On the Xuan family’s side, Xuan Long’s face became very ugly.

Because he saw that both the Li family lord and the Wang family lord had chosen to surrender.

The most crucial thing is that the White Family’s camp actually has a presence that can rival the black-level zombies.

It impressed him.

“Lord, they came to us!”

A subordinate of the Xuan family said to Xuan Long.

The Bai Family and the capable people of Ninghang City were approaching the Xuan Family!

“Get ready for battle!”

Xuan Long gritted his teeth!

He can’t fail here! Once it fails! That’s hell!


On the other side, Elder Xiao and Xiao Ling had already hidden in their house.

And through the hidden tunnel inside the house ready to escape.

Of course, they are not afraid of black zombies, but they are being hunted down and killed!

“Escape? Is it useful to escape? Elder Xiao, hurry up and tell me the location of the secret base! ”

Wang Yin’s figure appeared behind Elder Xiao.

At this moment, Elder Xiao was already seriously injured, and there was a blood stain on his abdomen, which was caused by Wang Yin when he was chasing them.

“Don’t you think!”

Xiao Ling blocked in front of Elder Xiao and tried to stop the strange man in front of her.

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