
The two masters looked at the black crystal in Lin Yun’s hand doubtfully.

They never dreamed that Lin Yun would actually pull out a black-level zombie crystal for them to swallow!


The two swallowed a mouthful of spit.

Although the black-level zombie crystal is eaten, it can instantly increase the huge power.

But they didn’t dare!

Because this is something that Lin Yun pulled out, if this is eaten into the stomach, what changes, only afraid of small lives ….

“How? Don’t you dare? ”

Lin Yun’s cold words made the two of them shiver.

They were so scared at the moment.

This eating into it is death, not eating is also death, what to do!

Suddenly it was difficult for the two of them.

However, the sense of oppression that Lin Yun gave them eventually overcame his own dog’s life.

The two furrowed their brows and shouted, “Die, die!” Eat! ”


The two swallowed the black crystal in Lin Yun’s hand into their stomachs.

The next moment, their bodies changed suddenly.

“What’s going on? My body is so hot! ”

“Damn! That’s definitely not black crystal, what the hell is it? ”

The two were terrified, and even when they wanted their people to help themselves, they found that their bodies began to disobey their own calls.

“How is this….”

The sound suddenly stopped, and the two suddenly stood in front of everyone like two statues.

The two families were very confused about the change of their own owner.

I want to come forward and ask.

But the two opened their mouths at the next moment.

They knelt down in front of Lin Yun and said, “Master! ”

Lin Yun nodded plainly, he turned the two into zombies through the black zombie crystal!

And take control of their bodies!

Just like the owner of the White Family, now the three major families have to obey his orders.

Just as Lin Yun was preparing to finish and leave the Heavenly Lake, a figure appeared in his line of sight.

It was Xiao Ling hiding in the tunnel.

Supposedly, she should have run away a long time ago, but she walked out again.


Xiao Ling looked at everything in front of her, and she couldn’t believe that the huge black-level zombie had turned into a pool of rotten flesh.

The patriarchs of the two major families even knelt in front of Lin Yun.

Countless conjectures appeared in her mind, and she didn’t know who this person named Lin Yun really was!

“Old Shaw’s granddaughter?” Do you want to catch her? ”

Bai Yu Kaoru walked over to Lin Yun and asked her.

Lin Yun shook his head.

“No, what bullshit secret base, whether it exists or not is still a mystery, I’m not interested.”

“Is it?”

Bai Yu Kaoru looked at Lin Yun’s gaze and made sure he was not interested in the secret base, then smiled and said, “Then she is mine, I am full of interest in the secret base!” ”

“It’s up to you!”

Lin Yun shrugged his shoulders and stepped in the direction of Keqi.

And Kaoru Hakuba ordered the Bai family, “Arrest her for me!” ”

“Obey orders!”

“Is it all right?”

Lin Yun walked over to Keqi and asked her.

After all, this guy was just fighting a black-level zombie.

“It’s all right!”

Keqi shook his head, but his physical strength was somewhat exhausted and he needed Yang Weiyu to support him.

“Has it all been solved?”

Yang Weiyu asked Lin Yun.

Lin Yun nodded, “It’s all solved, do you want me to send you back?” ”

“It’s hard to come and go, I don’t want to go back so early.”

Yang Weiyu shook her head and said.

“Oh? So what do you want to do? You can talk to me. ”

Lin Yun smiled and asked, not knowing what Yang Weiyu wanted to do as a woman.

“Can I?”

Yang Weiyu suddenly asked Lin Yun very nervously, as if she had been holding back for a long time.

Lin Yun was a little surprised and smiled, “Of course.” ”

“Then wait for me!”

Yang Weiyu immediately led Keqi and ran to the two sisters of Chen Mofeng and Chen Mojing, who were approaching in front of her.

“Mo Feng, Keqi will be handed over to you first!”

Yang Weiyu handed Keqi’s hand to Chen Mofeng.

Let the two sisters and Keqi look confused.

“What’s going on?”

Chen Mofeng asked doubtfully.

“I’ll be back soon!”

Yang Weiyu said, pointing to Lin Yun next to him.

It made the three people even more confused.

Yang Weiyu had already run to Lin Yun and said to Lin Yun, “Let’s walk around!” Walk with me in the woods! ”

“Is that all?”

Lin Yun wondered, on this point request?

“You’ll know the rest later!”

Yang Weiyu’s face was slightly red, and she was unwilling to say all the words.

Lin Yun shook his head with a bitter smile and replied, “Okay, let’s walk around!” ”

After the words were finished, the figures of the two disappeared into the sight of Chen Mofeng and the others.

“What is this going to do?”

Chen Mofeng shook his head helplessly.

However, Chen Mozhen next to her raised an eyebrow, and seemed to know what Yang Weiyu wanted to do with Lin Yun.

Speaking to his sister, he said, “Let’s go back to Ninghang City first, and when those two have played enough, they will go to find us!” Surprisingly the first time in the wild, Yang Weiyu this woman can really play! ”

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