The crowd did not know how long it had been going.

Because their physique was greatly strengthened after the end of the world, they were able to move on.

Lin Yun’s gaze looked around, and it seemed that the woods in this area had become somewhat sparse.

If he hadn’t guessed wrong, it should have arrived soon.

At this time, Xiao Ling also gave him a reply.

“It’s coming.”

Xiao Ling said to Lin Yun.

However, Lin Yun felt a hint of hostility at this moment.

And this hostility is increasing as they get closer to the secret base!

What is increased is the number!

There seemed to be hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at them.

Want to kill them!

After about a few more minutes of walking, they came to a valley.

The trees here become very rare, taking on the shape of a small basin.

The view widened, but the group still didn’t see the shadow of the secret base.

“Where is the secret base you are talking about?”

Bai Yu Kaoru asked Xiao Ling.

“It’s inside that mountain, and I remember there was a door there.”

Xiao Ling pointed to the opposite mountain.

But when everyone looked at it, it seemed that there were no human buildings inside.

There was grass and trees growing everywhere, and it didn’t look like a secret base at all.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, looked around intently.

He was sure that they were already surrounded.

As for what kind of creatures they are, they are probably the white-haired monsters they have encountered before.

“What are you looking at?”

Bai Yu Kaoru asked Lin Yun, “Did this Xiao Ling deliberately take the wrong way?”

“No, she took the right path.”

Lin Yun replied.

Xiao Ling didn’t take the wrong path, but after the end of the world, everything here has changed dramatically!

It made her make some cognitive mistakes.

Maybe it’s because she still firmly believes that the humans in the secret base are still alive.

But Lin Yun could be sure that there was not a single living person in the entire Kunlun Mountains except for them.

In its place were the white monsters.


Just then, the roar of the monster sounded from all sides.

The crowd gathered vigilantly and looked around.

Only to see hundreds of white figures appear on the surrounding hillsides, cutting off their back roads.

“Damn! What are these monsters? ”

Xiao Ling gritted her teeth, she didn’t understand where these guys came from.

Shouldn’t it have been cleaned up by humans in the secret base?

At this moment, Lin Yun said a very terrible fact.

“Don’t you think that these are the humans in the secret base?”


Hearing Lin Yun’s words, Xiao Ling’s face suddenly darkened.

She was directly defended by Lin Yun’s words.

Are these people all from the secret base?

How is this possible?

Could it be that the last hope of the Dragon Kingdom, the secret base has become a paradise for zombies?

She didn’t believe it!

Of course, Lin Yun didn’t care what Xiao Ling was thinking now.

He looked at the monsters.

If these are really human beings in the secret base, as he thinks, then this so-called virus is only brought inside by people from the outside.

That is to say, the foreign scientific research team mentioned before.

“Get ready to fight, they’re coming!”

Kaoru Hakuba ordered the subordinates of the White Family.

The remaining sixteen subordinates of the White Family immediately took their weapons out of the box.

They also carried a heavy weapon this time, which was specially designed to deal with huge zombies.

But some of them did not expect that there would be hundreds of zombies of this huge size.

Therefore, these subordinates of the White Family were a little afraid in their hearts, and they always thought that their lives were short.

Kaoru Hakuba also frowned.

The combat effectiveness of these white-haired monsters is stronger than that of the red-level zombies.

That is to say, what they were going to fight at this moment was hundreds of red-level zombies.

Even if all the subordinates of the Bai family were here, I was afraid that it would be difficult to say that they could win the victory.

Now her only hope was on Lin Yun’s body.

If he is not willing to shoot, he and others will only die here.

“Put away your weapons.”

Suddenly, Lin Yun said to everyone.


“Nothing good to do.”

Lin Yun took a few steps forward.

One more electromagnetic gun in his hand.

“These guys are handed over to me, you’re not their opponents.”

Lin Yun’s words made the Bai family’s subordinates look at Bai Yuxuan one after another.

Kaoru Hakuba nodded at this.

Lin Yun was telling the truth, they didn’t have any ability to resist in front of this group of monsters.

Everyone put away their weapons.

Then he stared intently at Lin Yun and waited for Lin Yun’s performance.

Lin Yun raised the electromagnetic gun in his hand high and aimed at the white monster at the top of the mountain in front of him.

At this moment, the white monster also roared and launched an attack on the crowd.


Lin Yun did not hesitate and directly pulled the trigger of the electromagnetic gun.

Then, the blue electromagnetic cannon shot out instantly, shooting the white monsters in front of them and even the small hills into nothing!


When the crowd saw this, their mouths grew in surprise.

What kind of gun is this?

The power is also too great!

This is simply not something that existing human technology can do!

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