“This is!?”

Everyone was amazed to see that in front of the suddenly collapsed mountain, a dark tunnel appeared.

Suddenly, a black breath erupted from the tunnel, startling everyone to hurry backwards.

“Cover your nose and mouth!” This gas sucks too much and will die. ”

Lin Yun felt something strange about this gas.

Hurriedly let the crowd cover their mouths and noses.

They were also obedient and immediately covered their noses and mouths.

About ten seconds later, the black mist began to dissipate.

The scene inside began to appear slowly in front of everyone.

“This is it!”

Xiao Ling said excitedly, she said that she did not take the wrong way.

Kaoru Hakuba took a few steps forward, a pair of beautiful eyes staring at the environment inside.

This so-called secret base is not only filled with a rotten atmosphere.

Even there were corpses everywhere inside, which made her face suddenly darken.

“How is this possible….”

Xiao Ling also noticed that there were corpses everywhere inside, and she collapsed to the ground in panic.

What Lin Yun said was true, the secret base actually did not exist for a long time.

“Let’s go in and see.”

Lin Yun bore the brunt of this so-called secret base.

He wanted to know what secrets were inside.

After Lin Yun entered, Bai Yukao also followed, followed by the Bai family’s subordinates.

Seeing that everyone had entered the secret base, Xiao Ling had no choice but to get up from the ground and follow them.

Inside this so-called secret base, the light is very dim.

Lin Yang casually took out a few reinforced flashlights and threw them to the Bai family’s subordinates.

Put them in charge of the lighting.

Along the way, there were corpses everywhere.

And these corpses are soldiers belonging to the Dragon Kingdom.

Looking at their appearance, they should have been dead for a long time.

And they didn’t turn into zombies, nor were they bitten to death by zombies.

Looking at their deaths, there is a high probability that they will die under the guns.

“What the hell is going on here?”

Bai Yu frowned, unable to imagine what was really happening here.

Lin Yun did not answer her, but continued to walk inside.

At this moment, he also wanted to know urgently why the secret base, which had gathered the strongest military strength and the strongest scientific and technological strength of the Dragon Kingdom, had become like this.

Over time, they have entered the depths of the secret base.

It is no longer a tunnel, but a place of experimentation.

Lin Yun saw that there were many scientific research equipment placed here, and even many devices they had never seen.

I haven’t even heard of it.

However, such a place has been destroyed!

“It doesn’t seem to be a zombie, there is no trace of a zombie at all.”

Kaoru Hakuba looked at the corpses around her, and she was convinced that there was no possibility of zombie outbreaks and destruction.

“Not necessarily, everything is still a puzzle.”

Lin Yun said lightly.

All of this has not been solved.

For example, the cause of their death, and where the white-haired monsters outside came from.

All of this requires searching for the truth in this secret base of the Dragon Kingdom.

Lin Yun’s gaze turned to the depths, and he found that in this place, there was a huge circular machine.

It seems that all the scientific equipment has been discontinued, but this thing is still on.

Lin Yun walked towards the circular machine.

It looks like an egg, about three meters high and about two meters wide.

“What is this?”

Kaoru Hakuba followed suit and asked doubtfully.

She had never seen anything in front of her.

It looks like a container for living things.

“I don’t know, but there should be something in it.”

Lin Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he touched the mechanical egg with his hand.

The touch surprised him.

Because he could feel it, there seemed to be a life beating inside!

But Lin Yun couldn’t tell what kind of creature it was.

The only thing I know is that it is alive!

Just fell into a deep sleep.

“What’s wrong?”

Bai Yu Kaoru sensed something wrong with the expression on Lin Yun’s face.

Asked him, it seemed that the guy had found something hidden in it again.

“There seems to be a life in it.”

Lin Yun said lightly, but it made the others suddenly grow their mouths in shock.

“Really fake?” Kaoru Hakuba asked in surprise, “Is there a living being in this thing?” ”


Lin Yun nodded, and he was sure that the thing inside was still alive.

“How is this possible….”

Kaoru Hakuba couldn’t believe her ears.

This secret base looks like no one has been here for at least a year.

But Lin Yun said that there are living things here?

Can this really be done?

Not eating or drinking in a year?


At this moment, Lin Yun saw a small line of text written on the mechanical egg.

“Subject 001, Status: Incubating…..”

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