“This little box…..”

Lin Yun carefully observed the blue square box.

He never imagined that this thing had such a huge power!

“What’s wrong with this little box?”

Bai Yu Kaoru saw Lin Yun’s face a little strangely.

Immediately asked.

“That’s the culprit behind the zombie virus outbreak.”

Lin Yun replied to Bai Yukao.

“How can that be?”

Kaoru Hakuba looked at the small square box in front of him in surprise.

Can this thing cause zombie viruses?

How is this possible?

“Won’t it…..”

Xiao Ling on the side also couldn’t believe it.

How can this box be deed?

Can it cause a zombie virus outbreak around the world?

“It’s really possible.”

Lin Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly.

He walked slowly to the side of the square box.

When he approached, the appearance of the square box was more clearly displayed in front of Lin Yang.

On top of this box, there are countless fine lines.

This is not at all what human technology can achieve!

Moreover, these fine lines are even more hidden in the Xuan Level.

The blue light emitted from it seemed to be a living creature, moving all the time.

When Lin Yun approached, these blue lights would become dim.

And when Lin Yun walked to the other side, the dim light became bright again.

“It’s kind of interesting.”

Lin Yun said with a smile.

This thing is definitely not simple!

“How do we solve this square box?”

Bai Yu Kaoru asked Lin Yun, “Since it is the source of all this, should we destroy it?” ”

“Destroy it?”

Lin Yun shook his head.

What’s the use of destroying this thing now?

The whole world has become a paradise for zombies, can destroying this square box restore all those who have become zombies to their original state?

Obviously impossible.

Moreover, even if the square box is destroyed, all the zombies die in place.

What about the surviving humans?

Will they get along nicely?

Obviously, there are probably tens of millions of human beings left on Earth.

Once the zombies disappear, then what these tens of millions of people will do is to expand their territory and strengthen their power.

The scene will be a chaotic battle.

What’s the difference from now?

“So what do you say?”

Bai Yu Kaoru asked Lin Yun.

I don’t know what Lin Yun will do with this square box.

“I’ll get it first.”

Lin Yun replied lightly.

Then he reached out to touch the blue square box.

And at the moment when he stretched out his hand, the blue light instantly flew him out tens of meters away!

“Lin Yun!”

Kaoru Hakuba immediately rushed over worriedly.

Lifted Lin Yun up from the ground.

The ejected Lin Yun covered his chest in pain.

He was surprised to find that his suit did not play any role against the blue light.

Just now he was really strong and practical flesh to resist this blow.

“It’s a bit weird.”

Lin Yun frowned and looked at this blue square box.

This thing seems to be resisting itself.

Don’t want him to touch it!

“Let me try it?”

Kaoru Shiraba proposed.

Since this box resisted Lin Yun, he didn’t know if he would succeed.

“Well, you go and try it!”

Lin Yun nodded.

Kaoru Hakuba immediately walked to the side of the box.

Reach out and grab the square box.

But at this moment, the blue light flashed again, knocking the white feather Kaoru out of the way.

However, the white feather Kaoru who flew out was protected by Lin Yun.

It didn’t hurt the body.

“It resists me too!”

Kaoru Hakuba frowned and said.

“Xiao Ling, you go and try it!”

Lin Yun suddenly looked at Xiao Ling.

Xiao Ling nodded.

Reached out and grabbed the square box.

And not surprisingly.

She was also ejected and flew out, caught by Lin Yun’s hand.

“Can’t get it?”

Lin Yun frowned and looked at this square box that resisted everyone.

He didn’t quite understand what this thing was resisting.

Resisting human touch on it?


Suddenly, Lin Yun grasped the key to it!

“What’s wrong? Did you think of anything? ”

Lin Yun’s sudden realization made Bai Yu Kaoru understand that this guy might have found something.

“Wait a minute!”

Lin Yun immediately used the system heaven and earth to bring a figure to this area!

“Huh? Is there something wrong? ”

Holding a stuffed bear, Keqi appeared in front of Lin Yun and the others.


Lin Yun said to Keqi, “Help me take that square box down, can I?” ”

“Square box?”

Keqi looked at the square box that was set up in mid-air and nodded.

Then a white tentacle instantly burst out, grabbed the square box, and then sent it to Lin Yun’s face!

“Sure enough, it’s true!”

The corners of Lin Yun’s mouth were slightly raised!

Sure enough, this square box is resisting humans!

So as long as you let the non-human Keqi take it, isn’t it okay?

“Is there anything strange about this box?”

Keqi looked at the blue box above the tentacle and asked Lin Yun doubtfully.

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