“You’re looking for death!?”

Lin Yun looked at Liu Xinghe coldly.

Dare to flirt with his own woman in front of him?

This guy is simply looking for his own death!

“How? If you disagree….”

Liu Xinghe sneered, “Then Mu Da and I will not be merged into the Bai Family, you should think clearly!” ”

“That’s right!”

Mu Da sneered and agreed with Liu Xinghe’s words.

“But if you Bai family want to merge into our two forces, then we can still consider it, you say?” Galaxy Brother? ”

“Yes! Hahaha…. Yes! ”

Liu Xinghe had just replied to Mu Da, and the laughter had just come to mind.

But he was surprised to find that his right hand had been cut off!

“Brother Galaxy!”

The sudden situation surprised everyone.

Especially Mu Da and Liu Xinghe brought several people.

They never expected that Liu Xinghe would actually be directly cut off an arm!

“Ahh!!! Yes!!! ”

Liu Xinghe fell to the ground and groaned in pain, and his men immediately lifted him up and tried to take him away.

But Liu Xinghe roared angrily, “Kill him for me!” ”

Several people immediately pulled out their weapons and wanted to kill Lin Yun, even if they didn’t see when Lin Yun actually moved!

“Kill me? Do you deserve it too? ”

Lin Yun sneered and waved a big hand.

The next second, these people were split into two pieces.

“This! How is this possible? ”

Everyone in the room couldn’t believe what was happening right in front of them.

The man with the white feather Kaoru just waved his hand.

Standing a few meters away, Liu Xinghe’s men were directly killed by him?

How exactly does this work?

Could it be magic?


Liu Xinghe clenched his teeth, he never expected that he had actually touched the iron plate!

Lin Yun stood up coldly and slowly walked towards Liu Xinghe.

For a moment, fear surged into Liu Xinghe’s heart.

He knew that if he did not take any more measures, he would die at the hands of this man.

“Don’t you come here! You killed me! My people will fight with the White Family! ”

Liu Xinghe yelled at Lin Yun.

His only hole card now is his own hundreds!

If you kill him, the Bai family won’t be able to think about it!

However, Lin Yun simply ignored him.

Instead, go straight to him.

A cold face with murderous intent made Liu Xinghe’s inner fear deepen a few points again.

“Isn’t your purpose to incorporate all the forces in Yanjing?”

Liu Xinghe suddenly panicked and began to talk about the conditions.

“If you kill me, you’ll regret it!” Are you aware of the consequences? ”


Lin Yun sneered, he had never considered the so-called consequences.

This group of people does not want to be adopted by the White Family?

Then I’m sorry, just go and die!”

“Don’t force it, go and die!”

Lin Yun put away his knife and slashed at Liu Xinghe.

“I won’t let you go as a ghost….”

Before Liu Xinghe could finish his harsh words, he was split into pieces of meat.

You can’t even find out which part that piece is.

This surprised Mu Da on the side.

He didn’t see Lin Yun’s movements clearly at all.

It was like watching a science fiction movie, in an instant, Liu Xinghe died at the hands of Lin Yun!


He looked at Lin Yun at this moment, and his scalp tingled.

He couldn’t imagine why this man would be so terrible.

Let’s not say that he is strong.

Just because he had killed Liu Xinghe recklessly, wasn’t he afraid that the group of brothers behind Liu Xinghe would take revenge on the Bai family?

If it really becomes that kind of situation, this is definitely not a good thing for the Bai family!

This white feather Kaoru is absolutely clear!

Muda looked at Kaoru Hakuba.

However, when he saw Bai Yukao’s expression, he was even more shocked!

Because Kaoru Hakuba still had a smile on her face.

This means that Kaoru Hakuba doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with this!

She also didn’t care about the people behind Liu Xinghe against the Bai family?


Is this crazy?

“Miss White, will your boyfriend do this…”

Before Muda could finish speaking, Kaoru Hakuba interrupted him.

“My boyfriend is just a little bit more straightforward, but I just like him.”

Kaoru Bai Yu smiled and replied, “By the way, you shouldn’t worry about this now, you were also coveting my body just now, aren’t you?” ”


Mu Da suddenly knew that something was going to happen!


Before he could react.

Lin Yun then used his mind power to lift the table.

Then it pressed directly on Muda’s body.


Muda let out a scream, his spine was directly crushed!

At this moment, he couldn’t feel the presence of his lower body at all!

But that’s just the beginning!

“What kind of death do you want?” I satisfy you. ”

Lin Yun asked Mu Da coldly.

“Don’t, don’t, don’t kill me!” I was wrong! I am willing to let my people merge into the White Family! ”

“Wrong? Sorry, it’s too late! ”

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