
In the face of this group of guys so eager to see Lin Yun, this was something that Bai Yu Kaoru did not expect.

It seems that what Lin Yun did this time really scared them.

At this moment, Lin Yun slowly walked behind Bai Yuxuan.

And he stopped his hand from Kaoru’s waist.

He said to the crowd, “You want to see me? ”

After seeing Lin Yun’s appearance, the crowd immediately began to boast.

“Oh my God! Miss Bai, your boyfriend looks really good-looking! It’s a bit handsome! ”

“Powerful and handsome, worthy of being the best of the best!”

“It’s really gratifying that the little brother has such a heavenly ability at such a young age!”

“I heard that you are a person from Yunhai City?” I have a cousin in Yunhai City, I don’t know if you recognize her? Of course, it should have turned into a zombie by now. ”


In the face of everyone’s clichéd words, Lin Yun’s face was expressionless.

Don’t say it’s Lin Yun.

Even Bai Yu Kaoru had a headache when he listened.

But it didn’t stop it, after all, this group of guys wasn’t in the yin and yang weirdness.

These are heartfelt admiration.

“Okay, don’t forget what you’re here for.”

Kaoru Hakuba said to the guys.

“Right, right, right! We’re here to discuss alliances. ”

“I think it’s perfectly fine to have the White family as the main brain of the alliance.”

“Yeah, we still recognize the strength of Kaoru and her boyfriend.”

“Right, right, I agree.”


Everyone talked about it, and they all said that they were very much in favor of the Bai family’s inclusion.

This made Kaoru Shiraba nod confidently.

Although this group of guys were all soft in front of Lin Yun’s terrible strength.

But that’s enough.

But to her fear, several of the biggest leaders did not appear.

These people are small forces that only have a few hundred people, or even dozens of people.

Just then, a young man and woman appeared in front of everyone.

“Miss White, don’t come unharmed!”

The man smiled at Bai Yu Kaoru with a fist.

The appearance of these two people immediately made Bai Yu Kaoru smile on his face.

He responded, “Mo Yu, Ye Shanshan, you two are finally here!” ”

The reason why she would smile was because this Mo Yu and Ye Shanshan were the heads of Yanjing’s second largest force.

Their appearance shows the majesty of the White Family.

Even the heads of the second largest forces are willing to join the alliance of the White Family Organization, so that the others will not all be submissive?

“I’m sorry for the delay on the road.”

Mo Yu said with a smile. 、

Then he took Ye Shanshan to sit in a seat next to him.

Kaoru’s gaze swept over everyone’s body.

Now about three-quarters of Yanjing’s forces have come.

If these people were combined, the number would be as high as twenty thousand.

This is definitely a very powerful force!

“Then we’re pretty much getting started.”

Bai Yu said with a smile, broke free of Lin Yun’s big hand, and sat down in his seat.

Lin Yun could only smile slightly and sat down next to Bai Yuxuan.

“As we all know, it’s been almost two years since the first day of the end times.”

Kaoru Hakuba said to the crowd, “The number of human beings has decreased by ninety-nine percent or more, and the area we live in has been compressed, and if we do not take corresponding measures, it is possible that human beings will perish.” ”

“Yeah, yeah!”

“The number of human beings is getting smaller and smaller, coupled with the lack of resources, we will die sooner or later!”

“So what to do? There are a hundred times as many zombies as we are! There are also orange-level zombies and even black-level zombies, and we can’t help it! ”

“The main thing is that they can’t avoid zombie attacks, and they will transform injured humans, so this group of guys can’t kill them!”


The crowd began to talk again, and the sound completely overwhelmed the area.

Until Kaoru Hakuba interrupted them.

“But you didn’t think about how these zombies were born?” Do you know where they came from? ”


The crowd looked at each other, and it was clear that they did not understand.

All the time is spent surviving and expanding one’s power.

Where is the time to learn about this?

“That Kaoru, do you know everything in it?” Can you tell us? ”

Ye Shanshan asked Bai Yuxuan.

She could tell from the tone of Bai Yu’s voice that Bai Yu Kaoru seemed to know something.

“Well, I do know something.”

Kaoru Shiraba nodded, “But I just know some fur, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of the New Humans organization?” ”

“New humans?”

“New humans!?”

The people who heard these three words were shocked.

But their faces in the crowd showed two extremes.

One is completely unheard of, full of questions.

The other is somewhat understood.

But they were shocked to hear it in the mouth of Bai Yufu.

And this kind of person is not a minority.

Lin Yun’s eyes swept through the second type of person.

He smiled and said, “Looks like you’ve heard of it?” ”

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