A few days later.

“These guys look like they’re working hard, at least they’re going to listen to you.”

Lin Yun watched as the gang members of Yanjing’s forces began to rebuild the world according to Bai Yukaoru’s request.

It surprised him a little.

Didn’t expect them to be so obedient.

“Mainly not because you scared them? But this is also everyone’s wish, hoping that the world will return to its original state, but this is a little too difficult. ”

Kaoru shook her head, now there were zombies all over the world.

Where did the more than seven billion zombies finish?

If you want to really solve the troubles of this world, you have to find a way from the box in Lin Yun’s hand.

And the New Human Organization!

The origin of this zombie!


Lin Yun nodded.

As for whether the original world can be restored or not, no one knows.


Suddenly, the fierce winds between heaven and earth began to whistle.

A figure appeared in the sky.

His appearance made Lin Yun a little confused.

The other person does not have wings on his body, but he can fly in the sky.

Could it be a member of the new humanity again?

“I found you!”

The man in the sky snorted coldly and waved his wings towards Lin Yun.

As soon as his right hand was raised, an invisible stream of air attacked Lin Yun!

“Back off!”

Lin Yun pushed Bai Yu Kaoru away.

Using his mind, he lifted a car up and slammed it into the opponent’s invisible attack.


In an instant, the car turned into a pile of debris.

Falling from the sky.


The man saw that Lin Yun actually had the ability to control objects, and his face also showed a hint of surprise.

No wonder the other members die one after another at the hands of this guy!

“Lin Yun, is it?”

The man stopped in front of Lin Yun.

A pair of cold eyes stared at Lin Yun, like a snoop, trying to dig him through.

“Are you a new human?”

Lin Yun had roughly guessed the identity of the other party.

“Yes, my name is Fei, and I came to take your dog’s life!”

Fei let out a loud roar and then waved his fists.

The next second, two invisible streams of air roared towards Lin Yun, trying to kill him.

Saying that it was late and fast, Lin Yun immediately manipulated the Blade of Nothingness to split towards the other party.

I thought I could kill the other party with a knife, but I was surprised to find that the other party actually dodged his own attack.

Lin Yun was hit by the other party’s two air currents and flew out.

Although it didn’t cause much damage, you can also feel that the opponent’s attack can penetrate your own suit!

“This guy!”

Both were somewhat surprised by the other’s presence.

Fei’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he felt the existence of the Blade of Nothingness by the flow of air.

Because he can master the airflow, that’s why he can fly and already use gas to cause attacks.

But he did not expect that his attack would be unscathed to the other party.

“You’re strong! But you’re still not my opponent!” ”

Fei said coldly.

The air flow fluctuations that could be seen with the naked eye began to condense in his hands, and he stared at Lin Yun deadly.


Lin Yun took a deep breath.

The opponent’s attack power is very high, and it may even cause damage to him.

But the other person’s body is very fragile.

As long as you can attack the other party.

Then, you can kill it in an instant!


Lin Yun snorted coldly.

The next second, the mind began to manipulate whatever object could be seen around it.

Gravel, scrapped vehicles, construction waste, and even broken weapons!

These all became tools in Lin Yun’s hands, used to attack the person in front of him!

“This guy!”

Fei saw this scene and was a little surprised in his heart.

How can the other party’s ability to control objects reach such a level?

That’s an exaggeration, right?

However, he did not back down.

The next second, the airflow between his hands began to grow wildly.

It was as if two storms had formed, ready to meet Lin Yun’s attack.


As soon as Lin Yun gave the order, countless objects attacked the fly.

At this moment, the sky seemed to be covered by dark clouds, and it looked extremely dark!

However, in the face of Lin Yun’s attack, flying was not helpless.

Two storms in his hand were thrown out in an instant.

They formed a barrier in just an instant, keeping all the objects flying towards him out of the hurricane!

And as there are more and more objects.

Those two hurricanes also began to become powerless.

In the end, because it was covered with various objects, the two storms turned into nothingness in an instant!


Fei looked at the scene in front of him.

Although the storm disappeared, Lin Yun still controlled the objects in his hands to attack him.

He began to flee through the air, using his agile speed to dodge the rain-like objects.

However, even if he is careful, he will not be able to stay unharmed.

A steel bar flew directly to his back when he was not paying attention.


Like a needle, it pierced into his flesh!

“Damn damn it!”

Fei roared angrily, even if the steel bar was inserted into his back, he could still move.

However, instead of dodging, he formed a temporary airflow barrier on the outside of his body.

Then he accelerated and flew towards Lin Yun.

“I killed you directly!”

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