Chapter 054 Hospital renovation plan, women who are eager to become stronger

“I’m ready, say, what do you want the hospital to look like?”

Before eating, Lin Fan mentioned with Su Xiaoluo that he wanted to transform the hospital and turn it into a base camp.

As more and more survivors gather in the hospital, it is foreseeable that more and more zombies will gather, and a strong fortress is necessary!

Moreover, what is it like to stay in the hospital all the time? Isn’t it too faceless?

Now there is Su Xiaoluo, a big architectural designer, no need to use it in vain, besides, the design drawings are not so good to draw, not to mention that Lin Fanman is not satisfied, if the painting is not good, Su Xiaoluo, as a big designer, feels that he can’t take it.

This matter should be sooner rather than later, maybe by the time Su Xiaoluo draws a satisfactory design drawing, a month has already passed.

Looking at Su Xiaoluo, who had a serious face, Lin Fan thought for a while and said: “For this aspect, I am not good at it, there is a little requirement, there must be a city wall around, this can resist the tide of corpses, increase the protection ability, the city wall must be able to stand people, if you are inside, you need to design, when the time comes, you make a picture, show me the film.” ”

“In the early stage, you don’t have to bother too much, as the power becomes greater, it will definitely be expanded and renovated in the future, just like that, you can watch it.”

Su Xiaoluo blinked his big eyes, the pencil pointed on his small face, thinking silently, seeing this situation, Lin Fan did not speak again, for fear of accidentally interrupting her train of thought.

Quietly getting up, Lin Fan came outside, and after a while, he came to the door of the hospital.

Looking at the large number of corpses that fell to the ground, Lin Fan raised his hand, and within the scope of magnetic control, all the corpses flew up, and with a gentle wave of his palm, thousands of corpses flew out like cannonballs.

These corpses cannot be left near the hospital, if there are too many zombies, the subsequent zombies may directly step on the corpses and turn over to the school, which is a great hidden danger.

After doing all this, Lin Fan walked around the fence of the hospital, and his frown relaxed a lot.

After his cleaning in the evening, the number of zombies around was much less, and if he cleaned up diligently, there should not be much problem.

After confirming the safety of the surroundings, Lin Fan exchanged 4 headlights from the system mall, flew to the central building of the hospital, Lin Fan tinkered, turned on these four headlights, and in an instant, dazzling white light illuminated the entire park, even near the hospital, it was illuminated by the lights!

The zombies at night are very violent, much more ferocious than during the day, humans are not the opponents of zombies in the case of insufficient light at night, it is very likely that the boat capsized in the gutter, the maid is also a human, not to mention that he can also brush points, Lin Fan does not plan to let them die casually.

After arranging all this, Lin Fan was about to go back, and from a distance he saw 9 figures coming out of the dormitory, and it was Lin Youyou who walked in the front, followed by 8 women holding Tang knives and their faces full of excitement, obviously these 8 women were responsible for the first half of the night.

The group of 9 people was fast, Lin Fan followed, and finally stopped at the gate of the hospital.

On the ground, Lin Youyou turned to look at the 8 women with excited faces, his cold gaze swept over, and the 8 women calmed down in an instant.

“Tonight, the two of you are in one team, each team is responsible for one direction, it’s eight o’clock in the evening, and at two o’clock in the morning, the second team will come and change shifts with you until eight o’clock in the morning, and back and forth, do you understand?”

All the women nodded in unison and said loudly, “Understood!” ”

“Here, I warn each and every one of you, don’t rush outside the hospital thinking of killing more zombies, so that even if you die, no one will care about you, only by living, can you become stronger!” Dead people have no future! ”

Lin Youyou’s voice was cold, and the women who listened to it shivered.

“You guys are good to yourself, let’s all disperse.”

The eight women responded in unison, and then scattered, two in a team, one in charge of one side.

Standing upstairs, watching this scene, Lin Fan nodded and quickly left the roof.

Just returned to the supermarket, just bumped into Zhao Wanqing who came out with a Tang knife, Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, but did not stop it, Zhao Wanqing has a stronger heart, which is a good thing.

However, Zhao Wanqing was a little unnatural, bumping into Lin Fan head-on, Zhao Wanqing hurriedly saluted, just didn’t know what to say.

“You go, don’t fight too hard, I still expect you to cook in the morning.” Waving his hand, Lin Fan did not embarrass her, and walked into the supermarket with a smile.

Zhao Wanqing breathed a sigh of relief and clenched the Tang knife in her hand, she was ready, if she didn’t recover her appearance today, she would never sleep!

Walking up to the second floor, looking at Zhao Yanyan and Li Siqi, Lin Fan was a little puzzled, what happened to these two?

Mu Yueqing on the side saw Lin Fan, quickly ran over, knelt on the ground to change Lin Fan’s shoes, these were all called by Zhao Yanyan just now, and taught a lot of others.

Lin Fan was used to this, pointing to the two restless women, Lin Fan asked, “What’s wrong with the two of them?” Eating a bad stomach? ”

Mu Yueqing got up, pulled the long hair around her ear, and said softly: “Lord, the two of them want to kill zombies, saying that they can become stronger, but they still have to serve the Lord, and then they become like this.” ”

Lin Fan suddenly walked into the living room with his legs raised.

At this time, the fiery Zhao Yanyan and the two daughters found Lin Fan coming in, and instantly honestly looked like a little sheep.

“Stop pretending, go if you want, and come back before ten.”

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