Chapter 057 rampant Liu Tongyu, can he carry my missile cannon?

Bai Hao’s post exploded the whole network, not only the imperial capital paid attention to it, the major military regions are ambitious, and the generals who want to support their own dignity are the same, who does not want to have extraordinary power?

Among them, the side of the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, is the most.

The Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, is located in the suburbs, and the military region has up to 300,000 soldiers, as the city where the empire stands at the forefront of the world, it is highly valued by the empire, and all kinds of weapons and equipment can be said to be the most advanced in the empire.

Liu Yuanbin, the commander-in-chief of the Liu family of the warlord of the magic capital, oversees the power of the Liu family, it can be said that the power is monstrous, and the impact of the end on the Liu family is not great, and after the initial chaos, the zombies were quickly suppressed.

In the face of a steady stream of zombies, hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers quickly built a city wall to block the pace of zombies.

The collapse of the regime, instigated by a group of veterans under him, Liu Yuanbin’s heart was soon shaken, in fact, more from his heirs.

The collapse of the regime, what does this mean ??

Qin lost his deer, the world is chased together, and he has the right to have soldiers in his hands, it is a good time to make meritorious achievements, and he still needs to listen to the command of those officials and masters? What else can they do now? Give money to supplies? Not to mention whether the money is still useful, it is the material thing, how do you transport it?

It doesn’t help at all, so why listen to you?

At the instigation of his two sons and daughters, Liu Yuanbin oversaw military and political power and ignored the imperial capital.

In the conference room of the military region, Liu Yuanbin sits in the first place, below are his two sons and daughters, the rest are his henchmen, most of the month’s purge, ignorant of current affairs, all have evaporated in the world, and now the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, is the private army of the Liu family!

The conference room played a video of Lin Fan flying from the sky with Su Xiaoluo, the conference room was very quiet, only the sound in the video, this video has been played many times, and a group of people in the conference room have also watched it many times.

Pausing the video, Liu Yuanbin’s old gaze looked down, although his thin body was old, he still exuded a majestic momentum!

“Isn’t it confirmed again and again that there is no such existence as a superpower after the end of the world? What are these two in the video? Can anyone explain it to the old man? ”

The conference room was quiet, on the left, Liu Yuanbin’s eldest son, now the military region lieutenant general Liu Jingyu spoke: “Dad, in my opinion, this may be an evolution, the evolution of human beings, I have recently read a lot of books, zombies are the product of the failure of new human evolution, and these two people in the video are successful cases!” ”

“The two of them probably evolved for a long time to have such abilities, and the reason why we didn’t find out before is because they are still in a long evolutionary period, and during this time, they are likely to be in a deep sleep.”

“As for us, it is likely to be in a hidden state, what we need is probably an opportunity to evolve into these two people in the video, of course, the biggest possibility is that many of us cannot evolve, but they will not become zombies either!”

Liu Jingyu’s words were the first to say, and everyone present nodded when they heard it, and even Liu Yuanbin felt that it was very reasonable.

In fact, this is Liu Jingyu’s idle during this time, looking through a bunch of zombie novels, and summing up the conclusion, there is no factual basis at all, but a group of people are fooled.

On the right-hand side, Liu Tongyu, who also has the rank of lieutenant general, glanced at this competitive big brother and proposed: “Dad, according to my investigation, the initiator of the video is our Magic Capital people, the source of the beginning, these two people must be somewhere in the Magic Capital, I propose that we should march to the Magic City.” ”

“No matter what the cost, we must leave this person on our side, and if he does not cooperate at that time, we will do it ourselves and obtain the secret of evolution!”

“But… Will there be any bad consequences for this? Compared with the ambition of the two brothers, Liu Wanying, this little sister is a little worried, in her opinion, the other party can fly, and carries so many things, which is obviously very strong.

In the case of not knowing the strength of the other party, rashly using strength is likely to bring serious consequences!

The art of war has clouds, knowing oneself and knowing that the other party is victorious in a hundred battles, if this provokes the other party, the consequences are likely to be unimaginable.

“Big niece, you are too forward-looking, and your heart is too soft, as a general, this is not a good thing.”

“Yes, niece, listen to your uncle, let go of your kindness, for the general, beware of firmness, cold and decisive, not indecisive.”

Several of Liu Yuanbin’s old guys opened their mouths one after another, Liu Wanying opened Zhang Xiao, and before he could say anything, his second brother Liu Tongyu interrupted him impatiently.

“Little sister, what are you worried about? No matter how strong the other party is, what can they do? Can it carry our missile artillery? If he dares to disobey, his brother will make him a dead man! ”

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