Chapter 265: Something is wrong with you! Something is wrong with you woman!

The Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, became history, and the terrifying explosion swept around for tens of kilometers, everything turned into dust and ruins, and the aftermath of the explosion spread to the entire territory of the magic capital like an earthquake.

At the east gate of the city of judgment, as the sun tilted to the west, the female warriors who went out retreated to the inner city, even if there was no threat of zombie animals, it was dangerous at night, and not everyone could see night as day like Lin Fan.

Thinking of reaching this realm, at least to reach the condensation realm, that is, the attribute point exceeds 20 points, breaking through the first shackles, so as to strengthen part of the eyesight, so that at night without light, can barely see.

Here is reluctant, not to reach the condensation realm, the eyes are bright at night like a light bulb, and there is no difference between looking everywhere and during the day

When Lin Fan heard this, he also reached the realm of condensation, that is, the realm of the Qi Protective Body, so that he could normally see in the dark without relying on lights, but this level is not much in the City of Judgment, and now all the ‘first generations’ have reached this realm, even if it is Wang Ziwen and Liu Yuer, these are still a little short of reaching.

The higher the strength, the more difficult it is to get promoted, which is no joke, but it is precisely because the more difficult it is, the more obvious the gap will be.

Upstairs at the East City Gate, looking at Liu Wanying who retreated from the corpses, Lin Fan recovered from the state of salted fish, the sluggish situation had disappeared, and with the company of the three maids, Lin Fan’s mood quickly improved.

No way, it’s too intimate, the voice is good, the smile is sweet, the paper temperature is good, coupled with feeling the panic of these three maids, Lin Fan read what the three maids were thinking, and no longer took the previous things to heart.

If you don’t see it, you don’t see it, there are still three maids around you to tease, this will make Lin Fan know that these three maids are the maid candidates temporarily selected by Lin Youyou, since they have figured it out, Lin Fan no longer hides it.

The abbreviation is a showdown.

What to eat oranges accidentally eat, what accidentally moved and touched something, Lin Fan was still very happy in the afternoon, the three reserve maids were amused by him, and their hearts were full of joy.

It was getting dark, and looking at Liu Wanying’s majestic and arrogant appearance when she retreated, like a proud little hen, Lin Fan knew what she wanted to do, it was nothing more than to show him and prove that her general did not become a general by connections.

Lin Fan is not unable to play, people perform well, they really need to be praised, if this measurement is not available, then how can it work.

Shen lazily waist, stretched his muscles, and the maid who had just been feeding came up with a small face, took a white handkerchief and carefully wiped it next to Lin Fanxiang, wiping off some fruit juice and the like.

Now Lin Fan is used to being served, and when he starts to do it, he will feel that something is wrong, and he doesn’t even know what this maid wants to do, maybe he has to hide, and now he won’t even move.

Sure enough, people’s adaptability is still very strong, especially to the salted fish, and the speed is ridiculously fast.

Turned around and walked down the city wall, at the city gate, Liu Wanying raised her head, proud no, followed by some overjoyed, excited female warriors.

These female warriors obviously got great benefits and tasted the sweetness, and even the gaze that looked at Lin Fan changed a lot, which made Lin Fan secretly shake his head, and his heart was quite disdainful.

Scold! This is a woman, and if you have milk, you are a mother!

Shallow! It’s so superficial!

With a slander in his heart, Lin Fan walked towards the many female soldiers and Liu Wanying step by step.

Standing one meter away from Lin Fan, Liu Wanying looked at Lin Fan with indescribable excitement and expectation in her heart.

The improvement this afternoon is too great! Liu Wanying simply can’t imagine, with the Tang knife in her hand, she is like a tiger into the flock, killing indiscriminately, her strength is soaring upward, this afternoon, open to kill, she alone killed hundreds of zombies, and she doesn’t feel tired until now.

This feeling of quickly improving strength, like drugs, is addictive! Even with it, the impression of Lin Fan in her heart is changing rapidly, why is she not clear, anyway, it is to see that Lin Fan does not feel so afraid and disgusted before, and even thinks, it seems to be good?

This feeling is very strange, but Liu Wanying doesn’t care much, she wants to ask Lin Fan now, whether she has real skills!

Lin Fan’s previous disparage made her very unhappy in her heart, very unhappy, very unconvinced! So this afternoon, she worked extra hard, of course, part of the reason is because this Tang Dao is really improving her strength rapidly!

She grew up in the military region since she was a child, worshiped the strong, and cared more about her personal strength, otherwise, she would not have been single for so long and became an old leftover woman in her thirties.

None of the major generals in the military district who wanted to pursue her were not beaten by her and ran around the ground, and as a result, the major generals who pursued her were married, and the children would be called aunts, and she was still a …..


Looking at the expectant look on Liu Wanying’s face, Lin Fan felt that this woman was quite interesting, how old was it, and she was as naïve as a child?

“What is your sword trick in the afternoon? It looks powerful, and it is very lethal, it should be a relatively famous knife technique, right? ”

Hearing Lin Fan ask about this, Liu Wanying instantly became interested, “Count…. Lord, you really have vision, I really use a set of sword techniques, you must have heard of it, anti-Japanese hero Qi Jiguang, right? I use the Xin You knife technique that he created, I started learning the knife technique at the age of seven, and I have been doing it for more than twenty years now, this set of knife techniques is one of mine…”

Listening to Liu Wanying gushing about her experience when she was a child, Lin Fandu was so confused, I asked you, how are you like opening a chatterbox? Are you a talker?

Of course, Liu Wanying is not talking, but she just wants to say that she wants Lin Fan to know that she is not a major general who relies on relationships, and she is a major general who does not have the slightest moisture!

Liu Wanying can say so, not only Lin Fan is stupid, but the female soldiers behind Liu Wanying are also stunned.

Something is wrong with you! You’ve never said that before, you’re wrong!

The female soldiers’ eyes began to change when they looked at Liu Wanying.

Seeing that Liu Wanying was not finished talking, Lin Fan raised his hand to stop Liu Wanying’s endless momentum, and seeing Lin Fan’s gesture, Liu Wanying stopped a little hesitantly.

“I do know the Xin You sword technique, but it is limited to knowing, probably staying at the stage of resisting the heroes, I don’t want to learn this knife technique, but I want to try it, although I am not a good person, but the crimes committed by the Yan Kingdom decades ago, which is now the Neon Empire, I still want to get it back.”

Hearing Lin Fan say this, Liu Wanying’s eyes immediately lit up, playing neon? She is very interested in this!

“When are you going to go?” I grew up listening to my dad tell him stories when he was a child, the neon empire is so hateful, if it weren’t for the peacetime before the end of the world, I would like to lead troops to fight over, shell the neon, nuclear level! Lu Shen! ”

Lin Fan: …

Co-authored you are still an angry youth …. But think about it, born in a military family, hatred of the Neon Empire seems to be very normal, as far as the soldiers in the army generally hate the Neon Empire, this hatred has nothing to do with the teachers of some educational careers, mainly for those men.

Looking at Liu Wanying’s angry appearance, Lin Fan felt that if she went to the Neon Empire in the future, Liu Wanying could be a pioneer, that guarantee to kill, bang li click, absolutely not the slightest softness, definitely not a man left.

“You pay attention, this forgets the rules again, as for when I go, it depends on the progress of this side of the country, if the progress is fast, it is not impossible to go to the Neon Empire in advance, if you perform well, I can’t let you be a pioneer, if you are disobedient, follow me every day, then you will honestly stay in the country.”

Meaningfully looked at Liu Wanying, Liu Wanying froze, weighed it, she felt that it was better to be obedient, anyway, she was controlled by Lin Fan, and she would not suffer a loss if she was obedient, anyway, she is now a broken tile, how can it be a loss.

“I’ve always been obedient!”

Are you serious? Looking at Liu Wanying’s solemn look, Lin Fan sent her to see what she was like before.

“This needs time to prove, this afternoon’s performance is very good, beyond my imagination, in addition to the brain is not very good, your major general is indeed well deserved, okay, it’s not early, it’s time to go back, you lack something to go to the logistics side to lead, just say what I said.”

Finally hearing Lin Fan’s praise, Liu Wanying was indescribably happy in her heart, but what did this latter mean? What is a bad brain? Say she’s mentally retarded?

I wanted to fight, but remembering the guarantee just now, Liu Wanying had to hold the words back in her stomach.


Seeing that Liu Wanying endured, Lin Fan smacked, it’s not interesting, this child has also learned to judge the time and size up the situation, it’s really not interesting, go home to eat.

Lin Fan was just about to turn around, there was a slight vibration on the ground, the surrounding buildings were shaking, Lin Fan moved, feeling the sudden high-energy reaction from the northeast, Lin Fan’s eyes froze slightly, and his thoughts instantly looked towards the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital.

Looking at the Liu family, the warlord of the Demon Capital that had been completely razed and turned into ruins, Lin Fan was silent.

He miscalculated, and the nuclear bombs were dropped by him into outer space, but he didn’t think that the old guy was so rigid that he actually destroyed the entire military region, this explosion is comparable to a nuclear weapon, the difference is that there is no nuclear pollution.

And the destruction of the morning field also directly wiped out everything within a radius of tens of kilometers, tens of thousands of zombies were burned, and even if the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, was destroyed, it was so magnificent.

Retracting his thoughts, Lin Fan sighed slightly.

Feeling the vibration under her feet, Liu Wanying didn’t know why, and suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart, and a faint sadness, this feeling came very suddenly and inexplicably, making her a little confused.

“What’s wrong with this? Earthquakes? The crust of the magic capital is so stable, and it has done special protection, it should not be an earthquake, it’s strange…”

Looking at Liu Wanying with pity, Lin Fan felt that it was still necessary to tell her the truth, long pain is not as good as short pain, and early knowledge can become stronger.

“The earthquake just now was because…. The Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, was gone and exploded. ”

PS: I woke up without fever, I was still high, I didn’t say anything, I slept at home with infusion in the afternoon, and I spent the night codeword at night, and the update will definitely not be less.

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