Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 201 The Prophet Civilization takes action!

In Qianzhuang Town, smoke billows.

After the war, the place was in shambles.

Lin Qun stood tall.

In front of him, Xu Jiaguo had summoned everyone.

Gather here.

And he himself had arrived in front of Lin Qun.

Somewhat frightened.

Because he knew that the man standing in front of him who looked younger than him was the supreme master who just went forward and killed the insect swarm.

Before coming to see Lin Qun, Xu Jiaguo made some inquiries and found out that this person had contributed more than 10,000 points!

Contribute more than 10,000 points!

Currently, there are no more than 20 people who have contributed more than 10,000 points on the human ranking list. Xu Jiaguo is just a small mountain king in an ordinary survivor base. He never dreamed of meeting people of this level.

Killing 10,000 alien civilization creatures was a feat that he could not even imagine.

And knowing this, he finally understood why the person in front of him was so powerful.

When Xu Jiaguo came over, Lin Qun was still counting his trophies.

Among the insect swarms, the experience of a war insect is about one hundred and one.

Their experience is surprisingly even, probably because each warbug is considered a semi-production model.

In this battle, the number of insect swarms exceeded 5,000. Lin Qun directly killed more than a thousand war insects, but he did not gain many contribution points and did not have much experience. From this battle, he I probably only got a little over a hundred contribution points.

This is because among these five thousand war insects, there are a large number of cloned war insects and artificial war insects.

This is the unique feature of insect swarm civilization.

And their insect sea can only be quickly realized in this way. Among the large-scale insect swarm legions, most are cloned war insects with no contribution points and experience points, and only a few are actually judged as insects. A group of contestants of civilized life.

Of course, according to the analysis of military experts, if it were not for participating in the war of civilization, there might not even be these war bugs.

Because judging from the structure of the insect swarm, cloned war bugs are the best choice. The resources they need to create those contestant war bugs that meet the qualifications of global battlefield participants, one is enough to create several cloned war bugs.

But since participating in the civilized war, who doesn’t come here to harvest contribution points?

The insect swarm civilization must also create combat insects that can harvest contribution points, otherwise it will lose its meaning.

With these more than 100 contribution points, Lin Qun's total contribution points have exceeded 500. He can draw cards from the third-level card pool once, but he is in no hurry to use it.

He plans to keep these contribution points for a while.

Might be of great use.

He had a plan in mind.

It is said that the insect swarm nest above Zhenze Lake is protected by layers of protection and has extremely strong defenses, including countless top-notch war insect protections...

Although he has not yet reached the Zhenze swarm's nest, he must start thinking about how to deal with it now.

for example……

His eyes moved and looked at the Sword of Victory in his hand.

His eyes flickered.

Apart from anything else, this weapon is still very powerful. Those war bugs are all covered in alloy carapace. If Lin Qun used the original fire pattern sword to chop, even with the dual blessing of unparalleled aura and sword control, the fire pattern would The sword would probably be chopped into pieces, but just now, Lin Qun was using this sword to move forward in an unstoppable way across the battlefield.

The headshot female skill is combined with the close combat. The powerful strength coupled with the sharpness of the Sword of Victory can be used to rush everything. The war insects along the way are either killed by Lin Qun's headshot on the spot, or they are directly hit from the head by Lin Qun's sword. The tail was split open.

Cut iron like clay.

The carapace of the insect swarm, which is difficult to break through with conventional rifle and pistol ammunition, is as fragile as paper in front of this sword, being easily torn and penetrated.

These were also the details of the overwhelming scene of Lin Qun that Xu Jiaguo saw in the distance at that time.

But now, Xu Jiaguo is here, and Lin Qun also withdraws his attention and looks at each other.

He didn't know Xu Jiaguo, so he said straight to the point: "I am a survivor of the Demon City-Lucheng line, Lin Qun, as you can see, I am the leader of this team.

"Right now, Lucheng and Jinling have become the targets of the insect swarm, and there are other civilizations like wolves around them. If we want to survive, the only way to survive is to fight. Our goal is to defeat the insect swarm head-on - listen carefully, yes A real insect swarm army, tens of millions of insect swarms are the main force, and then overturn the insect swarm nest.

“So, we need strength, and I am here to reinforce you, not only for rescue and assistance, but also to call on you to join us.

"You can stand firm in such a world on your own. You have luck and strength. You are all warriors for self-growth.

"We need your strength.

“I hope your vitality can be integrated into our legion.

"Come with us to the next battlefield and connect all the survivors in the entire first-line area of ​​Lucheng and Jinling City to form a legion.

"Then merge into the central battlefield and fight together with the Jinling and Lucheng armies.

"Of course, you can refuse, this is not forced.

"But what I want to say is...

"You can look at Qianzhuang Town now. If Jinling and Lucheng are defeated, no one will be able to stop them for you. You will face these swarms on your own."

Lin Qun spoke quickly.

Now that the sun was advancing toward noon, their speed should increase.

Xu Jiaguo was originally thinking about how to talk to such a top powerhouse in front of him, but he didn't expect that Lin Qun didn't give him a chance to speak at all. He just said so much and put the choice in front of him.

Xu Jiaguo's eyes flickered.

If it were before, he would definitely believe that if the sky fell, there would be someone tall to hold it up. What about the main force of the Zerg? It was scary to hear that they had to run quickly.

But now...

He didn't think so.

What if the tall one died?

Then the short ones would die no matter where they hid.

Xu Jiaguo gritted his teeth and said without hesitation: "Sir, I listen to you. You come to save me, it's the same reason, right? In this case, I and my people are willing to contribute a little, but you can see that our strength is not as strong as yours, we can only do our best."

Xu Jiaguo's eyes flickered. He learned a lot from this battle and was determined to fight.

Lin Qun nodded and said: "Don't worry, follow us.

"What we need is manpower. ”

No matter how powerful one person is, he will be trapped in a huge army and be killed alive. But if this person also has a huge army behind him, even if the quality is not as good as the opponent, it will be a different ending.

This time, Lin Qun does not need to use superhuman power.

His civilization is his "superhuman power".

Lin Qun and his team did not delay here for too long.

Outside, the main force of Lucheng has already begun to gather and move towards the insect swarm. The war is imminent. Lin Qun and his team must complete their tasks as soon as possible, starting from Qianzhuang Town and rushing to the next battlefield at high speed.

Xu Jiaguo and others followed Lin Qun's convoy, and those who had no combat effectiveness in their survivor base were all escorted by a small number of soldiers to the Lucheng survivor base.

With the addition of Xu Jiaguo and others, Lin Qun's The team expanded from less than a thousand people to nearly three thousand people.

The next destination.

Lianghe Survivor Base.

There are 1,300 survivors here, more than half of them are warriors, and there is an eleventh-level master.

Lin Qun's team expanded for the second time.

Then, the third survivor base...

The fourth survivor base...

These survivor bases are scattered in the surrounding areas.

They are large and small, almost all of them are less than 10,000 people.

Lin Qun's team is getting bigger and bigger.

In this process, they not only encountered the interception of the insect swarm, but also encountered some creatures from other civilizations, such as the terrifying giant snake civilization creature whose head and mouth can split like petals and grow dense teeth, and a group of tall and thin technological civilization creatures. They are all small and medium-sized civilizations, and some have good The strength is just that the main force is not here. They can occupy one side, but knowing that the insect army is coming, they are also retreating. When they encounter Lin Qun, a brief conflict breaks out, and they retreat quickly.

This is because the team behind Lin Qun is getting bigger and bigger, running around the battlefields in several regions, which cannot be underestimated. On the other hand, it is also because the combat power shown by Lin Qun is shocking.

When encountering the giant snake civilization creatures, Lin Qun took the lead and killed them directly, transformed into a beast giant, and created two giant snakes on the spot!

Those giant snake civilization creatures are already seven or eight meters long. When they are transformed into unstained, they are more than thirty meters high. They swept across one side and killed the giant snake civilization creatures in a panic, and fled in embarrassment!

Facing the thin high-tech civilization creatures, Lin Qun directly launched an unspeakable The call of the horrible monsters and other creatures that make people's SAN value drop madly mutated into groups of thin and tall deep divers and other creatures that make people's SAN value drop madly, and they directly charged into the battle formation with the human army, military vehicles and war horses. Those thin and tall civilizations had long been frightened by the terrible and indescribable mutation ability displayed by Lin Qun, and they had no strength to fight. They were defeated and fled in panic!

The coalition forces of various survivors' bases who followed Lin Qun looked at Lin Qun and his people who took the lead and were invincible. Everyone was excited and extremely excited.

Although they stood on one side, they had always been hiding from these alien civilization creatures. They might have the strength to fight against these scattered soldiers of alien civilization creatures, but if they really confronted them head-on, it would be impossible. But today, they followed Lin Qun and were invincible. These alien civilizations along the way were almost defeated.

Their confidence soared!

In fact, these civilizations such as the giant snake civilization, the thin high-tech civilization, and even the fire dragon civilization and the Taku civilization that Lin Qun and his team encountered before cannot be said to be weak. If they really gather in large armies, they will definitely have the strength to fight against humans. How can they be particularly weak when they can enter the civilization battlefield as contestants? Otherwise, they would not be able to obtain this qualification. The reason why they are now defeated by Lin Qun’s team is that their scale is not enough.

Lin Qun and his team have been blocked in the Magic City for more than 20 days. The situation outside has been almost determined. Which civilization occupies each area is a foregone conclusion. These small and medium-sized civilizations cannot compete with those powerful civilizations. They can only break up into pieces and disperse in various small places to harvest contribution points in small-scale operations. This small-scale alien civilization force is no match for Lin Qun and the large human team, so it is normal to be strangled.

Moreover, multiple scattered harvesting can also obtain the most contribution points. For example, the Bakatans are actually the same. They not only blockade the Magic City, but also deploy troops in their own blockade area. They have their personnel in various parts of the Blue Star, harvesting contribution points from all directions.

Defeating other participating civilizations is one thing, and harvesting contribution points is another.

For the vast majority of participating civilizations, harvesting contribution points is the most important thing. They don't even think about winning the final victory on the global battlefield.

If the main forces of these civilizations were here, they would even be able to compete with humans, insect swarms, shadow civilizations, and even prophet civilizations in the current multi-party battlefield.

In this round of battles, this motley army put together by Lin Qun gradually got used to each other and cooperated with each other.

The sky gradually darkened.

Lin Qun's team size was close to 10,000 people.

At this time, the surrounding small and medium-sized alien civilization creatures had basically fled. Under the bloody sunset glow, only the large forces of humans and insect swarms were intensively mobilized like a tide, and a war was almost ready to go.

Lin Qun and his team rested briefly at the foot of an unnamed mountain.

Contact with the main military forces on the front line.

Now, the macro situation has become clear.

The military's large forces are mainly divided into two groups.

One is from Jinling and the other is from Lucheng.

They are located in two directions of the insect swarm, and they are also advancing during the day, like two missiles breaking through the air, starting from two large human survivor base cities, pointing their swords at Zhenze.

The military's strategic goal does not need to be hidden, nor is it necessary to hide it.

And the effect of this time's desperate gamble is also showing.

The swarm of insects interspersed the battlefield from Zhenze, intending to start a two-front war, dividing Jinling City, Lucheng, and a large number of ordinary small and medium-sized survivor bases in between, dividing the humans in this area, defeating them one by one, and finally harvesting them all, all of which became their contribution points.

But now, with the emergency response of humans, taking the lead, their entire situation has not yet opened up, and the plan to defeat them one by one is far from being realized. Because of the actions of humans, they have become caught in a pincer attack from both sides.

Of course, from now on, the situation is still not optimistic.

Gu Pan was still in charge of communicating with Lin Qun, and said: "Mr. Lin, although we caught the Zerg off guard today, judging from the existing information, the size of the Zerg is still very large. Their main force may be more than twice the number of our two armies combined. Moreover, our Lucheng and Jinling City are 200 kilometers apart. Even if we fight in a remote place, we still cannot avoid the fact that the distance is too far.

"And our intention is very clear. They are also frantically gathering their main forces. At present, on our front battlefield, the number of their gathered and openly visible land and air combat insects has exceeded 100,000.

"The general command means that you should set off as soon as possible and arrive at the main decisive battle battlefield before 20:00.

"The war may break out at any time."

"I understand. "

Lin Qun took a deep breath.

The situation on the battlefield changed rapidly. From where he was, he could hear thunderous roars coming from the distant sky and the end of the earth.

That was the military firing at the Zerg.

This roar has lasted for nearly a whole day.

The entire surrounding area has long been turned into a battlefield.

And the decisive battle has not yet begun.

"And..." Gu Pan's voice paused slightly, and said, "The Prophet Civilization has taken action."

Hearing this, Lin Qun's heart sank slightly, and said: "Did they attack the Shadow Civilization? Or..."

"They attacked the Shadow Civilization. "Gu Pan quickly replied: "They lit up a small 'sun' over the Magic City. It is some kind of nuclear fusion weapon, but it should not reach the strength of a stellar weapon. Theoretically, there will be no civilization that can master stellar weapons in a battlefield of this level on the Blue Star battlefield... However, as you know, the gray-black fog itself affects observation. We found that they took action because of the violent energy reaction of this nuclear fusion weapon. We have no idea about the specific battle situation. Moreover, up to now, there has been no clear army of the Prophet Civilization. They seem to have only deployed weapons. "

The Prophet Civilization has already taken action.

As they said, they have to deal with the Shadow Civilization first.

This is strategically normal.

They want to land on the coastline of the Magic City. The Shadow Civilization is an unavoidable barrier. If they cross the Shadow Civilization and advance inland first, they will inevitably be attacked by the Shadow Civilization. After all, although the Shadow Civilization is not particularly powerful, they are still very special lives, and their scale is not small, which is a threat. For this reason, they must and can only take down the Shadow Civilization first.

Once the Shadow Civilization is resolved.

The next one is Lucheng.

Lin Qun said: "It seems that we must decide the outcome of the Zerg as soon as possible. ”

The current situation is extremely clear.

If the Prophet Civilization and the Shadow Civilization decide the winner first, then humanity will be attacked from both sides and fall into a desperate situation.

On the other hand, if humanity first wins an absolute victory in the war with the Zerg, then humanity can turn around and attack the Prophet Civilization, forming a pincer attack with the Shadow Civilization.

As Gu Pan said--

The Blue Star battlefield is a battlefield with a fixed level. The meaning of the war of civilizations is to let civilizations fight to the death. Therefore, the scale of a battlefield is limited, and the most powerful civilization will not exceed this limit. That is, it is impossible for a civilization to have the ability to sweep the entire planetary battlefield. Even if the Prophet Civilization is powerful, it is impossible to do so.

If a civilization that can fight all over the planet appears on a battlefield of a fixed level, it is by no means an advantage from the beginning, but a war advantage that is accumulated continuously in this war of civilizations.

For example, in the contribution point mall, if you have 2 billion contribution points, you can exchange them for a black hole weapon or other star-destroying weapons to destroy the entire battlefield planet and attack all civilizations that have no time to escape. Whoever wins can decide the outcome and harvest the contribution points from the entire planet, but the premise is that you must first gain the advantage of gaining two billion contribution points through snowballing.

This is like playing Lua Lu or King of Glory. The heroes chosen by everyone are different and their skills are also different, but they are all balanced. Everyone is at the first level. Who can have the advantage in the game of "Canyon" battlefield? Little by little it snowballs, and eventually you can have a real advantage and ultimately win the game.

Gu Pan responded: "Mr. Lin, I will continue to be responsible for the liaison between the commander-in-chief and you. Our latest action plan and route have been uploaded to your command vehicle, and Jinling City's elite team is also advancing rapidly. Please pay attention to troop mobilization "

Lin Qun said: "I understand."

The sky is getting dim.

The sky was blood red.

Behind Lin Qun was a continuous convoy. Among them were the thousand elites who followed him from the beginning, as well as a large number of warriors who later joined from various survivor bases. Now the scale has exceeded eight thousand, and it is a very powerful force. Huge power.

And after a whole day of bloody battles, although their team is very temporary, it also has certain combat capabilities.

If Lin Qun faced the Tatun troops of the Taku people at this time, with the strength of the current team, they could eat them in one go.

Of course, Tartun is not a fool. If Lin Qun wanted to lead so many people to fight it, it would have found out and run away, and there would be no chance of a fight.

After all, the movements of so many people are too loud. As long as you are not a fool, you will definitely find it early. If you find it, you must find it from a relatively safe distance, and you will definitely run away.

Therefore, if Lin Qun really led these eight thousand people to kill them, he might not be able to kill a single Taku man. On the contrary, he would have to kill them alone to achieve something silently and gain something.

However, now Lin Qun can't find the Taku people either.

As the war between the insects and humans was brewing, the Taku people took the opportunity to retreat. By this time, they had already disappeared without a trace.

This actually gave them a chance.

Lin Qun, who had been fighting in this day, was about to accumulate experience for level 25 upgrades.

And the total number of his contribution points has skyrocketed, exceeding one thousand points.

The insect swarm civilization is a mixture of cloned war bugs and contestant war bugs. Just fighting against the insect swarm civilization will kill many bugs, but you will not be able to get so many contribution points. A large part of the origin of these contribution points It was contributed by small and medium-sized civilizations such as the Giant Snake Civilization.

Lin Qun's current strength, with the cooperation of a large number of human troops, means that the small-scale foreign civilization army has no power to fight against him. He can directly defeat it head-on.

Although his basic attributes have not reached an exaggerated level, along the way, his super S-level talent has come into play little by little, and his actual combat power has long surpassed Baka Yun, who had left him helpless before!

However, Lin Qun has not used these one thousand contribution points for the time being.

He wants to keep it open to Wushuang.

One thousand contribution points, if exchanged for energy potions, can buy one thousand bottles, corresponding to a full two thousand points of dark energy.

Two thousand points of dark energy can maintain the unparalleled duration for one thousand minutes, which means that all his attributes can be improved by a full three hundred points!

The sum of dark energy attributes and energy can reach six hundred.

The Sword of Victory, wouldn't it be casually released?

Lin Qun glanced at the bloody sunset for the last time, turned around and gave the order: "End the rest, and the whole army will set off for the decisive battle battlefield!"

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