Peeps from the Taku people.

Neither humans nor the insect swarm noticed it. On the one hand, it was because the thing Taton used this time was really advanced. The reconnaissance equipment purchased from the contribution point mall was beyond the scope of what humans and the insect swarm civilization could detect; on the other hand, , because they are really too far away, too far to be discovered.

At this time, the battle on the Huangtang Town battlefield had entered the most stalemate state.

The military deployed a large number of troops and opened fire in full force. If you look from the direction of the insect swarm, at this moment, the front line of Huangtang Town - not only the urban area of ​​Huangtang Town, but also several other directions of Huangtang Town, is full of human fronts. There was continuous artillery fire, and the insect swarms came up one after another and were beaten down one after another.

If you run out of ammunition, you can redeem your contribution points on the spot.

The army of the insect swarm civilization is mixed with a large number of cloned war insects that cannot obtain contribution points and experience even if they are killed. However, there are still contestant war insects that can obtain contribution points, especially in large numbers, and military soldiers also receive After earning a lot of contribution points, you can directly exchange them for ammunition on the spot.

Conventional weapons and ammunition are low-end technologies for this level of battlefield, and they can be exchanged for a lot once you contribute points. Lin Qun had exchanged them earlier when he was in the magical city of Dragon City Emperor Scenery.

This is actually the core function of setting up a contribution point mall in a civilized battlefield, which is to allow the battle to continue, allowing both sides to kill each other, and the more deaths, the better.

And because of this, although the swarms of insects were ferocious and they came up in groups, they were also pushed back again and again.

Although the direction of Lucheng did not know much about the insect swarm, this was the first time to fight against the insect swarm, but the Jinling City survivor base had been having friction with the insect swarm more than ten days ago, but at that time the army of the insect swarm had not yet arrived. Just turn the gun on them completely.

But this gave Jinling City a certain understanding of the insect swarm's civilization system, war mode, and technical level. When passed to Lucheng, it meant that Lucheng understood the insect swarm civilization and could naturally think of the insect swarm's fighting style in advance. This is also the reason why humans took a stand in Huangtang Town in advance, to hold on to the front line. At this time, they gradually showed their power, repelling the insect swarms again and again, and insect corpses were everywhere.

Although the human side has also paid a lot of price, the current battlefield situation does not have a clear winner as Taton judged.

Even though it seems that humans are being suppressed by the insect swarm and constantly charging, the initiative is actually still in the hands of humans.

Now it is humans who take the initiative, turning passivity into initiative. Before the army arrives at the insect nest in Zhenze Lake, it is the insect swarm that is anxious, so they can defend Huangtang Town and wait for the insect swarm to attack. The swarm of insects really came to fight, and they were very crazy. They kept gathering troops and couldn't wait to kill the main human force. For this, a heavy price was paid.

Human beings seem to be passively defending, but in fact, this is a situation created by human beings on their own initiative.

Defense losses are always smaller than offense losses.

The human military wants to use this to consume a large number of the troops of the insect swarm civilization.

Of course, the front line of Huangtang Town is actually still some distance away from Zhenze Lake, even nearly a hundred kilometers, but modern war is not ancient war. In ancient war, face-to-face confrontation was a threat. In modern war, this distance is no longer No matter what, if the human army advances a certain distance, it will have the ability to directly threaten the Zhenze Lake insect nest.

Once the insect nest is destroyed, the layout of the insect swarm in Jinling and Magic City will fall apart. This is an outcome that the insect swarm civilization cannot accept.

Therefore, the insect swarm is naturally crazy, trying to break up the pincer attack formed by the humans in Jinling City and Lucheng on their insect nest in the shortest possible time, and then protect the insect nest.

But Taton's judgment is not groundless.

Because the number and scale of the insect swarm still exceeded the imagination of Lucheng and Jinling.

They don't know the specific strength of the insect swarm.

Although everything is still under plan, the insect swarm suffered heavy losses in the attack on the Huangtang Town line, but their number is too huge, and no obvious reduction has been seen until now. Intelligence shows that there are still a large number of combat insects. They kept coming from Zhenze Lake and merged into the battlefield in both directions.

Lucheng always pointed out the information.

Li Zheng reminded: "Old Fu, you must find a way to defeat the insect swarm, otherwise, if this continues, even if the plan is according to our plan, the Huangtang Town Front and your troops will eventually be overwhelmed by the insect sea tactics - —There are too many of them, far beyond our estimates!”

Fu Kaiyi also understood Li Zheng's reminder, but in his opinion, the more urgent threat and variable on the battlefield to the human front at this moment was the slowly advancing air force of the insect swarm!

After their first attack was defeated by the vacuum cloud bombs prepared for them by Fu Kaiyi, the air force of the insect swarm obviously changed their tactics. They instead cooperated with the ground forces to advance, the air force carried out long-range intensive bombardment, and cooperated with the three insect swarm living battleships. Bombardment of the military front in Huangtang Town.

They formed an iron barrel-like mobile front in the sky, advancing steadily, bringing great pressure to the human front.

The most important thing is that the weakest part of the human military in the Magic City is the air force.

At the beginning of the early landing of the Mordu Air Force on Bakatan, it suffered almost all losses in the air battle. The Air Force cannot be replenished simply by supplementing it. It is still its shortcoming. Along with the living battleships and frontline Fu Kaiyi's heavy firepower suffered heavy losses during the bombardment of the armored forces, and he could only rely on missile attacks from the direction of Lucheng to slow down their advance.

But the current situation is not optimistic——

Once this iron-barrel civilized air force of the insect swarm is crushed over, the human front in Huangtang Town is likely to collapse, and the initiative will once again be held by the insect swarm.

Before Lucheng Zongzhi could judge that they would be overwhelmed by the sea of ​​insects on the ground, they would die first from the air force of the insect swarm.

However, the military is not without predictions about this situation.

A few minutes ago, Fu Kaiyi had already connected with Lin Qun.

As the main force of humans and insects on the Huangtang Town Front exchanged fire, the people led by Lin Qun were quickly approaching.

They had set out nearly two hours ago and crossed the battlefield. They were intercepted by two groups of insect civilization ground troops, each with a size of nearly ten thousand. However, Lin Qun did not have any entanglement and led his men to attack like sharp knives. Pass through the two blocking troops of the insect swarms, kill them directly in the middle, lead the troops behind them, move forward at high speed, and rush to the battlefield!

The insect swarm behind him was scattered in pieces. He could have led the team to turn around and eat them all, but the Lin swarm did not do so. Without any pause, they moved towards Huangtang Town at full speed.

Lin Qun doesn't know much about military affairs, but he knows that there are many changes in the battle and he must not waste time.

The time for his arrival on the battlefield was agreed upon.

He will arrive at the battlefield accurately.

The people following him, from the military soldiers to the survivors recruited later, were all terrified. They had never thought that their battle with the alien civilization could be so fierce. The two interception lines were more than ten people in total. It was broken through within minutes, and the insect swarm was killed to pieces. This was not only due to the powerful combat power of Lin Qun, but also the full cooperation of the people behind them. They were shocked by Lin Qun's strength, and also surprised that they could actually do it. Make it this far.

During the bloody battle, they moved forward. Although they were a little tired, they were all excited. It seemed that following Mr. Lin in the charge, the alien civilization was no more than that!

They can also be penetrated head-on!

Lin Qun did it. He led his men, crossed sideways, and arrived at the battlefield of Huangtang Town in time. Before he could join the battle group, he got the news about Fu Kaiyi.

At this moment, Taton vowed that mankind and the forest group would be defeated.

"Mr. Lin, the plan has changed. Your mission is no longer to cut the battlefield, but to capture the swarm's air power first. Can you do it?"

Fu Kaiyi spoke quickly.

The battlefield was chaotic and communications were somewhat distorted, but his voice was still clear.

Lin Qun glanced at it. At this time, he and his men came out from the high ground and were attacking the sea of ​​​​insects from the flank.

This was their military's original plan.

The main force of Huangtang Town's military front and the main force of the insect swarm launched a battle. After a few rounds, Lin Qun led the snowballing sharp knife squad to attack from the flanks, completely dividing the insect swarm's front. Then, Huangtang Town's military cooperated with the counterattack , launch a full-scale attack from the front, cut the main force of the insect swarm vertically and horizontally, and completely defeat them outside the Huangtang Town front!

But now, apparently the situation has changed.

At first glance, Lin Qun saw the dark "clouds" and the three insect swarm living battleships flying and flashing in them.

He said without hesitation: "Let's solve it!"

There is no chance or time to hesitate. The main human force in Lucheng is here. This battle can only be won but not defeated.

If they lose, the humans in Lucheng will be defeated and lose their main force. The insect swarm will march straight in and take over Lucheng without the intervention of the prophet civilization. Even if Jinling still has fighting power, it will become an isolated island and be submerged in the competition between these two powerful civilizations. During the wave, the entire southeastern region of Huaxia Region fell!

No more humans.

According to the current known information, the situation in Lucheng and Jinling in the Huaxia Region is already good. Going south, west, and north, there are very few human voices. If this side is really defeated, the rest of Blue Star I don’t know about the region, but it is foreseeable that at least the Huaxia region will become an isolated island, a place where no human can stand!

What's more, this plan was Lin Qun's proactive plan from the beginning, and now, he has to protect it.

At that moment, the armored tank at the head of Lin Qun took the lead to turn, ran over the ground, and flew towards the black air force insect swarm.

On the chariot, Lin Qun's vehicle was facing the direction of the entire troop behind him. When he changed direction, the entire convoy behind him also suddenly changed direction, and various weapons fired wildly at the insect swarm.

Lin Qun's communication spread throughout the entire team.

"Our mission has changed. Before we cut the insect swarm front, we must first capture these three living battleships. Of course, you are not the air force. I don't need you to fight me in the sky, but I need you to cooperate with me and help me." I'll open the ground battlefield and let me kill you!"

Hearing Lin Qun's order, many people in the convoy behind were frightened.

Xu Jiaguo and other surviving soldiers were stunned.

They followed Lin Qun singing and advanced all the way. Just when they were about to rush into the sea of ​​insects, they did not stop and followed closely behind Lin Qun. They were confident and excited, but no one thought that Lin Qun was going to lead them. Let them attack the Air Force!

A bunch of Army soldiers going to attack the Air Force? Isn't this courting death?

They all saw the air force of the insect swarm in front of them. It was a dark mass, like a mountain stretching across the sky. Three living giant ships were guarding it. When they fired, the insect swarm spread out in a thin line, and when they didn't fire, they gathered them together. Surrounded and defended as precisely as computer control. The military's multiple strikes and missiles failed to sink even one of the three living giant ships inside!

Even Liu Rui and others were surprised and found it incredible!

Ground troops fighting air force? There are still so many air forces!

But after all, they were the ones who followed Lin Qun.

"Mr. Lin says we can, and we can. We are Mr. Lin's soldiers now. Wherever Mr. Lin goes, we will go!"

This is Liu Rui's response.

In the corner of the team, Jiang Qi looked forward: "If it weren't for Mr. Lin, I would have died under the Bakatan's telepathy heavy artillery in the battle in the northern part of the magic city. This is not only needed by mankind, but also needed by the battlefield, and both by Mr. Lin." , so what if the road ahead is a dead end? Follow Mr. Lin and charge!"

Behind Lin Qun’s motorcade, Nie Wensheng shouted excitedly: “Fuck the Insect Swarm Air Force!”

The same choice was made in every corner of Lin Qun's troops.

This team of 1,000 people, whether they were from the military or were survivor warriors, all came from the Demon City. They had witnessed the real bloody storms, and had witnessed Lin Qun's strength with their own eyes. Lin Qun created miracles one after another without much hesitation at this time. As one after another veteran strong men and officers from the Demon City spoke up, behind Lin Qun, the huge army began to turn.

Countless people shouted forward.

Even if Xu Jiaguo and others were a little frightened at this time, they had no choice. There were already swarms of insects in front of them, and there were still forest swarms to follow if they went forward. There was no way to retreat.

They were just shocked.

How could these people from the military be more crazy than the survivors, rushing directly into the sea of ​​​​insects?

But now it seems it's too late.

The insect swarm discovered them, and a large number of ground combat insects roared and killed them. Among the black clouds in the sky, countless aerial combat insects also separated, hundreds or even thousands, shooting wildly from the air to the ground, attacking them. Kill attack.

But at this moment, at the front of the motorcade, a figure suddenly floated out from the motorcade, stood in front of the motorcade, stood upright, and slashed out with a sword, looking down at the battlefield!

That was Lin Qun.

Before he flew to the battlefield and stood before the convoy, he roared in the chaotic battle formation: "Charge with me and kill all the aliens!"

Nie Wensheng was the first to roar.

"Charge with Mr. Lin!"

Immediately afterwards, the sound was passed on one after another, echoing throughout the motorcade, with everyone roaring and shouting.

This is how it is on the battlefield. It is completely different from single-player combat. On the battlefield, each person is just a unit and will be affected by the people around him and the rhythm of the entire war around him.

At this moment, they were a little uneasy just now, but they were dragged forward, and they were gradually led by others, and their blood gradually surged up, and they started shouting.

"Charge with Mr. Lin!"

"Charge with Mr. Lin!!"

"Ah - kill all the aliens! Kill all the aliens!!!"

This is the most simple and unpretentious slogan, but it resounds throughout the battlefield at this moment. This is not for the swarm of insects on the opposite side. It is the direction in the heart of every warrior, and it is the force that inspires them to move forward bravely!

Guns were flying.

Xu Jiaguo's car was blown over and flames rose. He stood up in the fire and looked around him, shocked and speechless.

Around him, military vehicles were advancing at high speed, and countless people followed Lin Qun to charge. The artillery fire was in the sky, and all kinds of talents were flying, colorful and deadly bright. Those without cars raised their weapons and followed the convoy forward. He had never seen such an indomitable momentum in movies or in real life!

At this moment, on the battlefield at this moment, it seems that there is no longer you and me, there is only charging and killing!

No one has a macroscopic vision. When the distance is shortened and the huge swarm of insects cannot be seen, the fear decreases. Only the enthusiasm of each other pushes everyone forward in the bloody battle.

In the firelight, blood and death, blood and shouts constitute a heart-stirring war scene.

And when he raised his head, he saw in the distance, Lin Qun's figure soared into the sky like a bolt of lightning, and was instantly submerged into the boundless swarm of aerial combat insects above his head. He was instantly submerged, but the next moment, the light flashed continuously, Countless huge aerial war bugs fell like rain.

Killed by Lin Qun with one force!

No insect can stop the forest!

This scene made countless people tremble.

That's the ultimate master from the Magic City!

That is the top human being with over 10,000 contribution points!

Hundreds of war insects were just a number in front of him, and they were killed in an instant!

At this moment, Xu Jiaguo and many other people also roared, holding the weapons in their hands tightly, walking in the blood and bathed in the firelight, and followed Mr. Lin to charge!

Since the global landing, all the blood and hatred have surged up at this moment.

Isn't it what all of them want to kill all the aliens?

It's just that they don't have the ability or the opportunity.

Until tonight...

They never dreamed that they could fight to such an extent on such a battlefield!

go ahead! go ahead!

Follow Lin Qun closely and kill all the aliens!

Wherever they hit, the terrifying sea of ​​insects was torn apart and penetrated. The steel torrent of war bugs in the front couldn't even stop them for a minute - their fleet tore through the insect swarm from the side like sharp knives and broke into the sea of ​​insects in one fell swoop. In the belly!

Wherever it passed, the insect swarms collapsed, and insect corpses were everywhere!

From the macro perspective of the battlefield, Lin Qun's troops at this moment are really like sharp knives inserted into the chest of a huge beast. Wherever they pass, the insect swarm's front line collapses and separates to both sides. The insects along the way , all were strangled.

And at the forefront of Lin Qun's troops, Lin Qun had already risen, as graceful as a startling giant, toward the killing sky.

It is impossible to have such fighting power only by passion.

This is still high enough for the quality of Lin Qun's department.

His team is full of masters above level 5, including some at level 7 or 8. All of them have very strong attack and killing abilities. One alone cannot show much. When they are gathered together, they use cutting-edge weapons and weapons provided by the military. The equipment is a formidable force. Real sharp knives, coupled with the assistance of the surviving soldiers from the Xu family, can make up for the lack of numbers, and the strength of Lin Qun's elite team can be fully unleashed. .

Although the number is small, they are all powerful and can kill through the sea of ​​insects in an instant!

Behind him, Fu Kaiyi looked at the picture sent back and was shocked and speechless. He looked around and said: "This is Lin Qun's combat power!"

In front of him and behind him, the people in the frontline command center opened their mouths, feeling their hearts beating loudly and not knowing what to say.

Lucheng always refers to.

Li Zheng pounded the table excitedly and said: "Okay, okay, Mr. Lin is worthy of his reputation. He has never let us down. In one day, he has formed such a fighting force. He immediately told Fu Kaiyi to prepare for a counterattack - Lin Qun and their talented people Although the elite team is powerful, the number is too small. The current charge is unstoppable, but the stamina is insufficient. It will not last long and will be blocked soon. These people are all our treasures and must not die like this.

"As long as Lin Qun captures three living battleships, he will immediately regain the initiative in the war, advance the pace of the war, and completely defeat the insect swarm!"

Li Zheng's message quickly spread to the battlefield.

But at this moment, at the front end of the battlefield, Lin Qun didn't have to think so much.

A big war consists of many units, and if everyone performs their duties, the war can be fought successfully.

Lin Qun's mission is to capture the living battleship.

Apart from this, he thought of nothing and prepared to think of nothing.

Move forward and kill the enemy, this is his only thought.

The Wushuang has been activated, with the Sword of Victory in hand and wearing the Iron Man suit, Lin Qun rises into the sky alone, and in the blink of an eye he has entered the chaotic formation of the insect swarm.

Fire talismans were flying around, the headshot female skills were firing continuously, and wherever the forest group passed by, airborne war bugs fell like raindrops.

He moved forward bravely and forcibly opened a passage through the swarm of fighting insects!

He can penetrate the passages that missiles cannot penetrate!

Since he was weak and lacked energy, Lin Qun poured in contribution points like crazy. The military also provided him with a batch of contribution points, which were completely enough! Use energy and dark energy at will!

Even one of these war bugs is a huge threat to ordinary humans, but this is not the case for the forest swarm. The mass production of war bugs by the insect swarm civilization can ensure their average level, but this also directly leads to the insect swarm. There is no master who can really stop Lin Qun.

No matter how powerful these war bugs are, their physiques are only one hundred, and Lin Qun's headshot skills can kill them all.

Lin Qun's contribution points were rising slowly, and the settlement information on the global battlefield was changing rapidly in front of him.

Contribution point +1...

Contribution point +1...

The only trouble is that these insect swarms are so dense that it is difficult for two fists to defeat four.

This is indeed the case. Lin Qun soared into the sky and directly charged into the swarm of aerial fighting insects. At first, it was unstoppable. However, as the headshot female skill was used, the energy dropped, the fire talisman was consumed, and no one could get it. In addition, Lin Qun's killing efficiency has dropped rapidly - in the past, there was room for buffering if he could take drugs while fighting, but now Lin Qun is surrounded by enemies and kills one to two war bugs every second. Where? Do you have time to take drugs?

But the insects reacted and surrounded Lin Qun on a far more terrifying scale than before, submerging him in layers of sea of ​​insects, seeming to grind him to death!

Attacks came from all directions.

From countless directions up, down, left, and right, attacks from swarms of insects roared in.

Lin Qun couldn't resist with his shield, and many blows directly hit his Mark 46. The Iron Man suit was damaged, multiple systems failed, and internal warnings were issued one after another.

The three living battleship targets have been overwhelmed by these insect swarms.

The road ahead for Lin Qun seemed to be an unshakable wall of insect swarms!

Flesh and blood, how to break through?

It seems that it can only be shot down by them and stop in front of these countless war insects.

But Lin Qun showed no fear. He was ready on the way here.

At this moment, an indescribable call was launched directly in the sea of ​​insects!

Isn't it a sea of ​​insects?

Your sea of ​​insects becomes my sea of ​​insects!

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