Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 212 You are the pathetic natives (Please subscribe!)

At this time, the electronic systems of the Lucheng Command Center and the Jinling City Command Center suddenly paralyzed.

They were invaded again.

A blurry picture appeared on every electronic device with a display screen in the command center.

The cold voice of the prophet civilization sounded here, with a certain sense of playfulness and ridicule in the indifference, cruel and cold, saying: "Haha, we gave you a chance, but you wanted to resist stubbornly. This is the end of fighting against us.

"You repelled the Bakatans, occupied Lucheng, and defeated the Zerg. Do you really think you can compete with us? You are really ridiculous and pathetic natives.

"You don't know what you are facing at all, and you don't know what you are in this war of civilizations.

"Death is coming, wait for the harvest in endless panic.


"Maybe you think you are the masters of this planet, but now, this place no longer belongs to you.

"This is the fate of your entire civilization. Your efforts will always be in vain."

This time, the Prophet Civilization did not broadcast to the entire human survivor base, but only used this mocking notice to resound throughout the command center.

There is absolute contempt in this.

The Prophet Civilization seems to be high above, looking down on the human natives under its feet!

No matter how they struggle, they can't escape from their palms!

The indigenous civilization can only be slaughtered!

And the picture has not disappeared, and it has not finished speaking, Li Zheng stood up from his position, grabbed the teacup and threw it out fiercely, smashing the entire screen in front.

His eyes were bloodshot, standing there, swaying, and unstable, as if the whole person suddenly aged a dozen years.

At the same time.

Zhenze Lake.

Lin Qun opened his eyes with difficulty.

The light pierced into the eyes, making people feel a little uncomfortable, and the eyes felt hot. Of course, that might not be because of the light at this moment.

He felt the drag of his body.

Someone was trying to pull him up from the ruins.

Lin Qun's head was in a daze, as if he had woken up suddenly after sleeping for three days and three nights. He didn't know where he was or where to go. He forgot what had just happened. The continuity of his brain and memory seemed to be cut off.

He only looked around instinctively, but one eye was bloodshot and half-blind. The other eye tried to open wide to observe the world in front of him.

The scene was shocking.

The ground cracked layer by layer, and huge cracks spread on the ground. There were gravel, soil, and some debris mixed with plants, organisms, and steel everywhere. One side of the field of vision was charred, but the shore of Zhenze Lake had been destroyed in the blow. Part of the lake water was evaporated by the high temperature, and a large amount of lake water was pushed out several kilometers away by the impact. At this time, it surged back and poured into the earth, moving along the huge cracks on the ground.

He was stunned for two seconds, and the memory gradually returned to his mind.

It was a blow.

It was a blow from afar.

High-power beam energy weapons destroyed the entire Zhenze Lake.

Who is it?

Is it the Prophet Civilization? Or other civilizations?

Lin Qun wanted to stand up, but he could no longer feel his body. He lowered his head and saw that most of his body had disappeared. His body was charred everywhere, and his skin was almost gone, but he surprisingly felt no pain.

He must look extremely terrifying now.

His heart skipped a beat, and he instinctively turned his head to look in the direction of Huang Qizheng and Li Jie.

They all disappeared.

Yes, yes, Huang Qizheng pushed me.

So I survived.

Lin Qun activated the Wushuang, and his physical fitness was over 100 at the end of the battle. In addition, he did not take the blow head-on, and the buffer of the broken Mark 46 armor prevented him from dying directly in the great destruction.

But everything around him was wiped out.

In this range, those who did not even have blood and could not withstand the blow were all torn apart in the magnificent flash of the beam energy ray.

At this time, he felt a jolt, and the person who was pulling him fell down.

Sitting in the gurgling water of Zhenze Lake.

Lin Qun tried to turn his head with difficulty.

But he could only turn his head and see Chu Youwei on one side.

His lips moved and he uttered a word with difficulty: "You..."

His voice was hoarse, like a piece of iron scraping. He finally felt a little pain, but it was very intense, so he only uttered this syllable.

She didn't have any obvious injuries, but she was a little dusty. Sitting there, her face was cold and contemptuous in the past. Her eyes reflected Lin Qun's broken body, and she showed deep despair: "Li Dongshan saved me, he was blown away by the blow - blown away..."

She repeated the word blown away.

Lin Qun probably imagined that it was not blown away by a gust of wind, but the whole person was "blown" to pieces.

Because it was not wind at all.

She sat in the muddy water, looked at Lin Qun and said: "We are finished."

She rarely showed such an expression.

Neither hiding nor running away, turning her head to look behind her, that was the direction Lin Qun could not see.

The world was dark.

With the strike point as the center, Zhenze Lake and its surroundings had turned into a hell, with corpses strewn across the field in the distance.

Those familiar people had disappeared.

Nie Wensheng, Liu Rui, Captain Chu, Xiao Yi...

All of them had fallen silent forever.

The earth was cracking.

The river water is backflowing.

This is a scene of world destruction.

They have completely lost contact with the rear command center, but in the current situation, even if they can contact, it seems meaningless.

Moreover, Chu Youwei can see clearly that Lin Qun is now injured and will definitely die.

He is just very strong and was not directly blown to death.

But Lin Qun is also looking at her.

He also knows that he is seriously injured now. In his current condition, he is definitely dead.

But this is not the end.

Things are not over.

Absolutely not.

The Qiankun bag is still there.

It is hidden deep in Mark 46. It is a magic weapon and has not been destroyed.

Therefore, Lin Qun moved his mind and the time belt appeared in his palm.

They still have a chance.

There is a chance to reverse the battlefield.

Reset time!

Reverse twenty seconds!


Twenty seconds is not enough...

Twenty seconds have definitely passed now...

Then, forty seconds, no, sixty seconds.

Go back to one minute ago!

Maybe, it will be in time!

In Lin Qun's mind, countless cards in his hand flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern.

A set of combo punches has emerged in his mind.

The time belt is a time tool with special effects. It comes from the super-time and space technology of the Red Alert world. It can change the time within a certain range and reset the time content associated with the user to 20 seconds ago. Such a powerful ability is also limited and can only be used once every three days.

That is a very long cooling time. Lin Qun has only used it once so far.

But it also has exceptions.

Consume a little energy value limit and you can start it once more.

Consume two points and you can get two extra start opportunities.

Add the basic one and reverse the time of 60 seconds, that is not impossible!

And Lin Qun's energy value is very high now, and there is energy recovery potion, these two points are nothing, almost no effect on him, deducting the two points of the upper limit, it is also bearable.

Reverse the situation...

You want to hit me...

Not beating me to death in one breath is your biggest miscalculation!

In the dim light, he held the time belt tightly in one hand and stretched out his other hand with difficulty. There were only two fingers left on his charred palm, but he put it on Chu Youwei's hand.

The woman lowered her head and looked at him in surprise.

One of the man's eyes was bloodshot, as if he had gone blind, but the other eye was shining brightly.

That was the light of hope.

He couldn't speak.

But it seemed to tell her in this way.

It's not over yet.

——I will reverse all this——

Chu Youwei's body trembled slightly.

And the next moment...

Time began to reverse.

At this moment, Chu Youwei disappeared.

Regional battlefield time reversed.

Sixty seconds.

It seemed like just a blink of an eye.

When Lin Qun opened his eyes again, he had just landed on the shore of Zhenze Lake. In the distance, the large military team had just started to operate, and the roar of the previous half a minute seemed to echo on the empty Zhenze Lake.

The battlefield was divided, and the swarm of insects retreated.

Li Jie drove closer to him.

Chu Youwei's figure was submerged in the crowd.

In the distant Lucheng and Jinling command centers, there was a joy of victory.

Nearby, Huang Qizheng was looking at Lin Qun with some curiosity. Lin Qun thought his eyes were strange before, but now he understood it a little. It felt like "the sky fell and there was a tall person to support it".

This idea was similar to when Lin Qun looked at Li Dongshan.

They all thought that if there was a tall person to support it, they could take advantage of it.

But Lin Qun did not speak or hesitate, but lowered his arm, and a card appeared in his palm.

That was...


Angel's hand mirror!

At this moment.

It seemed that except Lin Qun, no one knew what would happen in the next minute.


Prophet civilization.

At this moment, in the sky 80,000 meters away from Zhenze Lake, the warships of the Prophet civilization in optical invisibility were trembling slightly.

In the bridge, a cold voice suddenly said: "The prediction of 'prediction' has changed, open fire fifteen seconds in advance."

Another voice said in surprise: "This human has a four-dimensional device! He just reversed time... The prediction results show that he has something in his hand that can reverse twenty seconds of time."

The cold voice said grimly: "He can't do anything in twenty seconds, and since it has been predicted by us, it is meaningless. When he reverses it back, he will despairingly find that our attack has also been advanced!"

At this moment, the main gun of the Prophet Civilization warship is charging, the huge war machine roars, the main gun recalibrates the target, and then...

"No - he reversed more than twenty seconds! Our prediction is wrong!"

"Too late, fire! Fire--"

Accompanied by this exclamation, on the battlefield of Zhenze Lake that they monitored, Lin Qun's figure suddenly rose up, soared into the sky at high speed, and flew straight towards them!

The Mark 46's thrusters flashed. Although the armor was scarred and severely damaged, it was worthy of being Iron Man's suit. Its power system was still intact. Although it could not reach the maximum speed, it could help Lin Qun break through to three times the speed of sound. He rushed forward at high speed and accelerated. In a few seconds, he had passed through the surprised eyes of the crowd in the sky and rushed straight to the sky.

On the battlefield, Huang Qizheng, Li Jie, Chu Youwei and others were all at a loss, wondering why Mr. Lin suddenly wanted to fly away.

At the Lucheng Command Center, Li Zheng was even more surprised: "Lin Qun, what are you going to do?"

But Lin Qun did not answer.

He knew that he was too late!

He had to distance himself from Zhenze Lake first.

He still didn't know who fired the energy beam, but he knew one thing, the other party was afraid of him, and there was only one attack.

Since the time in Magic City, Lin Qun knew that the number of times the contestant civilization can use weapons of mass destruction is limited, and it needs to apply to the "organizer" in advance, which means that the opponent cannot easily use weapons of mass destruction multiple times in a short period of time.

And from the opponent's attack just now.

The opponent wants to destroy the entire Zhenze Lake area and also attack himself.

This shows that he is afraid of himself.

So, what if he and Zhenze Lake are separated?

Who should this shot be fired at?

Moreover, this beam of energy is not a physical attack. Although the angel's hand mirror is only an E-level equipment, maybe...

If it doesn't work, he can resist it with Superman's body.

At this moment, the Superman Transformation Card, which has only one transformation opportunity left, is tightly held in the palm of his other hand and can be activated at any time!

999 points of physical attributes, can you blow me to death?

The choice of the prophet civilization was soon revealed.

In fact, they were not troubled by the distance between Lin Qun and Zhenze Lake, because the distance that Lin Qun could pull away was not ideal at this time, and Lin Qun did not know enough about the output power of the main gun of the Prophet Civilization -

This weapon can completely destroy both Lin Qun and the Zhenze Lake area.

What really shocked the Prophet Civilization was that the actual time of Lin Qun's reversal exceeded their expectations.

But at this time, they had no choice. The warship slowly emerged from the optical invisibility, and the terrifying main gun fired instantly. Their position was also exposed at this moment, but it was too late for the human military. When they found out, the attack had already rushed into the sky.

It was almost just a few blinks of an eye before it came in front of Lin Qun.

The terrible attack penetrated Tianye.

Lin Qun looked at the direction, threw out the angel's hand mirror, and raised the vibranium shield in his other hand.

The Superman Transformation Card was tightly held in his palm.

This is his last trump card. He hasn't even seen the enemy yet. He only knows one direction. Now is not the time to use it. The last Superman transformation cannot be used to take a beating, but to kill people!

Can it be blocked?

Can it be blocked? !

Lin Qun's eyes were bloodshot. Everything that happened in the future just now was still vivid in his mind.

The blow pierced through the sky and hit the angel's hand mirror first.

Its power has exceeded the limit of this E-level equipment.

But it fully meets the triggering standard of the angel's hand mirror. At the moment before the angel's hand mirror was completely destroyed in the light, it played a role and deflected the blow by 9 degrees.

This nine-degree angle changed everything.

Because the speed of this blow was too fast, six seconds, 80,000 meters away, the distance it swept per second was more than 13,000 meters! A small angle will be a huge deviation!

This blow passed by Lin Qun, and the terrifying impact still tore his outer armor apart, burning the vibranium shield hot and red, and his body fell from the air to the ground like a cannonball.

The blow still kept moving forward, rushing into the distance, whizzing over the position where the insect swarm and the human legion were coupled. The closest place to the ground was less than fifty meters away. The ground along the way was illuminated brightly, and the weak humans even had blood in their eyes. But its speed was too fast. It passed over the heads of countless people and war insects in the blink of an eye, like a sword piercing the sky, passing over the shore of Zhenze Lake and the turbulent surface of Zhenze Lake. Finally, like a line of fire piercing the sky, it fell into the depths of Zhenze Lake and disappeared without a trace. Only that part of Zhenze Lake was illuminated.

The lake surface was sparkling as if there was a real moon hidden under the water, and it was beautiful.

On the battlefield, many people looked around in a daze, and for a while they didn't even know what happened!

At this moment, Lin Qun was still falling. He only felt his hands burning, but his eyes were fixed on the direction where the light shot through, shaking with excitement.

He succeeded!

The angel's hand mirror succeeded!

However, what shocked him greatly was that…

This time, the attack seemed to come earlier.

Was it because he had taken action…

Or was it because…

At this moment, a loud roar interrupted Lin Qun’s thoughts.

As he fell from a height, he saw a bright, grand fireball on the ground at the far end of his vision.

That was the final landing point of the attack, which was in the depths of Zhenze Lake, about 27 kilometers away from the human and insect swarms.

A few seconds later, a loud rumbling sound was heard.

The surface of Zhenze Lake shook violently.

The impact and earthquake will soon sweep across the entire Zhenze Lake and the surrounding areas.

The human legions have no time to enjoy the fruits of their victory.

Because in Zhenze Lake, "lake waves" surged down into the sky, the ground moved like an earthquake, and huge cracks opened. They were bottomless, like a giant mouth that preyed on people. Some even armored vehicles could fall directly. Get down!

The impact swept across, like a brush, and a large number of humans near the lakeshore were blown away, especially many light vehicles.

The military vehicle driven by Li Jie rolled like a toy.

Huang Qizheng tried his best to stand still, raised his head, and saw everyone and everything around him falling backwards. Human shouts rang out, and the lake water fell from the sky at high speed, hitting people's faces and rising. He stretched out his hand to catch a person who was flying away. The warrior, however, let himself lose his sense of proportion and was swept away.

The lake water poured back.

The battlefield was a mess.

The two military formations were all in disarray in an instant.

A large number of humans and war insects died.

But this is not the end of the Great Destruction.

Although the army was scattered and the scene was chaotic, at most 10% or 20% of the people died, and most of them were only injured.

Huang Qizheng is not dead.

Li Jie is not dead.

Lin Qun...

Nor died.

There was a loud bang.

Lin Qun fell steadily to the ground.

He pulled it with his hands, and the Mark 46 he was wearing fell like a cardboard shell and was completely scrapped.

But he was standing up straighter little by little.

Looking back at Zhenze Lake behind him, it was also a tragic scene, with countless humans and war insects struggling to get up.

But he succeeded!

He deflected this blow and reversed the outcome of the annihilation of the entire army. He also allowed himself to walk away from the gate of hell and finally came back!

At this moment, the Lucheng Command Center and the Jinling Command Center are being redeployed. The battlefield is in a mess. The military and the insect swarm have been severely affected by this round of attacks from the Prophet Civilization.

Li Zheng and others were all frightened and frightened.

"If this blow hits, our main forces in Lucheng and Jinling, even Mr. Lin and Huang Qizheng, will all die, and we will be completely finished..."

"But how did Mr. Lin know? He intercepted it in advance. Otherwise, with the speed of this strike, it would have been impossible to stop it without preparing for the interception in advance!"

Everyone looked at each other in shock!

But this is not the time to delve into these matters. The military is re-scheduling and constantly calling for troops at all levels on the battlefield to provide emergency assistance to the brother troops. At the same time, it is also summoning all effective forces.

The same is true for the insect swarm. They are in a very embarrassed state. Without the command of the insect nest, they have suffered this heavy blow. They are determined to implement the retreat plan. At this time, they are trying to fully retreat and no longer fight against humans. It's just this At that time, the military was also in a panic and had no power to stop the retreat of the insect swarm. It focused most of its manpower and material resources on rescuing its own personnel. At this moment, the two parties were at peace with each other.

In the corner of the battlefield, Chu Youwei boarded the military vehicle and looked at the scene under her feet, feeling that she had seen it before for no reason.

But she quickly raised her head and looked further away, which was the direction where Lin Qun fell in her memory.

He seemed to have known that this blow was coming.

At this time, Lin Qun was moving closer, and the communication device in his ears was buzzing. After a while, Gu Pan's voice sounded in his ears, slightly distorted: "Lin... Mr. Lin... the blow came from the prophet Civilization...its-their warships are heading towards your position...high-speed fighter planes have taken the lead and are expected to arrive at your current position in thirteen minutes...the coordinates are..."

Lin Qun raised his head and looked into the distance.

That's exactly what Gu Pan said, the direction of the prophet's civilized battleship, and that's also the direction where the attack just came.

He was a little surprised.

The power of the Prophet's civilization exceeded their expectations.

They fought on two fronts, fighting against the shadow civilization in the Demon City while secretly infiltrating Chencang and deploying their troops here in advance to wipe out the human legions and insect swarms. This was a really good plan.

But they miscalculated.

Lin Qun knew.

The real battle may have just begun.

His eyes drooped slightly.

At the rear, the human front was in chaos, and it was unclear whether they were still capable of fighting.

But he still has cards in his hand.

Because he was not hit this time and the unparalleled state is still there, Lin Qun's attributes have now all risen to a terrifying level.

[Name: Lin Qun]

[Level: 25 (147620/160000)]

【Power: 144.5】

[Agility: 117.2]

【Physique: 138.2】

【Energy: 12/144.3】

[Dark Energy: 2/165.1]

All attributes are over 100.

The combined energy and dark energy has already exceeded three hundred.

The physique is a terrifying attribute of 138.2. This basic attribute alone can kill people with a constitution of less than 276!

If it continues to increase, it will no longer be a problem to torture and kill people with a constitution of less than 300.

He is afraid that people will throw weapons of mass destruction directly, but he is not afraid of them coming.

If you dare to come, he will kill you!

Lin Qun clenched the Sword of Victory in his hand.

The murderous intent boiled in his heart.

You've finished your moves, it's my turn!

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