Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 216 Wherever the flag points! (Subscribe)

On the bridge of the 500-meter-class battleship of the Prophet Civilization.

In the dim bridge, a dreamlike light lit up on the operating platform, and the water-like operating interfaces suddenly rose up, forming a blurry shadow flowing like a waterfall.

In the shadowed corner of the bridge, figures of prophetic civilization stood up one after another. They looked blurry and terrifying between light and darkness.

At this time, a figure moved forward.

That was one of the two voices that had been exchanged before.

I am dead. It is the highest commander in this prophet civilization battleship.

But it still looked respectful when facing the shadow in front of it: "Lord Tianqi, the data of today's battle has been transmitted. The Bakatan people's intelligence is indeed biased. They have evil intentions and want to use our hands to get rid of their hated enemies. , but also wanted to use human hands to inflict heavy damage on us. But we have obtained more information. This human being is more like the 'child of destiny' of human civilization than the human being active in the northeastern region of China. I dare not bother. Lord Evolver, please take action and kill this person!”

Facing this "Lord Tianqi", its voice was no longer cold, on the contrary, it was respectful and slow.

Because Master Tianqi is the second strongest person they have landed on the Blue Star battlefield this time. One person is lower than ten thousand people, and his attributes are all over 900. He is the closest to the evolver of their civilization on the Blue Star battlefield. exist!

And with attributes like this, on the battlefield of a third-level civilization, he would be an invincible strong man!

After a moment, Lord Tianqi slowly spoke: "Very good, the information you brought has filled in some of the gaps we have about this human being. The highest authority has predicted the final result: I will take action and kill this human being." Daxing. The probability of this outcome is more than 70%. He will definitely die, there is no suspense anymore.

“I will leave as soon as possible.

"We have to speed up the pace. The Shengui civilization is about to break through the last line of defense in Kyoto, the Huaxia region. By then, they will fully move south. The 'evil' civilization has also taken control of the African region and is expanding. We must stand in the Huaxia region before that. Keep a firm foothold, otherwise we will be locked out of the mainland."

Hearing this, the commander on the bridge showed a solemn expression, backed away slowly, and said, "I understand."

Immediately, the Master Tianqi didn't speak again, and the water patterns that formed it twisted and gradually retracted.

In the dimly lit bridge, everyone sounded in uniform voices, respectful and pious.

"May the Prophet bless us and make us invincible—"

The huge prophet civilization battleship is hidden in the darkness and moves forward silently without anyone noticing.

same moment.

Zhenze Lake battlefield.

The battle here is nearing its end.

The prophet civilization temporarily retreated, leaving the battlefield in a mess. A large number of wounded people returned quickly. Some of the remaining people were rescuing various supplies and weapons, while the rest were attacking in all directions to chase down the insect swarms.

This is a valuable contribution point and no one wants to miss this opportunity.

In the past, humans were defeated by alien civilizations and harvested, but now it is the other way around. Even if it is not for the sake of contribution points, but for the sake of venting bad temper, many people are unwilling to let go of this opportunity.

Lin Qun was no exception. Not long after landing, he watched the prophet civilization retreat, received news from the general command, and confirmed that the threat seemed to be temporarily lifted, so he joined the large harvest team without stopping.

He was not with Huang Qizheng.

The top master in Jinling has also landed smoothly. It was the beautiful wind-controlling girl who caught it just now. He even greeted Lin Qun from a distance, but if he really wants to reap the contribution points, those two strong men can't do it. If we act together, we will have to fight.

Just a few contribution points, how to divide them?

But Lin Qun was also a little curious about Huang Qizheng's talent.

His talent seems ordinary, but it is very powerful.

What is that ability?

However, that is all a story for later.

At this moment, a military off-road vehicle drove up from behind at high speed. The young soldier driving the car looked at Lin Qun with a nervous expression: "Mr. Lin, I am Chen Cheng. Please get in the car. It was Commander Chu who asked me to pick you up. I am Chu." The leader has the best driving skills, I will take you to chase the insect swarm..."

Now that Lin Qun's Mark 46 is broken, he has to blow up the Dragon Ball aircraft by himself. He really needs such a car.

So he boarded the car and set off, moving forward quickly.

Huang Qizheng boarded the drone from another direction to Jinling City to pick up his drone, and went to chase the insect swarm in another direction. However, the girl with wind control ability did not follow him, but also went in another direction. .

To harvest contribution points, it is suitable for the weak to act together, but for the strong, the more powerful the masters are, the harder it is for them to act together.

At this moment, the sky was completely dark, and the moonlight was like a waterfall, casting a strange and peaceful silver color on this restless battlefield.

The little soldier Chen Cheng's driving skills were really good. He was driving forward at a high speed, passing many troops along the way.

Lin Qun looked through the window and saw the car lights flashing in the wilderness outside. The military team was like a pack of wolves hunting sheep, separated by a line, surrounded by a swarm of harvesting insects!

People are excited.

They first defeated the insect swarm and then repelled the prophet civilization. This was an unprecedented victory!

Lin Qun's name also resounded throughout the two survivor bases of Magic City and Jinling after this battle.

On this battlefield, everyone in the Jinling military knew about him.

No one dared to question his fighting prowess anymore.

It's just that there is still some debate about who killed the prophet civilized couple.

However, apart from dispatching, the General Directorate was extremely quiet at this time, and seemed to be still tracking the prophet civilization.

Although this battle was won, the situation has changed again.

In the car, before Lin Qun caught up with the swarm, Li Zheng personally connected the communication and said, "Mr. Lin, how are you? I will dispatch the troops of two armored battalions to help you drive away the swarm. When the time comes, you just need to focus on harvesting!"

In front, they were about to see the shadow of the swarm. Lin Qun began to prepare and said, "Have the warships of the Prophet Civilization really retreated? What plan does the military have?"

"To be honest, we can't find them. Their technology is hundreds of years ahead of us. If they want to hide, we can't find them at all. But we broke their attacks twice in a row. I think there is no possibility that they will not retreat. We are formulating a plan to counterattack the Prophet Civilization." Li Zheng did not hide anything from Lin Qun and told him the whole situation.

Lin Qun's eyes flashed when he heard this, and he said, "I have a plan."

Li Zheng listened, and his expression on the other side of the command center suddenly became a little strange, and said, "What plan?"

Lin Qun's combat power is known to everyone in the Magic City, and Li Zheng is also very familiar with Lin Qun's style of doing things.

He had a hunch that Lin Qun's plan must be crazy.

Lin Qun looked ahead, and in the distance, a large number of insects were running, raising clouds of dust on the ground. In his eyes, they were all fresh contribution points.

It's a pity that the ratio of contestant war insects and clone war insects in the insect swarm is about one to ten. Otherwise, with so many insects, I don't know how many contribution points and card drawing opportunities can be obtained.

At this time, Lin Qun observed and said: "Give me a group of people, I will fight back to the Magic City from here!"

Li Zheng took a breath of cold air when he heard it, and he almost went crazy: "Did I hear it right? Mr. Lin, you want to attack the battlefield of the Magic City from here?"

"That's right. It doesn't matter if we can't find the prophet civilization that launched weapons of mass destruction. Aren't they fighting with the shadow civilization on the coastline of the Magic City? I will go there to block them!" Lin Qun said, "But I need dark energy recovery potion support, the more the better."

Lin Qun's unparalleled has lasted for a long time, and now several attributes have reached a certain level. Now it's a loss to cancel it and not fight. Just rush thousands of miles back to the Magic City!

Waiting for others to come to the door is passive.

He went straight to the door!

He drove all the way invincible, and when he got through, Lin Qun guessed that his basic attributes could be at least two or three hundred points!

With the skills of the headshot girl, etc.

Who can't fight?

Although Lin Qun still didn't understand the means of the Prophet Civilization, it didn't matter. Lin Qun's normal attack was something they had to rely on their special moves to take on, so he just pushed forward.

Listening to Lin Qun's words, Li Zheng suppressed his surprise, calmed down and pondered for a moment, and said: "The Prophet Civilization's attack on us this time almost didn't achieve the goal, and their plan must have been messed up. Taking advantage of the pursuit now, we can also catch them off guard, plus the Shadow Civilization, but this matter still needs to be considered in the long run. I have to have a meeting with Jinling. Mr. Lin, you harvest the contribution points first, and we will do our best to assist you."

Soon, Li Zheng's connection ended, and Gu Pan became Lin Qun's support again.

At this time, Lin Qun had already rushed to the front of the battlefield!

The first group of humans who were chasing had already started a war with the scattered insect swarms around them, with explosions everywhere, lighting up the desolate world under the night sky.

In front of Lin Qun, the insect swarm was getting closer and closer.

The little soldier Chen Cheng in front was obviously nervous. He was a soldier who had experienced many battles, but he had never experienced the situation in front of him. They were a military vehicle, two people, chasing hundreds of alien civilization creatures.

This was unimaginable to him before.

But now, with Mr. Lin sitting in the back, everything became possible.

However, Lin Qun did not take action immediately. He sat in the car and added his points first.

After killing the Prophet Civilization Clan, his experience soared, and he went to a higher level, which was enough to upgrade. He had no time to upgrade in the battle just now, but now that he had to go to war, he upgraded quickly!

Add points directly to complete.

[Name: Lin Qun]

[Level: 26 (76750/180000)]

[Strength: 154.6]

[Agility: 127.3]

[Constitution: 148.3]

[Stamina: 92.4/154.4]

[Dark Energy: 17.2/175.2]

Running all the way, Lin Qun's Mario's careless constitution blessing has ended and restored to basic attributes, but his basic attributes are terrifying enough, all attributes are above 100, and strength is already 154!

And Lin Qun's current contribution points are still more than 1,700!

Although he also exchanged a large number of various recovery potions and has been consuming them, he can't resist the large number of contribution points he has obtained, and he has been in a high state!

At this time, Lin Qun was taking drugs quickly.

In front, the war was raging, and Gu Pan sent a message that the two armored units promised by Li Zheng were already approaching this side.

They are helping him gather the swarm of insects for harvesting.

At this moment, if you can look down from a high altitude, you can see that at this moment on the ground, the two armored forces of the military are like wolves driving sheep, surrounding a large number of insects, and behind, a lonely and inconspicuous military vehicle drove in quickly, and then, a bright light pierced the sky!

That is the flash of the Sword of Promised Victory!

With enough dark energy and energy, releasing this thing is no different from ordinary attacks for Lin Qun!

One shot, one harvest, net profit of more than 200 contribution points!

Lin Qun's total contribution points soared like a rocket, approaching 2,000...

Lin Qun kept on going, killing at a high speed, and his contribution points soon exceeded 2,000. The military also continuously sent dark energy recovery potions. Lin Qun was advancing triumphantly, and the flash of the curry stick flashed like crazy on the battlefield!

These war insects lost their command, and at this moment they only had the instinctive order to retreat. They fled on the battlefield, were chased and killed by humans, and were defeated and had almost no power to resist.

In the distance, Nie Wensheng and the bald man from Jinling stood together again without knowing when.

The bald man looked at the terrible flash of the curry stick that flashed and disappeared again in the distance, his expression was shocked, his eyes were straight: "I surrender, your Ye Ying is really a ruthless person, before in Zhenze Lake, he chopped the insect nest with a sword, I thought this was his long-hidden trick, but it turns out that he can use it casually!"

Nie Wensheng was complacent and smiled without saying a word.

But what was clearly written on his face was: See, I told you that our Magic City is the most powerful, right?

The same shock also appeared in the hearts of many people, because the light pollution effect of Lin Qun's random placement of curry sticks was too exaggerated, and it could be seen from a long distance, and it was hard not to notice it.

The Jinling Command Center was still discussing with Li Zheng the feasibility of turning from Zhenze Lake to attack the Magic City. Li Zheng was somewhat supportive, but the Jinling side was obviously skeptical.

An officer Chen from the Jinling side said: "This is not realistic at all. Our people have been fighting for so long. Not to mention our personnel losses and ammunition losses, most of these people are now at their limit. If we attack again, it is not to fight, but to die. Even if those strong men don't matter, how many strong men are there? We can't gather the living force at all. On a large-scale battlefield, it is useless to have only strong men. Without basic combat power, the strong men will also be killed by concentrated fire.

"We all see the strength of the prophet civilization. Unless Mr. Lin of your Magic City can release the attack to destroy the insect nest at will, otherwise it will be to die. I object! ”

As soon as this was said, many people agreed with it, and they all felt that this plan was too risky.

"Yes, Commander Chen is right, our top combat power is just this much..."

"We have gained an advantage now, and we should rest instead of blindly expanding the results, which may backfire!"

But the next moment, Li Zheng reminded: "Ahem, I think it is necessary to remind you that Mr. Lin's attack to destroy the insect nest that you mentioned, he really released it casually now."

The picture on the battlefield was transmitted back, and everyone in the video conference was silent as they watched the flashes one after another.

Commander Chen looked at the picture and was stunned, his mouth wide open, his jaw almost dropped: "This..."

Who would have thought that Lin Qun really released such a terrifying attack randomly?

At this moment, in another corner of the battlefield, Chu Youwei raised her head, looked at the flashing light at the end of her vision, and smiled faintly.

Around her, there were also a pile of insect corpses.

On the battlefield, people were rushing to kill, especially those talented people who already had some strength. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them. Yes, they will certainly seize the opportunity.

For many people, the opportunity to kill alien civilization creatures and harvest contribution points crazily is something they never dream of. Even in the entire Blue Star, there may not be many waves of humans who can do this.

Therefore, at this moment, on the contribution point ranking list in the Zhenze Lake area, the contribution points of a large number of humans are constantly changing. Lin Qun and Huang Qizheng are in the front, and their contribution points are increasing by dozens or hundreds, which makes the people behind them drool. The contribution points of the people behind them are also soaring, and the rankings are constantly changing!

Great harvest!

Everyone is gaining contribution points!

On the other side, Lin Qun has begun to chase the burrowing worms and kill them. .

Among those ordinary war bugs, there are a large number of cloned war bugs that do not provide experience and contribution points, but he found that those burrowing worms are not cloned, they are all contestant war bugs, each of which is a contribution point!

The ground soil is surging, and an incredible scene emerges on the battlefield. A group of burrowing worms are digging the ground and running wildly, raising smoke and dust, and they are madly running for their lives, and chasing them is actually a lone human military vehicle!

There is a figure standing on it, the wind is dancing wildly, and wherever the sword passes, a burrowing worm must be killed!

Lin Qun’s total contribution points have exceeded 2,500!

Experience is also growing wildly, and his contribution points on the leaderboard are The number is close to 20,000, and they are rapidly chasing Huang Qizheng in front.

Although Huang Qizheng is also very powerful, he does not have as many killing methods as Lin Qun. When killing the insect swarm, he is naturally not as efficient and rewarding as Lin Qun.

In a far distance, the Taku people have begun to retreat.

But Tatun is still unwilling. The reconnaissance plane he bought with a lot of contribution points has not left, but hovered in the air in optical invisibility. Watching the humans killing at this moment, especially Lin Qun crisscrossing the battlefield, the flashes of the sword of pledge of victory, his face was so pale that he couldn't bear it at all, and urged again and again: "The whole army retreats! The whole army retreats! Quick, let's run as far as we can, damn, this group of humans is too cruel! "

With the strength displayed by Lin Qun, with one strike of his sword, wouldn't he have cut down half of the Taku army?

Tatun never dreamed that this would be the result. Now he could only flee in panic, running as far as he could.

But he thought with Ah Q spirit that he was still lucky, at least they had not fought to the death with humans, and they had not been completely wiped out, right?

Look at the miserable state of the Zerg.

Tatun was a little dazed.

I don't know whether the Zerg are natives or humans are natives.

Why did the natives chase the contestants and kill them?

This was unheard of in Tatun's limited knowledge of the battlefield of civilization.

But it made it determined to escape.

It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. The farther away from humans, the better.

It and its civilization are not strong. They have never thought about winning the war of civilization. They just want to surrender after getting some contribution points. How can they bear to risk their lives here?

They will run as far as they can. The previous bad temper is gone now.

They can only be thankful.

This contribution point siege lasted for more than two hours, but a large number of Zerg still fled in a scattered manner.

One reason is that the human military is short of manpower to intercept, and the other is that because of the delay in the competition with the Prophet civilization, the Zerg retreated successfully in large numbers. When humans chased and killed them again, it was already one step too late.

At this time, the remaining human troops gathered outside Zhenze Lake.

The wounded had already started their return journey and would be sent back to Jinling and Modu for treatment, while the remaining troops would gather here.

A short rest.

Lin Qun was the focus of attention and the center of attention!

Lin Qun did not mean to show off, nor was he that kind of person. It was just that the military vehicle passed by, and he did not know if it was an illusion, but he seemed to feel a dark gaze in the crowd, looking at him coldly.

When he looked over, there was nothing.

He returned to his team all the way.

The whole Wushuang state was not closed.

At this moment, Lin Qun's team had regrouped, but the number of people had dropped sharply, from more than 8,000 to less than 3,000.

In the previous battle, they had been following Lin Qun to the front, and the losses were not small. When the main gun of the Prophet Civilization landed, they were relatively forward, and many people were injured or died. Now these people were also normal.

Looking at this scene, Lin Qun was also a little complicated.

His eyes swept across the crowd and saw Chu Youwei.

The woman stood in the corner, tall and bright, with battle stains on her body, reflecting her heroic appearance.

But she seemed to be injured, one leg was bleeding, and she had to rely on others to help her stand.

Lin Qun instinctively thought of her in the previous great destruction.

He wanted to say something, at this moment, the news from above came at this moment.

After discussion, the Jinling General Command and the Lucheng General Command decided to support Lin Qun's plan and send elite troops to attack the battlefield on the coastline of the Magic City!

Tooth for tooth, blood for blood to the prophet civilization!

Lin Qun listened to the news, took a deep breath, climbed directly to a high place, announced this information to everyone, and said: "Let's not talk nonsense, I know that everyone has fought for a long time, and people are tired, so this time everyone is willing to fight, and I only want strong people, those below level six are not allowed to fight, whoever wants to follow me to attack the Magic City, step out."

Lin Qun stood high, his eyes stern.

The crowd below looked at each other, and after a moment, Li Jie was the first to stand up.

Then came Nie Wensheng, Liu Rui, Zou Lianshan...

One after another, they stood up straight and strode out!

At this moment, it was not only here, but also in the military teams, whether it was the military of Jinling City or the military of Lucheng, they called for it everywhere, and officers such as Captain Chu stood up one after another, initiated mobilization, and formed troops. Some embarrassed soldiers looked at each other, and finally, they all held their heads high and strode out, without regrets, wanting to join the battle!

At this moment, the silver moon was hanging high, and the flames of the battlefield in the rear had not yet been completely extinguished.

The forest group standing on the high ground, and the soldiers who came out one after another below, under the reflection of the fire, in the strong wind, were like a flying flag.

Wherever the flag points.

The sword points to the Demon City!



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