Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 218: Revenge Demon Transformation Card!

The Mark 50 suit is a nano-equipment. Iron Man's suit in Women's Federation 4 is only a few versions different from the Mark 46, but its technology and capabilities far exceed the previous Mark 46. Its nanostructure can simulate a variety of The shape is suitable for a variety of battlefield forms. It is extremely concealed at ordinary times and can be worn with one click.

Moreover, this is a suit that can travel through the universe!

Of course, you can't travel for long in the universe. After all, without a continuous supply of oxygen, gods are useless.

With this suit, he can once again make up for Lin Qun's shortcomings in flying, allowing him to travel rapidly through the sky.

The air combat will not be as embarrassing as before.

Moreover, the performance of this armor itself far exceeds that of ordinary fighter jets!

At this time, the third card has also emerged.

I saw a terrifying figure drawn on this card, with flames burning all over its body, like an angry evil spirit of fire!

It's scary at first sight.

"This is……"

[Name: Revenge Demon Transformation Card]

[Type: Skill Card]

[Description: Using this card, you can obtain the ability of Chato Santana, the third generation revenge demon in the DC world, the revenge demon, and gain the ability of the revenge demon to release the fire of hell. 】

This is a transformation skill card!

Cards of the vengeful demons of the DC world.

Lin Qun didn't have a deep impression of this character. He only vaguely remembered that Chatto Santana seemed to be a third-generation demon and a member of the Suicide Squad. In the movie, he was covered in tattoos and looked very scary.

But this ability of his is a gift from the resentful spirit.

Therefore, the flames it emits are terrifying hellfire!

However, people with this ability can only use hellfire to deal with bad people. If they face good people, the ability of hellfire will be ineffective.

This seems to be because the evil spirits who provide the power of revenge demons will make judgments. They only want to punish evildoers, so they use their own ability to discern and judge, and they will not provide power when facing good people.

Despite this, his ability is definitely one of the most terrifying abilities!

At this time, Lin Qun's three rounds of card drawing had ended.

Three cards lay quietly in Lin Qun's hand. In his hand, Chen Cheng in front of him was invisible.

He was not in a hurry to exchange those two item cards, because they were things that could be exchanged and used at any time, and he would rush there whenever they appeared. However, Lin Qun immediately chose to use this revenge demon's transformation card.

There's no way he's manifesting the power of a vengeful demon in a car.

But he can first turn this card into a skill and see its specific parameters.

The card glowed faintly and disappeared, and a brand new skill appeared below Lin Qun's personal panel.

It is the revenge demon transformation skill.

[Skill Revenge Demonic Transformation Card (Skill Level: Level 1): Using this skill, you can activate a continuous energy-charging transformation state that lasts for five minutes, and you can optionally activate the final demonic state at the fourth minute. After the revenge demon transforms, its hellfire cannot be used on the good people of this civilization, but is effective on the villains, and is 100% effective on the lives of alien civilizations. This transformation state does not affect the release of other skills (except for abilities that conflict with Hellfire). Cooling time: 24 hours. 】

[Final Demonic Form: Entering this state, you will transform into a terrifying flame evil spirit that is 1.5 times your original height. You will gain the body of the evil spirit, be surrounded by flames, and gain 20 points of strength bonus, 20 points of physique bonus, and 20 points of dark energy. addition. 】

[Special Note: This is the power given to you by the Revenge Demon. When this skill is turned on, 10 points of energy will be deducted every minute, and the energy attribute must be maintained at a high level. Otherwise, you may lose consciousness or be controlled by the Revenge Demon. 】

Lin Qun looked at this description, his pupils shrank, and he was very hot.

This transformation is no exaggeration.

The normal transformation can only be done using hellfire, but once transformed into the final demon form...

The attribute blessing alone is very powerful. Strength, physique, and dark energy all increase by 20 points!

Moreover, unlike the Superman transformation, you can also use other skills when using the Revenge Demon transformation. In other words, these attribute bonuses can be used in conjunction with other abilities.

Such as combined with headshot female skills, Mario power, etc...

However, when Lin Qun thought of this, his heart moved...

What if it transforms into a super giant?

Wouldn’t that mean he would directly transform into a giant giant with vengeful flames?

If the super giant increases its height by one and a half times...

That is an extremely terrifying scene just to imagine, it can be called a giant version of Red Lotus Godzilla!

If it succeeds, it will be a devastating battle force.

The most powerful thing about this card is its final transformation into demonic form.

However, it also inherits some side effects from the original skills in the DC world.

For example, the power of the vengeful demon is essentially borrowed from evil spirits, and it can indeed be controlled and have an impact on the spirit.

After such a long time, Lin Qun has already realized that energy is not a simple attribute on the panel. It is a feedback of life status and mental state. Therefore, the side effects of the revenge demon's transformation are directly embodied on the panel for each person. Ten points of energy are deducted every minute. Once it falls below a certain value, Lin Qun is likely to be controlled by evil spirits!

In addition, it is a setting that only takes effect on evil people.

That's fine. It has almost no effect on Lin Qun, because this ability of his is mainly used to deal with alien creatures!

And this skill itself is also effective against all alien creatures.

Those alien civilizations are all damned people for humans!

The fire of hell, burn them all!

Lin Qun exhaled slowly.

As the card pool level increases, the cards he draws become more and more powerful.

Each card can bring a huge improvement!

These three cards are undoubtedly very important combat power improvements for Lin Qun.

Mark 50, directly master the power of Iron Man.

Vengeful Demon, Hellfire, burn everything!

Lin Qun thought of this and blinked.

He found that he now seemed to have both Marvel and DC in one hand, and had some abilities from the two big American comic universes.

Each is different, and they are all very powerful!

However, Lin Qun was a little eager to try, because he didn't know when he could draw the real Superman transformation card!

The Superman Transformation Card will probably be a card in the A-level or even S-level card pool.

Lin Qun believes that day will come sooner or later!

The team is still moving forward, and Lin Qun did not waste much time drawing cards. He sat in the back very quietly. Chen Cheng in front of him respected him very much and would not disturb him, so he concentrated on driving.

Seeing that there was still time, Lin Qun shifted his attention and prepared to use up the remaining contribution points.

He had a total of 2,700 contribution points.

He just drew a card and consumed 1,500 points, and now he still has a full 1,200 points.

Lin Qun's eyes slowly swept over his current skills.

At this moment, he was no longer the same as he was at the beginning.

At that time, his skill bar was empty, with only one skill, Headshot Girl, but now, his skill bar can't even fit one page...

Headshot Girl, Mario Jump, Mario Strength, Mario Carelessness, Revenge Demon Transformation, Unparalleled Skills, Dragon Elephant Prajna, Sword Control, Shining Fruit Ability, Armored Titan Transformation, Beast Titan Transformation, Super Titan Transformation...

Others only have one talent.

But each of Lin Qun's skills can be called a talent!

It's just that with so many skills, Lin Qun is a little confused at this time.

Which one should I upgrade?

There are too many skills, and I can't upgrade them all.

Those that are used less are obviously not the direction that Lin Qun considers upgrading.

Moreover, although these 1,200 contribution points are many, they can't be used up just like that. The war is imminent, and Lin Qun's current skills are very consuming. Although the military can provide various recovery potions, the battlefield changes rapidly, and there will always be times when they can't be taken care of. Lin Qun still has to keep the contribution points for himself to be prepared.

With the help of the military, Lin Qun has actually saved a lot of contribution points.

Otherwise, in a big battle, the contribution of harvesting is high and the consumption is also great, especially the release of the curry stick, which requires 300 dark energy each time. It would be good if he could save 2,000 contribution points.

Therefore, after thinking for a long time, Lin Qun made a decision to upgrade only one skill, that is, the headshot girl ability!

The last time he upgraded, Lin Qun's headshot girl ability had already reached level 4.

From level 3 to level 4, it cost a full 400 contribution points.

And from level 4 to level 5, it is even more exaggerated, requiring a full 800 contribution points.

Upgrading this skill, Lin Qun only has 400 left out of the 1,200.


This skill has been upgraded to this point, and Lin Qun is still ready to upgrade.

Although the headshot girl skill is Lin Qun's first round of card drawing talent, the basic ability is not particularly strong and has a shortcoming in distance, but its growth is very terrifying. The higher the basic physical attribute, the more terrifying the benefits of this skill.

No matter how strong you are, even if your physique is twice as strong as mine, I will still give you a headshot!

Moreover, it only consumes two points of energy.

Such consumption and such benefits can be called a magical skill.

It is not very meaningful to those weak alien civilization creatures. Without group damage, it is naturally not as useful as Lin Qun's other skills, but it is the most useful for alien civilization strongmen.

Ordinary attacks can kill them. Is there any more powerful means than this?

And now, Lin Qun's physical attributes are getting higher and higher. It was just relying on this skill to kill the strong man of the prophet civilization, but it also exposed its shortcomings again, that is, the distance is still too short.

Therefore, Lin Qun decided to upgrade the headshot girl skill again!

Make this skill exquisite.

Eight hundred contribution points, directly deducted!

The skill was upgraded instantly.

The panel data changed again.


["Bang" (Skill Level: Level 5): Within a radius of 400 meters with itself as the center, look at the target, and use this skill to destroy any part of the carbon-based life body. ]

[This skill has reached level 5, derivative function: can carry out targeted blasting of objects with a volume of 35 cubic centimeters. ]

[The current upper limit of the target's physical fitness that can be directly blasted: 336 (when using this skill on an enemy with a physical fitness exceeding this value, the effect will decrease)]

[Note: This skill will provide you with a 5-point physical fitness bonus and an 8-point energy bonus. ]

Lin Qun narrowed his eyes.

At level 4, the killing radius of the Headshot Girl's skill is 200 meters centered on herself. Previously, the maximum increase after upgrading to level 1 was about 100 meters, but this time, the 800 contribution points upgraded to level 5 doubled it!

The radius of two hundred meters directly became four hundred meters!

Four hundred meters, this is more than enough.

Four hundred meters, just one look, whoever you stare at will die!

Moreover, with the increase of Lin Qun's physique, his visual ability has also continued to improve. He can also see clearly at a distance of four hundred meters, and there will be no situation where he bombs the wrong target because he can't see the target clearly.

Indeed, four hundred meters is a long distance for humans.

But this does not affect Lin Qun's use.

However, thinking of this, Lin Qun rubbed his chin backwards and pondered.

If this is upgraded further, the distance will be farther and farther, and he may really have to look at people through the sniper scope.

At that time, it will really be a thousand miles away. You will die if you look at you!

Killing invisibly, but the risk is extremely low.

As the distance increases, this skill becomes more and more terrifying!

The ability of Newman in the Black Robe Patrol is definitely not up to his current level and distance.

This distance is absolutely beyond Newman's reach.

Lin Qun realized that he could not only obtain these skills by drawing cards, but also with the improvement of skills and the mixed use of cards, the power and growth that could be displayed might even exceed the limits of the users of these abilities!

This is a real cheat. Which of the abilities of so many people is not a powerful golden finger? But now, all of them are gathered in one person, naturally there is an effect of one plus one greater than two!

Moreover, the derivative function under level 5 can already blast 35 cubic centimeters of things.

The physical bonus is one point more, and the energy is two points more.

And now, with the high bonus of Lin Qun's unparalleled state, the target's physical fitness that can be headshot by the headshot female skill has reached an astonishing 336!

Lin Qun estimated that if he faced the creature of the prophet civilization again at this time, he would not need two eyes, and he could stare to death with one look!

In the global battlefield, there are not many alien civilizations that can reach this value!

Lin Qun upgraded repeatedly and silently. Before he arrived at the battlefield on the coastline of the Magic City to confront the Shadow Civilization and the Prophet Civilization, his combat power had quietly risen to another level!

The convoy moved forward and slowly stopped in front.

The supplies sent by Lucheng arrived.

There were hot meals in this batch of supplies. Although they were simpler than before the global battlefield was opened, they made many people shed tears.

Now, such simple meals are a luxury for many people.

The military also brought real flags.

One by one, the flags were distributed in the convoy, on the military vehicles... and unfolded in the wind in the convoy.

One of the people in charge of transporting supplies was Wang Han, an old acquaintance of Lin Qun.

He stood beside Lin Qun, looking at the unfolded flags, and said: "This is what Commander Li Zheng meant. He said that they should let them see us. This is our flag."

Lin Qun stared at the flying flag. Before the global battlefield, he rarely felt that there was anything wrong with it, but now, it seemed to have a different kind of power.

It made people's hearts surge.

He understood what Li Zheng meant.

The flag of the Federation flew on the battlefield.

That was the hope of mankind.

They didn't delay here for too long, and Lin Qun and his team set off again.

Speed ​​is of the essence in war. The Prophet Civilization and the Shadow Civilization must have known that the human team was on the way. If they wanted to hit them hard, they had to move faster and faster!

In fact, at this moment, it was not only the Prophet Civilization and the Shadow Civilization that were staring at the human army and observing carefully. In this area, the scattered Taku people, the Fire Dragon Civilization, and even the Titan Civilization were watching.

Also very surprised.

Humans have been on the battlefield and fought battles one after another, but they dared to take the initiative to join the war at this time.

The Titan Civilization beast appeared on the right side of the convoy, nearly a thousand meters away from the far end of the wasteland.

In the shadow of the dark night, it was like a motionless mountain, standing quietly, motionless. It was the military that discovered it.

Lin Qun changed his armor and rose from the military vehicle.

This was his first time using the Nano Armor Mark 50, and it was surprisingly smooth.

The thing was exchanged for a device similar to a watch. As it started, it seemed as if countless bugs or water ripples passed by him at that moment. Nanoparticles densely poured out of the device and covered Lin Qun's whole body in a few seconds, gracefully and smoothly.

Then, Lin Qun rose from the vehicle. The nanostructure under his feet changed like a dream, turning into a propeller, spewing flames, and flew towards the Titan civilization beast.

Iron Man's battle suit flashed silver, and it was extremely cool in the air!

Instantly became the focus of everyone.

And the Titan beast obviously noticed Lin Qun flying towards him.

Then the Titan civilization beast began to retreat, taking steps that shook the earth and disappeared into the darkness.

As it retreated, Lin Qun also stopped moving, standing in the sky, watching it retreat coldly.

The sword pointed at the prophet civilization is important. Although the Titan beast is terrifying, its number is rare and does not pose a big threat. It is very troublesome to kill it. There is a lot of experience, but only one contribution point. If it were normal, Lin Qun might have taken action, but now, his purpose is only to intimidate.

The Titan civilization beast retreated, so he did not chase it.

Li Jie looked at this scene and said, "They dare not fight with Brother Lin."

He was not in the same car with Lin Qun, but with Li Xinghe or Nie Wensheng.

Nie Wensheng was also looking at this scene from a distance. He was an enthusiastic fan of Lin Qun and could not miss such a scene. However, his analysis was still rational and he said: "These small civilizations do not have enough troops here to join the current one." The battle group, but they are unwilling to give up and want to wait for us to fight to the death before they come out to pick up the leaks. "

"Like crows hovering in the sky waiting for the wolves to leave." Li Xinghe also withdrew his gaze.

In another corner of the motorcade, Duan Tianqi looked into the distance with a puzzled face: "Isn't Mr. Lin's suit of armor damaged? Why is it there again? Could it be that it was redeemed with contribution points? Why haven't I found it in the mall? ah!"

He is a cybernetic who is obsessed with advanced technological equipment. He has observed Lin Qun's Mark 46 many times in battle before. He was greatly surprised by its powerful performance and rich functions. He was very impressed by Lin Qun's Iron Man. Zhan Yi was very jealous.

Would love to get a large version that he can use.

He originally thought that what was holding him back might be the high contribution points required for the suit. After all, although Duan Tianqi had a lot of contribution points, compared with Lin Qun and Huang Qizheng, it was still not enough. They could afford to redeem it. He may not be able to redeem it.

But he didn't expect it anyway.

He couldn't find this armor in the contribution point mall, and it was impossible to buy it.

He could only judge that he might not have found it yet. After all, there were too many things in the mall...

I can only continue to search carefully, thinking about whether I should ask Lin Qun next time what it is, and search for it with keywords.

However, what he may not have expected is that it would be impossible for him to find the armor on Lin Qun's body.

Because it is not redeemable at all, it is a fantasy creation from another earth that is not available in the contribution point mall!

If you have books, you will be long, if you don't have books, you will be short. Lin Qun and his team are advancing rapidly, approaching the magic city!

The sky was getting darker and darker. After resting on the journey, everyone recovered little by little. With enough energy, they gradually approached the Magic City and the entire team began to slow down.

The artillery unit was the first to stop advancing, while the elite team following Lin Qun continued to move forward.

They will separate for the second time before the gray-black fog. Top experts such as Lin Qun and Huang Qizheng will enter first, and the rest will form a skimming formation on the edge of the shadow civilization outside the gray-black fog.

This was a long-standing plan to attack the Prophet Civilization, with top combat forces such as artillery arrays and forest groups as the main force. Other elite forces were mainly responsible for support and assistance, or to clean up the lives of the shadow civilization.

Because, facing the prophet civilization, they would probably be just cannon fodder!

Lin Qun got out of the car again, put on his armor, stood on the roof of the car, and looked ahead.

Under the dark night, the gray-black fog in front of him once again appeared in front of his eyes. In the darkness, the gray-black fog almost merged with the surrounding darkness, reaching the sky and the earth, like a terrifying dark hell world!

But in this darkness, the two "suns" are particularly dazzling.

The military judged that the two "suns" should be the two warships of the Prophet Civilization. They opened fire wildly in the gray-black fog of the shadow civilization, and the nuclear fusion high-energy "suns" had the power to burn and disperse the fog. Wherever it passed, the tightly connected and seamless gray-black fog seemed to be cut open by scissors, breaking everywhere.

Compared with Lin Qun and the others before they left the Demon City, they were already much miserable.

At this moment, the human team came from afar and gradually slowed down. The gray-black fog in front suddenly expanded, suddenly accelerating and shrouding their position, extending hundreds of meters away in an instant.

Darkness surges in it, and I don’t know how many lives of shadow civilization are hidden!

The shadow civilization took the lead in attacking the approaching humans!

Lin Qun was not polite either. The armor's thrusters spurted out flames and moved forward directly. He took out the Sword of Victory with his other hand.

The next second.

The dazzling flash illuminated and pierced this dark world.

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