Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 225 The war mode of the prophet civilization!

The effect of the Great Rejuvenating Pill is still very good. Lin Qun took a pill and digested it in three minutes. His injuries were healed directly, and his bottoming energy and dark energy attributes were all maxed out. At this moment, he could even fight another battle directly.

Xiao Wu and the other two thugs looked at Lin Qun as if he were a monster, but Lin Qun didn't care at all. He gave the two people five minutes to let them think clearly before talking, so as not to waste more time, and these five minutes were also the time Lin Qun wanted to use.

Three minutes to use the Great Rejuvenating Pill to recover from injuries.

Two minutes to check his own condition.

Lin Qun first looked at his things.

His clothes were already tattered. He took out Kirby's magnifying glass to take a look. He looked particularly embarrassed now, like a wandering beggar.

But almost all his things were there.

Lin Qun's belongings were very concentrated. The Mark 50 was worn on his wrist and activated at any time. He didn't lose it. The rest of the things were all in the Qiankun bag on his waist. The big bag was filled with small bags. The Qiankun bag was not lost, which meant that Lin Qun's most important belongings were still there.

Then Lin Qun looked at his panel and prepared to understand his situation intuitively.

Along with the coma, the invincible state was automatically lifted, and the revenge demon transformation had long passed the time limit.

Therefore, at this moment, Lin Qun's attributes also returned to the basic value, without any additional bonus.

[Name: Lin Qun]

[Level: 26 (82250/180000)]

[Strength: 71.6]

[Agility: 44.3]

[Constitution: 66.4]

[Energy: 73.4/73.4]

[Dark Energy: 92.2.2/92.2]

Lin Qun's current basic attributes are also quite powerful. Except for agility, the growth rate of the data of various attributes is not slow.

If you follow the normal level of the civilized battlefield, the rhythm and speed of familiar promotion, it is not easy to reach this level in one month. The most important thing is that Lin Qun is not a contestant, but an indigenous civilized creature. Contestants can upgrade by slaughtering the indigenous "NPC" of the battlefield as soon as they log in, but Lin Qun, as an indigenous, can only kill contestants. The upgrade conditions and difficulty of the two sides are not equal at all. The theoretical upgrade difficulty is different.

It has only been a month since the outbreak of the global battlefield. As an indigenous civilized creature, step by step to today, it can reach this level in such a short time. With such attributes, even the talented players of the contestant civilization are far behind. In the civilized battlefield, the strong will always be strong. The higher you go, the more difficult it is. The civilized battlefield itself encourages unlimited killing to achieve combat power!

Lin Qun's current speed is already a super model, which has exceeded the normal and theoretical progress and upgrade speed of the civilized battlefield. Which of those powerful people with hundreds of attributes in civilization has not experienced many civilized battlefields? Even the resources of the whole civilization have been tilted to cultivate them. And that also takes time.

Moreover, with Lin Qun's terrifying card-drawing talent and multiple abilities, his real combat power far exceeds the panel attributes!

As time goes by, the blessing brought by the skill of feast is gradually changing, bringing Lin Qun a lot of attribute blessings.

Devouring an alien civilization can only increase 0.1 points of attributes, which seems not much, but the value of the basic attribute increase is extremely high. It can be seen from the fact that the level increase can only increase such a little attribute. Feast can directly increase the basic attribute. 0.1 points is not much, but it will be terrifying if it accumulates a little.

Immediately, Lin Qun looked at his contribution points...

At this moment, Lin Qun also had about 1,600 contribution points in his hand.

He glanced at it.

He remembered that he didn't have so many contribution points before he fainted.

When he went from Zhenze Lake to the battlefield of the Demon City, he had already consumed a wave on the way. These three Dahuan Dan and the revenge demon transformation were drawn at that time. Before he fainted, it seemed that he had more than 1,000 contribution points. Why is it so much now?

There may not be 600 people in the warship of the prophet civilization.

Lin Qun reacted quickly.

This also includes some contribution points for ranking settlement.

But he was busy fighting at that time, so he had no time and no possibility to pay attention.

This still surprised Lin Qun.

More than 1,600 contribution points.

Lin Qun pondered in his heart.

Perhaps, he could use 1,000 contribution points to upgrade the skills, and the remaining 500 to draw cards from the third-level card pool once, leaving 100 contribution points for emergency use.

The headshot girl's skills have just been upgraded, and upgrading to level 6 requires 1,300 contribution points, which exceeds Lin Qun's current budget.

And there are many options for upgrading with 1,000 contribution points.

Especially the skills obtained from the third-level card pool, because of their high skill strength, it takes a full 1,000 contribution points to upgrade from level 1 to level 2...

In Lin Qun's mind, many skills that can be upgraded emerged.

Feast, Zhao Yun Wushuang, Super Giant Transformation, Revenge Demon Transformation...

They are all good choices.

Which one should be upgraded first?

But Lin Qun quickly gathered his thoughts.

No matter which one he wants to upgrade, now is not the time.

Five minutes have passed.

He set his eyes on the two people in front of him.

Lin Qun just looked at the time, which made his heart sink slightly.

It was already past one o'clock in the afternoon the next day. He had paid little attention to the time during the battle, and he didn't quite know what time it was when he fought the prophet civilization on the sea, but it was different from the current time. Time comparison, at least seven or eight hours have passed.

He had been unconscious longer than he thought.

If his attributes weren't high enough, he might have died in the sea!

Therefore, looking at these two people, Lin Qun's first question was: "Where did you find me? How long has it been since you brought me back?"

Lin Qun tried to contact the Lucheng command center using a communicator, but failed. The Blue Star Federation satellite communication system had long been paralyzed, the ground communication infrastructure was also seriously damaged, and the communication distance was limited. The small communication device in Lin Qun's hand was already at the communication limit. outside.

Xiaowu and the other two looked at each other and swallowed hard, but did not answer Lin Qun's question immediately.

The man in his early thirties asked tremblingly: "Brother, are you, you, you, a human being or an alien civilization?"

They had just witnessed Lin Qun heal his injuries at the speed of light, and he was full of health and status in a few minutes. Everyone was dumbfounded. They just felt that this was not a method that humans could have. In addition, Lin Qun showed strange methods, and they began to frighten Lin Qun. Is the group a contestant from an alien civilization wearing human skin?

Lin Qun had no intention of answering. His eyes were cold and he said, "Should I ask you a question or should you ask me a question?"

Seeing Lin Qun's face turn cold, both of them trembled, Xiao Wu rushed to answer, saying: "I said, we said, brother, don't kill us, it's all our boss's fault. He is blind and wants to kill us." You, have nothing to do with us... You, no, you! You were picked up by our boss, bah, by that villain bastard, for more than two hours... We don't know who the villain bastard is. Where did I pick you up? But we heard him talking, it seemed like it was on the shore, on the shore!"

Xiao Wu was trembling with fear. When he mentioned his boss, he instinctively glanced at the deep diver on one side - that deep diver was his former boss.

But at this moment, his once fierce boss could no longer react to his insults.

Called by an indescribable call, it has now lost its mind and is completely controlled by the forest group.

Lin Qun frowned when he heard this.

More than two hours.

Then he should have washed ashore at least three or four hours ago.

In this way, he should be grateful to the boss who picked him up. Otherwise, if he kept his corpse on the shore, he would be in trouble if he was discovered by some passing alien civilization and missed it.

In the final analysis, Blue Star is the Blue Star of human beings. It is an aborigine and is naturally scattered over a wide area. The foreign civilization contestants are invaders and are relatively more concentrated. The forest group is washed up on the shore and is more likely to be discovered by humans.

Of course, the boss didn't have any good intentions when he brought Lin Qun back.

Lin Qun raised his head and said, "Okay, this is Santang City, right? Who among you can tell me about the situation here?"

Xiao Wu and the man in his thirties looked at each other, and they both rushed to speak, especially the man in his thirties. He felt that he had said the wrong thing, and he was desperately trying to express himself.

But what a pity, Lin Qun pointed at Xiaowu: "You tell me."

Xiao Wu suddenly felt proud, feeling that he had performed well and should be able to survive. However, what he did not notice was that the face of the man in his thirties beside him became paler and paler, and his eyes looked at him with more eyes. A trace of deep resentment.

He felt that his chance of survival was being robbed.

Xiao Wu was also very surprised. Isn't Lin Qun from here? But he learned his lesson and didn't ask any more questions than he should have. He just said whatever Lin Qun asked him to say, and said respectfully: "Brother, this is Santang City, about two hundred kilometers away from the Magic City. Our location is Bangyu Village, Santang Town, which is only about 20 minutes away from the coast, more than 30 kilometers from downtown Santang City, and more than 50 kilometers from Donglu Port..."

Lin Qun listened and nodded slowly: "Is it here?"

He palmed his hands, took out a map from the Qiankun bag, and carefully determined the location here.

Santang City is not far from Modu, but it is a small place. Lin Qun has never been there before, and he does not know the names of the places that Xiao Wu mentioned.

Xiao Wu and the other two were surprised again when they saw this.

None of them understood that the big boss in front of them had an extra map in his hand.

And they had clearly checked before that there was no such thing on Lin Qun at all.

Where did he get it from?

But no one dared to ask more questions, so Xiao Wu pointed out the location nervously.

Lin Qun's eyes moved, following his fingers to determine where he had exchanged fire with the prophet civilization yesterday.

That is the triangular area between the Magic City, Santang City and the East China Sea.

Lin Qun estimated that he should have been rolled over diagonally by the waves.

Perhaps, he was not completely unconscious at that time and moved forward for a certain distance in the sea water.

At this time, Lin Qun had a vague impression in his mind.

But his battle with that prophetic civilization powerhouse was too brutal. He only remembered that he didn't seem to be unconscious immediately after the battle. He wanted to leave the battlefield and find a place to take the Great Return Pill. He quickly moved a distance, but he didn't have time. Comatose.

At that time, he didn't know the direction, so he might have headed towards Santang City again.

The distance between Santang City and the Magic City on the road is more than 200 kilometers. Lin Qun takes the sea, which is a diagonal line. The distance between the two is closer, much less than 200 kilometers.

All these reasons led to his appearance here now.

Less than 200 kilometers, not far.

With the speed of Mark 50 nano-suit, at supersonic speed, if there is no obstruction, it will take more than ten minutes to return.

If it is increased to seven or eight times or even ten times the speed of sound, the speed of return will be faster.

This made Lin Qun feel relieved.

He was just a little worried. How is the battlefield in the Magic City after such a long time? How is Lucheng?

He has recovered. The basic attributes of the top strong man of the prophet civilization are far superior to his own. Even if it is injured, the injury must be lighter than his own. Although Lin Qun has the Da Huan Dan to recover quickly, Lin Qun estimates that the other party should have recovered his combat power long ago.

And with the strength of that guy.

There is no need for the army of the prophet civilization to come.

It can flatten Lucheng alone!

In the third-level civilization battlefield of Blue Star, it is a walking weapon of mass destruction and an almost invincible strong man!

It is the fifteenth in the world!

All attributes exceed nine hundred!

Of course, Lin Qun felt that although on paper, its data might be very close to Superman's 999, but maybe Superman's data is not that simple. On the one hand, during this period of time, Lin Qun had long understood that the higher the attribute, the data only represents the lower limit, and the comprehensive strength brought by the addition of multiple abilities is the key. For example, two people with exactly the same attribute data may fight against each other, but their comprehensive strength may be very different. One of them may even be able to kill the other in one shot; on the other hand, Lin Qun realized that 999 to 1000 is a threshold, that is, the so-called evolvers. When they reach the level of evolvers recognized by the global battlefield, the data should exceed one thousand. This means that maybe his 999 in the Superman state is already an imaginary number. Superman's real value has long been above 999, but it is not displayed because of the data mechanism of the global battlefield.

Even Superman may have the level of an evolver, but Lin Qun's own strength is not enough. As a non-evolver, the data grid can only display the third digit of 999, so it cannot be displayed. Superman's attributes can only stop at 999. It can't show three zeros, right? (It is also possible that the Iron Man version of Superman that Lin Qun drew is not the strongest form).

These speculations are also very likely.

After all, judging from today's situation, although this top powerhouse of the Prophet Civilization is powerful enough to look down on others, there is still a big gap between him and the strongest Superman in Lin Qun's memory.

Before coming to the Blue Star battlefield, it should have been very powerful.

When Lin Qun thought of this, he became more anxious.

Except for him, no one in Lucheng can stop the top powerhouse of the Prophet Civilization.

He must go back as soon as possible.

Seeing that the big man didn't speak, Xiao Wu didn't dare to pause and continued to introduce the situation in Santang City: "Brother, this is it. We are occupied by Liangheng civilization. The urban area has long been captured and transformed by them. They have been expanding outward. We survivors were forced to flee all the way here. There are no troops or survivors around this area. There are Liangheng civilization lives everywhere. It is very dangerous and complicated. Moreover, they have strange abilities that can contaminate animals and plants. We are ordinary survivors. We have nowhere to go and no food. We are forced to do nothing. If we want to survive, we can only do those things that are not human... "However, brother, I grew up in the countryside and am very familiar with Santang City and the surrounding areas. , if you need a guide, I am definitely the best choice, I can take you to avoid the blockade of Liangheng civilization..."

Xiao Wu's words not only introduced the local situation, but also found a chance for himself.

At this time, he had recovered from the initial fear, calmed down, and wanted to find an opportunity.

It is useless to just ask others not to kill you.

The only way is to make this big guy feel useful.

But how could he know that Lin Qun had a Mark 50 and didn't need to lead the way. What about the complicated situation in Santang City? He didn't care at all. Wouldn't it be enough to just take off into the sky?

But Xiao Wu and the man in his thirties didn't know.

The man in his thirties got anxious when he heard it.

He hurriedly said: "I am also a local, I know everything here."

Seeing this, Xiao Wu also spoke up and shouted: "How can you know more than me? You are just an outsider! "

The two of them, who were companions a few minutes ago, were now red-faced and angry.

The man in his thirties was obviously a little clumsy and could not win against Xiao Wu. Seeing this scene, his heart sank and he roared: "Damn it, I usually treat you well, but now you only care about your own life, I will kill you!"

As he said, he pulled out a knife from his waist and stabbed it into Xiao Wu's chest.

Blood flowed.

Xiao Wu's eyes widened and he fell backwards to the ground.

Lin Qun watched this scene, did not stop it, but his eyes were a little cold.

The man in his early thirties turned to look at Lin Qun. His face was turning green and white. He seemed to want to attack Lin Qun violently, but in the end he didn't dare. He fell into a pool of Xiao Wu's blood with a thud, crying and laughing. The ground hissed: "Kill me, I know I'm not a human being, and what I did is not human affairs, but what can he do? I just want to live! They come from the sky and kill everyone they see. , old people, children, pregnant women, you can kill anyone you see. My wife is going to give birth next month, but what can I do? I came to this place from Santang City? Where there is no shit, the fields are not polluted, the supermarkets have been raided, who knows there is nothing here, who knows there is nothing here! I don’t want to make excuses for these bastards, and join them in eating people. Yes, I just want to live!

"Anyone who doesn't let me live will die. I am not a good person, and neither is Xiao Wu. He is lying to you!

"There are still resistance forces in Santang City. They have gathered a large number of survivors in the west of the city, but you'd better not go. Liang Hengwenming has already set his sights on them. They are dead. They will all be captured and raised as insects! "

This man's eyes were blood red and he was already half crazy.

He is like this not only because of Lin Qun, but also not because of Lin Qun.

The forest was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

More than thirty days of running away, living a life without humans or ghosts, and the fear and pressure of life and death were the main culprits that made him like this.

Lin Qun could imagine their lives.

Facing the arrival of contestants from alien civilizations.

Endless carnage.

Desperate situation.

I escaped here and survived, but found that the fields were polluted, there was no food, and a desperate situation more terrifying than monsters followed...

But what this man said must be true.

What Xiao Wu said was just to trick Lin Qun into not killing him and letting him be a guide.

Looking at him, Lin Qun exhaled and slowly stood up from the corner.

At this time, the man in his thirties suddenly became quiet. He sat there and looked at Lin Qun blankly.

Eyes facing each other.

The next second, his head exploded.

For him, death is both punishment and relief.

Lin Qun stepped forward and walked out of the bloody room. Behind him, the Deep Diver followed closely behind him.

The self-built house he was in had a total of three floors. It seemed to be a private house in the village. It was well built and had been transformed into a stronghold. The room Lin Qun was in just now was in the basement with little light. It seemed to be specially used for Containing food.

When he came out, his eyes became brighter.

It was past one in the afternoon, when the sun was shining brightly outside.

Lin Qun switched to the Mark 50 nanometer warship and tried to call the Lucheng channel.

The Iron Man suit has strong communication capabilities, but it must be supported by infrastructure. Otherwise, it will be useless beyond a certain distance.

Lin Qun frowned.

He couldn't call, so he had to fly back as soon as possible.

He walked forward quickly, preparing to take off outside in the open space and return as soon as possible. At the same time, he opened the leaderboard and prepared to take a look at the situation in the Santang City area.

But Lin Qun took a few steps and suddenly stopped.

No. 1 in the Santang City rankings.

It is a prophetic civilization, Ke.

Second place, that is the life of Liang Heng Civilization.

That top powerhouse of the prophetic civilization is in the Santang City area?

Lin Qun was not stupid, he realized immediately that it was looking for him!

He knew that the other party was not dead, and the top powerhouse of the prophetic civilization must also know that Lin Qun was not dead.

Will it not stop until it kills itself?

Lin Qun's heart sank.

But he thought about it from his perspective. If he was a prophetic civilized being, and despite such a huge gap, he was still almost killed by Lin Qun at sea, he would kill Lin Qun first at all costs!

Compared with this, Lucheng is nothing!

that's the truth.

This is the decision of Ke, the top powerhouse of the prophetic civilization. Its strength has millions of people in Lucheng, and it doesn't take it seriously at all. On the contrary, Lin Qun makes it very afraid, and it must kill Lin Qun first!

As for finding Lin Qun, it's hard to say but easy to say.

There are only a few areas around, just look at which area Lin Qun is on the ranking list.

Although it is still very troublesome to find Lin Qun, at least he can know the area!

Thinking of this, Lin Qun's steps came to a complete halt.


Can't go back to Lucheng.

Lin Qun was not afraid of the top powerhouse from the prophetic civilization following him, because he could avoid him if he couldn't beat him, and the other party couldn't do anything to him.

But if I go back to Lucheng.

If he can leave, can Lucheng leave?

As the saying goes, a monk who can run away cannot run away from the temple.

Now when I return to Lucheng, I want to bring this prophetic civilized being to my own temple!

Kill everyone!

That's stupid.


Lin Qun stood in the yard, silent.

He realized he was a little anxious, thanks to a glance.

He instinctively felt that the prophetic civilization was based on the contributions of the large number of humans in Lucheng and Jinling, but this was not the case.

The strength of the Prophet Civilization is enough to start a war with Lucheng and Jinling. Why should the top powerhouse of the Prophet Civilization go? What it wants to do is to kill itself, a strong human being!

And there is another layer...

Masters watch masters!

Game between armies and armies.

Let's see who is better.

This should be.

Otherwise, the top powerhouse of the Prophet Civilization would have appeared directly in Lucheng instead of the Magic City.

It was heading for Lin Qun from the beginning.

Lin Qun was worried that it would attack Lucheng directly, and it was also worried that Lin Qun would kill their army directly!

Although Lin Qun actually didn't know where their army was, but this top powerhouse of the Prophet Civilization appeared, their army was definitely not far away.

Both sides have the ability to challenge the other's army and harvest tons of contribution points, so they have to restrict each other, watch each other, and beware of everyone's masters not changing homes, so that the strong men of both sides cannot attack the other's rear.

Lin Qun wanted to use superman power to sweep the army of the Prophet Civilization, but the other side also understood this, so they wanted to bite Lin Qun to death and not let him use superman power. So until now, Lin Qun has never seen the army of the Prophet Civilization. The top powerhouses of the Prophet Civilization were also afraid of Lin Qun's power, and they didn't know the depth of Lin Qun's strength, so they didn't go around and attack Lucheng, fearing that Lin Qun would go to the sea to find their main force to change homes, so they directly intercepted Lin Qun in the Magic City!

Lin Qun was reluctant to change his home, and the Prophet Civilization was even more reluctant to change its home.

Otherwise, Lucheng would have been finished long ago!

Lin Qun did not understand this mode. It was not until this moment that he realized that the reason why the top master of the Prophet Civilization wanted to kill him was on the one hand, and on the other hand, it was a war mode in which the masters of both sides restrained each other!

Thinking of this, Lin Qun took a breath. It turned out that he and the human beings were the ones who fought randomly!

And what Lin Qun has to do now is actually this.

Keep an eye on the top master of the Prophet Civilization!

Let the other party have no chance to attack Lucheng and Jinling.

Then he must not return to Lucheng now!

The other party must be dragged to the area of ​​Santang City!

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