The leaves swayed and fell, and the mosquito larvae and lonely birds occasionally flew across the sky in the distance, adding a bit of coldness and weirdness to the night.

Lin Qun saw the thing in his hand clearly and almost threw it out.

This is too scary.

He almost died under the influence of this foreign god when he started it at sea.

Moreover, Lin Qun had clearly activated it and thrown it out at that time.

It is now back strangely.

Who can not be creepy?

Can this thing find its way home automatically?

But Lin Qun finally held back.

This shining square trioctahedron was held in the palm of his hand, and there was a chilly feeling that penetrated his bones, as if some kind of chaotic and dark hidden power was emanating from it, making people cold from head to toe.

Throwing it out was instinctive, but when Lin Qun calmed down, he realized that he didn't need to panic.

This thing has a corresponding method to activate and call the Outer God, and as a card item, it has a layer of "protection" when called. Lin Qun does nothing, it is safe and reliable.

Holding it in his hand, he feels uncomfortable, but his life will not be threatened.

But Lin Qun is a little confused, why did it come back?

What about the Outer God?

Is His advent over?

This is not what Lin Qun imagined.

He originally thought that this advent would establish some kind of connection, and from then on, the other party could walk steadily on the land of Blue Star. This is why Lin Qun has not used this thing. This evil god is not an ordinary thing. He is a threat to alien civilizations and to humans. And as long as He wants, destroying a planet like Blue Star is a drizzle.

But what is the situation now?

Lin Qun has no way of knowing.

During his coma, he missed two announcements, so it was impossible for him to know that the great existence had been driven back after his stunning appearance.

And this thing returned to Lin Qun's hands...

It seems that it is also a means left by the Outer God.

Of course, Lin Qun lacked information, so it was difficult to guess these. He just felt that the current situation was a bit weird.

However, after one use, it has entered cooling, and it will take 444 hours to use it again to call the Outer God!

He stood under the tree for a while, and finally put the shining triangular octahedron back into his Qiankun bag.

Qiankun bag is an isolated space, and it couldn't be better to have this thing, which is equivalent to adding another layer of insurance.

Before, when Lin Qun hadn't used this shining triangular octahedron, he thought that maybe he could call the Outer God out to negotiate something, let the other party use it for himself, or pretend to bow down and pretend to be His servant, but now it seems that this is all wishful thinking.

The gap in strength is too big.

His ideas can be grabbed at will by others, and it is impossible to realize them.

Even if he helps him, I'm afraid He has his own thoughts, and he might play with fire and burn himself.

"From this point of view, Superman is better, Superman is a treasure."

Lin Qun smacked his lips.

He supported his body and walked forward.

He took a look at the ranking list.

This is Huhe City.

This is a port city and a small city. It is farther from the Magic City than from the Magic City to Santang City, more than 300 kilometers away. It can form an obtuse triangle with the Magic City and Santang City.

The speed of the Mark 50 is also fast enough. It is so fast that Lin Qun doesn't know where he is running.

And this time, Lin Qun didn't land far away.

It's just somewhere outside the port suburbs. From his current position, he can even see the city.

Lin Qun thought about it and didn't rush to take off.

He was seriously affected and his energy was only three points. He should recover his energy first.

He estimated that once this shining square trioctahedron appeared, the situation of the Prophet Civilization Fleet and the Prophet Civilization's top powerhouse would probably not be much better than him, the initiator. Now it is estimated that they are all dead and half-dead, and they should not have time to find him for the time being.

However, the Lucheng line should be fine. After all, the distance is far enough. Even if there is something, the shadow civilization of the Magic City will bear the brunt. There is nothing to worry about.

Lin Qun’s only regret is that he did not take advantage of the chaos to kill the Sky Drive of the Prophet Civilization. At that time, it was probably like himself, unconscious and running away in a hurry. That was the best time to kill it!


Lin Qun also needs to recover.

Everything that just happened, like a dream, made him feel alienated and inexplicable.

He walked towards the port in front.

Similarly, Lin Qun had no impression or concept of this Huhe City. He had never been there even on business trips. It was said that the economy was good in the early years, but then...

And the dilapidated and desolate "old city" in the "new era", Lin Qun could imagine the situation here.

However, that was Lin Qun's memory in another world. I don’t know if this blue star is the same.

Judging from the rankings, this city is as desolate as it was before the global battlefield broke out. There are alien civilizations, but they are very chaotic. Several civilizations have life here, and there are no strong people. The most powerful alien civilization has only more than 30,000 contribution points. When Lin Qun came here, he was directly ranked second overall.

Perhaps, this place has experienced a great war, and the battle is over. The powerful civilization has left. Only small forces or civilian armed forces of some small and medium-sized contestant civilizations are active in this area, exchanging fire with each other and harvesting the remnants of humans that the big civilizations look down upon.

The port is dead silent and desolate.

Under the night, it is somewhat bleak and dilapidated.

Lin Qun observed from a distance for a while, found nothing unusual, and stepped forward.

In fact, the whole city is terribly quiet and desolate. In the near distance, the wreckage of industrial machines is piled up in the port, and the destroyed cargo ships and civilian ships are floating in the port. The air is filled with the smell of gunpowder mixed with the smell of the sea. Looking around, the central area of ​​the city, the few landmark high-rise buildings are mostly broken, and some are cut in half, with uneven fractures. Under the moonlight, it looks like a sword rising from the ground and piercing the sky.

There is a touch of dead silence in the desolate and decadent.

Energy is slowly recovering.

Lin Qun still had his Mark 50 on him as he walked into the port area. His eyes moved and the thermal sensing device allowed him to spot two figures in the corner of the factory.

Judging from the outline, they were humans.

An adult and a child.

Lin Qun thought for a moment and walked in that direction.

The other party was hiding in a container.

His arrival was not noticed by the two people.

Until he opened the door of the container.

The child inside stood up in surprise, nervously and hurriedly picked up the gun, as if he wanted to shoot, but paused after seeing that it was a human who opened the door.

It was a little girl.

She was probably only eleven or twelve years old, very short, and needed two hands to barely hold the pistol in her hand. Her face was pale and she was obviously malnourished. The gun was shaking in her hand, and it was obvious that she couldn't hold it.

It was conceivable that she couldn't hit anyone even if she shot.

She saw Lin Qun and was very nervous.

Lin Qun glanced inside.

The adult was lying inside the container.

It was a woman.

At first, Lin Qun almost thought that it should be the girl's mother, but now it seems that it is not.

Because the woman is very young, maybe less than 20 years old, she can't have such a big child.

But her right hand was broken, and the simply built "bed" was all bloody.

Lin Qun stepped inside.

The girl pointed the gun at him nervously: "Who are you? You, you don't go in anymore, I, I'm not afraid of you!"

Lin Qun didn't listen.

The little girl didn't dare to shoot, she probably knew that she had no chance of killing someone with a gun, and not shooting was more effective than shooting.

But she obviously didn't know that Lin Qun had seen through her details at a glance.

He took a look at the "adult" inside.

Her condition was very serious.

Although the wound had been treated, it was still infected due to lack of medicine. She had a severe high fever and her eyes were half open and half closed. It was unknown whether she was conscious or unconscious.

Lin Qun turned his head to look at the child behind him: "Did you bandage it?"

"I, I... um..."

"Not bad." Lin Qun didn't know much about bandaging. He learned it after the apocalypse. He was silent for a moment, took out a bottle of antipyretic medicine and a bottle of anti-inflammatory medicine from his Qiankun bag, and put them on the ground. "She has to take medicine, otherwise she won't last long."

These two bottles of medicine were hoarded by him a long time ago. He had never used them and carried them with him. After all, medicine is an extremely scarce material at this time.

With Lin Qun's current strength, he can't use these two things at all.

But if this woman has a talent, maybe these two bottles of medicine can save her life.

Lin Qun turned around.

The girl behind him saw clearly what he put on the ground, pressed down the muzzle of the gun in her hand, and looked at him blankly.

She didn't know Lin Qun, but she didn't know why Lin Qun gave her medicine.

This is a very precious thing now.

She is very young, but she has grown up little by little in these days of disastrous experiences.

Being able to live to this moment, she is clear about the changes in the world.

She was a little confused.

But Lin Qun glanced at her and said, "What's your name? Who is she to you?"

The girl took a half step back, leaning against the iron sheet of the container behind her, lowering her head, silent, but completely put down the gun in her hand.

She didn't want to say anything, and Lin Qun didn't ask further, because there was no need.

He saw that they were all human beings, so he just helped them.

He helped if he could, but that was all.

He couldn't care about these people.

At that moment, he walked straight out of the container and walked to another location.

The girl watched him silently from behind, until Lin Qun's figure disappeared in the night not far away, and then she tried to close the container.

They had to continue hiding inside.

Lin Qun didn't have to be so careful.

Judging from the rankings, there was no one in the entire Huhe City who could threaten him, basically non-existent.

Of course, he didn't want to harm others.

He walked a long distance and ran to an office area in the port in front to rest here.

He ate something quickly first.

The benefits of the Qiankun bag were fully demonstrated. He didn't have to look for it everywhere. He could directly take out all kinds of food that others dreamed of wanting from the Qiankun bag.

While eating, Lin Qun was slowly recovering his dark energy and strength.

At the same time, he was also checking his harvest this time.

The main contribution points he obtained were obtained in Santang City, from the battle with Liangheng Civilization and the killing of Liangheng Civilization lives.

After that, Lin Qun kept running circles and parkouring with the top strongman of the Prophet Civilization, and he did not get any contribution points. He believed that the one called out by the shining square trioctahedron must have gained something, but that person did it, and it had nothing to do with him, Lin Qun, so it was impossible to count the contribution points on his head.

But despite this, Lin Qun still gained a lot in the battle of Santang City.

At this moment, the total number of contribution points in his hand has reached more than 5,000!

When he went to Santang City to participate in the battle, he only had more than 100 contribution points left. Now, it has skyrocketed!

A full 5,236 points!

It can be seen that Lin Qun killed many Liangheng Civilization lives in this battle!

How many Liangheng Civilization lives are there in the urban area of ​​Santang City?

In the urban area of ​​Santang City, the lives of Liangheng Civilization are very concentrated, all in the center of Santang City, so Lin Qun succeeded in one fell swoop and slaughtered intensively.

In addition, Lin Qun's strength is no longer what it used to be. While his basic attributes have been greatly improved, his combat power is far beyond that of the time in the Magic City. There is no change against the top masters, but for ordinary alien civilization life, and even the alien civilization army with insufficient numbers, Lin Qun can fight and defeat them, and slaughter them completely!

And there is another layer here. After experiencing a series of battles, especially large-scale battles with the Zerg Group, Lin Qun's combat experience has become more and more rich, and he can harvest faster on the battlefield.

It can be said that although Lin Qun is still an ordinary person, he can be regarded as a real warrior with rich combat experience.

This is a very hidden but very important change. On the battlefield, experience is also a crucial part.

And such a result also shows the correctness of Lin Qun's choice.

Only fools fight with strong people to death, and they should harvest contribution points first.

The strength of the top powerhouse of the Prophet Civilization, Tianqu "Ke", is about to reach a bottleneck. It makes no difference to him whether he has more or less contribution points. Therefore, killing Lin Qun and harvesting contribution points make no difference to him. But it is not the case for Lin Qun. Harvesting contribution points can quickly improve him, while fighting a one-on-one real man battle with the top powerhouse of the Prophet Civilization, he will only suffer a loss. In this way, it is more important for him to obtain contribution points first.

Every batch of contribution points that arrives means an opportunity to improve combat power for Lin Qun. At that time, the gap between Lin Qun and the top powerhouse of the Prophet Civilization can only get smaller and smaller.

And these 5,000 contribution points also include a part of the ranking rewards that have just been settled.

Because Lin Qun came to Huhe City, his ranking in the total human ranking and the total regional ranking here is very high. He ranks first in human ranking and second in regional ranking. Therefore, he has obtained a lot of contribution points bonus, which has directly exceeded 5,000 contribution points of Lin Qun, which was less than 5,000 points. At present, he has 5,200 contribution points.

Lin Qun's total contribution points have far exceeded 20,000 points, and are advancing towards 30,000. In the overall ranking of Blue Star humans, his ranking has risen again and has reached eleventh place!

If he advances one more place, Lin Qun will be able to settle an additional global human ranking when he settles the daily ranking rewards next time!

I wonder how many contribution points will be rewarded for the top ten in the global human ranking?

And with so many contribution points, Lin Qun doesn't know how to spend them.

There seem to be several options in front of him.

First, draw cards, draw all cards, and draw cards directly to your heart's content!

More than 5,000 contribution points can draw cards ten times!

Ten consecutive draws!

Or ten consecutive draws from the third-level card pool. Just thinking about it makes people excited, and they have the urge to go all in.

Second, that is, draw cards and upgrade skills, or upgrade all skills!

Third, a small number of cards are drawn or upgraded, and the rest are all used to stack Wushuang, and directly rely on Wushuang to bless all attributes to 999, killing gods and Buddhas!

However, Lin Qun did not calculate it in detail, and he did not know whether these contribution points were enough to accumulate so many.

These three options made Lin Qun a little excited.

He could not help but sigh again: "Alas, the contribution points are still too few. If it is multiplied by five or six times, there will be 20,000 or 30,000 contribution points. Wouldn't I not have to choose? Oh, no, if it is multiplied by five or six times, 20,000 or 30,000 contribution points, I will hesitate whether to upgrade the card draw pool... This is too difficult..."

At this moment, if Li Jie and others were here, they would definitely be angry at Lin Qun for being Versailles.

Five thousand contribution points, a number that others can't even dream of getting, but for Lin Qun, it is still too little. Comparing people can make people angry.

Of course, Lin Qun actually understands in his heart that he is still very happy at the moment, but unfortunately, no one shares his joy, so he can only talk to himself here for a while.

"I don't know if the top of the prophet civilization is dead or not. If it dies, I can go back..."

Lin Qun rubbed his chin, moved his eyes, and looked at his personal panel.

He could have upgraded long ago.

The life forms of Liangheng civilization are huge and their innate attributes are very strong, so the experience points are relatively high, averaging between 150 and 300. This time, Lin Qun's experience bar exploded again!

920,000 contribution points!

Lin Qun was a little shocked.

"This is a bit exaggerated, it's more valuable than killing Bakalie. It seems that this civilization battlefield still encourages more slaughter and winning by slaughtering more, rather than fighting among the strong..."

After so much, Lin Qun has figured out a little trick.

From the various settings of the global battlefield, we can get a glimpse of some clues.

The purpose of this global battlefield is to hope for the death of a large number of low-level individuals, whether it is the gain of contribution points or experience.

The benefits of killing a strong alien civilization with high risk are actually not as good as killing a large number of ordinary alien civilizations.

But the strong have the ability to slaughter ordinary alien civilizations.

Therefore, this global battlefield does not encourage the strong to kill each other, but to slaughter and kill more!

However, among the alien civilizations, there are not many strong people who are capable of slaughtering in batches. Under this upgrade system, the stronger the strong, the weaker the weak, and it is more difficult for weak lives to upgrade...

However, Lin Qun still can't figure out what the purpose of leading all this and organizing the existence of this global battlefield is.

Let these alien civilizations kill each other, and thousands of lives die. What benefits can they get from it?

"Is it for the balance of the universe?"

Lin Qun's mouth twitched, and he thought of the ideal of a purple potato spirit on Earth for no reason.

This seems to be the reason and explanation for the existence of this battlefield.

However, it seems a bit outrageous.

Otherwise, is it some cosmic god who wants to appreciate civilized killing?

This seems unlikely...

Lin Qun's mind was full of ideas, but his hands did not stop moving.

He clicked the upgrade plus sign frantically!

He kept upgrading and it was fun. Lin Qun's level started to increase.

This was an experience that Lin Qun had not had for a long time.

Continuous upgrade!

[Name: Lin Qun]

[Level: 30 (157250/283000)]

[Strength: 79.6]

[Agility: 52.3]

[Constitution: 74.5]

[Energy: 37.4/81.5]

[Dark Energy: 25/100.2]

Level 30!

Lin Qun upgraded all the way, directly upgraded four levels, from level 26 to level 30.

All attributes were increased comprehensively, and Lin Qun's dark energy attribute directly reached 100 points!

The energy attribute exceeded 80, and the strength was close to 80 points.

With a physique of 74.5, he can kill all targets with a physique below 149 points in one move. If combined with a variety of other skills, he can headshot opponents with attributes below 500 points.

With such combat power, there are few enemies in the world that can match Lin Qun!

The next upgrade is from level 30 to level 31. Lin Qun's upgraded attribute bonus may be further improved. Lin Qun guessed that when he upgrades to level 30, each attribute will increase by at least three to four points!

Lin Qun's current basic attributes have also overwhelmed countless humans.

He is a real top powerhouse in human civilization!

Lin Qun looked at his panel data and was overwhelmed. Perhaps, his dream of ending the Blue Star battlefield in the Magic City and expelling all alien races is not far away!

These basic attributes are the basis of all Lin Qun's ability blessings, and they are also the most critical attributes. Their improvement brings Lin Qun a change in the increase that cannot be compared with any other skills. Their slight improvement can multiply the blessing brought by those card drawing abilities!

Basic attributes are Lin Qun's greatest confidence.

But at this moment, Lin Qun's heart moved, and she suddenly raised her head.

A figure was swaying outside the window.

It was that little girl.

Why is she here again?

Lin Qun stood up.

But found that she was actually giving him something.

It was the two bottles of medicine.

"Sister...sister woke up, she said she couldn't use so many medicines, she kept what she used, and asked me to return the rest to you, and this..." As she said, she took out a bunch of small fruits from her dirty clothes pocket. They were all wild, edible but very sour. She raised her head and said, "Thank you, sister asked me to thank you, thank you for helping us."

Looking at the dirty little girl, looking at the poor fruit in her hand.

Lin Qun has heard many thanks, and this one is particularly unpleasant.

It turned out that the woman was her sister.

However, it seemed that it was less than an hour before and after. With such a high fever, she was able to wake up so quickly with the medicine. Her sister should also be a little capable.

Lin Qun said: "This is for you, keep it for yourself, I don't need these medicines and food."



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