Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 240 Card draw! Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

The car slowed down gradually.

The front was the yard of the TV station.

Several buildings were shadowy in the dark, and the gate had been destroyed and bloodstained. Obviously, something had happened here.

There was no one in the night, and the life of alien civilization was no longer a threat. They had no obstacles and arrived here in less than 20 minutes, which was quite fast.

Although Tong Xin was a beautiful girl, she was worthy of being from a special department. She drove very fast. When she encountered a congested section of scrapped vehicles along the way, she directly crashed through it, which saved a lot of time.

It was just that Lin Qun's petty citizen mentality was faintly affected, and he felt a little distressed about this million-dollar luxury car that was actually worthless now.

But the result was smooth.

Song Xinyu turned on the flashlight and said, "I know that there seem to be some survivors hiding here, but..."

No matter what it looked like before.

The TV station is now empty.

Lin Qun walked in the front, still in the same formation as before, step by step.

The backup power supply can still be used. With its startup, the dim and gloomy TV station became bright again.

Lin Qun was not afraid of anything.

He wished that alien civilizations would come to him to give him contribution points.

He had already gained fifty or sixty contribution points along the way, but unfortunately, they learned their lesson and dared not show up, so Lin Qun could not expand his victory for the time being.

Lin Qun was not in a hurry for the moment.

Once he was in contact with this side, he could go to the urban area of ​​Huhe City to kill alien civilizations at any time.

Alien civilizations could not outrun him anyway.

Although Lin Qun had just killed a lot in Santang City more than 20 hours ago and received tons of contribution points, these contribution points were still not enough.

Lin Qun wanted to become stronger!

Even, he could impact the fourth-level prize pool!

The Blue Star battlefield was not the blocked Demon City. The situation here was more complicated and full of crises, and it was moving towards the next stage. The stage of many civilizations fighting and fishing would end, and the battle of powerful civilizations to the death was about to begin. At that time, those civilizations that fished in troubled waters to gain contribution points can withdraw, but the humans on Blue Star cannot. Humans are indigenous civilizations with no way to retreat. If they don't want to die, they can only become stronger, as strong as those top civilizations that have the last remaining power on the battlefield of Blue Star!

Lin Qun, to become a "sky-driven"-level strongman of the humans on Blue Star!

That's what he can do.

At this time, they have also arrived at the control room.

They found some images here, and got a glimpse of what happened in Huhe City these days.

The federal military strength of Huhe City is not as good as that of Santang City, so it collapsed at the earliest under the sweep of an alien civilization army. After this alien civilization swept through, there were still many survivors in Huhe City, and it became the gathering point of civilian armed forces of other alien civilizations.

At the beginning of the outbreak of the global battlefield, the TV station seemed to have tried to broadcast the entire city in an attempt to guide and help the survivors.

But now, these are all "ruins".

The scene was in a mess, with only blood left, and the bodies seemed to have been taken away.

——According to Song Xinyu, there is a group of alien civilizations in Huhe City that the locals call ghouls. They do eat people.

Not only do they kill people, they also take away the corpses and eat them. The more rotten the corpses are, the more they love and are eager to eat them.

Having seen such scenes many times, Lin Qun and Tong Xin are no longer surprised, but as human beings, they still feel uncomfortable when they hear it.

At this time, Tong Xin went to the equipment room to check it out, and came back and said: "The transmitting antenna here can be used, and the equipment is sufficient. Moreover, perhaps because the alien civilizations active here are all irregular armed forces of alien civilizations, they can neither use nor destroy these basic equipment. Most of the equipment here is intact, only partially damaged. Give me some time, I can contact Jinling or Lucheng!"

Tong Xin's news cheered everyone up.

"How long do you need?"

Lin Qun was a little surprised. He didn't expect Tong Xin to know this.

Tong Xin answered skillfully: "It will take at least an hour at the fastest. If it is slow, it may take until dawn."

Lin Qun estimated, nodded, and said: "Then I will wait for you, the sooner the better."

Huang Qizheng has not woken up yet.

Although Tong Xin has some fighting power, it is not enough. Lin Qun stays here temporarily to ensure their safety and temporarily suspend the hunting of alien civilizations. Lin Qun is just ready to take this opportunity to digest his contribution points.

In the previous battle in Santang City, Lin Qun's contribution points always exceeded 5,000. It cost more than 1,000 to upgrade the headshot female skill. Lin Qun now has more than 3,000 contribution points.

He plans to divide this contribution point into two parts.

One part will be retained to impact the upgrade of the fourth-level prize pool.

After experiencing the bloody battles in less than two days, Lin Qun feels more and more that he needs to quickly improve his combat power, and the advanced card pool is undoubtedly the best choice.

However, Lin Qun's current talent level is already level three, corresponding to the level three card pool. To upgrade further, he needs a full 20,000 contribution points to reach the level three card pool. From the early landing to the outbreak of the global battlefield until now, Lin Qun's accumulated contribution points are only more than 20,000.

This 20,000 number is indeed not a small number.


It also needs to be accumulated.

Lin Qun needs to improve his combat power in a short period of time. It will be slow to improve his level bit by bit. For example, those high-level and high-attribute strongmen of alien civilizations have experienced more than one civilized battlefield and slaughtered countless alien civilizations to grow up. It is definitely unrealistic for Lin Qun to do so in a short period of time.

In this case, it is better to hold back!

Upgrade the card pool.

The fourth-level card pool can draw up to A-level cards, which is the best way for Lin Qun to improve his combat power in a short period of time!

The other part is to draw cards directly!

Two thousand contribution points, four times of card drawing!

Tong Xin quickly got busy, and the Song Xinyu sisters followed her. Although they didn't know anything, they could still help. It was better to have someone to help than no one.

Lin Qun stayed in the control room with Huang Qizheng, who was still unconscious.

There are surveillance cameras here, which can see most of the locations of the TV station, including the location of Tong Xin and others. If there is any problem, with Lin Qun's strength, he can rush there in the first time.

Huang Qizheng lay in the corner, snoring slightly.

Lin Qun seriously suspected that he was asleep.

But at this time, his attention was still more on himself.

He didn't rush to draw a card immediately, but called out the Mark 50 nano armor.

This armor helped him resist part of the impact of the fatal blow of the Prophet Civilization Sky Drive. The front structure was almost penetrated, but fortunately, it was not the previous Mark 46.

It is a full nano structure.

Moreover, it also has a backup nanoparticle storage, which is used to repair the armor.

At this moment, Lin Qun called out the Mark 50 again. The armor looked the same as before. The scars and gaps had disappeared. The whole armor looked perfect. Although the systems were damaged, they were not serious and were in the process of self-repair.

It's just that the nano repair device of this Mark 50 has consumed 80% and has reached the bottom.

Lin Qun replaced it with the energy module exchanged in the Contribution Point Mall, and then put it away to let it repair slowly.

In fact, Mark 46 and Mark 50 are not products of this world, but they are available in the Contribution Point Mall. Lin Qun can exchange them for nanomechanical repair devices to repair them, but the price of that thing is very expensive, and one unit costs 8,000 contribution points.

This is also the normal price of the Contribution Point Mall.

In the third-level battlefield, the price of the Contribution Point Mall is based on the level of indigenous civilization of the planetary battlefield, that is, the technological level of the Blue Star humans.

Ordinary killing weapons and ammunition are very cheap, which is to encourage everyone to kill each other, but as long as there is something with a little technology that the Blue Star humans do not have, the price will immediately increase exponentially.

It's very exaggerated.

Lin Qun understands.

If these things are really exchanged, some of them may really be used by themselves, but for some civilizations, they can obtain key technologies from these seemingly inconspicuous advanced equipment, which is not just as simple as exchanging one thing.

And these advanced technology equipment and weapons in the Contribution Point Mall are actually what most civilizations hope to obtain.

However, Lin Qun now has Mark 50, so Mark 46 does not need to be repaired, and Mark 50 can still be used, so there is no need to exchange it for a repair device at a high price.

Retracting his gaze, Lin Qun officially began to set up the formation.

The fairy set all the cards.

Lin Qun's eyes moved.

He used the concentration technique.

The fairy has been very considerate recently.

She always responds to requests, and this time is no exception. It is another good luck.

Lin Qun also smiled: "Thank you, fairy."

Immediately, he rubbed his hands and started drawing cards quickly.

The first card is an item card.

The card is blue-themed and looks full of light. There is a water drop-like thing in the center, which has a blue and sacred feeling.

[Name: Goddess's Tears]

[Type: Item Card]

[Item Card Grade: B-level]

[Description: This item has a permanent and constant magic effect: mana accumulation. Wearing this item can gain the effect bonus. If you remove the wearing or destroy the item, the bonus disappears. Mana accumulation effect: Wearing this item, you can gain a point of dark energy limit for each alien civilization life killed. This effect can be accumulated, with a maximum accumulation limit of 150 points of dark energy limit. 】

【Special note: This card is one of the cards in the Mana and Archangel Staff set. If you get Caulfield's Hammer or Burning Gem, you can synthesize the card Mana or Archangel Staff. (After the synthesis of the set, if the accumulated dark energy value of the Goddess's Tears reaches the upper limit, the Mana can be upgraded to Mana Cut or the Archangel's Staff can be upgraded to Seraph's Embrace, and get additional bonuses). 】

This is... an important magic equipment in the League of Legends world, the Goddess's Tears!

Lin Qun blinked.

This thing, in the world of the League, is actually just a basic equipment. Before synthesizing the Mana or Archangel's Staff, it is actually not very useful except for adding mana. At most, it is not short of mana in the early stage. Even if the Mana and Archangel's Staff are synthesized, it is not very powerful. It really plays a role after the Mana or Archangel's Staff evolves into Mana Cut or Seraph's Embrace.

That is when it really works as an investment equipment. Many heroes in the League of Legends will even experience a qualitative change in their combat power.

But it is different on the global battlefield.

Dark energy is a real combat power!

Wearing it directly increases the upper limit of dark energy, which is a very terrifying increase for anyone with supernatural abilities.

The upper limit it can accumulate is one hundred and fifty, which is not as high as the three hundred and sixty in the alliance, so it should be the same. Moreover, blue energy and dark energy are not the same. If it were true that this item could increase the upper limit of dark energy by 360, then it shouldn't be a B-level card that Lin Qun has drawn now.

One hundred and fifty is still very reasonable. For others, this 150 points of dark energy attribute is a goal that can be achieved by upgrading to unknown levels, but Lin Qun can achieve it with just one piece of equipment!

Although the amount of mana that can be accumulated is not as much as in the alliance game, its accumulation conditions have become simpler and simplified a lot.

In the alliance game, it consumes mana to accumulate mana, but now, as long as it kills an alien civilization life, it can accumulate a little mana.

For Lin Qun, this was simply too simple.

By killing one hundred and fifty alien civilizations, he can directly fill up the stack!

When the time comes to wear the Tears of the Goddess, his dark energy attribute will directly reach about 250!

Level thirty.

Dark energy exceeds two hundred and five.

With this attribute, even those alien civilizations couldn't believe it, and they all called Lin Qun a cheater!

There's nothing he can do, he's just cheating!

Card after card bonus makes his attributes far beyond his current level!

This is also the confidence that he, a Blue Star human native with only more than 20,000 contribution points and level 30, can survive in a competition with the prophet civilization's pioneers!

The tears of the goddess materialized.

It is crystal clear all over, and when held in the palm of your hand, it seems to have a faint chill, but it is not cold, but has a warm and jade-like feeling.

Very exquisite.

Lin Qun was a bit imaginative.

The upper limit of one hundred and fifty dark energy points.

Plus his basic attributes.

If the dark energy and energy are added together, wouldn't it exceed three hundred?

This means that no matter what skill he doesn't activate, he will always have a reserve of the Sword of Victory when he is at his peak!

No need to accumulate dark energy and energy attributes anymore!

It is no longer difficult for Lin Qun to release the sword of victory!

Moreover, if the Wushuang state is turned on, the Wushuang can be maintained for more than two hours.

That will be a huge attribute bonus.

The increase in the upper limit of dark energy can directly improve Lin Qun's combat effectiveness and endurance in all aspects!

Moreover, this card is just a basic card...

If the Magic Cut and Seraph's Embrace can be combined in the future...

It will undoubtedly be more powerful, and the upper limit of the dark energy attribute will be increased, and there will definitely be more!

Lin Qun is studying Tears of the Goddess here, but the process of drawing cards continues.

As the first card was drawn, the second card slowly emerged.

This second card is actually a cheat card.

"Golden Light Spell?"

Lin Qun blinked.

The information about this card quickly appeared in front of his eyes.

[Name: Golden Light Spell]

[Type: Cheats Card]

[Cheats card level: B level]

[Description: Using this card, you can obtain the golden light mantra, which is the corresponding gesture. After reciting and making the corresponding gesture, you can invest different levels of dark energy to obtain different levels of effects. Input a small amount of dark energy to achieve righteousness and clarity. Heart, accelerates the recovery of energy, increases the speed of cultivation, alleviates mental obstacles and inner demons, increases the input of dark energy, and can obtain body-protecting golden light. 】

The Golden Light Mantra is one of the eight great mantras of Taoism.

Lin Qun narrowed his eyes, but he didn't expect that he would actually pull out this thing.

Moreover, this secret manual is obviously different from the previous ones. It is a quick-fix method, and its power is only related to the dark energy input by Lin Qun.

From this description, it seems that the more dark energy is input, the more powerful it can be.

And this divine curse is more like a way to ward off evil spirits and rectify the mind.

I’m afraid we have to wait until it is actually used before we can get a glimpse of its specific applications.

This card also quickly appeared in Lin Qun's palm.

The silver cards reveal a sense of solemnity and sophistication.

Lin Qun's eyes moved and looked at the third card.

With two thousand contribution points, Lin Qun drew cards four times from the third-level card pool. Now two cards have been released, and there are still two cards left.

And this card surprised Lin Qun even more.

Because, this card is actually a...

Blue Eyes White Dragon!

Lin Qun blinked and saw that the specifications of this card were similar to those in the Yu-Gi-Oh World, and on it, there was a majestic dragon painted on it!

That unique shape is exactly the monster card in the Yu-Gi-Oh! world - the blue-eyed white dragon!

This card, in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, was definitely a powerful card among monster cards in the early days. It was regarded as the main card by Kaiba due to its high offensive and defensive attributes.

Later, although various weird monster cards appeared frequently in the Yu-Gi-Oh system, they could not shake the classic status of this card.

But Lin Qun knows very well that such a card, placed on the real battlefield, is definitely not mediocre!

Because this blue-eyed white dragon is a summoning card!

[Name: Blue Eyes White Dragon]

[Type: Monster Summoning Card]

[Summoning card level: B level]

[Description: A legendary dragon known for its high attack power. Any opponent will be crushed by it, and its destructive power is immeasurable. Using the Card Summon Card, you can directly summon the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. It has a certain degree of wisdom, will unconditionally obey the command of the summoner, and is willing to sacrifice its life for the existence of the summoner. If the Blue-Eyes White Dragon dies or this card is destroyed, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon cannot be summoned again. The attributes of this monster card are: Light. Power: 300; Constitution: 250; Agility: 300. ]

Looking at the data on this card, Lin Qun couldn't help but gasp.

It's really the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

And it's a summon card!

Lin Qun's eyes lit up.

Isn't this the Dragon Knight?

The Blue-Eyes White Dragon Knight!

He immediately thought of the scene of riding a Blue-Eyes White Dragon and charging in the sky.

If he faced a swarm of insects in the sky, how majestic would he be riding a Blue-Eyes White Dragon?

Moreover, Lin Qun remembered that the Blue-Eyes White Dragon was not only strong, but also had a brutal attack method. It could fire a beam cannon directly from its mouth to bombard the opponent!

And the attributes of this Blue-Eyes White Dragon were also very impressive.

Its attributes completely crushed the cartoon crocodile.

Its strength and agility were both 300, and its constitution was a full 250 points.

Of course, this was not only because the Blue-Eyes White Dragon was a B-level card, but also because the uniqueness of the cartoon crocodile card was its cartoon attributes. Although the Blue-Eyes White Dragon was drawn in the anime style of Yu-Gi-Oh on the card, Lin Qun speculated that if it was really summoned, this Blue-Eyes White Dragon would definitely be a real dragon in a realistic style, not a cartoon creature.

Not only that, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon did not have any special monster effects, which were the price of its high attributes.

But for Lin Qun, these attributes were already very impressive.

These attributes were all higher than Lin Qun.

Moreover, once summoned, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon would unconditionally obey Lin Qun and regard Lin Qun's life as more important than his own!

On the battlefield, especially on a large-scale battlefield, Lin Qun believes that this Blue-Eyes White Dragon will play a greater role. Its existence can also make up for Lin Qun's shortcomings and deficiencies in the air battlefield to a certain extent.

Of course, now on TV, even if Lin Qun is excited, he can't call the Blue-Eyes White Dragon now.

It's not the right time to summon the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Lin Qun judges that although the Prophet Civilization Tianqu has been defeated, the feud has already been made. The Prophet Civilization will never let them go. There must be someone watching this side now.

The Blue-Eyes White Dragon card must not be released easily. If the Prophet Civilization knows it in advance, it will lose its effect.

While Lin Qun was thinking, the last card of this round of four consecutive draws also emerged.

This is...

[Name: Call of the East]

[Type: Effect Card]

[Effect Card Grade: B]

[Description: Use this effect card to get a "Calling Horn". Use this horn to call a cub of an oriental mythical creature, and the default blood contract. This card disappears after use. 】

【Special note: It's time to verify whether you are European or non-European. Mythological creatures may be Taotie, Qilin, or Giant Kun, but they may also be...】

Summon mythological creatures!

The effect of the fourth card is to summon a mythological creature. Although it is a cub, Lin Qun recalled the mythological history he knew... Those Chinese mythological creatures... can be said to be extremely terrifying...

In Lin Qun's eyes, this is not just a card.

That is infinite possibilities!

As for the cub...

If it is not a cub that can be summoned, he estimates that this card cannot be drawn by himself at level B.

All four cards today are good cards!

Of course, as the special note said, mythological creatures may also draw something unexpected.

However, Lin Qun does not have to worry.

With the Fairy's Gaze Card, Lin Qun can always be possessed by the God of Europe!

I wonder who I can summon?

He is looking forward to it.

The card drawing was over. Lin Qun was very excited. He sat here daydreaming. Everything else seemed to be forgotten. He wanted to use it right away. However, he had already used the Fairy Gaze Card and it was on cooldown. He had to wait.

Unexpectedly, a voice suddenly sounded behind Lin Qun.

"Hey, I'm not dead?"

Huang Qizheng woke up.



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