Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 242 The whole Demon City will fight for you!

A message from the Prophet Civilization caused global turmoil and uproar.

Not only that, Lucheng and Jinling were all shaken.

Li Zheng had only slept for three hours for several days in a row.

He was awakened just as he was about to go to bed.

When he heard this message, he trembled.

As an old soldier, he certainly understood what this message broadcast by the Prophet Civilization meant.

Lin Qun will face unimaginable terrorist threats!

Countless civilizations will rush towards him!

He got up quickly, did not sleep, only put on a thin piece of clothing, and hurried to the communication room.

He listened to the Prophet Civilization broadcast several times here.

Fu Kaiyi and many other senior executives arrived, blocking the door of the small room, making the technicians inside nervous and sweating.

After a long while, Li Zheng raised his head and his eyes swept over everyone in front of him.

He had calmed down by now, and said word by word:

"The Prophet Civilization must have suffered a great loss from Mr. Lin, but their meaning is clear now. Although we have no information about the concept of the Son of Civilization, we can be sure that their move is very fierce. They want to use the power of the world to suppress Mr. Lin!"

This is a situation that everyone can see.

And this news is definitely not good news for them.

Li Zheng said: "We must contact Lin Qun as soon as possible. We must inform him of the situation here and understand Lin Qun's situation... Also, I want to speak to the whole city."

In the small room, Li Zheng was slowly standing up. He had been supporting the war in the rear for many consecutive days. He was already tired, but there was still light in his eyes.

He knew that it was not time to rest yet.

The alien civilization made moves step by step, and they had to take them. Otherwise, it would not be one or two people who died, but tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions of people!

He must live up to his federal military rank!

Worthy of this military uniform!

He must do what he should do.

Fu Kaiyi held him back and whispered, "Li Zheng, what do you want to do?"

Li Zheng paused slightly.

He noticed that at this moment, the high-level officials standing in front of him who had followed him from the Magic City to Lucheng were also looking at him. They were also confused and a little uneasy.

He had to give them an answer.

"I want to gather everyone's strength."

"Tell the alien civilization that they are not going to encircle an individual. Instead, they are fighting against a civilization. "

He didn't say it clearly, but these words were the answer to Fu Kaiyi and others.

They realized what Li Zheng wanted to do.

Many people were shocked.

They were crowded at the door of the small technical room and forgot to move away, so they blocked Li Zheng here.

But Fu Kaiyi, who was standing in front, was silent for a moment and was the first to move away.

Then, the second and third people came.

A road appeared.

Li Zheng stepped forward.

At this time, someone reached out from the side, grabbed Li Zheng's arm, and said: "This may ruin the entire Demon City and the three million survivors in Lucheng now."

"It was he who called on the first-level civilization battlefield incarnation on the sea, forcing the Prophet Civilization Fleet to retreat... and I know what I am doing, so I am just the one who made the proposal, and the choice will be in the hands of the three million people in Lucheng. "

Li Zheng said: "None of us can speak for a civilization, only civilization itself can.

"This is not just Mr. Lin's business. The Prophet Civilization is not calling on those civilizations to hunt Lin Qun alone.

"They are hunting our entire civilization.

"So, everyone is a participant in the war, and everyone should make a decision."

After saying this, he walked forward without pausing.

A call and a storm will begin to brew in Lucheng.

At the same time.

Huhe City.

Lin Qun has just returned to the TV station.

He is isolated from information here and does not know that the outside world has been turbulent in just one hour.

And in this hour, Lin Qun naturally returned to his old business-fighting against alien civilization life.

Not only did he gain more than 80 contribution points, but he also successfully captured the target.

The alien civilization life with more than 30,000 contribution points is a strange-looking green dwarf, a bit like a goblin, but very cunning and cruel. He is a powerful hunter of alien civilization alone. He is rampant in the area of ​​Huhe City. I don’t know how many alien civilization lives and humans have become its contribution points.

There is no army in Huhe City, and it is the most powerful here. It used to walk sideways.

But today it is very depressed.

Not only was it blocked by a human who was usually slaughtered by it, but it was also captured alive. What scared it the most was that it was no match for that person.

The other party only looked at it, and its arm suddenly exploded.

Blood was dripping, it was horrible.

It is unimaginable what would happen if this look fell on its vital position.

Therefore, it surrendered directly.

Facing death, it is just a selfish alien civilization hunter, how can it not surrender?

In this way, Lin Qun unexpectedly caught it back successfully.

This is the most bloodless alien civilization life that Lin Qun has ever seen, and it is comparable to Baka's possession.

Of course, all this sounds simple. In fact, Lin Qun spent a lot of effort to find it, and also fought with other alien civilizations in the process, otherwise it would not have been delayed for such a long time.

However, some other alien civilizations hunted along the way also brought considerable benefits to the Lin group.

On the one hand, he gained eighty-five contribution points. On the other hand, this time, he killed with the Tears of the Goddess. These eighty-five heads also became the Tears of the Goddess. The upper limit of eighty-five points of dark energy accumulated in tears.

Now the upper limit of Lin Qun's dark energy attribute has skyrocketed from the original one hundred and two to one hundred and eighty-seven!

If this were to be achieved simply by upgrading, I don’t know how many levels it would take to achieve this.

And at this moment...

Lin Qun was throwing the green-skinned alien civilization life on the ground.

The wound on its broken arm had not been treated and was still bleeding.

Huang Qizheng, who was usually in a dazed state, became energetic when he saw the life of the alien civilization. He was holding a bottle of big green sticks that he found on the TV station. He raised his feet, the light golden light flashed, and he fell to the ground with one kick. The crawling little green-skinned monster was trampled underfoot.

Song Xinyu, Tong Xin and others are not here, they are still busy repairing the TV station equipment and trying to get in touch with Lucheng or Jinling City as soon as possible.

When Huang Qizheng woke up, they no longer needed Lin Qun to escort them, so Lin Qun was able to go hunting.

The green-skinned monster struggled desperately.

Although its size and appearance don't look that great, it is actually a very powerful alien civilization. If it were anyone else, it would be impossible to control it now, but it is a pity that there are two monsters in front of it. Like a strong human being, in front of Lin Qun and Huang Qizheng, it had no room or space to struggle. It could only howl in a weird tone: "I know who you are. You are humans who fought against the prophetic civilization. I don’t care who among you are the children of civilization, and I didn’t release your coordinates. If you want revenge, go find the prophet civilization... Why are you looking for me? Let me go. I have a device that may be able to help you escape the prophet. You can run away from the detection of the civilized nano-reconnaissance aircraft... If they can't locate your coordinates, they won't be able to update your position in real time. You will be safe. How about you just let me go? "

The simultaneous interpreter is on one side.

Its voice was simultaneously translated into human language so that both Lin Qun and Huang Qizheng could hear it clearly.

Lin Qun shook his head. He asked Huang Qizheng to suppress him, and leaned forward, saying: "Now you have been caught by us, and there is no room for you to negotiate terms with us. I will ask you a few questions, and you should answer them truthfully." , I will consider your proposal, otherwise you know very well that if you fall into our hands now, you will almost die. "

After listening to Lin Qun's words, the green-skinned monster finally became more honest and no longer struggled desperately, but said: "Why should I trust you?"

"Do you have any other choice? Believe us, you may not live or die. If you don't cooperate, you will die. You can choose for yourself. If you don't cooperate, there will always be someone who will."

Lin Qun's eyes met the other person's linear pupils, with a bone-chilling coldness in his eyes.

It thought of something, trembled, and gritted its teeth: "What do you want to ask?"

"What is a son of civilization?" Lin Qun didn't beat around the bush.

Hearing this question, the green-skinned monster looked blank, as if he had heard some strange question: "You... you are children of civilization, but you don't know what children of civilization are? Wait, aren't you children of civilization?"

"Very good. It seems that the sons of civilization will definitely know that they are the sons of civilization." Lin Qun nodded and said, "You are the one who answered me, not you who asked me back."

The green-skinned alien civilization was obviously suspicious, but it was stronger than humans. It couldn't defeat these two humans, so naturally it could only say something.

At this time, he directly said: "Sons of civilization, if you ask ordinary contestants, you may not know, but I happen to know that this is one of the 'benefits' given to the indigenous people in the global battlefield, but it is different from the talents given to the indigenous people. , this is implicit, and it is said that not every native on the battlefield will have a son of civilization - it is said that the existence behind the scenes of the global battlefield will select the native who they think has the most potential based on the performance of the natives on the civilized battlefield. Individually, it is given special equipment and abilities, allowing it to grow and develop rapidly, and even some veteran strong players from the participating civilizations cannot compare with it.

"Of course, for the sake of fairness, if any contestant civilization can discover this son of civilization and kill it, then this contestant civilization can obtain the special bonus of this son of civilization, and receive additional bonuses from the beings behind the scenes of the global battlefield. The 'Easter Egg' reward is said to be very generous...but as far as I know, the indigenous civilization creatures who are chosen to become children of civilization must know that they are children of civilization."

In the last sentence, the green-skinned monster was obviously a bit probing, and his eyes swept over Lin Qun and Huang Qizheng, obviously suspicious.

Are these two human beings in front of us not children of civilization?

The message of prophetic civilization...

But if he is not a son of civilization, how can he be so powerful as an indigenous civilization? Can it even fight against the Heavenly Drive of the Prophet Civilization?

After listening to its words, Lin Qun and Huang Qizheng fell into silence.

There is no doubt that none of them are children of men.

They knew very well that they were not the chosen ones at all, and according to what it said, they didn't even know if Blue Star really had civilized children.

Lin Qun said: "No wonder the prophet civilization uses this as a gimmick. The easter egg reward of the civilization behind the global battlefield can allow individuals to grow rapidly. This is excellent for both a civilization and individuals within the civilization. A good thing, and if you want to get it, you only need to kill an indigenous civilization life. Even if this person is a strong person in the indigenous civilization and a son of some civilization, no matter how powerful he is, under the limited growth time and harsh growth conditions , it is also difficult to compete with those veteran alien civilization contestants. As long as you find out, it is not easy to kill him? This is equivalent to free benefits. This is very fair, and it is also a global battlefield. Even benefits and opportunities must be given. The same huge risk.”

Huang Qizheng said: "Then what is the purpose of the people behind this global battlefield? What do they want to gain?"

" do I know this? I know I have already said everything. The device I mentioned is also true, but it is not on me. You know, if you let me go, I will give you that thing. It will definitely help you... …”

The green-skinned monster spoke with hope, wanting to exchange interests with Lin Qun and gain a chance of survival for himself.

But unfortunately, before it could finish its words, its head exploded with a bang.

Killed instantly!

And this time Lin Qun's application of the headshot girl has been taken to a higher level. Because of his ability to control blood, he can contain the liquid exploded from the headshot at the moment. This made it possible for him to avoid the close range headshot this time. And what was on Huang Qizheng's body.

Huang Qizheng was startled and took a sip of wine: "My dear, just destroy it like this?"

"Don't trade with foreign civilizations. If it's not necessary, say as little as possible and kill as much as you can."

Lin Qun stepped forward expressionlessly and walked over this guy's body.

Not even a second glance.

The alien civilized life is not of my race. If it were not for this information, the natives would not know it at all. They would have to inquire with the alien civilized life. Lin Qun would never be able to talk nonsense with it.

Kill it.

One contribution point is credited.

Less than a thousand experiences left.

This alien civilization life seems to be very weak in its own civilization, so even though it has more than 30,000 contribution points, it has very little experience and poor attributes.

Come to think of it, it can be considered a strong player in its own civilization, right?


The news he got from it made Lin Qun's face look a little ugly.

Prophetic civilization is cunning.

Their broadcasts don't say much, but they are all key information. One explains that the forest group is a huge threat and must be killed as soon as possible; the other explains that the forest group has various benefits, and people rush to kill them. Without exception, they all strengthen other people. Civilization came to kill Lin Qun's determination.

Moreover, Lin Qun felt that it might not be that simple, and that the prophetic civilization might also have a plan in it.

But at this moment, the little girl Song Xintong ran out and said, "Sister Tong Xin asked us to call you. She has contacted Lucheng!"

Lin Qun immediately quickened his pace.

Huang Qizheng took a gulp of wine and followed closely behind.

When Lin Qun came over, Tong Xin had already completed the transfer. When Lin Qun came over, she immediately handed it over to Lin Qun.

On the other side, she has also established communication with Jinling City, and she and Huang Qizheng talked with Jinling.

The first thing that sounded from Lin Qun's side was Gu Pan's voice.

The female correspondent's voice sounded a little excited, and she seemed to be crying. She said: "Mr. Lin, we finally contacted you. You don't know that if your name hadn't been on the ranking list... We almost thought... we almost thought... I had been calling you... the whole city was praying that you were okay..."

Gu Pan has always been professional, but at this time, he became unusually unprofessional, his voice was excited, even with a hint of sobs.

Lin Qun heard something complicated.

He thought about the journey from Magic City to Lucheng to Zhenze until today.

The thanks from the magic city, the calls from the misty world, and the looks and support from those on the shore of Zhenze Lake...

He is the strong man of civilization, and this is also his civilization.

But Lin Qun knew the situation was serious.

It has been a long time since the Prophet Civilization broadcast, and he has also figured out what the Son of Civilization means. Now he can no longer be as calm as he was more than an hour ago. He must discuss countermeasures with Lucheng as soon as possible and leave Huhe City.

Because maybe, alien civilizations will soon appear to kill him!

"I'm fine. Don't worry. How is the situation in Lucheng? Has the fleet of Prophet Civilization landed on the coastline? Have you also received the broadcast of Prophet Civilization? Where is Li Zheng?"

Lin Qun has too many problems.

Gu Pan said: "Mr. Lin, your call for the incarnation of the first-level civilization battlefield powerhouse seems to have caused the prophet civilization fleet to suffer unimaginable huge losses. Not only did they not land, they even retreated and completely disappeared. The threat to Lucheng has been lifted. , we received the broadcasts from the Prophet Civilization, they were simply too deceptive...Commander Li Zheng...Commander Li Zheng...

"He can't come now...just listen..."

There was rare emotion and indignation in Gu Pan's voice, but at this moment, he seemed to have switched the line to another location.

Lin Qun was at a loss when he heard Li Zheng's voice.

He realized...

That's not switching to another line.

Instead, Gu Pan, who was in Lucheng, stood up from his seat and opened the window to let him listen to the sounds outside.


In Lucheng, China, Li Zheng was broadcasting throughout the city.

In the past period, in order to strengthen the military's control and unified dispatch of Lucheng, the military used original methods to establish a broadcast system in the places where survivors live around the world. The military can broadcast in the command center and let the voice be heard in the command center. Delivered to every corner of Lu City in the shortest possible time.

This was originally an emergency measure prepared for special circumstances when evacuation was not notified in time, but at this moment, it was used by Li Zheng to initiate a city-wide broadcast.

Lin Qun didn't hear the previous content, he heard it from the middle.

"...You all already know the content of the Prophet Civilization's broadcast, but what you don't know is that this broadcast has now spread all over the world. I believe that the Prophet Civilization's intention of sending this broadcast is very obvious.

"They want to mobilize the whole world, mobilize the alien civilizations around the world, encircle and suppress the Lin group, and encircle and suppress Mr. Lin.

“Moreover, they do this without any scruples and unscrupulousness, and they don’t care at all that we humans know about their behavior.

"Are their current behavior just to hunt Mr. Lin? No, they are hunting us as a whole!

“In front of all of us, we are hunting for our human lives!

"What do they think we are? What do they think the federal people and federal soldiers are?! Are they a bunch of cowards and losers?!

"Perhaps, in other parts of the Federation, other survivor bases, and to other survivors, Lin Qun is a strange name. What is this son of man? No one knows what it means. In fact, even us Even the Lucheng Military Headquarters didn't quite understand.

“But we don’t need to understand that much.

"I told Mr. Lin before that the global battlefield is not the responsibility of one person. He is very powerful and I hope he can use his power to help us. Now, I want to say the same thing to all of you.

"This is a shameless and bloody invasion war. Maybe those alien civilizations call this a civilized battlefield, but in my heart, this is an invasion, a barbaric invasion of our world by those alien civilizations. This is not A personal matter.

"Today they are hunting a human being, and we stand by and watch. Tomorrow they are hunting us, and others are standing by and watching. In the future, the Federation will perish, and humanity will perish!

"We haven't contacted Mr. Lin yet. We are sending people to Huhe City to establish contact as soon as possible. But now, what I want to say is that we must let the alien civilization understand that if they want to encircle and suppress one human being, there will be thousands of them. Tens of thousands of humans stand up!

“We must let the alien civilizations understand that they will never and cannot be allowed to kill and hunt so unscrupulously!

“We must let the alien civilization understand that this is our planet, and everyone they want to kill is a challenge to our entire civilization, and they will surely face the fury of our entire civilization!

“So, I’m here to make a call.

"I am here to appeal to all humans in Lu City——

"We have to come out, we should stand up, and unite all the forces we can to stop the alien civilization from hunting Mr. Lin.

"Show them our wrath with blood and fire.

“No one can trample on the dignity of our civilization like this!

“No one can openly hunt our compatriots in front of millions of us humans!

"Also tell Mr. Lin, thank you for fighting for us. Today, his civilization may still be weak, but it will never let him fight alone!!!"

With the last sound, Li Zheng's voice was extremely high, echoing throughout the sky of Lucheng.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Qun heard a chaotic, noisy, but extremely determined roar and response like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

That is the civilized response.

Gu Pan's voice sounded softly, but he could not contain his excitement and trembling: "Mr. Lin, did you hear it - did you hear it - the whole city will fight for you!"

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