Lin Qun was not crazy.

On the contrary, he was very excited.

He followed this group of people just to wait for the alien civilization life to come to him. After waiting for so long, it finally came. How could he not be excited?

Moreover, these people were the Bakatans whom he hated the most.

This is exactly the case of enemies meeting on a narrow road.

From the Magic City to now, Lin Qun has not seen these "old friends" of his for a long time. They have already invested the main force in the Magic City. Naturally, there are not many troops in other related areas. In addition, the Magic City was defeated later, and the Bakatans suffered heavy losses. It is even more impossible for Lin Qun to encounter too many Bakatans.

Because of this, when this group of Bakatans came out, Lin Qun was slightly stunned, and then he became excited. He immediately asked Tong Xin to speed up and prepare to fight.

So, this scene that seems very crazy to others appeared.

Others were desperately retreating, only Lin Qun and his car went against the flow, not retreating but advancing, rushing all the way to the Bakatans in front!

"This is simply suicidal behavior!"

Lv Daqi's eyes were attracted.

A flash of hesitation appeared on his face, and a thought that shouldn't have arisen in his mind. .

He didn't know why the adults in the car were crazy. Maybe they didn't want to live anymore and wanted to die. Such people were not uncommon, but he still remembered the little girl. She was only about the same age as his son, and she shouldn't...

Liu Dong on the side pressed his hand with his hand and gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone will run away when disaster strikes. Even a master like Qiao Bin ran away directly. What can we do? What's more, we have already made it clear to them that they are crazy and looking for death. Who knows what they are thinking? It's too late now, don't meddle in other people's business!"

In Liu Dong's eyes, Lin Qun and others were crazy and were already a group of dead people. To save the dead, isn't that looking for death?

Lu Daqi gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

He really couldn't care less.

Now that the Bakatans had just come out and had not yet reached their eyes, the rockets and machine guns had already posed a huge threat to them. When they got closer, they would all die!

The same idea was also shared by all the survivors in the convoy at the moment.

Although this team was full of ordinary survivors, they were all masters of running away, otherwise they would not have survived until now. When they encountered danger, they ran faster than rabbits, and despite the chaos, their running speed was not affected at all, including Qiao Bin, who was ranked 98th in the world. He also showed amazing and skillful running skills at this time, but he was also very considerate. He did not give up any of the beauties following him.

But as they ran, they found something wrong, because why did the Bakatans behind them suddenly stop chasing and fighting before they ran far? Did the sound of gunfire suddenly disappear?

Someone turned his head and took a look, and was immediately shocked.

"The Bakatans are running away! They are running away!"

Liu Dong also turned his head, his mouth suddenly opened so wide that an egg could fit in it, and said, "Damn, Brother Lu, don't run away. We don't need to run away. The Bakatans are all running away!"

Lv Daqi drove away desperately, and everyone was dumbfounded when he heard it: "How is it possible? Why are they running away?"

"They...they...seem to have been scared away by the group of survivors named Lin..."

Liu Dong's expression was quickly becoming complicated and exciting.

Because they had never seen alien civilizations like this, running away as if they had seen a ghost!

In the past, it was them humans who ran away like this when facing alien civilizations, but now, everything seems to be the opposite!

The chaotic fleeing team is gradually slowing down.

The panic and chaos just now gradually settled down at this moment.

Instead, there was a cry of surprise.

Qiao Bin even jumped out of the car.

Why did this group of Bakatans run away? Naturally, it was because Lin Qun took action.

But the effect of his action this time was so exaggerated that even he himself did not expect it to be so exaggerated.

After Tong Xin drove close to a certain distance, Lin Qun directly switched to the Mark 50 armor, opened the car door, and rushed out of the high-speed vehicle.


Lin Qun hadn't made a move yet.

The Bakatan telekineticist, who was several hundred meters away, looked at Lin Qun seriously for a few seconds, and then screamed suddenly.


Then, the Bakatan ran away.

Faster than the Taku people.

Extremely decisive.

And the Bakatan people were much more regular than the Taku people. At this time, they ran in a uniform manner, at a very fast speed, without any hesitation.

Lin Qun was a little dumbfounded.

He was stunned in mid-air for a while.

What he didn't know was that the Bakatan telekineticist was also dumbfounded.

As Lin Qun judged, they were just an ordinary scattered force of Bakatan. There was only this group of them nearby, which was a world of difference from the Bakatan army that was fighting a full-scale war with humans in the Magic City.

But they also knew Lin Qun.

The battle of the Magic City caused a great uproar among the Bakatans. Not only the local Bakatans were in an uproar, but also the Bakatans who participated in the war on Blue Star were all aware of this super ruthless man.

Killing Baka Lie forced the Bakatans to abandon the Magic City, and the Magic City plan collapsed completely.

Such a ruthless man is still alive on Blue Star, so you must know what he looks like!

Therefore, when Lin Qun rose, the telekineticist recognized him at a glance.

Then, it was pissed off.

This news was quickly transmitted back by it. Immediately afterwards, the people on their side were all dumbfounded and chose to retreat without hesitation. Each and every Bakatan was so scared that they were scared to death. They ran as fast as they could. Hurry, don't waste a second!

"Why is this evil star here?"

"Quick, run, it's too late if you don't run!"

Unfortunately, they were too late by this time.

How can these ground troops outrun the forest group with Mark 50?

He rushed out at high speed and caught up in an instant. However, he did not clean up the ground troops first, but chased the fastest V-shaped fighter first. The Bakatan pilot in the V-shaped fighter no longer dared to show off his power. I was flying around randomly, I ran away immediately, accelerating to the extreme, thinking that I was already so fast, the human evil star couldn't catch up, right?

However, soon, it desperately discovered that the human was catching up little by little. Not only that, but even surpassed its position and shot it with a backhand.

As a result, the V-shaped fighter quickly turned into a ball of fire in mid-air and crashed down. Immediately afterwards, Lin Qun quickly fought back and started a massacre of the Bakatan ground troops on the ground.

This group of Bakatans is not weak. Not to mention the survivors, even an encounter with ordinary federal regular troops would be more difficult, but what they encountered today was the Lin group. This group of Bakatans were no match for Lin Qun, let alone a threat to him. They couldn't even run away. They could only be massacred by Lin Qun. In a few seconds, they exploded one after another, and the corpses exploded. It's all over the place!

The Bakatan telekinesis master didn't dare to fight with Lin Qun at all. At the critical moment, he turned around and ran away, hoping to take advantage of Lin Qun to kill other Bakatan people. But unfortunately, Lin Qun was only there. It glanced at it from behind and its head exploded!

A few hundred meters apart.

An instant kill!

With the current headshot female skill, Lin Qun doesn't have to chase you at a distance of 600 meters. If you look at you from a distance, you will be dead!

Within a radius of six hundred meters.

Run, does not exist.

There are more than two hundred Bakatan people, and they are not the Taku people who are all over the mountains and plains. Now that there is no red shadow man chasing behind them, Lin Qun can kill them calmly!

Qiao Bin, Lu Daqi and other survivors behind were all dumbfounded.

Especially, when the Bakatan telekinesis master who Qiao Bin couldn't defeat was instantly killed by Lin Qun with one move, Qiao Bin's eyes almost popped out of his head.

That telekinesis master was a strong man with at least 10,000 contribution points.

As a result, he was killed instantly with one move!

Not to mention the armored troops of the Barkatans.

There is such a master hidden in this team?

Killing foreign civilizations is like slaughtering dogs!

Lu Daqi and Liu Dong looked at each other in the car.

Liu Dong swallowed hard, and his tone changed: "He...who are they?"

He never dreamed that Lin Qun and others, who were already dead in his eyes, not only did not die, but the Bakatan people died!

Moreover, looking at it like this, Lin Qun killed those Bakatans as easily as slaughtering dogs, and his strength was not the slightest bit overwhelming.

And you must know that the master Qiao Bin just now is not an opponent, he can only run.

Lu Daqi also took a breath.

He knew that this time, he might have picked up a real "master" on the road.

This is great luck!

Lu Daqi was also a little speechless at Liu Dong's shock, and was a little dazed, saying: "So, the real masters are those who are inconspicuous..."

What he is talking about here is Lin Qun and that Qiao Bin.

At this time, Lin Qun had already fought back from the front.

His strength now is different from what it was back then in the Magic City. His sword control skills increase the range of headshots for women. He killed more than 200 Bakatans one by one within a few minutes. Even Mark 50 Nano-armor doesn't waste much energy.

As for torture and so on...

Even though Lin Qun was extremely jealous when he saw the Bakatan people, he was not that crazy. Just harvest the contribution points.

When Lin Qun came back, he saw a crowd of stunned people.

Some of them had met Lin Qun before, and they only thought that Lin Qun was an ordinary survivor like them. Many of them even didn't pay attention to Lin Qun and others at all, but now...

This is actually a super boss!

At this moment, the beauties standing next to Qiao Bin suddenly felt that the ninety-eighth human being around them was no longer fragrant.

Compared with the Lin Qun in front of me, these ninety-eight people are nothing at all!

At this moment, there was no one around Qiao Bin, and he was left out in the cold.

Everyone had fawned over him before, hoping that they could rely on Qiao Bin to survive in times of crisis, but everyone saw what happened just now. Qiao Bin couldn't count on him. Even if he was better than ordinary people, it was of no use.

Lu Daqi reacted at this time and regretted it.

How come he didn't notice such a big boss before? Wasn't this a good opportunity missed?

He used to be cruel to himself for not being able to hold on to that ninety-eight-year-old girl...

But now, it turns out that something even more powerful is right in front of you.

At this time, Liu Dong glanced at the ranking list of the Jilin area where they were now, and suddenly said: "Wait a minute, Brother Lu, I see, those two humans with more than 20,000 contribution points are also in this area. You said they would not……"

When Lu Daqi heard this, he immediately reacted and his eyes widened.

At this time, Lin Qun had landed on the roof of his car, looked around at everyone, and said bluntly: "No need to guess, I am the person on the Prophet Civilization Radio, Ye Ying."

Everyone gasped, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

They all looked at Lin Qun blankly!

No one thought that the person next to them was actually the client of the man of the moment!

It feels almost like winning the lottery!

Moreover, that Qiao Bin was only ranked 98th among human beings, but Ye Ying was among the top 20 among all human beings who was hunted down by alien civilization and was called the Son of Man!

The alien civilization is rushing to kill this person!

Qiao Bin couldn't help but take a breath: "No wonder..."

Lin Qun had just taken action, and he was shocked. He didn't expect that there was such a powerful master hiding here, and he didn't even know him. What was even more shocking to him was that with his strength, he was considered powerful among humans, but just now Lin Qun took action, Countless Bakatan telekinesis masters who were more powerful than him were instantly killed. Their combat power was way ahead of his own, Qiao Bin!

And now the answer is revealed.

I'm afraid only a being that top civilizations want to hunt down can have such strength, right?

But Liu Dong and others who had complained before turned green at this time and began to desperately remember whether they had ever spoken ill of others in front of them.

At this time, the survivors reacted and started shouting.

"Are you Night Shadow? Are you the Son of Man...are you the new leader? Are you the savior?"

"Can you save us? Save us and take us to a safe survivor base..."

Of course, no one here actually knows what Son of Man means. Most of them guess based on the literal meaning, thinking that this is a great identity.

Qiao Bin squeezed out of the crowd, looked at Lin Qun, and said: "Son of mankind, I am willing to follow you, and I can give you my women!"

He has never seen such a powerful human being, single-handedly slaughtering an army of alien civilization.

These are super thighs!

Qiao Bin's eyes shone.

Others regard Qiao Bin as his thigh, but Qiao Bin knows very well that he can fight against ordinary alien civilizations, but if he encounters a really powerful one, he can only run away. He also wants to hug a thigh!

And the person in front of him, isn't that the thigh he is looking for?

If you hold your thighs, your safety factor will rise in a straight line. If you are lucky, you can even earn contribution points from your thighs!

And listening to his words, the expressions of the beauties around him can only be described as complicated.

But unfortunately, Lin Qun saw Qiao Bin's thoughts at a glance and said: "It is probably impossible for me to protect you, otherwise I wouldn't have to hide all the time. Now that I have taken action, I can't act with you." .

Because I am the target of many alien civilizations. You should all know this. This matter is more serious than you expected. Following me is not only unsafe, but also very dangerous. The alien civilizations know that I am here and they will come to attack me. You can walk, but none of you can run away.

"As for the Son of Man, he is not a savior, and I am not a savior."

Lin Qun himself knew that he was not a son of mankind, but in his words, he did not admit or deny it, because there was no need, and he did not need to explain anything to these people.

After listening to Lin Qun's words, everyone looked at each other as if a basin of cold water had been poured on them.

"Of course, if you want to follow me, I won't refuse anyone who comes." Lin Qun looked around and said, "But you must be prepared to attack the top powerhouses of alien civilizations and thousands of armies with me! "

This time, even Qiao Bin retracted.

Hearing Lin Qun's words, he suddenly calmed down. He only thought about the power of the person in front of him, and forgot that the other party had been broadcast by Prophet Civilization and had become a target of public criticism.

Qiao Bin is a master, but he is also a person who is greedy for life and fear of death. He just wanted to hug his thigh because he thought it was safe to follow Lin Qun, but he forgot about the other things. At this time, it was impossible to move forward.

Everyone looked at each other.

No one said anything more.

Seeing this, Lin Qun just smiled and said nothing more. He separated from the crowd and found Lu Daqi.

Lu Daqi's attitude towards Lin Qun has also undergone a 180-degree change.

The previous indifference was gone.

He rubbed his hands, swallowed his saliva, and even looked a little nervous.

He had never thought before that this was a super boss!

Although he had complained before that they left Huhe City because of Lin Qun, he knew in his heart that Huhe City would have to leave sooner or later, and if it hadn't been for Lin Qun, they might have been killed by the Bakatans just now.

He was a little scared, and he was wildly worried that Lin Qun would retaliate against his previous bad attitude.

But he thought wrong. Lin Qun just wanted to hand Sister Song Xinyu over to him and let him take them for a ride.

Lu Daqi's uneasy heart was finally put back in his stomach. He looked at the pair of sisters behind Lin Qun and beside the car. Without hesitation, he quickly nodded and said: "Don't worry, leave them to me. Although I am not very capable." Yes, but I will try my best to protect the people in my team.”

At this moment, Lu Daqi's eyes were still very sincere.

Lu Daqi would not refuse this, nor did he dare to, let alone refuse.

Moreover, when such a big boss asked for help, he had no reason to refuse. Lu Daqi is not stupid. If Lin Qun is not killed by the alien civilization, he will definitely become the most powerful person among mankind in the future. He did a favor for him today. If we can see him again in the future, then if he has something to do, can Lin Qun not help?

This is a relationship that ordinary people like him cannot dream of.

Now that I have finally climbed up, there is no reason to refuse.

Even Liu Dong, who was on one side, repeatedly patted his chest to assure himself.

Lin Qun also saw that Lu Daqi might be a little selfish, but he was not a bad person, so he handed Song Xinyu and others over to him.

Later, Lin Qun and the two sisters Song Xinyu said: "My next road is not safe. You can follow Lu Daqi first. They are still very capable if they survive to this day. You can go to Daxing with him. Of course, If you want to leave, you can.”

Song Xintong nodded vigorously.

Song Xinyu looked complicated and said, "Thank you."

Of course she understood that her two sisters would not always have the opportunity to follow such a strong man. Lin Qun was able to give them such an arrangement, which was extremely benevolent. Even she herself had not thought of it, and she felt indescribable in her heart.

But she had nothing to give Lin Qun.

Just this thank you.

Lin Qun's help to these two sisters only ends here.

He could help with more, but there was no need. If they were not relatives or friends, just give them a hand. Therefore, he did not give them anything extra. He only gave Song Xintong a piece of chocolate at the end and got in the car. Gradually move away from the team.

Gu Pan sent a message that multiple troops starting from Lucheng in batches were approaching him and would be at his disposal.

Among them were many old acquaintances of Lin Qun.

For example, Chu Youwei is leading the way.

According to Gu Pan, Chu Youwei was not part of the plan because she had not joined the military and had always been outside the military. However, this time she took the initiative and quickly moved towards Lin Qun. .

But despite this, she is still some distance away from Lin Qun.

In addition, many people, such as Li Jie, Liu Rui and others, seemed to be here. Lin Qun was assigned a specialized elite group, a team composed of a large number of talented masters to cooperate with his actions. Many people came from Lin Qun's previous team. Now they are running thousands of miles to support Lin Qun.

Lin Qun couldn't help but sigh in his heart: This Li Zheng really thinks highly of me and can really afford to spend money.

However, Lin Qun thought for a while and then said to Gu Pan: "There is no need to let them join me. I can move freely and they can move freely as long as they stay within a certain range around me. If anyone is in trouble, we will fight Whoever I hit, they will cooperate with me and use their mobility."

Gu Pan was slightly startled. According to Lin Qun's idea, it meant that they would be scattered across the entire area, and it was very likely that they would lose sight of one thing.

Lin Qun seemed to see her concerns and said: "This is the best choice. The target of the red shadow man from the Prophet Civilization and the Divine Conspiracy Civilization is me. He is too close to me and even acts with me. He can only become one of them." In this case, if they gather around me, it will be equivalent to dragging them all into the water, exposing all our existing effective forces to the outside. But if they spread out and keep pace with me, then our strength will be hidden. If anyone attacks me, it will not affect them, but they can directly counterattack with me at that time the alien civilization life that attacks me..."

Gu Pan nodded repeatedly when he heard this and said, "I understand, I will communicate now."

Lin Qun lowered his eyes.

He had a feeling that the prophet civilization might have been following him, tracking and tracking him using some means or micro-detection equipment that he and the federation could not detect with the existing technology and capabilities. This is the first mover advantage of the prophet civilization.

The concealment technology of the Prophet civilization was already demonstrated in the battle at Zhenze Lake. It was completely ahead of human civilization and could not be detected by Lin Qun's Mark 50.

But Hongying people and other alien civilizations do not have such an advantage.

After Huhe City, judging from the reaction of the Red Shadow Man, it had almost lost its goal.

Although he had just taken action, fighting in a small area might not be able to attract the opponent.

At this moment, Tong Xin in front suddenly spoke up, interrupting Lin Qun's thinking: "Listen, this broadcast... The Prophet Civilization has updated our position!"

The names of the first few chapters are wrong. I don’t know how it turned into more than 300 chapters. In fact, they are all about 200 chapters. It seems that the starting point cannot be changed in the VIP chapter. Please let me know.

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