Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 250 Nuclear bomb blow him up!

"Lin Qun has been surrounded. The Red Shadow Man of the Shengui Civilization and the troops of the Aleka Mimi Civilization are all near him. He did not try to retreat, but instead accelerated towards the fleet of the Aleka Mimi Civilization. It seems that he wants to launch a counterattack."

About a few dozen kilometers away from the battlefield.

A Prophet Civilization aircraft is in optical invisibility.

Through the information sent back by the hidden microscopic unmanned reconnaissance aircraft deployed in front, they are monitoring the battlefield in front, and with the excellent stealth and concealment technology of the Prophet Civilization, they have not been discovered by humans or multi-legged civilizations at all.

In the aircraft bridge, a life of the Prophet Civilization is respectfully reporting the situation in front to the Sky Drive behind him.

The Prophet Civilization Sky Drive "Ke" is now immersed in a glass jar. His body is a little bigger than before, immersed in a liquid similar to nutrient solution, and full of tubes, but he still looks like a meat ball, and only some of the grown life organs of the Prophet Civilization can be vaguely distinguished. It looks quite embarrassed compared to its previous appearance.

This is all the work of those two humans.

As if out of respect, or as if afraid of angering Tianqu, the prophet civilization individual who spoke lowered his head, and even dared not look at Tianqu in this state.

At this moment, the voice of this Tianqu rang directly in the hearts of his kind.

"He has this strength. These two civilizations can't stop him. At least two civilizations of the same level as us will end up in order to have the possibility of killing him."

Hearing Tianqu's words, other prophet civilization lives were a little surprised.

As the second strongest person in the prophet civilization of the Blue Star battlefield, one of the best masters in the prophet civilization, Tianqu rarely gives such a high evaluation to the lives of other civilizations.

After a series of fights, Tianqu suffered a great loss from Lin Qun. Although it was angry, it had to admit that this human was more powerful than it could imagine, and the richness of its means shocked it. What's more, this human still had a trump card in his hand that was close to the combat power of the evolver.

Therefore, its judgment at this time was not exaggerated at all. It was its rational analysis and judgment.

However, many people also thought of the great loss that Tianqu suffered from this human, and the atmosphere was a little subtle.

After a moment, the prophet civilization life who spoke earlier said coldly: "However, no matter how capable this human is, the end is inevitable... He will be killed by us in Daxing... No matter how he struggles, he is just a chess piece on our chessboard."

In the darkness, under the dim light of water ripples, the cold faces of several prophet civilization lives were reflected.

The glass jar of Tianqu slowly moved backwards.

Its observation organ was also coldly looking at the picture of Lin Qun in front of it.

Not to mention the predicted results...

It also did not want Lin Qun to die somewhere else.

Because that was its prey.

It must pay this human with blood for the shame of the battle at the port of Huhe City.

And it will welcome back its own glory.

-Everything has just begun, human...I will send you to hell in Daxing, and your struggle will bring greater help to the layout of our prophet civilization-


At the same time.

Tong Xin's vehicle was at three o'clock, sixteen kilometers away, and a military vehicle was speeding.

There were only two people in this car.

Chu Youwei and Xia Qing.

Gu Pan said that Chu Youwei's team actually only had two of them. Chu Youwei was not a member of the military. She had the right to act independently, but she was just cooperating with the military. After Xia Qing was injured, the military hoped that she could stay in the rear to do civilian work, and the military would find a way to replace her body for her. However, because human contribution points could not be gathered, the military had no way to directly replace her with a better body, and could only help Xia Qing update and iterate by replacing parts. But that was too slow for Xia Qing, so she took the initiative to apply to participate in the war in her own name and replace her cyber body with her own ability. Therefore, she participated in the battle of Zhenze Lake, and now she teamed up with Chu Youwei and appeared here.

The personalities of the two of them are actually not very different, but they seem to have become very good friends.

Xia Qing is driving.

Her body seemed to have gone through another round of iterations, becoming much more sleek than before, and now a completely anthropomorphic body. It was also more flexible to use, and she could drive smoothly without any hindrance. Even from her movements alone, it was hard to tell at a glance that she was not a flesh and blood body. However, she was still wearing a coat, covering most of her steel body. Only from the high collar of the coat could one vaguely see the subtle structure of the slightly terrifying and hideous steel neck moving along with her micro-movements.

However, the sword she once had returned to her waist.

She drove very fast.

Speeding through the wilderness.

As if racing with the moon.

Chu Youwei was sitting in the co-pilot seat, taking a short nap to recharge her energy, but suddenly raised her head at this time.

Xia Qing was also looking in the same direction -

They were attracted by the light in the distant sky.

From her position, a flash of light appeared at the end of the skyline, like a string of lights in the sky, flickering constantly.

Accompanied by a thunderous roar, it resounded over the surrounding wasteland, rumbling and shaking.

But it was not thunder.

"He made a move."

Xia Qing glanced and then looked away.

Chu Youwei's pupils reflected the brilliant flash.

"He is still like this, he can't wait for a moment."

Xia Qing laughed: "Hey, hold on, I'm going to speed up."


At this moment, Lin Qun was flying through the air.

The powerful thrusters of Mark 50 were providing Lin Qun with endless power.

He flew through the sky at high speed and rushed straight to the opponent fifteen kilometers away.

The multi-legged civilization was also surprised by his fierce reaction.

The commander of the multi-legged civilization in its irregular warship said: "He dared to kill him even though he was surrounded by two enemies. This human is really a lunatic. Does he think that he is invincible just because he is a child of civilization? Does he really want to fight against our fleet?"

These alien civilizations were actually not clear about the details of the confrontation between Lin Qun and the Prophet Civilization.

Even the fact that Lin Qun had severely damaged Tianqu was little known. The only widely known information was that Lin Qun had summoned the incarnation of a first-level civilization battlefield strongman in the East China Sea. Other information about the confrontation between the Prophet Civilization and it was almost all speculation and limited information.

It is not that there are no allies among civilizations, so it is impossible to exchange information. Although the Prophet Civilization disclosed the location of Lin Qun, it did not disclose more information about Lin Qun. It is also because of this that they want to use other civilizations to deal with Lin Qun, and hope that Lin Qun will make other alien civilizations suffer.

Both sides will suffer, and the Prophet Civilization will be invincible and both will be winners.


As a civilization that can swallow an entire federal provincial administrative region, the multi-legged civilization is also not a vegetarian.

This is their last chance to make money on this battlefield.

They can invest all their unused forces for this.

For example...

The commander of the multi-legged civilization looked cold and said, "Well, since he is rushing to die, we will take him directly. The fleet began to retreat. If he wants to get close to us, don't give him the opportunity to get close.

"Our last chance to use weapons of mass destruction can be used.

"We are 13 kilometers away, send him to death!"

The multi-legged civilization is a powerful civilization that is not weaker than the Bakatans. They have landed in many places on the earth. According to the standards, their civilization has a total of three opportunities to use weapons of mass destruction in the third-level battlefield of Blue Star (some civilizations that do not meet the standards do not even have the opportunity to use weapons of mass destruction). In the past month or so, they have also deployed them against humans and an alien civilization.

This has earned them millions of contribution points.

And now, they have the last opportunity to use weapons of mass destruction.

In fact, the commander of the multi-legged civilization did not want to use it.

After all, this weapon of mass destruction may be used in other places when they leave, such as a large human survivor base, or above the residence of other alien civilizations. One can bring them a large amount of contribution points with almost no loss, and then they can float away, pay a little "compensation" and choose to surrender and exit the battlefield.

Even if they don't use it this way, they can apply for a postponement of this opportunity to use weapons of mass destruction. The next time they enter the civilization battlefield, they can have an extra opportunity for weapons of mass destruction!

It's obviously too late to just go now.

This human is more ferocious than they expected.

Although the commander of the multi-legged civilization did not think that this human could do anything to their fleet, even if he came, he would surely be defeated, because normally, unless he was a strong man at the same level as the Prophet Civilization, no one could attack a fleet head-on by himself. Before he got close, the dense missiles were enough to kill the strong men of any civilization.

In the third-level civilization battlefield, the upper limit of the strength level of each civilization is limited, but the upper limit of the strong is also limited. In theory, the regular army of a civilization has the ability to kill the strong men of most other civilizations. Only individuals with more than 850 points of all attributes and who can withstand the continuous and intensive attacks of heavy weapons with their flesh and blood can have the means to threaten the regular army of a civilization by themselves.

But as the commander of the multi-legged civilization, it thought again and again and was not prepared to be arrogant. After all, this human also has the ability to call on the incarnation of the strong man in the first-level civilization battlefield. That is an invincible existence that even the Prophet Civilization would be defeated. For the third-level civilization battlefield of Blue Star, it is invincible. For this reason, it dare not take risks and does not want to lose meaninglessly, so it directly activates weapons of mass destruction.

The night is long and dreams are many, just blow him to death with one shot!

This is its decision.

The multi-legged civilization is about to evacuate, and they don't want to pay a meaningless price for this last stroke.

At this moment, the permission to activate weapons of mass destruction is being exchanged and activated.

The commander of the multi-legged civilization moved his slender limbs forward, looking at the human in the picture wearing strange armor and flying through the air at five times the speed of sound, and said grimly: "We are lucky enough. He actually ran to our territory. This is an opportunity. The top civilization has not yet entered the scene. This son of human civilization will become the wealth of our civilization!"

The multi-legged civilization prepared a small-yield nuclear weapon for Lin Qun. The core explosion range is about two kilometers, and the impact range is between ten and fifteen kilometers. This is completely enough for a single target. If the yield is larger, it will threaten itself.

The multi-legged civilization does not have the level of technology of the prophet civilization, and cannot create a city-destroying cannon with beam energy weapons. Nuclear weapons are still the most useful weapons of mass destruction for civilizations of its level.

Of course, its activation is more complicated.

It is not just an internal procedure, but also requires applying for permission to activate weapons of mass destruction behind the scenes on the global battlefield.

If weapons of mass destruction are released without approval, it is a violation and the consequences will be extremely serious.

This is an iron law on the civilized battlefield.

No civilization dares not to follow the rules.

At this moment, what the multipod civilization has to do is to prevent the forest group from approaching their fleet group in this ten-second gap, and accelerate and retreat a certain distance to ensure that they will not shoot a stone at themselves. feet.

The spread of radiation has almost no effect on their fleets. Resisting radiation is one of the conditions that warships must have.

This means that they only need to detonate the nuclear weapon five to six kilometers away from the fleet, which is a safe distance.

Therefore, before that, the multi-legged civilization fleet was retreating and opened fire in full force. The missile silos of the twisted and grotesque irregular warships were opened, and the supersonic missiles quickly rose into the air and passed through the air, blocking Lin's life. group.

The missiles roared and passed through the clouds, looming like meteorites falling from the sky, shining brightly in the night sky.

At this moment, Lin Qun was really slowing down.

The maximum speed of his Mark 50 can reach the first cosmic speed. Under normal navigation conditions, it is no problem at seven or eight times the speed of sound. But at this moment, Lin Qun rose from the position of the car, and the speed did not exceed five times the speed of sound. At this time, it was even already Reduced to three times the speed of sound.

But Lin Qun's deceleration at this moment was not due to the missiles launched by the Multipod Civilization, but because of the Red Shadow Man's action.

In fact, Lin Qun was also afraid of such a fleet.

If he charged head-on, he might be beaten into a hedgehog. His physique was only so small. Even if Mark 50 could withstand beatings, he still wouldn't be able to withstand the intense firepower of an entire fleet.

Lin Qun had another plan of his own for this direct sprint.

He prepared a card specifically to deal with the fleet of multi-legged civilization.

But unfortunately, the red shadow man came too fast, and Lin Qun was forced to slow down before they could really close the distance.

——It immediately sensed the positional movement of the forest group, which affected the sky on the forest group's side across a distance of several kilometers.

That is a change that is difficult to detect in the dark night——

The dark red light spreads from the end of the skyline in thousands of ways. Its color is dark red. It is not a substance, but a pure red. It is not clear in the night sky lit by the explosion. It is hidden and dim, and it is far away. As they got closer, Lin Qun realized that it seemed to be some kind of light.

But it seems to spread from the red of the main body of the red shadow man. Due to dispersion or other reasons, the color is not as deep as before, so it is not clear in the dark night, and strangely it does not emit any breath, almost not at all. Lin Qun discovered that it was the Mark 50 that detected the radiation warning. Lin Qun reacted and immediately switched to the radiation field of view. He saw red "ribbons" spreading from the distant sky, flying in the sky from several directions. , outflanking Lin Qun on a macro scale!

It was a horrific scene.

In front of, on the flanks, and behind the forest, there are all stripes of dark red light flying around. They travel through the dark night sky and advance at high speed, like an invisible hand or a fishing net that opens out of thin air, trying to capture the forest in the center. A net gathered in the palm of your hand.

The essence of this red color is some kind of light.

From the outside, it doesn't seem to have any lethality, but Lin Qun doesn't dare to be careless. This is the method of the 530,000 strong contribution points, or the method of the gods and civilization. If he gets it, it may not be easy to turn around. .

The method of this red shadow man is a bit strange. Its shape and ability seem to be completely different from normal creatures, but a certain kind of light and a certain color. This is in line with the definition of their civilization, and no wonder it moves so fast.

Lin Qun previously thought that its red color was material, something similar to red clouds and mist, until this moment he "solved the case."

But this is even more difficult. Lin Qun has never dealt with color or light.

But there was no need for Lin Qun to collide head-on with the Red Shadow Man.

There is no point in confronting the red shadow man. Even if he can kill the red shadow man, so what?

Get one contribution point and tens of thousands of experience? This benefit is not on the same level as the risk involved in the confrontation with the Red Shadow Man.

Therefore, Lin Qun began to evade.

His primary target is not the Red Shadow Man.

It is still the multi-legged civilization fleet in the distance.

With the multi-legged civilization fleet, as long as he can sink a warship, that will be a few hundred contribution points. Isn't it much easier to kill than this red shadow man? The benefits are also greater!

Therefore, there is no need to fight to the death. What the Red Shadow Man is coming now is just an interception method. Its body is still far away from the Lin Qun and its combat power cannot be used. Don’t worry if the Lin Qun cannot understand its strange methods. He only needs to evade and as long as It won't be a problem if you don't get swept away by its red color.

You can't even hit me, and you can't use whatever means you have.

As a result, Lin Qun turned around many times in mid-air. Relying on the speed and flexibility of the nano-suit, he left those red ones behind - although they are light, their speed in battle cannot reach the speed of light (if they can really reach the speed of light, the red shadow people will be invincible on the battlefield, Lin If he didn't have a superhuman body, he would have died in Zhenze Lake a long time ago), at most he could reach a speed several times the speed of sound. Of course, this is an exaggeration.

However, this is still within the range that Lin Qun can deal with.

With the technical support of the Mark 50, the red shadow man's hidden methods were fully revealed in the radiation imaging. The route and trajectory were clear at a glance. Lin Qun could predict in advance and evade. As a result, it looked like a menacing siege, but in fact it completely stopped it. Don't live in Linqun.

But this still affected Lin Qun's speed, and his high-speed attack on the multi-legged civilization was gradually blocked. Then, the missile group of the multi-legged civilization came towards him.

It was a dense rain of missiles. This round of multi-legged civilization launched more than a hundred missiles, covering all directions of Lin Qun through the air.

They formed a terrible strike network in the air. Each missile carried an intelligent chip, which could adjust its position and track and strike according to the movement of the target.

Strong people of the same level could be blown to death under such a strike, and there was almost no possibility of evasion.

In fact, Lin Qun's current basic attributes could not withstand such missile bombardment.

This is also the reason why individual strong people of civilization cannot leave civilization and fight alone.

As long as they are not strong enough, if they really go to war with a civilization alone, the end result is that they will be killed by the opponent. In modern warfare, you may not even be able to touch the enemy's position before you die.

This point can actually be seen in the battlefield of the Magic City. At that time, the Bakatans had the upper hand and completely suppressed humans, but those Bakatan warriors rarely fought against the human regular army alone. Only warriors of Bakalie's level could ignore the modern weapons possessed by the civilized forces.

But unfortunately...

Lin Qun did not need to use his flesh and blood to resist.

His equipment was very complete.

Although Mark 50 did not have artificial intelligence like Friday, it had all the functions, and it also had a built-in supercomputer, Lin Qun's dispatching system. The trajectories and routes of more than 100 missiles in front of him almost all appeared in front of Lin Qun, and marked the response route for him two seconds later.


Lin Qun showed a scene that surprised and shocked the command center of the Multi-legged Civilization Bridge.

Faced with such a round of attacks, he did not give in at all, but moved forward at high speed, accurately responding to each missile, some of which were intercepted by the palm cannon of the armor, and some simply launched micro missiles, or threw out a piece of fire symbol to ignite countless fireballs as jammers!

Lin Qun's Headshot Girl skill can actually be used to detonate missiles, but these missiles are too fast, and his dynamic vision can't keep up, so he can't rely on the Headshot Girl skill.

Mark 50 flew through the air, with great momentum and explosions everywhere, but Lin Qun was not injured.

On the contrary, Lin Qun's speed did not increase, but instead increased. His figure was pulled up by the fire line and slowly rose into the air. The Mark 50 armor shone brightly under the firelight, like an unstoppable god of war!

"Sure enough, this mass-killing missile seems to be necessary. Kill him directly to avoid more trouble!"

The commander of the multi-legged civilization watched this scene in the bridge and coldly issued an order to strike.

At this moment, they were fully prepared, the authority had been obtained, and the nuclear weapons were ready to happen at any time. Moreover, during the time when Lin Qun was blocked, the fleet of the multi-legged civilization had already moved to a safe distance. With an order, the nuclear weapons rose into the air.

Then, Lin Qun, who had just ascended the battlefield in the distance and looked down upon it, paused for a moment, then suddenly turned around and ran!

At this moment, Lin Qun's Mark 50 nanosuit sounded a crazy alarm, telling him that a nuclear attack had been detected.

Lin Qun was dumbfounded.

He did not expect that a nuclear weapon would follow a pile of missiles.

"I haven't even reached you yet, but you're hitting me with a nuclear bomb. What the hell is this?"

However, just as he retreated, Lin Qun suddenly turned around, and rushed towards the direction of the red shadow man with the nuclear bomb that the multi-legged civilization was tracking him with!



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