Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 266: He can outrun a car and a gun?

On the battlefield, the forest group was firing wildly, and the turbo laser cannon roared.

The shells were fired as if they were free of charge.

The energy rays pierce the sky dazzlingly!

The whole fort was roaring.

Ahead, the front line of the insect swarm had been blasted away by Lin Qun's terrifying continuous firepower. As the first escorting insect hive battleship collapsed, the blow quickly penetrated through and hit the fifth insect hive behind which had no time to evade. !

The fifth insect nest was huge, and it seemed that it did not expect that the forest group's firepower was so fierce, and it was directly penetrated by the forest group.

Amid roars and loud noises.

In the fifth insect nest, the insect nest commander raised his head and saw that the defense structure of the insect nest above his head had collapsed step by step, and a crimson light lit up the entire world.

The hive was destroyed with a terrible wail.

The fire rose.

The explosion lit up the entire sky, and a large number of flying war bugs flew in all directions, creating chaos in an instant.

No need to rush into battle.

Thousands of troops, right? I'll blow them away for you!

The powerful firepower breaks through directly from the outermost layer and penetrates into the innermost layer.

The fire was boiling.

Lin Qun's turbolaser cannon also misfired.

The roar gradually grew quieter.

Because for the sake of portability, the three groups of energy sources of the turbolaser can only fire 60 beam energy rays per unit, which is less than before. The three groups have exactly 180 rounds. This number is terrifying enough. One hundred and eighty rounds of space battleship cannon fire!

And these one hundred and eighty hair bundles can hit, Lin Qun finished venting it in less than twenty seconds, directly shooting through the iron barrel-like defense of the fifth hive war system, sinking with a roar, and the ground was covered with crimson wreckage.

But the insect swarm war sequence did not collapse with the destruction of the fifth insect nest.

On the contrary, the war bugs only had a moment of confusion and then immediately returned to normal. Even the gunboats further behind only "sluggishly" for less than five seconds before continuing to adjust their direction and fire.

This is not because the Lin swarm destroyed a fake insect nest this time, but because the remaining insect nests of the insect swarm and even the mother nest where it landed on the Blue Star battlefield are nearby, and the mother nest has the highest position in the entire Blue Star battlefield. When the fifth insect nest was destroyed, it only took five seconds for the mother nest here to take over the fifth insect hive system's insect fleet and launch a counterattack at this moment.

Deep in the swarm's mother nest, the mother worm that landed on the Blue Star battlefield was very angry.

They came with great momentum and had already considered all the abilities in the forest group that might threaten them, but they still paid a heavy price.

That's the heavy firepower of humanity.

A beam energy cannon that was not part of their technology.

This must be an exchange item from the Contribution Point Mall.

As an indigenous human being, unable to gather individual contribution points, being able to own such a beam cannon definitely cost a lot of money. Being able to destroy it can be regarded as recovering their losses.

That human is extremely fast and can't stop them if he wants to run away. But if you can run, can your cannon run?

With such a large volume and mass, even if your armor can move it, it will be slowed down to the point where it can't even go supersonic. The only end result will be that both the man and the cannon are bombarded to pieces!

Deep in the mother nest of the insect swarm, the mother insect has become extremely angry.

They destroyed two insect nests in the hands of the same human. This was an extremely heavy price. They must make these humans pay with their blood!

However, soon, they were dumbfounded to discover that not only did this man run away, he actually ran away with his cannon!

In just those five seconds, the insect swarm reacted quickly, from chaos to control, reorganizing their formation in an instant, and even started to counterattack. However, during these five seconds, the Lin swarm was not idle either.

He had used up all the times the turbolaser could fire, and the turbolaser turned into a silent cannon in seconds. Although the Lin swarm destroyed the fifth insect hive, with the mother's nest taking over, he still had no chance of getting close to the insect swarm fleet. , if he couldn't get close, he was just wasting his time and being played by others, so there was no need for Lin Qun to hit him.

The moment one hundred and eighty rounds of artillery shells were fired, Lin Qun was ready to run away.

Not only did he have to run away, he also had to run away with this triple turbolaser cannon.

He promised Li Zheng that he would ensure that the turbo laser cannon would not be scrapped.

This thing is very valuable to the military, not only for its tactical significance, but also for the beam energy weapon technology it contains, which is also needed by the current federation.

Especially since this is technology from Star Wars. It was originally derived from human technology. If the Federation studies it, it can avoid many detours. Therefore, the significance of this turbo laser cannon is not just a turbo laser cannon, but countless future human beings. Particle beam weapons.

On the other hand...

This is the treasure that Lin Qun spent his own contribution points on!

Lin Qun actually wanted to tell Li Zheng: This is my thing. Who wants to destroy it? I will be the first to refuse, so why do you have to tell me?

As for how to take this thing away...

Lin Qun has always been very good at running away.


A funny and terrifying scene appeared on the battlefield.

In the boiling steam, Lin Qun suddenly turned into a terrifying giant more than 60 meters tall, carrying the triple turbo laser cannon directly on the ground!

The size and weight of the triple-mounted turbolaser cannon are too exaggerated for ordinary human-sized Lin Qun, but in the super giant state, it is another matter.

At this moment, the triple-mounted turbolaser cannon was no more than a sack on the ground against a very large giant. He picked it up, connected with the entire fort and related energy supply and control devices. It was almost like fighting against a sack, and he ran away in a daze. Not much of a violation.

Lin Qun used Mario jump to run away at this moment.

At a height of more than 60 meters, Lin Qun jumped hundreds of meters in one jump, and jumped over 500 meters in two consecutive jumps!

In the blink of an eye, the first round of counterattack launched by the insect swarm was still in the sky. He, a bloody and skinless giant, ran out for an unknown distance with a turbo laser cannon!

The speed is amazing!

Lin Qun looked like a giant flea at this time, jumping around, and every time he landed, the ground shook!

The female insects in the nest were dumbfounded.

"Can he still do this?"

Then, he became more and more angry.

Because this human seems to be escaping under their noses again!

"Keep him, bomb him, kill him!"

The mother's angry orders spread throughout the swarm.

At this moment, not only the insect swarm of the fifth insect hive system that was fighting with the forest group was firing at the forest group, but other insect nests further away also opened fire, chasing the forest group and bombing indiscriminately, venting the anger of the mother insect. !


The escape route chosen by Lin Qun was determined through the cooperation of the Lucheng Command Center. The position where he fired from the beginning was very suitable for escaping. The several insect swarms that could fire at him were not only at the limit of their range, but also It also hits the blind spot.

The nearby insect swarm legion of the fifth insect hive system has just been killed by the center of the forest group, and its long-distance strike ability has plummeted. Therefore, the anger of the insect group can only be incompetent rage, watching helplessly as the forest group surpasses The large giant form ran all the way and finally disappeared suddenly.

That's when Lin Qun retreated to an absolutely safe location, joined Li Zheng's supporting troops, and quickly ended the conspicuous super giant form, becoming invisible for a second, and the turbo laser cannon he carried was also handed over here. The waiting troops will be taken away by them to ensure the safety of the turbolaser cannon.

This thing is easy to use, but its shortcomings are still obvious. It is best to keep it in the hands of the military to maximize its benefits. Otherwise, it would be very inconvenient for Lin Qun to carry it alone.

The supporting troops waiting for Lin Qun here were a little dumbfounded.

They are specifically responsible for this turbolaser cannon.

After knowing what mission they were going to perform this time, although they carried it out resolutely, they were actually not optimistic about the outcome, believing that the turbolaser cannon would probably be destroyed.

Waiting here for a response, I didn’t hold out any hope.

Because this place is too far away from where the forest swarm and the insect swarm are fighting, how can we get there?

The leader of their team couldn't help but sigh: "Although I have no objection to using the turbolaser cannon for Mr. Lin, after all, this is what Mr. Lin provided, but the value of this thing far exceeds the insects it can kill." Qun, I still think it’s a pity to scrap it like this…”

As the person in charge, he was well aware of the value of the turbolaser cannon, and he loved it very much. He was very reluctant to part with it, and felt that it would be a waste even if it was exchanged for a swarm nest. His frustrated expression was palpable.

Until they saw the huge blood-colored giant billowing smoke in the distance like a flea, and felt the violent tremors of the earth, until Lin Qun came to them with a turbo laser cannon.

The turbolaser was undamaged.

Their mouths were open.

Especially the leader of the team, whose face changed in one second. The previous second he was worried and crestfallen, but now his face changed immediately, beaming with joy, and excitedly holding Lin Qun's hand: "As expected of Mr. Lin, the number one person in Magic City! With such means, I I didn’t even think about it. It’s so amazing. You can actually bring back the turbo laser cannon intact after exposing the coordinates. I think you are the only one in China who can do it!”

Lin Qun blinked as he listened.

He didn't know why, but he always felt that this guy's words were insincere. They seemed to be praising him, but in fact, the focus seemed to be elsewhere.

But Lin Qun had no intention of staying.

The turbolaser cannon will move quickly. His current situation is special. The Prophet Civilization has been following him and announcing coordinates at any time. It is not suitable for him to act with them. He will move quickly to another direction. Moreover, he is very arrogant. Move forward for a while and stay away from the turbine behind him. After the laser cannon connected with the troops, he soared directly into the sky. The Mark 50 accelerated wildly, shining brightly in the night sky.

As if he was saying sternly and arrogantly: I am here, who is going to kill me?

Xiao Yi and other teams cooperating with Lin Qun quickly moved closer to him.

Unlike Lin Qun's publicity, they were hidden and careful, moving forward in a scattered manner.

And the microscopic unmanned reconnaissance drone of the Prophet Civilization also bit behind Lin Qun.

The forest swarm had just moved in a large area, which was beyond the expectations of the prophet civilization. It briefly pushed them away, but they were more advanced and powerful than the insect swarm. They had quickly positioned themselves and continued to follow them secretly.

Of course, if Lin Qun didn't take the initiative to show up and just put on the bronze mask, he might be able to get rid of the prophet civilization for a while.

But Lin Qun didn't do it.

Because there is no need.

The goal of the prophet civilization has been successful. He has become the target of public criticism. With the changes in many top civilizations, he has become the obvious target of everyone. He can't hide for a while. There must be a battle in the end!

Therefore, Lin Qun's attitude is very clear: If you want to follow, you can follow!

Anyway, there will be a battle in the end. If you can't hide, you can only face it. In this case, there is no need to hide, because before the real top civilization comes to a decisive battle, the prophet civilization will announce the coordinates with itself, which can only attract small and medium-sized civilizations, and those are all contribution points delivered to the door, which is better than the forest group. It is much more efficient to go and kill them all alone.

So, why doesn't he just sit back and enjoy the results?

The lives of prophetic civilizations also realize this.

After the Prophet Civilization reconnaissance aircraft bit the forest group, its information was quickly transmitted to the Prophet Civilization aircraft located outside the Green Province area.

They are still hiding and dormant, wandering outside the rankings in key areas, monitoring the movements of battlefields and forest groups through microscopic unmanned equipment.

Inside, the beings of the prophetic civilization are asking for instructions from the sky.

"Sir, this human being is obviously using us to publish his coordinates to help him attract contestants from other civilizations, so that he can take the opportunity to fight back and harvest contribution points... we..."

"Master Tianqi, we have just analyzed the movement direction of this human being and judged that the turbo laser cannon he used should have been taken away by other humans. We have locked several directions in the general direction, but we want to specifically lock the turbo laser cannon. I am afraid that a certain amount of manpower and material resources will be invested in the relocation of the artillery troops.”

"There is no need to pursue it. Their turbolaser cannon cannot threaten us." Tianxun's voice was cold, and it only said lightly: "He used us to counter-kill other civilized contestants to quickly harvest contribution points. This is very It's a smart method, but it doesn't matter, because the predicted results have not changed yet, and the contribution points he quickly harvested with our help are not enough to change anything: this human being will definitely die in Daxing, and that day is not far away.

"Presumably at this moment, the human command center behind him should also get the news, right?

"However, this human being is indeed remarkable. From the attack just now, to the twists and turns and confusion, to the destruction of an insect swarm nest, and to the escape at this moment, even if he had a plan in advance, he wanted to execute it so accurately and smoothly. , it’s not simple either. And his methods are endless. Such combat power is not the son of civilization. I am very curious about what his talent is.

“I didn’t expect that there would be such a strong person on this seemingly ordinary planet.

"Daxing the battlefield, I will give him a decent death."

Tianqi, in addition to hatred and rage towards Lin Qun, was developing a little respect.

This is the respect that comes from the top powerhouses of the Prophet Civilization on the Blue Star battlefield. It is extremely rare. In its eyes, most of the lives are just ants, even just walking contributions. It is extremely incredible that it can value a human being so much. .

On one side, other staff members of the Prophet Civilization could not help but whisper: "Master Tianxun, this human being is honored to receive such attention and evaluation from you."

Tianxun didn't answer.

In the flickering light, in the glass jar, its body gradually showed the outline of a perfect prophetic civilized life. It was about to complete its recovery, and soon, it would be able to return to the battlefield.

And just as this prophetic civilization pioneer judged, at this moment, the Lucheng command center.

We are still busy here and planning the battlefield.

At this time, an urgent message came in and arrived in front of the commander-in-chief of Lucheng, Li Zheng. Seeing this message, Li Zheng's face suddenly sank.

Dear readers, Happy New Year, I wish you all a happy new year

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