Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 279 Daxing Great Retreat!

The night was deep.

But the city of Daxing was brightly lit.

Thousands of people were pouring in from the survivor base, forming a long torrent, riding in vehicles, and moving forward. In the city, the speed was still slower, but when they drove outside, they gradually accelerated, faster and faster, and ran towards the distance without looking back.

But because the team was too large.

They were connected together, looking like a winding light snake, spreading out of Daxing City and extending to the distance with no end.

Those were all people who were retreating.

Lin Qun, Tang Lao Da and others came back and saw this spectacular scene.

In the Daxing military survivor base, a large number of survivors poured into the streets.

Densely packed.

The retreating vehicles lined up all the way from outside the city to inside the city, and groups of military soldiers were maintaining order.

But there were too many survivors, and they were all scrambling to get on the car in front, as if they would not be able to escape if they were slow.

Some people brought their children and shouted desperately in the back.

Some people still had a lot of luggage, which were valuable belongings in the doomsday, but they became a burden and could not squeeze in no matter how hard they tried.

Others had connections and ways to get on a good bus quickly.

Some people spent all their supplies to get a connection to get on the bus as soon as possible and evacuate as soon as possible, but they were cheated and lost everything, with a look of confusion and despair on their faces.

Others, who were family members and friends, fought for a place on the bus, and were beaten and bleeding, completely disregarding their feelings, and seemed to be the last bus. Obviously, if they waited a little longer, there would be another bus to go.

Of course, some people were polite, humble and dignified.

Let their children and elderly family members get on the bus first, and wait for the next bus.

The military maintained order, and the broadcasts from high places reiterated again and again that it was still safe now, and that everyone could evacuate more people in an orderly manner.

But most people were still in chaos and crowded.

It was obvious that the crisis was coming, so who could take care of others?

If I follow the order, maybe I can get more people on the bus, but so what? If I don't follow the order, I can get on the bus first. What does it have to do with me if more or fewer people get on the bus?

However, Daxing City has made sufficient preparations for this great retreat. Although the scene is a bit chaotic, the retreat has never stopped from the beginning to now. Cars of people are transported out continuously, and the long convoy leads to the distance.

It's like a migration.

Daxing City's preparations were made before it was determined that Daxing City would become the target of public criticism.

Lin Qun knew that large survivor bases like this usually prepare retreat plans, retreat vehicles, etc., which are all prepared early.

Because no one knows what will happen next. If the survivor base suddenly can't be defended, it is impossible to evacuate so many survivors temporarily. There must be a plan in advance, with routes, vehicles, and supplies, so that more people can be evacuated as quickly as possible.

This is something that ordinary survivor bases can't do at all.

Only large-scale survivor bases such as the Daxing Survivor Base, Lucheng Survivor Base, and Jinling Survivor Base can make such preparations and arrangements in advance. If it is all in a hurry, no one can evacuate so many people in a short time.

And now, this is playing its role. These preparations are the confidence of Daxing City to evacuate so many people!

This scene is magnificent and grand, and I have only seen it in movies before.

People and voices are mixed together, and there is a hint of order in the chaos, and there is chaos in the order.

This is a mighty retreat!

As far as Lin Qun knows, not only the federal military survivor base here is retreating, but Bai Yiming is also retreating, and the whole city is retreating.

Lin Qun hurried past.

He thought of what Li Zheng had said to him before.

Daxing City has two million survivors, and at least 70% of the survivors can be evacuated in the end. This means that even in the most optimistic situation, there may be survivors who cannot leave. From this perspective, their current chaos and crowding seem to make sense.

Those who leave in a hurry now will not be the unlucky ones who are left here in the end.

Boss Tang said with emotion: "When I was in Santang City, I didn't think of any retreat plan. If I had thought of it and made preparations, maybe we could have escaped even if we were breached."

He was lamenting about the survivor base he built by himself, which was breached by Liang Heng civilization.

His survivor base was smaller in scale and was actually not comparable to the survivor base of Daxing.

Lin Qun and his team came back at this time, of course, not because they were tired and wanted to rest.

Lin Qun had been hunting for more than a day, and it was impossible not to be tired, but he knew very well that the war was about to begin and now was not the time to rest, so he had been hunting desperately outside to obtain contribution points.

Accumulate strength.

Assassinate the lives of Kale civilization everywhere.

During their retreat, most of those killed by Lin Qun were civilian armed forces, and they hardly noticed anything.

Lin Qun harvested more than 3,000 contribution points.

Including the settlement reward.

The total number of Lin Qun's contribution points has reached 14,000 points.

This is a terrifyingly high number for him.

This nearly 30-hour massacre stunned Boss Tang and others.

When they were in Santang City before, they had seen the powerful combat power of Lin Qun, but at that time the battle was very short and the distance was long.

Now it's more intuitive.

Regardless of what kind of life they encounter in the Kale civilization, whether they are powerful or not, facing the Shanglin group, they are all destined to die, with no room for struggle, just to see who dies.

You must know that the Kale civilization is not weak. Its military strength is even higher than that of the Liang Heng civilization. Its individual combat effectiveness is comparable to that of the Bakatan people. Even if it is a civilian armed force, there are many strong men who can work alone. But this is the case. Under the circumstances, no one can stop Lin Qun. No matter how powerful the life of the Kale civilization is, Lin Qun can only stare him to death with one look!

What exactly is this power?

How could Boss Tang and others not be shocked?

When they competed with alien civilizations, was there any time when they were not frightened and almost survived?

But over the past day or so, with Lin Qun following them, they found that everything had changed.

That's like playing a mentally retarded game.

No more thrills.

very safe.

Even if they just fire their guns randomly, Lin Qun can kill a group of 100 people from Kale Civilization in just a few minutes.

The opponent that was a huge threat to them was the chickens and dogs in front of Lin Qun.

He doesn't even need to take action head on, he can take action secretly and kill everyone without leaving any trace behind.

Because there was no suspense in the battle and the killing efficiency was extremely high, they kept moving around the city and hunting everywhere.

Boss Tang and others came here all the way from Santang City. Lin Qun was definitely the most powerful person they had ever seen.

Boss Tang, a recognized master of survivors, secretly sighed: "This is the real strong man, this is the world of the strong."

In just over a day, they gained more than 3,000 contribution points. From their point of view, they were simply envious. This number almost caught up with Boss Tang's total contribution points.

This makes them even more complicated.

But what they didn't know was that in Lin Qun's view, this was still not enough.

Lin Qun has not yet achieved both of his goals.

What Boss Tang and the others saw was that the conventional combat power of the Kale civilization was no match for Lin Qun, but Lin Qun knew very well that his opponents were not these miscellaneous fish, but terrifying warships and sky-driven warships with ferocious firepower. The terrifying strong man.

These are still not enough.

But Lin Qun still came back.

It wasn't that Lin Qun didn't want to kill him.

But because the Kalie civilization has almost withdrawn, the civilian armed forces of the Kalie civilization outside have begun to retreat.

Humanity is retreating.

This is even more true for the Kale civilization.

They do not want to be involved in this competition between top civilizations.

They are not humans, Blue Star is not their homeland, and they do not come here to win the civilized war. Harvesting enough contribution points without causing their own civilization to suffer too huge losses is their purpose.

They had been retreating for so long, and now, almost all of them have withdrawn.

The civilian armed forces have almost withdrawn. There are no alien civilizations to kill, and everyone has fled.

Lin Qun had no choice but to retreat.

This is actually thanks to the fact that Daxing City is the residence of the Kalie Civilization. The Kalie people are very dense, so Lin Qun can achieve such gains. Otherwise, under normal circumstances, even if he disguises himself, he may not be able to meet him in such a short period of time. So many alien civilizations were killed by him.

At this moment, Lin Qun turned his head and looked back.

Looking into the distance from here, one can see in the distance, the space cracks of the Kale civilization stretching across the sky, as ferocious as scars in the sky, while beams of light are rising from the ground, connecting the ground with these ugly and huge space cracks. ——That is the retreat of the Kale civilization.

But it's almost over now.

The space rift in the sky is shrinking.

That was the other side of the world - the homeland of the Kale Civilization, which was gradually closing the space channel.

Lin Qun had seen such a scene when the Bakatan people retreated from the Demon City.

Lin Qun passed through the crowded crowd and directly entered the military garrison area of ​​the Daxing Federation Military Survivor Base.

Compared with the noise outside, it is much quieter here.

The soldiers were preparing for battle, and the air was filled with a tense and chilling atmosphere.

Although it has not been specifically stated who they are fighting with, anyone can smell the atmosphere of war.

Lin Qun was going to take a short rest to digest his hunting gains, and then separated from Boss Tang and others. Before leaving, Lin Qun felt something in his heart and asked them: "The war is coming... What are your plans? Are you leaving or not?" Keep."

Mr. Tang laughed and said: "Stay. We have already thought about it. We will fight for the lives of the damn alien civilization. Moreover, a master as strong as you is preparing desperately. This battle must be very important, right?"

Lin Qun nodded: "If you achieve your goal, you will have a life to live. If you fail, there will be no place for humans in Southeast China."

Now that the time has come, Lin Qun has nothing to hide.

"It's pretty much what we thought." Boss Tang's expression didn't change at all, he just said, "In this case, we made the right choice to stay. Brother Lin, I know you are very powerful. We, together, can ride together." No one can compare to you, but we are willing to contribute, for ourselves and for everyone.”

Lin Qun looked past Boss Tang and looked at the people behind him. Zhou Xia, Fatty, and the people around Boss Tang all had the same expression.

They had made up their minds.

Will stay in Daxing.

Although Lin Qun never said anything directly, they were not stupid. They had already seen the clues and made their decision.

From Santang City to Daxing, people like Mr. Tang and others are running for their lives, but they are never cowards. They have been fighting and even helping others. This decision is not surprising.

Lin Qun just smiled at this, with a calm smile, and said: "We will fight side by side again."

Boss Tang gave him a thumbs up.

Chen Weiang arranged a room for Lin Qun in the military office area.

After separating from Boss Tang and others, Lin Qun returned here directly.

As soon as he returned here, he learned that Lin Shuangshuang had been asking to see him for a long time.

As soon as his heart moved, he sent someone to find Lin Shuangshuang.

Lin Shuangshuang soon appeared in front of Lin Qun.

The girl with twin tails was still the same as before. She was speechless at Lin Qun who had a separate office and said: "It seems like you are still a big shot, tsk tsk, but I probably won't be able to use it now. The whole city is retreating." , it seems that those rumors are true. There will be a war in Daxing that may destroy the city. I am ready to leave. I no longer care about the conditions you gave me. In fact, I have not accomplished your matter. But I got some news. It is said that Bai Yiming is also leaving. There are differences among the top management of his survivor base, but no one can resist Bai Yiming. They are all leaving. "

Lin Shuangshuang was ready to leave.

She looked slightly depressed.

When she came to Daxing, she thought she was safe, but she didn't expect to leave just as she arrived.

This is normal for ordinary survivors. They have no overall vision and lack of information channels. When they choose an escape route, they are very single and helpless, and it is impossible to make any clear judgment.

Unlike Boss Tang and others, she wanted to leave with the large army just to survive.

Lin Qun had no hope for her. After all, the military had not contacted Bai Yiming.

But she was still interesting enough and came to see Lin Qun before leaving.

Bai Yiming's choice was similar to the military's speculation. He was indeed not prepared to stay.

He will leave with his base of survivors.

No matter what is going to happen here.

Lin Qun didn't know how to evaluate this choice.

He thought that Chen Weiang's judgment might be correct. Bai Yiming could not clearly understand what the situation was now. Even though the military had put the conclusion in front of him, he was still stubbornly doing what he thought was right.

Little did he know that they were gone now. When humanity was defeated and the top civilization decided the winner, he would eventually have no way to escape with so many people.

Lin Qun sighed slightly in his heart.

But he and Lin Shuangshuang didn't say anything. After thinking about it, they took out some food and gave it to each other. It was considered that Lin Shuangshuang's help was not in vain.

"You are quite interesting. Are you going to stay?" Lin Shuangshuang smiled happily when she saw the thing.

Lin Qun nodded: "Do you need me to help you arrange a retreat?"

"No need, I can still get into the retreat car." Lin Shuangshuang took the things and prepared to grease the soles of her feet. She walked back while talking. When she was about to run out of the door, her footsteps paused slightly. She said : "I hope we can see each other again - don't die."

The door closed and the woman gradually went away.

Outside, it's still noisy.

Daxing's great retreat will still take some time.

Lin Qun's heart moved and he released the little loach.

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