
The fleet of the Black Sheep Civilization stabilized at a position three kilometers southwest of Daxing City.

And began to bombard the urban area of ​​Daxing City.

A series of sharp and shrill screams sounded in the sky.

It was like the roar of the gods, piercing and shaking the periosteum.

Lin Qun looked out through the hole in the dome of the ruined temple that had been blown out earlier, and saw dense "meteors" passing directly above his head.

The bright tail flame illuminated the sky and ground of Daxing City. Wherever it passed, the dim streets became bright, and then...

They fell one by one.

The sky became brighter and brighter red.

Then, the shock came from afar.

—— They bombed the locations of two Daxing City human survivor bases.

The federal military survivor base turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The old palace collapsed in the blow.

The ancient civilization buildings carried traces of history, and after thousands of years, they were once again submerged by war.

And this time the blow was devastating.

The Black Sheep Civilization is worthy of being a heavy-armored killer.

Their fleet has only three functions: a large number of offensive weapons, heavy defense decks, and a propulsion system that cannot be abandoned.

Attack, defense, and movement.

Apart from this, they have abandoned almost all other functions in exchange for terrifying combat power.

In the previous round of firing, only the flagship in front fired.

But it fired at least more than 30 weapon systems.

Twelve triple-mounted 400mm caliber naval guns.

Fifteen sets of 8*8 missile launch arrays.

Ten rocket launch systems.

Nearly a thousand shells were fired in the instant of saturation strike, covering the entire old palace and the federal military survivor base.

The old palace was instantly submerged in a raging sea of ​​fire, and the urban area of ​​the federal military survivor base was also engulfed.

The earth rumbled and trembled.

The human buildings at the two locations hit wailed and collapsed, and the shock wave and explosion tore everything apart.

The ground was sinking.

No life can survive this kind of attack.

Only individuals or armed forces with supersonic movement capabilities can avoid this large-scale saturation strike.

If humans were still stationed in these two places, the human forces in Daxing City should have been wiped out by now.

Those who realized what was happening were all terrified.

And in the front-line command center -

Underground of Daxing City TV Station.

This is a hidden facility built during the Federation World War. It has not been activated for many years, but its defense level is still sufficient.

The explosion was more than ten kilometers away from here, and only some smoke and dust fell from the ceiling.

The central screen showed the burning fleet of the Black Sheep Civilization.

This was actually the first time that the Huaxia region faced the Black Sheep Civilization head-on.

They collected some intelligence on the Black Sheep Civilization, but it was very limited.

No one knows what their fleet really looks like when it moves, and no one knows how powerful their strong men are.

And now...

The answer is being revealed.

"Quick, where are our quantum computers? Record their data and analyze their turret positions. I want a set of analysis of their entire fleet, the sooner the better!"

On one side, the head of the information support team has accelerated the order.

This seems to be just a round of firing.

But from the weapons division and the depth of the turrets on the flagship, it is possible to analyze and judge its internal structure...

However, everyone knows that this round of attack is just a small test of the Black Sheep Civilization.

What is shown behind this is the extremely terrifying military strength of the Black Sheep Civilization.

This is just the first round of firing by its flagship alone, and their entire fleet has not yet opened fire--

They do not need weapons of mass destruction. With the saturation attack of conventional weapons, they can flatten the entire Daxing City in half an hour and turn this metropolis with an area of ​​91 square kilometers into a burning scorched earth ruin.

In this case, who would not be nervous if they can see this?

On the front battlefield, many people have been sweating coldly.

The Black Sheep Civilization fired at a distance of three kilometers. Wherever they hit, there will be ruins. If there are troops hiding there, they will be directly blown to death! No one can escape.

They will be blown to death without firing a shot.

Even in the command center, many people instinctively held their breath and stared at the screen.

The sense of oppression they brought was too terrifying.

It seemed like a group of mountains hanging in the sky, coldly confronting Daxing City.

But Daxing City is just a city, and those mountains are a terrifying war cluster!

Extremely deadly.

On the front, Chen Weiang had calmly issued an order: "Order troops at all levels to stay on standby. If they are not attacked, do not counterattack or expose their positions. The Black Sheep Civilization attacked the coordinates of our two original survivor bases, but did not hit any of our dormant troops. This means that the large number of concealment devices we exchanged in the Contribution Point Mall have taken effect, and they cannot lock the true position of our troops in the city from a distance.

"As long as we do not actively expose ourselves, our first goal has been achieved."

His calmness infected many people.

Although the oppression brought by the Black Sheep Civilization is terrifying, their attacks are obviously off.

This shows one thing.

Their previous intelligence was correct. The fleet of the Black Sheep Civilization was an ultimate weapon of war. Although their ship technology was different from that of humans, their overall technical level was not much different from that of humans. It was just that their fleet, combined with their powerful individual strength, had reached the level of top civilization.

Because of this, they failed to discover the true location of tens of thousands of soldiers hidden in Daxing City.

Thousands of shells razed a half-base of survivors to the ground, but did not really hit the target.

At the same time, in the bridge of the Black Sheep Civilization flagship.

The battle report from the front had already been delivered to Qingqi.

"We didn't kill a single human in one round of bombardment? We consumed nearly a thousand shells and did not gain a single contribution point for our civilization. This was a shameful firing."

Qingqi's anger was written on his face. He kicked over the life of the Black Sheep Civilization in front of him, and his roaring roar resounded throughout the bridge.

Its bridge is also very different from that of humans. It is a structure similar to that of a palace. It is located at the deepest part, sitting on its throne like an emperor, and its front, more than ten meters away, is the real structure of the bridge.

On both sides of the ground, there is a thin river of magma flowing, bringing a touch of natural heat and frenzy here.

"My Lord... they are hiding..."

Qingqi's anger made everyone else tremble.

They saw from the corner of their eyes that the unlucky guy who was kicked away by Qingqi just now had his chest stepped through, his body twitched violently, and he was dead.

Everyone else lowered their heads.

"Cunning humans, they must have spent a lot of money to exchange things in the contribution point mall to block our detection. We just didn't determine their location. This round of shooting was a blind shot based on the location of their two survivor bases in Daxing City that we obtained before..."

"With human authority, they cannot gather contribution points. To exchange for anti-reconnaissance and concealment equipment covering such a large scale, they must have paid an unimaginable number of contribution points."

"Hide? Do they want to wait for us top civilizations to fight and then reap the benefits?"

Qingqi sneered.

The people below hurriedly said: "We can speed up the analysis and judge their real troop deployment based on the terrain structure of Daxing City. I assure you that we will be able to gain something next time we open fire."

"No... They want to hide and play hide-and-seek with us. Why don't we play with them?"

Qingqi's sneer suddenly revealed a creepy coldness. The other Black Sheep Civilization beings all trembled slightly in their hearts and looked at each other. They didn't know what this person wanted to do, but they didn't dare to speak.

And then, Qingqi stood up directly.

It stepped down from its "throne", walked into the bridge step by step, and took over the fire control system.

The Black Sheep Civilization life forms that were originally in charge retreated one after another.

Qingqi's eyes penetrated the battlefield.

In front of it was an electronic map of the entire Daxing City Main City area. The locations of the two survivor bases that had just been bombed in the city area had turned red, and the signs were eye-catching.

At this moment, under their information technology exploration, it seemed that it had become an empty city, and all the humans who were originally in the city had disappeared.

But that was impossible.

According to their last intelligence, humans not only had a large number of survivors in this city, but also a large number of armed personnel. In any case, it was impossible to evacuate all these people quietly in such a short time.


They are still in the city.

They just hid.

Qingqi's tall figure stood in front, operating rapidly. The electronic map of the entire Daxing City main urban area was being divided. It gridded and regionalized the entire Daxing City main urban area. On the map, it was divided into one grid area after another. The area of ​​each area was about three square kilometers. The entire Daxing City main urban area was thus divided into more than thirty neat grids on the electronic map, from the core area of ​​the city to the border, without missing a single area. Looking down, it was like a huge expectation.

On one side, a life form of the Black Sheep Civilization whispered, "Sir, are we going to flatten the entire Daxing City? With our strength, if we open fire across the board, the entire Daxing City can be razed to the ground, and those humans inside will be dead no matter where they hide."

"There is no need for that." Qingqi said, "The power of humans is not only in Daxing City, we don't need to fight them to death now. If we flatten Daxing City, how can their main force behind not take action? If we keep them, they can still become a barrier to help us resist the Prophet Civilization and the Godly Civilization, right? Moreover, the silicon-based civilization is coming, and since we are here first, we have already succeeded. We just need to stand in our current position... As for these humans, we can just play with them."

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment, but they all had to admit that what Qingqi said was right. This time, the battle of Daxing would not be a one-on-one battle. Including humans, there will be five civilizations entering the field, and each civilization wants to defeat the other four civilizations, which means a big melee. If they fight humans to death here, others will benefit.

Moreover, the movement trajectory of the silicon-based civilization has shown that they are coming soon!

Therefore, Qingqi issued a series of orders to deploy the Black Sheep Civilization fleet to prepare to face the silicon-based civilization. Only its flagship was still facing Daxing City.

At this time, Qingqi's arrogant voice sounded again: "Have you ever heard of a board battleship game among humans?"

Everyone else was a little confused. After a while, only one life from the Black Sheep Civilization whispered: "I, I seem to have heard of..."

Qing Qi said: "This game is one of the classic games of mankind. It is a two-dimensional board game. The board is a square matrix. Generally, two players participate in the confrontation. Each player has a There is an independent, identical chessboard, and then two players can deploy their own battleships on their own chessboard——

“This kind of deployment means that they can draw a warship with different shapes and positions according to their own wishes within the scope of their own chessboard.

“Then the game begins.

“The ultimate goal of the game is to sink the opponent’s warship without knowing where the opponent’s warship is on the board.

"In the game, players can tell the coordinates of a bombardment square matrix. They will receive feedback whether they hit or miss. Once they hit, it is equivalent to determining the position of the opponent's warship. As long as they continue to move left and right or adjacent squares By bombarding the area and determining the extension direction of the warships on the chessboard, you can destroy the opponent's warships in one fell swoop through continuous bombardment."

The other beings of the Black Sheep civilization looked at each other in shock.

After a while, someone whispered: "Sir, do you want to..."

"Don't they want to hide? Very good, why do we need to analyze where they are hiding? Let's play this human game with them and see whether we will raze Daxing City to the ground first, or they will be unable to survive first. , came out and started a fight with us?"

There was a hint of crazy cruelty and teasing in Qingqi's tone.

Moreover, at this time it has already started selecting coordinates.

It completely abandons other technical systems and chooses attack targets entirely based on its own judgment and ideas.

Of course, in this "board battleship game", it can also judge whether it is a "hit" or a "miss" by whether and how many contribution points it gets from shelling.

It really enjoys the feeling of this game.

Hiding humans.

It can commit violence with impunity.

The other Black Sheep civilized beings lowered their heads.

Qingqi's cruelty is well known in their civilization, and such behavior is nothing to Qingqi.

However, Qingqi was not completely immersed in the attack on humans. They were the first to arrive in the Daxing City area. The flagship in front was bombarding Daxing City, but behind, a large number of warships and troops had begun to disperse, preparing to deploy in advance. Strive to gain an upper hand when facing other top civilizations.

And Qingqi doesn't have to worry about those.

For it, its current task is to complete its own mini-game.

That's it.

Qingqi's eyes moved.

He quickly locked onto an area. It looked like a densely populated area on the electronic map. It was the business district of Daxing City before the global battlefield started. There were many high-rise buildings. It looked pretty good on the overlooking electronic map, but in fact , after such a long period of fighting, the place was already in a mess, and the remaining high-rise buildings were scarred and could completely collapse at any time due to structural damage.

But the buildings here are still very dense.

Qingqi chose this place and lit up the square directly.

Its flagship immediately locked in this direction and fired wildly at the business district of Daxing City.

Covering its location and surrounding areas, a total area of ​​three square kilometers.

Dense missiles once again pierced the sky, and "meteors" illuminated the city streets and dark nights, and then...

Landed with a bang.

The flames of the explosion once again rose in the urban area of ​​Daxing City.

The dilapidated high-rise buildings in the business district collapsed completely with loud noises.

Smoke and dust billowed, and shock waves swept along the streets in all directions.

The feedback Ke Qingqi received was...


An area of ​​three square kilometers was razed to the ground in the blink of an eye.

But here, there is still no human being.

The muscles on its face twitched slightly.

Immediately, his eyes showed even more excitement and madness.

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