The blood-colored fog is rapidly rising from the end of the field of vision.

It spreads in all directions, like a terrifying monster opening its bloody mouth to swallow everything around it!

It spreads very quickly, and it will engulf the entire Daxing City in less than ten minutes!

"The blood fog is spreading. Judging from the current situation, it will engulf the entire Daxing City and the surrounding five kilometers. The troops within five kilometers outside Daxing City will immediately withdraw, and the external command will be transferred to the Lucheng Command Center."

At the Daxing City Command Center, Chen Weiang calmly issued an order.

They are calculating the coverage of the blood fog of the Shengui civilization.

They are multiple civilizations, but the focus is still on the other three top civilizations. On the human side, their target is only Lin Qun!

And because of this, their blood fog coverage is only in the urban area of ​​Daxing City and its surrounding areas. The human troops deployed in a farther position and the five warships of the Prophet Civilization that are exchanging fire with humans are not in their consideration.

Chen Weiang quickly made a cut on behalf of the command center.

In the blood mist, all electronic communication equipment will be ineffective. In this case, the internal and external command systems are easily disconnected. Jinling will face the swarm of insects and will be unable to command on two lines. The Lucheng Command Center is now the only choice.

Lucheng responded immediately.

Li Zheng, who has been connected, said immediately: "We will command the army and make judgments based on the situation. You should pay attention. If necessary, be ready to give up and withdraw from Daxing City at any time!"

The red mist is spreading, and it is not only humans who are preparing.

The other three top civilizations are also preparing.

The Prophet Civilization wants to speed up its retreat. They are very cunning and do not want to fight head-on. Even if the God-Ghost Civilization shows the madness of one against three at this time, they do not want to participate in it, but their retreat is frantically blocked by the Silicon-based Civilization.

The Black Sheep Civilization cannot find them advancing in a hidden state, but the Silicon-based Civilization can. The technical level of both sides is similar. Even if the giant ships of the Silicon-based Civilization have been destroyed, it still does not prevent them from finding the hidden Prophet Civilization warships and blocking them in the urban area.

The thinking of the silicon-based civilization is very clear. They have lost their mobility and core competitiveness. At this time, it is obvious that they can't escape the blood mist. So they simply don't run away. They drag the prophet civilization into the water and trap them here. Let the prophet civilization and the Shengui civilization fight to the death. Then they will succeed!

Only the black sheep civilization is retreating rapidly.

While bombarding the forest, they also fired at the Shengui civilization, the silicon-based civilization and the prophet civilization that was forced to show up.

At this time, they seemed to have become the fishermen, taking advantage of the position distance.

But soon, their retreat was blocked.

One after another, human artillery positions more than ten kilometers away from Daxing City took the initiative to expose themselves, fired crazily, and missiles flew into the air, cutting off the retreat of the black sheep civilization.

Not only that, the aircraft separated from the bridge of the silicon-based civilization giant ship was also flying through the air, ejecting and attacking, trying to block the retreat of the black sheep civilization.

Qingqi just sneered at this: "Interesting. Keep retreating and stay outside the blood mist of the Shengui civilization - their methods are very strange, we should avoid them if we can. Humans can't stop us, whoever attacks us we will counterattack, I'll go and see, the Shengui civilization has such a big battle, could it be that their evolvers are coming?"

As he said, it rose from the bridge again, strode out of the platform, accelerated rapidly, flew through the air, broke through the sound barrier, and rushed directly to the blood mist world in the distance!

At the same time, there was also a hidden aircraft in the high sky.

That was the vehicle of the Prophet Civilization Tianqu.

It avoided a head-on collision with Lin Qun. After the giant ship of the Silicon Civilization fell into the sky, it did not continue to pursue, but returned here, took the aircraft to return to the ground in secret, quietly observed, and also looked for the trace of Lin Qun.

Until the arrival of the blood mist.

Watching the blood mist covering half of Daxing City.

The Tianqu in the aircraft still did not move.

It just stared at the distant Lin Qun.

He was avoiding the bombardment of the Black Sheep Civilization.

On one side, the crew of the Prophet Civilization aircraft couldn't help but said, "Lord Tianqu, I don't understand, what are we waiting for now? Don't we cooperate with the Shengui Civilization and the Prophet Civilization to take down this human powerhouse?"

"Can we take him down?"

Tianqu shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I'm waiting for him to show his trump card of power close to that of an evolver.

"That's the intelligence the Bakatans gave us. Other top civilizations don't have it, and they don't know he has that kind of power.

"But he should only be able to show this trump card once, and the time is limited.

"So he didn't use it before because the time was not right and no one entered the field. He was reluctant to use it and was reluctant to waste this opportunity, because this was the key trump card of their human race in this battle, and it couldn't be easily turned over.

"But now, for him, the situation should have come.

"The four top civilizations are all here, and he is now showing his trump card, which is enough to sweep the whole field.

"So, I'm waiting for him to make a move."

The Prophet Civilization Life on the side was a little frightened and said, "Lord Tianqu, do you mean that once this trump card held by this human is revealed, he will be invincible on the current battlefield?"

"I didn't judge like this before, but now, I think his card has at least this strength. As long as he shows this trump card, neither I nor Qingqi can be his opponent." Tianqu answered calmly, and his eyes never left the figure of Lin Qun in the distance.

It was waiting for Lin Qun to play a card!

And the blood mist was still spreading, and it was spreading very fast. At this time, it was almost covering two-thirds of the city. Large areas of buildings were submerged in the blood mist, and all kinds of strange and weird things were surging in it. The city was like a hundred ghosts parading at night!

At a higher position, the blood moon in the blood mist was becoming clearer and clearer.

The world seemed to be changing.

A dark and strange atmosphere enveloped the earth.

The sun was blocked, and the blood moon was in the sky!

But the Prophet Civilization life on one side was still a little puzzled, saying: "I understand, since his trump card is so powerful, why don't we withdraw now, but wait for him to play it?"

"We have three fleets, and now only this one is exposed. The remaining two are at a safe distance. What should we be afraid of?" Tianqu sneered and said, "Besides, am I not hiding too? He only has one chance to use his trump card, and the time is limited. This can almost be determined to be a foregone conclusion.

"But, our evolvers, the evolvers of the Shengui civilization, and the evolvers of the Black Sheep civilization have not made a move yet.

"We still have a backup plan, but the forces of the Black Sheep civilization and the Shengui civilization have all entered the battle this time.

"Do you think the evolvers behind them can sit back and watch this human kill all their people?"

Hearing this, the other Prophet Civilization life finally reacted and said: "Lord Tianqu, do you want this human to help us force the evolvers of other civilizations to end?"

"Of course. "Tianqu sneered, "It seems that it is a wise choice for this human to show his trump card at this time, and he can play the whole game. But in fact, it will be a very stupid decision.

"Because our real top masters have not made a move, the evolvers of the three civilizations are afraid of each other, and no one is willing to make a move first.

"But if this human is forced to show his strength first, then the evolvers will have to make a move. Whichever evolver of the top civilization makes a move first will suffer a great loss. At that time, our evolvers will make a move, and then I will make a move, harvest the battlefield, and win the game. Is it difficult?

"As for this human, even if his trump card is so powerful that it can kill me, Tianqu, and even the glider of the Shengui civilization, what's wrong?

"If you use it at the wrong time, it will just be a waste, and it can only be a dead end!"

"Lord Tianqu is wise."

"This is a strategy that kills two birds with one stone... At that time, these civilizations, including humans, will lose their top combat power. Who can stop our top combat power? You and the Lord Evolver can destroy all the living forces of these three civilizations in the Blue Star Civilization battlefield! Our civilization will have the greatest chance of victory!"

"Master Tianqu is right. If this human really has such a trump card, and now shows it, he can not only defeat you and Qingqi and other top powerhouses, but also slaughter the legions of four top civilizations at will. Who can resist such a temptation? In addition, in the current chaotic situation, who can think so much calmly? He will definitely take action! Once he moves his trump card, this battle will be over! Master Tianqu, you will make an unparalleled contribution to our civilization! "

Other Prophet Civilization beings complimented him. Although it was a compliment, the analysis was accurate. At this moment, it seemed that everyone had already made a full move on the battlefield. In fact, none of the evolvers from the top civilizations had survived. Even the top combat forces such as Tianqu Qingqi did not fight to the death. These top combat forces were the huge deterrent on the battlefield and the key weapons. Whoever made the first move and showed the cards first would really lose. If the human Lin Qun played his trump card first, he would definitely lose!


The situation did not seem to develop according to Tianqu's idea.

The human kept running, ignoring the bombing of the Black Sheep Civilization until he was shrouded in blood mist, and did not show the trump card that Tianqu hoped he would show.

On the contrary, after the blood mist was shrouded, the human's figure flashed into the building complex, shook slightly, and disappeared again.

The Prophet Civilization's aircraft did not leave, allowing itself to be shrouded in blood mist.

Tianqu's face was a little stiff: "This human, he actually endured such an opportunity... Where is he, find him for me! "

The other Prophet Civilization beings looked at each other, and suddenly felt that the compliments just now were too full.

In Daxing City, not only him, but Qingqi was also looking for the figure of the son of human civilization.

Countless monsters swarmed the streets and alleys, shouting holy war, twisted and crazy, but only for one purpose.

Find out where Lin Qun is!

At this time, the blood mist had covered the entire Daxing City. The silicon-based civilization successfully intercepted the Prophet Civilization and left the Prophet Civilization's fleet in the blood mist. The humans in Daxing City did not retreat. Chen Weiang did not want to give up the Daxing City position easily. This is the hub of the entire battlefield. Humans cannot withdraw easily. He chose to set up the command center here, which is a manifestation of his determination.

However, a large number of fleets of the Black Sheep Civilization successfully withdrew. They were also very cunning. At this time, although their positions were still threatened by the Shengui Civilization, they no longer exchanged fire with the Shengui Civilization. On the contrary, they came to bombard the human positions, fired at humans, and weakened human power.

Daxing City's communication command system has been cut off as the blood mist enveloped it, and the command has been transferred. Li Zheng has taken over the command at the front of the battlefield and is quickly mobilizing troops, assembling four divisions for a bloody battle with the Black Sheep Civilized Fleet. In the wilderness of Daxing area!

The situation has become clear. Humanity cannot retreat. At this time, it must face the black sheep civilization.

Although the fleet of the Black Sheep Civilization suffered heavy losses in the battle with the Silicon-based Civilization, it is still powerful. The burning Chongshan flagship is an invincible war fortress moving forward!

The two-front war also brought huge pressure to mankind.

Human civilization exchanged fire with the branch fleets of the Black Sheep Civilization and the Prophet Civilization.

Li Zheng's orders were passed to the battlefield one after another: "Destroy the Black Sheep civilization flagship at all costs! Remember what is behind us. This time, we are not going to resist their attack, we are going to defeat them and destroy the Black Sheep The vitality of civilization, otherwise, all of us humans will die!”

Multiple groups of human troops were mobilized, a large number of troops marched out from several directions, artillery positions fired wildly one after another, the military launched all battles, and multiple aerial formations roared across the sky.

The Black Sheep Civilization also hit hard with artillery fire. The flagship of the Black Sheep Civilization in front fired thousands of artillery fires, breaking through the human interception system in an instant. It could submerge a human artillery position in a few minutes, causing huge casualties!

But despite this, countless human warriors are still rushing forward without any pause or fear, rushing towards the battlefield and fighting to the death with their opponents!

This is a life and death battle, and no one can retreat.

And at the same time.

Outside Daxing City, the final escape convoy has left the city, but it seems they are too late.

The blood mist spread across the entire Daxing City area and was spreading towards their location at high speed. With their speed, they would soon be enveloped.

There was panic in the convoy. Bai Yiming stood on the side of the convoy, his eyes were blood red, but he had nothing to do and could only watch the blood mist enveloping him.

But at this time, his eyes were suddenly attracted. Ye Wen was approaching from one side, holding his hand, gritting her teeth and saying, "Bai, we can't leave..."

Bai Yiming nodded, understanding that what she said was right.

The blood mist is full of strange things, and they are coming in a surging manner. They must avoid them on the spot, otherwise they will be washed with blood.

But Ye Wen just paused slightly and said, "Aren't you ready to take action? If everyone is destined to die, I think they would also be willing to choose a more meaningful path."

She looked at Bai Yiming with burning eyes.

Bai Yiming paused slightly and asked, "Do you know?"

Ye Wen did not answer directly.

She just whispered: "I am willing to die for you."

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