Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 301 The whole army charges!

"Shoot down these three burning warships of the Black Sheep Civilization at all costs. If we don't destroy them, our army will be defeated!"

Thirteen kilometers outside Daxing City.

From this position, you can see Daxing City shrouded in blood mist.

But Fu Kaiyi's attention was completely on the battlefield in front of him at this time.

He was leading his armored division, cooperating with the other two divisions, approaching the fleet of the Black Sheep Civilization.

The Black Sheep Civilization had just fought a battle with the Silicon Civilization and was seriously injured, but their fleet was still very fierce and had strong firepower, almost suppressing the human race.

Orders came down one after another from above to end the battle as soon as possible. For every second the battle lasted, humans would lose more manpower.

So, Fu Kaiyi and his three armored divisions moved from their positions, and under the cover of human artillery, they interspersed in three directions and approached the fleet of the Black Sheep Civilization.

They had only one mission.

Sink the remaining three giant burning warships of the Black Sheep Civilization, including the flagship.

These burning warships are the biggest threat to humans in combat.

They are huge in size. They seem to add a ferocious burning layer, but in fact they are some kind of external defense facilities. Underneath them is extremely solid and heavy armor. Especially the largest flagship, it is like a volcano spewing out angry flames. It is strong and strict. It has hardly been damaged under the dense artillery fire of the silicon-based civilization giant warships just now, which shows its strong defense. Now, it is also the same under the attack of humans. Human conventional weapons are difficult to hit.

And these three giant burning warships are armed to the teeth. They are densely packed with turrets from head to toe. The firepower is extremely terrifying, which puts great pressure on the human side.

Moreover, they are natural barriers that can cover other Black Sheep Civilization warships behind them, so that human artillery attacks continue to fail and have little effect.

On the human side, only the turbolaser cannon can penetrate the armor of these three giant warships at a long distance.

But with the firepower of these three giant burning Chongshan warships, as long as the turbolaser cannons fire, at most one burning warship will be sunk, and the turbolaser cannon position will be directly destroyed. Of course, it is more likely that the triple turbolaser cannot destroy even one of the warships because they are too big, and they have already been destroyed by the enemy.

In this way, the attack is meaningless.

So, Fu Kaiyi and other three armored divisions took on the difficult task of breaking into the Black Sheep Civilization Front and destroying and paralyzing the three giant ships from the inside.

According to the analysis of the rear command center, these three giant ships are huge in size and are an unshakable iron wall at a long distance, with both firepower and defense, but at a close distance, they must be broken through. They can approach from below and blow up the propeller matrix located under the "mountain" and cannot be covered by conventional artillery fire.

Then, they can find an angle to cut into the interior of the warship and destroy it.

And the price to pay for doing so will be very heavy.

Li Zheng's answer to this is: "We must take it down, even if the three armored divisions are annihilated, otherwise, we will lose more than just three armored divisions."

The three armored forces were bombarded by enemy artillery fire from the moment they started moving.

Groups of people fell on the road ahead.

The ground was full of potholes. Under the artillery fire, the highways, mountains, and fields that had once been turned into scorched earth. In the areas covered by the heavy artillery of the Black Sheep Civilization, the human troops, including the people and weapons, were all blown away, and the ground was torn apart.

There was no blood or corpse debris in the soil, because the people had been blown to pieces.

Some people were terrified.

Some people were crazy.

But the orders were passed down one by one.

The orders from the command center.

The orders from the division headquarters all conveyed one sentence.

"Forward! Forward!"

"All troops charge, no retreat! No retreat!"

On the battlefield, smoke and dust rolled, and the smoke was filled, and the human troops advanced with difficulty.

Under the support of the artillery fire in the rear, in the roar of the heavy artillery of the burning giant ships of the Black Sheep Civilization, they paid an unimaginable price of casualties and advanced towards the fleet of the Black Sheep Civilization.

Lucheng 3rd Armored Division.

Jinling 1st Armored Division.

Huaxia Federation 336th Armored Division.

These three divisions are all regular federal troops, all of them are from the real army, and there is no survivor soldier recruited later, because this round of tasks can only be completed by real soldiers.

Lucheng Third Armored Division Headquarters.

There was continuous artillery fire in front.

Fu Kaiyi's lips trembled slightly, and he just said over and over again: "Repeat the order and pass it to the battlefield: All troops charge, our division's target is the burning Chongshan gunboat of the Black Sheep Civilization on the right, take it down at all costs!"

The order was passed down level by level.

On the battlefield, someone stood on a high place and roared: "Charge! Charge! The division headquarters ordered to take down the Black Sheep Civilization gunboat--"

Then, a cannonball roared in the distance and drowned him in the blink of an eye.

In front, three burning warships of the Black Sheep Civilization suddenly began to advance.

"Division Commander, they are starting to advance forward. Are they crazy? Can't they see that we want to go over and take them down?"

In the division headquarters, the staff officer spoke in shock.

The three warships of the Black Sheep Civilization, about one kilometer apart, were like three burning active volcanoes on the battlefield, advancing forward amid countless artillery fire.

This was actively closing the distance and actively giving opportunities.

Fu Kaiyi's forehead veins bulged, his eyes were bloodshot, he said: "It's not that they can't see it. They can see it, how could they not see what we want to do? This is naked contempt... They don't take us seriously at all, they are telling us, they want us to blow it up..."

This reality made everyone gasp.

The Black Sheep Civilization is arrogant and powerful.

They just fought a battle with the silicon-based civilization and suffered heavy losses. Now they are exchanging fire with humans, but they are still extremely proud and powerful. They ignore the charge of humans, proudly move forward, and look down on the entire human army. Their behavior at this moment seems to be a cold mockery: I'm here, can you blow up our warships?

This is the pride of the top civilization.

It is also a huge gap in strength.

At this time, on the battlefield ahead, the vanguard of the Lucheng Third Armored Division took the lead in entering the attack range.

The vanguard launched a suicide attack and charged with a large-yield fuel-air bomb.

They were all killed by the Black Sheep Civilization halfway.

The remaining soldiers detonated the high-yield fuel-air bomb half a kilometer away from the Black Sheep Civilization gunboat. The explosion lit up a terrifying fireball of unprecedented scale on the ground. The soil was blown up to a height of several hundred meters. All the human bodies and steel in it melted in the high temperature, and the brother troops behind were evaporated.

In the gunboat of the Black Sheep Civilization.

The commander of the gunboat showed a ferocious smile: "Stupid humans, even if our Black Sheep Civilization is not as technologically advanced as other top civilizations, do they really think we will be as vulnerable as the multi-legged civilization?"

But its smile disappeared quickly.

Because they were horrified to find that in the firelight, another group of death squads came out from the flames of the fuel-air bomb.

They were a group of gifted people with physical strength. They moved forward under the high temperature, their skin burned and ulcerated, and their seven orifices bled, but their speed did not stop at all.

They carried the second high-yield fuel-air bomb.

The people in front couldn't bear it and fell down, and the people behind took over.

They walked through the battlefield and charged madly! Charge!

"Are these humans crazy?"

"Damn it, this is their real death squad, evade immediately--"

But at this time, it was too late.

With the cover of the fuel-air bomb, they crossed the last distance and arrived directly below the burning Chongshan giant ship of the Black Sheep Civilization.

There were only a few of them who arrived at the end, with blood flowing from their eyes, burning and festering limbs, and blood dripping. They were almost no longer in human form, more like monsters than weird, and their painful howling was inhuman, but each of them paused and kept moving forward, and kept moving forward. Before the death squad of hundreds of people arrived at the Chongshan giant ship, there were less than twenty people left.

But they will still complete the mission with their lives, never retreat, and move forward!

Because they have no way out.

Humans have no way out.

Either they die on the road to victory now, or they will be slaughtered and killed by alien civilizations in the future.

If they choose the first road, if humans win, they will only die themselves, but if they take the second road, not only they will die, but also their families, friends, and thousands of humans will die.

They detonated the fuel-air explosive bomb under its thruster matrix.

A dazzling flash appeared on the battlefield.

And not just one.

The Lucheng 3rd Armored Division, the Jinling 1st Armored Division, and the Huaxia Federation 336th Armored Division simultaneously detonated fuel-air explosive bombs.

Smoke and dust rose into the sky.

One after another, huge burning ships wailed and sank.

Behind them, the remnants of the three divisions charged in large numbers, desperately rushing towards the three burning ships. Those soldiers threw away their weapons and equipment, wrapped in bombs and explosives, their eyes red, singing the federal national anthem, roaring and stepping on the burning flames and blood sea all over the ground!

The news was transmitted all the way to the Lucheng Command Center.

The signalman stood up and shouted excitedly.

"Success! The first batch of suicide squads succeeded, and our troops are landing!"

But what responded to him was deathly silence.

The Lucheng Command Center was dead silent.

The three division headquarters on the scene were dead silent!

In such a scene, who can say anything?

Li Zheng's body shook: "Am I asking them to destroy the target? I'm asking them to die!"

In the battlefield ahead, a large number of soldiers rushed forward, poured into the sinking burning giant ship, and entered the interior of the Black Sheep Civilization warship.

The Black Sheep Civilization itself has a physical advantage, and they are least afraid of fighting inside the ship, so they have been waiting for these humans early, ready to use blood lessons to let these humans know their stupidity.

They don't believe that even the silicon-based civilization was defeated by them, and these human natives can still threaten them?

But soon...

It was these proud Black Sheep Civilization lives that retreated.

In the eyes of the Black Sheep Civilization lives, these humans are crazy.

This time they charged, they didn't think about going back alive at all, they were more like monsters than monsters, moving forward at all costs, not only blowing up the thruster module, but also boarding the ship at this moment. Batch after batch, one after another, pouring in, even if the power of a single human is far weaker than the life of the Black Sheep Civilization, they still rushed in like this.

If you can't beat them, don't fight at all.

Tie bombs to rush into the crowd of Black Sheep Civilization.

There was a loud "boom boom boom".

At this moment, the creatures of the Black Sheep Civilization began to retreat.

They retreated in fear.

They had never seen such a crazy opponent.

"These humans are all lunatics. They don't carry any weapons. They just have bombs strapped to their bodies!"

"Each of them is strapped with bombs! This is not a battle at all..."

"Back up! Back up!"

The burning giant ship was completely lit up.

The flames of the explosion burned from the bottom of the battleship to the top of the Chongshan giant ship.

In the bridge of the Black Sheep Civilization in a sea of ​​fire.

The soldier with only half his body left clutched the communicator in his hand and said loudly in a hoarse voice:

"Report to the division headquarters, report to the command center, Lucheng 3rd Armored Division has completed its mission! The enemy gunboat has been destroyed!"

"Report to the division headquarters, report to the command center, Lucheng 3rd Armored Division has completed its mission! The enemy warship has been destroyed..."

The headquarters of the 3rd Armored Division in Lucheng.

Fu Kaiyi listened to the news and looked at the Black Sheep Civilization gunboat burning in the smoke and billowing smoke in the distance. He put his hands behind his back and asked, "How many people are left in our division?"

Inside the division headquarters, the quiet sound of pindrops could be heard.

No one can answer this question.

And in the rear command center.

Li Zheng stared at the screen.

"Where is the 336 Division? Where is the 336 Division? Has the flagship been captured? Has the flagship been captured? Is there no news from the 336 Division's headquarters? Are all the people dead? Where is Chen Yongming? He was killed by the Black Sheep Civilization's artillery shells ?"

Li Zheng's roar received no response.

He raised his head and saw people on both sides surrounding him.

There was a slight suddenness in his heart, and he said, "Where is the 336th Division?"

On the other side, the adjutant urgently handed over the communicator.

A voice that was unfamiliar to Li Zheng came from inside, with a crying tone.

"Command center...this is the 336th Division...I am from the cooking unit...all the troops in front of the 336th Division are dead...Division Commander Chen Yongming has led the entire division and the guard squad to launch a charge. So far, all members of the 336th Division have been committed The battlefield. Leave me to respond to the command center...Command Center...Your Excellency, Commander, I am the only one left at the 336th Division Headquarters. Commander, don't blame our division commander, it's so miserable...It's so miserable..."

Listening to these words, Li Zheng seemed to be stunned for a moment before coming back to his senses.

He looked up instinctively.

Just looking at the screen.

The smoke is being separated spectacularly.

The huge flagship of the Black Sheep Civilization emerged from the sea of ​​fire and dust waves, like a mythical city in the ancient world, standing high on the battlefield, majestic like a god, and continued to advance.

Li Zheng said anxiously: "What's the use of him going? Call him back - call him back!"

But it's too late.

On board the flagship of Black Sheep Civilization.

One after another, the turrets came out and bombarded the ground.

Chen Yongming's troops were all drowned in the boundless sea of ​​explosions and fire.

Li Zheng lowered his head, his lips trembled, and then raised his head again, with only calmness in his blood-red eyes. He said word by word: "The enemy also has a flagship. It has been damaged and has destroyed our turbo laser." Bring out the cannon. Follow my orders and redeploy. Let's take it down!"

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