It was a miraculous scene.

The blood mist swayed in circles.

The day returned.

However, the clouds in the sky had already covered the sun.

The sunlight that just fell and "evaporated" the glider was not real sunlight, but a blow from the evolver.

In the sky, between the rolling clouds, there was a shadow as bright as the rising sun.

It did not emit any extra breath, but its entire body was glowing. Even if its body was hidden behind the clouds, the dazzling light still shone from behind, flashing out from the cloud channel that its attack had just penetrated.

The posture was sacred and powerful, like a real god, bringing a vast breath.

But I don’t know if it’s an illusion, in the sublime light flowing around it like liquid, there seems to be a faint black, like a poisonous insect or dirt, looming in the sublime light, small but eye-catching, and can’t be seen clearly.

The battle on the ground stopped all of a sudden.

The monsters looked around blankly.

The life of the silicon-based civilization retreated quietly.

All the Prophet Civilization beings, whether on the ground or in their warships, stood up and bowed their heads to the majestic existence in the sky.

Even Commander Yun in the bridge of the Prophet Civilization was no exception.

There was excitement in their eyes.

Because the one in the sky was none other than the Evolver of their Prophet Civilization.

That was a mythical existence in their world.

Only the beings who had experienced the battlefield of civilization knew what it meant to have an Evolver, and therefore, the Evolver had a supreme status in a civilization and was even more respected by the masses.

On the ground, Lin Qun was retreating.

He felt that gaze - that was the gaze from the Evolver of the Prophet Civilization.

It looked at him.

The first glance forced a reset for at least seven seconds, and Lin Qun's state was directly beaten back to its original form from the Superman transformation form, and the Superman card was returned to his hand.

The second glance...

Lin Qun had an infinite omen of death in his heart.

Without the Superman body.

He would be killed instantly!


The blow did not come.

The eyes of the Prophet Civilization Evolver only paused on Lin Qun for 1.5 seconds, and then suddenly moved away in less than two seconds.

Look at the end of the sky.

In that direction, in the sky, a terrifying black and red fire cloud is covering the sky.

It is located above the dark clouds that are now covering the Daxing City area.

It seems that the sky at a higher position has been burning, and a sea of ​​fire is rolling above the clouds, and the heavy and dark clouds are therefore dyed black and brown.

What is more terrifying is the boiling breath behind it.

Different from the quietness and reverence of the Prophet Civilization Evolver.

This breath is extremely heavy, like a towering volcano, and it is erupting, instantly pulling closer from the end of the sky.

A terrifying black shadow nearly a thousand meters high seems to emerge from the rolling clouds, so tall that it seems to be able to collapse the entire sky.

Then, the Prophet Civilization Evolver quickly rose.

They fought above the higher clouds.

In the blink of an eye, a layer of rolling clouds shook in the sky, but the clouds themselves were even thicker, stacked in the sky, like layers of fat, so thick that one could feel them fighting fiercely at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters from below, but could not see the specific situation clearly.

But on the ground, the situation was changing rapidly.

The change took less than half a minute, but here, everyone was different, and whether they were panicked or excited, they only had one or two seconds at most, and more than ten seconds were enough to re-judge and analyze the situation.

Lin Qun was even more so.

When the Prophet Civilization Evolver was entangled, he got rid of the death crisis, reacted immediately, and retreated quickly.

The situation just happened in an instant, but the situation was clearer than ever.

The Slider died in battle.

The Evolver of the Shengui Civilization had not arrived yet, but he took the lead, but was counterattacked by the Prophet Civilization Evolver and was directly repelled. The dark shadow that emerged from the Slider's body is now nowhere to be seen.

However, judging from the blood mist in Daxing City dissipating and the weird things on the ground being as confused as fools, they should not have any combat capability or threat for the time being.

"Mr. Lin, the communication has been restored. This is the Daxing Command Center. The one coming later has been confirmed to be an evolver of the Black Sheep Civilization. It is fighting with the evolver of the Prophet Civilization that appeared earlier at an altitude of 27,000 meters above the ground. The energy level reaction is intense, far beyond the limit that our equipment can capture. Are you sure?"

"These three top civilizations, each of them has evolvers." Lin Qun gritted his teeth, "I was sure before, but not now. The strength of the evolvers is higher than I thought."

The method used by the Prophet Civilization just now made Lin Qun shudder. It seems nothing to beat his superman body back to its original form in one second. It is the normal reset method of the Prophet Civilization. The strong man of the Prophet Civilization that Lin Qun first encountered can use it, but this evolver is different. The most powerful Sky Drive of the Prophet Civilization that Lin Qun had encountered before that had this method could only reset for two seconds. The one he met at the beginning reset for less than one second and was killed by Lin Qun's continuous headshot skills. This shows that the length of time it takes for the Prophet Civilization to reset is closely related to its own strength. But this...

Just now, his Superman transformation took at least seven or eight seconds, and it was reset instantly!

What does this mean?

Judging from this ability alone, one Evolver can match three Sky Drives.

And far more than that.

What frightened Lin Qun the most was the opponent's pure force.

He was able to suppress the Sliders because he had the Golden Light Curse, which restrained them. Just now, the Prophet Civilization Evolver's attack looked similar to the Golden Light Curse, but Lin Qun was close and could see clearly that it was pure force, which directly smashed the Sliders and the shadow of the Evolver of the Shengui Civilization hidden in his body!

Lin Qun couldn't explain these judgments to Chen Weiang, and he didn't have time to explain them. He could only simply and directly state his judgment.

Chen Weiang seemed to understand it all at once, and he immediately asked: "Can we still fight?"

"The two Evolvers of the Prophet Civilization and the Black Sheep Civilization are fighting..." Lin Qun noticed that the warships of the Prophet Civilization in the distance were turning and began to bombard humans, and the Sky Drives also began to move closer to him. He answered quickly: "Yes."

The last word "can" was short and powerful.

The two Evolvers of the Prophet Civilization and the Black Sheep Civilization were fighting fiercely in the air, so they still had a chance, and the two of them would definitely win.

Lin Qun's superhuman power may be able to fight the remaining ones.

The evolvers take action, and whoever wins, the battle is over!

Therefore, the competition at this moment is extremely critical.

But Lin Qun once again clenched the Superman Transformation Card.

The reset time of the Prophet Civilization was longer than he expected.

If he waited until the Prophet Civilization and the Black Sheep Civilization finished fighting, he would probably not be able to use the Superman power, and he would be forcibly reset and beaten back to his original form like just now. In this way, it would be even more difficult for him to reveal this trump card.

It would be too late to wait for the evolvers of the Black Sheep Civilization and the Prophet Civilization to finish fighting before the Superman Transformation. It must be used in advance, and now!

Chen Weiang immediately said: "Okay. If we can fight, we will fight. We will fully cooperate with you, Mr. Lin, and the competition of top combat power will be handed over to you!"

Lin Qun nodded, did not respond, and moved quickly. The Superman Transformation Card was glowing.

At this time, he was landing next to Huang Qizheng and Adalanti.

Huang Qizheng said: "Damn, this evolver is quite powerful!"

Huang Qizheng could feel the terrible aura fluctuations from the sky, and his heart was trembling.

On one side, Chu Youwei and others also moved quickly.

A little further away, the Prophet Civilization had already opened fire and was bombarding the humans in the city.

But when Lin Qun landed, he found that the light of the Superman Transformation Card was "extinguished" before he could say a word!

He was shocked and reacted immediately.

He was reset!

"Be careful!"

Huang Qizheng roared.

The building on one side collapsed, and the figure of Tianqu rushed out at high speed.

Lin Qun's face suddenly sank.

What he thought of, could the Prophet Civilization not think of it?

Tianqu came to stop him from activating the power of Superman.

But at this moment, it was not just Tianqu that came.

Qingqi appeared from another direction.

Roaring into the battlefield.

Tong Xin couldn't help but say, "The evolvers of their two civilizations are fighting, but they are looking for trouble with us?"

"Of course they are looking for trouble with us. The victory or defeat between the two of them will be decided by the evolvers. Whoever's evolver wins will win. There is no need to fight each other. We are another variable. They will naturally eliminate us. After eliminating us, the last variable will be gone. Whoever's evolver wins will have no rivals in this battle, and this battle will end directly."

Xia Qing's voice was cold, and she and Chu Youwei stepped forward together.

Chu Youwei stood behind Lin Qun, holding two black technology alloy daggers from the contribution point mall in her hands, and said, "Lin Qun, leave it to us, and Tianqu will be yours."

There was not much time to talk.

Qingqi and Tianqu came together and arrived in front of them in the blink of an eye.

Lin Qun set up a romantic turret and opened fire brazenly, shooting at Tianqu. The Superman Transformation Card in his hand flashed again.

I want to see how many times you can reset me? !

The Romantic Battery spewed out rays of death, and the light of the Sword of Promise of Victory shot straight into the sky.

And this time, Tianqu didn't seem to hold back.

It attacked with all its strength, and the space in front of Lin Qun was completely shattered. His attacks were cut layer by layer and turned into nothingness.

And behind him.

Huang Qizheng was leaping with light golden light all over his body, striding forward, and confronting Qingqi head-on.

But with just one punch, he was knocked to the ground by Qingqi, blood on his body, and the golden light dimmed.

But he was not alone.

Xia Qing behind him had already drawn her sword to cover Chu Youwei and close the distance.

Within seven meters.

All things are equal.

Qingqi's second punch came down, and he was surprised to see that his iron fist was blocked by the human woman who looked fragile in front of him with a double blade. It was slightly stunned, and then showed a ferocious grin: "Interesting ability.

"You want to die for him, I give you this opportunity! "

With its hideous laugh, it threw a punch.

Chu Youwei retreated step by step in the storm-like attack.

Her ability could narrow the huge attribute gap, but the natural physical advantage of the Black Sheep Civilization and Qingqi's terrifying combat experience were still not something Chu Youwei could resist. She was at an absolute disadvantage as soon as they fought.

On both sides, Adalanti, Huang Qizheng, and Xia Qing attacked together, but were beaten back by Qingqi one by one!

With one punch, the storm that Adalanti had rolled up collapsed, and the whole person was blown away more than ten meters by the punch and fainted directly!

Xia Qing was punched and the sword in her hand was broken, and it fell to the ground like a kite with its string broken.

Huang Qizheng caught one punch, and the flesh and blood of his palm exploded, and the white bones could be seen. The second punch hit his chest, and all the pale golden light covering his body exploded, and his body stumbled back.

But behind him, Chu Youwei had already attacked, and the woman's roar resounded through the street. She seized the opportunity created by the three people in front of her, and moved her dagger forward. Under the influence of her ability, she broke through the defense with one blow, but The dagger blade was only half an inch into the body - Qing Qi had already reached out and grabbed the edge of Chu Youwei's sword, and broke it with force. With a crisp cracking sound, the dagger broke directly. It raised its foot and trampled the woman with one kick. Underfoot!

Several of humanity's top masters were defeated in a matter of seconds, with no one left standing.

Tong Xin, who was behind, held her pistol tightly and fired desperately.

But Qingqi didn't even try to dodge. Those bullets couldn't hurt it at all. They would break apart when they hit it. It didn't even look at Tong Xin behind it. It stepped on Chu Youwei, crushed it heavily, and looked at the one below. The human woman's eyes, ears, mouth and nose were bleeding. Her delicate face was twisted in pain. It laughed excitedly, holding the broken edge of the dagger tightly, raising it high, and stabbed directly at the woman's slender white neck, trying to inflict pain. The final blow for this human being.

Chu Youwei's pupils suddenly expanded at this moment.

at the same time.

The edge of Daxing City.

This is where the survivors who left the city brought by Bai Yiming took refuge. As the blood mist disappeared, they were walking out of their hiding place.

"The blood mist has disappeared...what was fighting then?"

People were a little surprised when they saw the light shining above the dark clouds in Daxing City.

Bai Yiming stood in front, glanced over there, turned to look at the thick crowd behind him, shook his head, and said loudly: "Don't even look at it. The blood mist has disappeared. The weird ones seem to have stopped attacking. We should stay away from here." In the core battlefield, everyone should move quickly, let’s leave quickly.”

But the crowd didn't move immediately.

On the contrary, from the very back of the crowd, a commotion arose.

The embarrassed survivors were separated from behind.

A group of people came out from behind.

Those are all people from Bai Yiming's survivor base.

There are young and old.

There were even wounded.

They supported each other and moved forward, but their steps were very firm. No one fell behind, so people took the initiative to separate.

There was something disturbingly firm in their eyes.

The one walking at the front was Ye Wen.

The turbulent crowd suddenly fell silent, and the surrounding survivors looked at this scene curiously.

"You..." Bai Yiming realized something and spoke instinctively.

But this time, Ye Wen, who admired him, didn't give him a chance to finish his words.

She stood in a lower position, raising her head and looking at Bai Yiming in front of her. Her eyes reflected the flash of the battle in Daxing City and Tianye behind Bai Yiming. They looked particularly bright, shining like diamonds, but also as firm as diamonds.

She already knew Bai Yiming's secret.

In this world, no one can easily obtain miraculous power beyond themselves for no reason. All great power requires a price, either long-term efforts, hard research, or precious lives.

Faster and more explosive power.

The more it requires a huge price.

It had only been a few days since the civilized battlefield arrived, but Bai Yiming, a once ordinary man, suddenly gained the power to sweep thousands of armies.

How could there be no cost?

This is the secret of Bai Yiming's power.

That is the power that can only be obtained at the cost of pure, voluntary, and sacrificial death.

Others pay the price for him, and he derives strength from it.

This is the answer.

He knew what the right choice was, but he was frightened by the cost of his power and would rather run away than tell his secret, so he could not and did not want to go to the battlefield.

People call him the Blood Emperor of Daxing City, but only he knows that he is fearful, cowardly, and has only benevolent ambitions, and he cannot live up to these three words.

He couldn't do such a thing, tell others, and let others sacrifice their lives for him. Even if he knew that it would be a choice to sacrifice a few people to save more people.

But who can really say it and do it?

And she was willing to pay the price for him. I am willing to help him take this step and push him to take this step.

For his ideal and for her wish - to see the truly arrogant and unrivaled Blood Emperor in her mind, instead of the timid and hesitant Bai Yiming.

So she stepped out from the crowd and said:

"The Blood Emperor of Daxing City.

"It's time for you to take action.

"From today on, your abilities are no longer a secret.

“We will be your strength.

“I would lay down my life for you.

“We should have died at the hands of the Kareans, but you saved us and allowed us to live these days.

“Thank you for your kindness.

"Now, we -

"This is the reward."

behind her.

The old, weak, sick and disabled were also looking at Bai Yiming.

They repeat the same words calmly.

It was not a cry, but so many people spoke together.

Just shouting.

“O Blood Emperor, legend of Daxing City—we are willing to sacrifice our lives for you. Be part of your power.

"I accept the favor and repay it with this."

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