Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 316 Mr. Lin is already the best in the human race!

Jinling City.

Jinling City commander Fang Zhixin was striding onto the defense line.

Looking out from here.

In the distance of Jinling City, there are continuous "mountains" and "black clouds" covering the sky.

The mountains are not real mountains, and the black clouds are not real black clouds.

The mountains are the insect hive warships lined up at the very end of the field of vision, and the black clouds are the war insects covering the sky and the earth.

The battle between the insect swarm and Jinling City has been going on for quite some time.

In order to participate in the battle of Daxing City, Jinling City used all its main forces and was empty inside, but it still held on to the swarm of insects. A large number of survivors took up arms and walked into the defense line, becoming Jinling City's most indestructible resistance force. .

They may not be as professional as those federal soldiers, but their determination to guard Aurous Hill is equally unmatched.

Because this survivor base is their home, and behind their defense lines, there are their families and friends who need to be protected.

This determination, combined with the ammunition reserves in Jinling and its surrounding areas.

Although the strength of the insect swarm was ten times that of Jinling City, they still resisted.

Have been fighting until now.

From the insect swarm army to the front line of Jinling, the ground has long been devastated, and some lines have even been briefly breached by the insect swarm.

The scale of the insect swarm was too huge, and Fang Zhixin knew very well that it was only a matter of time before it was breached. The outcome of their battle would not be decided here, but would be decided by the battle in Daxing City.

But reinforcements arrived faster than Fang Zhixin imagined.

Those were not the human troops gathered for the decisive battle in Daxing City, but the remnants from the western, northern and northeastern regions of China.

They suddenly appeared, roaring all over the mountains and plains, forcing the insect swarm to change the direction of their main attack and engage in a decisive battle with them in a wider wilderness area.

Fang Zhixin was standing here and saw the scene in front of him.

In the distance, the war raged.

The human army's flags were flying, and amid the smoke and artillery fire, no one knew how many troops were advancing.

"It's an order from Your Majesty the Commander. It's an order they issued from Kyoto, asking all of China to support us. Many troops responded, and they all came... They all came..."

Behind Fang Zhixin, the staff member's body was trembling slightly with excitement.

This was a sight they had never dreamed of seeing before.

The human army swept across the battlefield.

At this moment, their channel was occupied and countless voices sounded.

There were multiple troops contacting them. They came from all over the country, and they were large and small, but they were all human forces and the federal forces.

Humanity is not defeated.

Human power still exists in every corner of this planet. They survive alone and are weak, but when they come together, they are an unstoppable torrent of steel.

Now, the insect swarm began to retreat.

At this moment, a communications soldier hurried up.

Fang Zhixin and the staff all recognized this person as someone from the Daxing City decisive battle battlefield line, and their hearts tightened: "How is it? Is there any new news about the Daxing City battle?"

"It has been confirmed repeatedly. In the battle of Daxing City, we won a great victory, and the four top civilizations were defeated - Your Excellency, Commander, look at the overall ranking of mankind, Mr. Modulin has ranked first in the overall ranking of mankind! This battle, He slaughtered countless alien civilizations, killed the prophets of civilization evolution, and made the alien civilizations flee and become frightened!"

The signal soldier started excitedly.

It has been almost an hour since the battle in Daxing City ended. Jinling City is in the middle of a chaotic battle, and has been interfered by the insect swarm. The communication has not been very smooth. It is only now that the insect swarm has begun to be forced to retreat, and the exact news has not been transmitted. .

Listening to the news, Fang Zhixin could hardly believe his ears.

He instinctively opened the global human rankings.

as expected.

In this overall ranking list, the overall ranking of humans has changed. The original number one, "I am a human being" has been squeezed to the second place. His contribution points were originally 60,000 points. From More than a month ago, it currently topped the human rankings, surpassing the second place by a full 20,000 contribution points.

He is a little-known legend.

No one in the entire Blue Star does not know his name.

Because he has been the number one for too long.

More than 60,000 contribution points means that he has killed 60,000 alien civilizations. This ability makes everyone marvel from the bottom of their hearts. Even if no one knows who he is and where he is, it does not delay people. We know him, praise him, and are shocked by his amazing strength. There are countless speculations about this number one.

But now, the situation has changed.

In just half a day, this "I am a human being" is no longer the first in the Federation and the first in mankind.

The first place has become Ye Ying.

Moreover, the terrifying number of more than 90,000 contribution points ranks first!

He went directly from being ranked in the dozen to being ranked first. Now, there is a gap of 30,000 contribution points from "I am a human being" behind him!

Behind this, what is shown is an amazing victory!

Fang Zhixin was stunned for a moment: "Lin Qun, how much contribution did he make before? I remember, was he only a dozen people? How many did he kill in this battle? This is really crazy! At least tens of thousands Right? After killing so many people in one battle, it would take a whole day to line up to kill them!"

He knew that Ye Ying was Lin Qun, a legend that everyone in the Magic City admired, but Lin Qun's ranking had been hovering around the top ten in the world. Although being around ten was still a very high ranking, people were always like this. I can remember the top one.

But this did not affect Fang Zhixin's excitement. He could not help but say: "Okay, okay - this will be a start. Immediately spread this news throughout Jinling. We have won a great victory. From today on, the Chinese people do not have to worry anymore! The alien civilization has been defeated by us!"

Soon, this news spread rapidly in Jinling City.

As the insect swarm was repelled by a large number of federal reinforcements, the haze of war that had previously shrouded Jinling City was swept away in an instant, and cheers were boiling in an instant!

And this situation, as time went by, was noticed by more and more people.

Because this is not a change in the first place of humans in a region, but a change in the first place of humans in the entire Blue Star battlefield.

The most important thing is that this is not a difference of one or two contribution points, but a direct crushing of the first 30,000 contribution points!

Around the world, countless survivors or federal soldiers were all shocked.

"Did you see it? Who is this Ye Ying? He rushed to the first place overnight! Oh my God, what is his strength? How could he kill so many people overnight?"

"I am a human and have been pushed to the second place. This is incredible. I am a human and have always been the first. Before, he was tens of thousands of contribution points ahead of others. Now he has been overtaken all of a sudden?!"

"Who is this Ye Ying?"

"Have you noticed? In the past few hours, not only our human ranking has been shaken, but also the global ranking has been shaken! There are several fewer people in the top 20 in the global ranking! The ninth slider and the second prophet civilization super boss are all dead!"

"This... could it be that this Ye Ying did it?"

"There must be a war somewhere, and it is very likely that we won!"

"God bless humanity! God bless humanity! I said, this is our planet, and alien civilizations can't jump around for too long!"

Excitement and ecstasy are spreading.

Countless people have made countless guesses.

And some areas such as Lucheng are even more excited to know who Ye Ying is.

"Mr. Lin is already ranked first among human beings in the world!"

"I said, with Mr. Lin's fighting power, how can I compare with him?"

"It seems that the news from the front is all true. Mr. Lin won a great victory, and the four top civilizations including the Prophet Civilization were defeated!"

"Mr. Lin is as brave as ever!"

Fan Wenchuan pulled him and said, excited as if he had become the world's number one human being, saying: "I know Mr. Lin very well. I knew long ago that he would be able to defeat the alien civilization life. I am not worried about this battle at all. What do you mean you don't believe it? I, Fan Wenchuan, still have weight in Lucheng. How could I lie to you? We have a deep relationship, really, we lived in the same building before! I am also his building manager? This young man has always given me the feeling that he is a hidden talent with a promising future..."

Fan Wenchuan is now reselling materials, and he is a person of some strength. No matter whether others believe what he says at this moment, there are always people listening.

Fan Wenchuan actually doesn't care whether others believe it or not, he just keeps talking excitedly

In fact, he didn't get along with Lin Qun that well before, but after so much time and so many things, Fan Wenchuan has also changed a lot. In his heart, he no longer has those twists and turns at that time. Now he is pure, happy that he really knows Lin Qun, and happy that he knows someone who has won a big victory.

Corner of Lucheng.

Wang Han was at his post, watching the changes in the rankings, smiled, and said: "Look, I said it a long time ago, this is the big brother. The big brother among the big brothers. He is not so powerful yet, and I can see it when he is only generally powerful."

Beside him, the two former security guards are still with him, but now they are no longer security guards, they have become friends, and at this time, all of them have shining eyes and give thumbs up: "This vision is still yours, but we don't seem to be able to curry favor with him!"

Thinking of this.

Wang Han also showed a trace of depression.

The people below did not know the specific situation of Daxing City, but were just caught up in the carnival of victory.

At the same time.

In the direction of Kyoto, far away from this area.

Deep in the military base.

The communication here is still not smooth.

No one knows what happened outside.

But everyone noticed the dramatic changes in the rankings.

The rankings look like just a ranking, but as long as you are not stupid, you will know that the rankings mean an important source of information, especially when communications are blocked and blocked, through the rankings, you can also get a glimpse of some clues outside.

At this time, a senior officer hurried into the commander's office and said excitedly: "Commander, have you seen it? Too many changes have happened in the past hour. The strong men of the Prophet Civilization on the rankings have been almost wiped out. Even the two top strong men of the Prophet Civilization ranked second and eleventh are dead...

"And, there is that Night Shadow... Who is he? He jumped from a dozen to the first place in the world overnight!

"This is incredible. He gained at least 50,000 contribution points in one battle!

"The second of the Prophet Civilization has tens of millions of contribution points! How did he do this? How could he kill it? It's amazing! This is amazing!"

This officer was also a general of a high rank, otherwise he would not have been able to run directly to the Supreme Commander. But at this time, even he himself could not control his emotions. He looked very unsteady, with surprise and shock, and excitement that could not be suppressed.

Because all these pointed to a conclusion...

The war had begun.

Moreover, the alien civilization suffered heavy losses!

On the human side, it is very likely that the human race has become the winner of the battle!

Although many human names have disappeared from the human rankings, the top human names have not disappeared too much. Not only that, many people's contribution points have also increased significantly.

In contrast, the names of masters of alien civilizations have disappeared in large numbers.

If this is not the victory of humans, what is it?

The Supreme Commander just exhaled slowly.

Compared with the excitement of others, he was very calm.

His judgment was similar to that of others. Such a result finally relaxed his tense nerves a little, but he would not be so happy.

The death of the second-ranked prophet civilization in the world.

It really made him excited.

He dreamed of watching the top masters of the alien civilization die.

And now, one person has fallen.

Are the others far behind?

He also wanted to see this new world number one.

This is an amazing achievement.

But the old supreme commander also saw it.

On the list, there was also a human who was high up who fell.

His ID was "Blood Emperor".

His name disappeared completely just a few minutes ago.

But the old supreme commander did not say anything about it. He just stood up and said, "Yes. You are right. And, I believe, this is just the beginning.

"From today, everything will begin to change.

"No longer will humans be slaughtered.

"The stars of alien civilizations will also fall like rain.

"Go, spread this message, to all directions, to all places we can reach.

"Tell people that change starts today and has already begun. "

This day, changes have already taken place.

The voices of mankind have been boiling in every corner of the blue planet.

At this moment, they are shouting and excited for the victory of other humans. In the future, they will cheer for the victory of the world and their own victory.

The commander watched the officer in front of him run out excitedly like a child, and such a picture seemed to appear in front of him.

The flags of mankind are everywhere, and the new era will still be the era of mankind.


At the same time.

The news of this battle was also speculated by many alien civilizations.

Those who were close and knew what this battle was about were all terrified.

"The human natives are the ultimate beneficiaries. They killed the evolvers of the prophet civilization and wiped out the army of the prophet civilization. Are they really natives? How can they have such a powerful force? Are they really the children of human civilization? "

Those who were far away didn't know what was going on. They were all guessing based on the rankings, thinking that it was a battle between top civilizations and someone had died!

After all, although Lin Qun's contribution points could make him the first among humans, he still couldn't make it into the top 100 in the global rankings.

And Qingqi of the Black Sheep Civilization received information from the remnants of the Prophet Civilization on his way back.

Their information was very simple: "That is not the son of human civilization. He only has one last chance of power left, and he has just used it all up. If you ask your civilization evolvers to fight back now, you will be able to catch him in one fell swoop! "

Qingqi was seriously injured and had no strength to fight again. The remnants of the Prophet Civilization knew this very well, but they knew even better that humans also had no strength to fight again. Among the four top civilizations, they knew that Lin Qun's trump card could only be used for the last time.

At this moment, they had lost all their main forces and could not fight again, and they still wanted to incite the Black Sheep Civilization to take action.

But Qingqi stood still and looked back. From its current position, it could no longer see Daxing City.

It ran fast at that time, so it could reach a safe area now.

But after a moment of silence, a sneer appeared at the corner of its mouth, and it crushed the communication device of the Prophet Civilization in its hand.

The Black Sheep Civilization Evolver was injured by the Prophet Civilization Evolver. Although he could fight again,...

It did not believe what the Prophet Civilization said.

Perhaps, what the Prophet Civilization said was true, and they wanted to retaliate against humans.

But what if it was false?

If the Evolvers of their Black Sheep Civilization also died, wouldn't that be a good thing for the Prophet Civilization?

It was unwilling to take risks with its Evolvers.



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