Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 332: The sword points at the mysterious civilization!

At this moment, not long after Lin Qun's card draw ended, there was another knock on the door.

It's Xiao Yi who's here.

Xiao Yi's expression was slightly serious, he looked at Lin Qun and said, "Mr. Lin, Commander Li Zheng invites you to participate in the video conference."

As he spoke, Xiao Yi paused slightly and said, "It's a high-level meeting of the United Army."

Li Zheng and Lin Qun have a clear division of labor. Lin Qun is fighting at the front, and Li Zheng is basically responsible for command and dispatch.

But this time it was different.

Now the humans here are not only Lucheng, nor are they just the three survivor bases, there are also a large number of coalition forces and countless people behind them.

The battle of the insect swarm was a hasty battle. Everyone asked Li Zheng to be the commander. But now, the situation has stabilized and the insect swarm has been completely defeated. They must make the next plan. With so many people, they need to have Plans require a command layer.

Lin Qun nodded to everyone and quickly walked out of the single ward.

The military has arranged a command vehicle for him, where he remotely participates in video conferences.

When he arrived, most people were already connected.

Some of them are familiar to him, such as Wang Tiansheng, Li Zheng, Chen Weiang, etc., and some are unfamiliar to him, including senior leaders of other coalition forces. Participating in this meeting, regardless of military rank, is based on local support and reinforcements as a unit. As long as you are the commander of a force in the coalition army, no matter what your military rank was in the previous federal era, you can attend the meeting.

So there were a lot of people, but not noisy.

They are all high-level people, so they have this quality.

When Lin Qun came, he realized that he was the mascot. There was no need for him to speak or do anything. He just needed to be here and listen.

The first thing these people discussed was the issue of command authority.

The lowest military rank on site is the regiment level, but due to the global battlefield, many troops have long been in disarray, either reorganized or severely shrunk. Some regiment-level officers carry nearly a division of troops, and some Division-level officers lead a regiment of troops.

This is a bit troublesome from all angles.

In the end, the plan proposed by Xiao Zhongguo, the highest-ranking commander on the scene and the commander-in-chief of the Northwest Army, was widely recognized.

He said: "Now is not the time to judge by military rank, but by strength. Our coalition forces come from all directions. Everyone has their own troops and they all get along well. Forcibly reorganizing is tantamount to breaking one's own arms." , we will divide it by region. Each region will elect a commander to form a joint command system. We will imitate the command system of the three major survivor bases here for the Battle of Daxing: I think this is a successful experience and worth learning. What do you think?”

Although Xiao Zhongguo is the commander-in-chief of the Northwest Army, he does not have many troops under his command. He only has two divisions, part of which has not yet arrived.

But his words were recognized by everyone.

They were all high-level officials of the Huaxia Region before. Even if they didn't know each other, they had always heard of each other. At this time, the global situation was like this, so they had to cooperate.

Finally, during the video conference, three commanders were selected to form this leadership group and make decisions together.

One is Wang Tiansheng of the Northeast Army, one is Xiao Zhongguo of the Northwest Army, and the other is Li Zheng of Lucheng.

Li Zheng originally wanted to recommend Chen Weiang, but Chen Weiang refused.

Chen Weiang said: "In the battle of Daxing, I didn't command anything. Moreover, Mr. Lin is from the Magic City, and everyone in Lucheng is from the Magic City. No matter from any angle, Li Zheng, you are more suitable than me."

Li Zheng did not insist.

He understood what Chen Weiang meant.

Although Lin Qun is the top powerhouse of mankind, this does not mean that he is a pawn of mankind. Li Zheng and Lin Qun both come from the Demon City. Li Zheng can speak on behalf of Lin Qun in this leadership group and maintain a good relationship status.

At this point, the entire coalition leadership group was quickly established.

Xiao Zhongguo immediately said: "Now that the first step has been taken, we must consider the next action.

"We defeated the swarm and shocked the alien civilization. Now other alien civilizations around us will not dare to move. There are only five top civilizations left, and we are still caught in the cracks.

“I won’t beat around the bush with you, I think we should expand our results as soon as possible.

"Victory is hard-won. We should take advantage of the current opportunity to regain all the lost territory in the Huaxia region and encircle the areas ruled by Shengui Civilization!"

"I second the motion."

"I second the motion."

Everyone spoke one after another.

Everyone's eyes twinkled.

This is the future they dream of seeing.

Defeat the alien civilization and regain the lost territory!

Now, this moment is finally coming.

Continuous victories have given rise to the momentum of human civilization.

At this moment, who dares to despise human civilization?

Who dares to treat human civilization as an ordinary indigenous civilization?

Lin Qun is also looking forward to such a day.

From the Demon City to now, they have beaten more and more people, and the shady curtain is about to be opened.

Wang Tiansheng said: "But we can't take it lightly. We want to take down the Shengui Civilization, and the Shengui Civilization also wants to take us down. They want to kill Mr. Lin, and they want to win the civilized battlefield. And they are definitely not insects. Compared with other civilizations, although their top powerhouses, the Sliders, are still alive, the Shengui Civilization itself has strange methods. If we want to attack the Shenwei Civilization, we must make preparations from now on."

Regarding the Shengui civilization, their Northeast Army is the most qualified to speak.

The Shengui Civilization has weird methods and can turn living people into monsters. However, the Northeast Army's powerful combat power was defeated on cotton and was defeated all the way. The Shengui Civilization did not give them a chance to fight head-on.

"That's right. We must take a long-term view and wait for the situation. Black Sheep Civilization and Silicon-based Civilization suffered great losses in the Battle of Daxing, but they cannot give up the springboard of Asia and China. Once we take action, they are likely to They will also take action, and the situation may turn into chaos again..."

"We must also be vigilant about the Wushe Civilization and Linyuan Civilization. Although these two civilizations are confronting each other and are far away from us, who knows whether they will make arrangements in advance."

"Also, we need top experts. Can Mr. Lin still replicate the invincible combat power of the Daxing Battle?"

The officers began to discuss.

Lin Qun remained silent at the side.

He had nothing to say in these discussions, it was enough for him to make some remarks when he was mentioned.

He was very down-to-earth, even a little eager to try: "After this battle, I have improved again, even better than during the Battle of Daxing, so maybe we can fight against the Shengui Civilization!"

Before the card drawing, he might not have had such confidence, but now that the fourth-level card pool drawing has been completed, and these powerful A-level cards have been obtained, Lin Qun's confidence immediately increased. Of course, he is not that This kind of arrogant person didn't say too much, but everyone sitting here was not a fool. After hearing this, how could he not understand what Lin Qun meant?

And Lin Qun had just obtained a number of A-level cards, involving abilities in many aspects, and he also wanted to try them. This time, does he have the strength to fight against the Evolvers?

The evolvers of the divine civilization have strange methods. I wonder if they can withstand my strange magic?

Who can be better?

Lin Qun's eyes were shining.

The other senior federal officials looked at each other with frightened expressions, but most of them were also excited. The top experts of the foreign civilization are a huge threat. If Lin Qun can handle it, then the crusade against the divine civilization will be truly feasible.

Otherwise, they might become human beings and die, and then they would become a joke.

And then, after a series of discussions——

The federal military's plan this time has basically been finalized.

Xiao Zhongguo said: "Let me summarize it at the end.

“Our plan is divided into three phases.

“The first stage is to take advantage of the current two-game winning streak to regain the lost territory of China, surround the Shengui Civilization, and dispatch troops, materials, and talents in advance to prepare for war with the Shengui Civilization.

"The second stage is to capture Kyoto first. On the one hand, we will rescue the Commander, restore command in the Huaxia region, and completely end our current chaos; on the other hand, we will tentatively take action to see the actions of other top civilizations and Lin Sir, and the situation of our top-level combat power, if we can, we will continue to attack, if not, we will wait and see what happens. This is our planet, we have already lost so much, and we can afford to wait better than anyone else.

"The third stage. Completely defeat the divine civilization!"

Xiao Zhongguo only said one sentence about the goal of the last stage, but it was the most powerful and sonorous sentence he said.

His eyes sparkled, as if he had seen the day of success.

Humanity rises on the land of mankind.

Like a majestic giant, he drew his sword and pointed at the mysterious civilization far away, shocking the world.

——No one can act wild here.

Everyone voted and there was no objection to this.

Everyone's eyes are shining with the light of hope.

The glorious future seems to be close at hand.

Lin Qun's eyes also lit up with longing.

At this moment, the global situation is changing rapidly.

The news that humans had won two battles in a row in the Huaxia region had completely spread around the world, and humans in many places rose up to resist.

In fact, there are human forces all over Blue Star, but they have always been hidden and very scattered. Some are not strong enough, and some are afraid to take action for fear of fear, but now, they all see the opportunity.

In addition, a large number of small and medium-sized alien civilizations have voluntarily withdrawn from the scene, leaving only top-level civilizations and some powerful civilizations. Instead, humans have gained a chance to breathe, break free from the cracks, and join each other.


On the land of North America.

Smoke billows.

A once modern city has been reduced to ruins.

Human troops walked through the city in groups, cleaning the battlefield and killing a group of strange alien civilizations like giant bats here.

Among them were federal troops from the North American region, as well as humans who were clearly dressed as armed survivors.

They all looked excited at this moment, looking at the figures on the top of the mountain of corpses piled with alien civilization and life in the distance.

The man was wearing a heavy cloak, his face was hidden in the hood, and he was holding a gun and sword in his hand. He stood above the corpse of the alien civilization, with the blazing sun above his head. Although his clothes were moving in the wind, he was majestic and arrogant.

"He is me being human."

"He is the son of civilization and the most powerful being among us humans. That night shadow in the east is just lucky."

"I have heard of him. He is a Jew. He is a ghost on the land of North America. Many alien civilizations are afraid of him. The Wushe civilization wants to kill him. I didn't expect that these legends are all true! He is really here. !”

"I know him too. Half a month ago, he hunted an army of a medium-sized alien civilization in the primeval forest alone. He fought for seven days and escaped unscathed. Less than half a month after the global battlefield was opened, he already had 20,000 contribution points. Compared with him, the rising Night Shadow is nothing at all. Now, he has officially taken action and wants to lead us. Night Shadow will soon be trampled under his feet!"

Some of the people below have heard of his legend, and some are not very clear, but at this moment, these do not affect the excitement and joy flashing in their eyes.

Because they just saw it with their own eyes.

How this person walked at the front of the team, leading them to kill through the alien civilization here and wipe out the enemies entrenched in this city.

His strength is obvious to all.

The federal army of North America gathered around him.

Whether he is the former world number one or the real son of civilization, it doesn't matter. In the eyes of these people, he is the savior of their land.

The legend in the far east is too far away and ethereal for them.

How can we compare with the powerful people who are so close?

All this is just the beginning.

In the North American and South American regions, the power of mankind is ready to move, and the power of the Federation is gradually reaching out from its dormant state.

In the global human rankings, "I am a human" ranks second, and has been suppressed by Lin Qun with 140,000 contribution points, but from this night, his contribution points began to grow rapidly.


also made a move on the other side of the distant world.

The impact of the Daxing War has spread all over the world.

At the same time.


This place was once occupied by the Prophet Civilization.

But now, the forward base of the Prophet Civilization has turned into a sea of ​​fire.

All around are the strange-shaped aircraft of the Linyuan Civilization.

While humans are fighting a war with the Zerg, the Linyuan Civilization is watching and has begun to sweep the remnants of the Prophet Civilization in the Australian region.

The main force of the Prophet Civilization on Blue Star was completely lost. The most important thing was that the Evolvers died in the battle. They had no strength to fight again. Facing the Linyuan Civilization coming all the way from Antarctica, they were even worse off. They were defeated and only a few people escaped back to their homeland. The space channel specially opened by the Prophet Civilization over the Australian region has been closed again.

The space channel covering the Australian region now belongs to the Linyuan Civilization.

This is exactly "you sing and I come on stage".

Once, the Prophet Civilization bloodbathed the Australian region and killed all the humans and alien civilizations here. Now, it is their turn to be killed.

Without the Evolvers, the frontal fleet was almost completely destroyed. Their current strength has fallen to the bottom. Let alone the top civilization like the Linyuan Civilization, even the Bakatans can now slaughter them at will.

The ambition of the Prophet Civilization was completely wiped out with their defeat in the Battle of Daxing. Even their civilization will never recover from this.

However, the number of people lost by the Prophet Civilization is not much. In the war of civilizations, the lower the level of civilization, the more talents come. For example, the top civilizations do not have many people landing on the battlefield of Blue Star. A warship with hundreds of people can kill thousands of people, and a fleet can defeat the thousands of troops of other civilizations. Why do they need so many? The more advanced the civilization, the less it relies on human wave tactics to win. A powerful civilization and an advanced fleet kill the most enemies with the least manpower and the least resources. This is the conventional means. What's the use of a bunch of ground troops? The Prophet Civilization is like this, as are the Silicon-based Civilization and the Linyuan Civilization. At most, the Black Sheep Civilization has more lives coming to Blue Star due to the particularity of its civilization.

Most of its personnel are concentrated in the fleet, the forward base, etc., and the number of people is not even as many as the number of several fleets. This is normal. But for this kind of top civilization, the loss of people is not the heaviest. The loss of its fleet is the most difficult to recover. The manpower and material resources required to build a strong fleet, even if it is just a fleet in the universe, are also exaggerated for a planetary civilization.

In the sea of ​​fire at the forward base of the Prophet Civilization

Yegus, the evolver of Linyuan Civilization, is here. His power is not obvious. The firelight reflects his body, showing a destructive posture.

It did not move, nor did it show any strength, but there was a sense of oppression as majestic as a mountain.

"Humans are ready to move. They think they have seen hope."

The seventh in the world came to Yegus and spoke grimly.

"It's really interesting that a person in North America claims to be the son of civilization, and a person in China is promoted as the son of mankind." Yegus is checking the latest intelligence. He does not comment on the current situation: "Humans are not a concern. Although the human power in China has taken shape, their target is the Shengui civilization, and the Shengui civilization's target is also them. They are too close. What's more, the Shengui civilization has already made it clear that it wants to kill the god that the human Yeying sacrificed to them - this statement may be a joke in other civilizations, but the Shengui civilization will never joke about things related to their gods.

"They must have a war.

"As soon as they start a war, we will immediately attack the North American region. We will take down the Wuxie civilization and all the people in the American region."

Yegus' eyes showed a frightening ambition.

The seventh person in the world lowered his head: "But black sheep civilization and silicon-based civilization..."

"They either take advantage of the situation to rob humans, or fight on their own, so they can't come to fight us." Yegus's pupils reflected the dancing flames, as if there were real flames burning and rising in his eyes, "But your vigilance is right.

"We have to be wary of them. Especially the Black Sheep Civilization. Their evolvers did not use their full strength in the Battle of Daxing.

“We are now moving forward with the prophetic civilization, and we must learn from the lessons of the prophetic civilization.

"——No matter how vulnerable a civilization is, it is still a civilization. And what can become a civilization must have something to shine.

“Be wary of any force.

“Even if it doesn’t look like they’re a threat.

“As long as the humans in the Huaxia region go to war with the divine civilization and it is confirmed that they cannot interfere with us, we will start to take action.


“There’s no room for error.”

"Sir, I understand..."

Linyuan Civilization, the seventh strongest man in the world, is slowly retreating.

But Yegus raised his head.

Look into the distance - the tower of the prophet civilization is collapsing in flames.

There are also trapped lives of the prophet civilization inside, unable to escape. They are wailing desperately in the sea of ​​fire, struggling in pain, and their postures are twisted. They completely lack the grace of the prophet civilization.

Yegus, the evolver of Linyuan Civilization, looked at this scene coldly, watching them struggle and burn to death, as if he was enjoying a drama. Finally, he withdrew his gaze and commented lightly in the tone of a victorious superior:

"No matter what civilization, whether it is weak or strong, ugly or beautiful, it will always be in the same mess when it collapses."

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