Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 334 Cartoon Force Shadow Avatar Cartoon Kingdom?

Chapter 334 Cartoon force + Shadow clone + Cartoon Kingdom =?

The night was shrouded.

There were camps everywhere in Daxing City, and the lights were bright, but there was some commotion at this time.

"Look! Is it a warship of the alien civilization?"

"Don't fire! Don't fire! The order from above has come down, this is our warship!"

"Our warship? Is this also captured?"

"I don't know, this is too new, right? God, when can we fight like alien civilizations with warships?"

Many soldiers pointed and talked inside and outside Daxing City.

Even some senior officers were alarmed.

Wang Tiansheng and Xiao Zhongguo walked out of their command post.

They all looked at this scene in surprise.

"Who made this?"

"Mr. Xiao, I don't know either. I heard that Daxing City is working on the flagship of the Black Sheep Civilization. Is this one too?"

"Wait, look, it fell down!"

They were stunned to see it.

In the distance, the advanced warship rose up shakily in the lights, flashing light, looking sturdy and powerful. It twisted and turned at a low altitude, and then fell down with a bang.

Smoke and dust flew everywhere.

The scene was very funny.

Wang Tiansheng and Xiao Zhongguo looked at each other, their mouths wide open.

There was an uproar in the military camp.

And this warship was the Raider Empire light frigate that Lin Qun got by drawing a card.

About five hours ago, Chen Weiang personally found a place for Lin Qun.

Lin Qun did not shy away from it. In front of Chen Weiang, he directly released the Raider in his hand.

This was the first time he put down such a large item card. Before releasing it, he deliberately asked everyone to get out of the way.

Then the true appearance of this huge monster was revealed.

After just one look, Chen Weiang said, "I'll find you the most elite air force pilot in Daxing right away!"

The air force of Daxing City is located in a secret base outside Daxing City. It has a lot of air force power. It has been hiding before and dared not show up. It only took action in this Daxing battle and contributed a lot of power. Because the fighter jets had taken off at that time, the Daxing Air Force Base with a few people left was exposed, but it was directly ignored by the top civilization and preserved. However, after this battle, the Daxing Air Force lost more than 70% of its power, and there were not many people left.

The Daxing Air Force is really there.

Chen Weiang is a connoisseur. He knew at a glance that Lin Qun's battleship was a good one!

Immediately, he visited some of the battleship at Lin Qun's invitation.

Before that, Chen Weiang had already made a greeting and set up a warning on the periphery.

Many people were curious and surprised, but only Lin Qun and Chen Weiang could come in.

There is nothing special inside. Lin Qun had seen the internal structure of the battleship in Star Wars. There is nothing surprising. At most, he can feel its real texture more by being in it personally.

When Lin Qun walked here, he found that although these battleships looked cold in the movie, they were actually very fragile, but they still had a lot of texture.

The Empire built warships with a complete industrial system, which was already very perfect. The battleships built were standardized from the inside to the outside. This was also the key to supporting the Empire's conquest of the north and south and dominating the world of Star Wars. It was just that in the movie, due to the plot and other reasons, the presence was not very strong.

From the inside to the outside, the entire battleship was very sophisticated.

Although it was only a 150-meter-class battleship, it had everything it should have.

As the holder of this card, Lin Qun had the right to access and use this battleship by default without doing anything.

All the way forward, the hatches along the way were opened automatically.

Lin Qun and Chen Weiang went straight to the bridge. On the way, he briefly introduced the functions of this attacker warship to Chen Weiang and mentioned the hyperspace technology.

Chen Weiang was shocked when he heard this and looked at Lin Qun and said, "Mr. Lin, you mean, this warship can not only realize space navigation and combat, but also perform light-year-level jump navigation?"

Lin Qun nodded.

Chen Weiang took a breath. In science fiction movies, space folding is not a technology, but in reality, it is a heavy weight. There are so many civilizations in the Blue Star battlefield, even top civilizations, who has this ability?

And now, the warship that Lin Qun took out has this ability!

Where did Mr. Lin get this warship?

This thought came up from Chen Weiang's heart again.

But he still didn't ask, just looked at the scene in the bridge and fell into deep thought.

When he came to the bridge, Lin Qun was a little confused.

It was pitch black here, and he didn't know how to operate it at all. Until half a while, he had an idea and successfully activated the voice input.

——He has the highest authority and can use voice input.

The surrounding control panels lit up in circles.

Lin Qun was surprised to find that this battleship also had a teaching mode. He immediately said: "Teaching mode, this is great, let the ace pilot you called learn it!"

Chen Weiang was silent for a moment, but did not move. Instead, he looked at Lin Qun and said seriously: "Mr. Lin. I just thought about it and I think: the advanced technology of this warship should be known by as few people as possible. Except for you and me, and the pilots who must know, no one else should know. Moreover, to the outside world, we will say that this warship was exchanged by our military, okay?"

Lin Qun looked at Chen Weiang and understood what he meant at once. He nodded and said, "Okay. Let's unify the caliber."

Chen Weiang nodded at this time, he stepped back half a step, stood in the bridge, looked at the flashing operating consoles around him, with a complicated expression.

In the end, he didn't say anything else, but turned and left.

Soon, the two pilots he sent to Lin Qun also arrived.

Two people can complete the operation of this attacker.

What surprised Lin Qun was that the people sent by Chen Weiang were a man and a woman, both very young.

The male pilot was named Han Leshan and the female pilot was named Xu Jie. Lin Qun learned that they were both excellent pilots and had been aces in their formations. In the battle of Daxing, their formations were all destroyed. Facing their fate, they were either reorganized or merged into other air forces.

Chen Weiang transferred them to Lin Qun, presumably to find another way out for them.

Both of them were very excited.

"Mr. Lin, we were notified to come here, and no one told us what to do. We never dreamed that we were here to serve you or to drive such a warship!"

Xu Jie's eyes were shining, and she kept looking at the environment in the attacker's warship.

Han Leshan on one side was a little dull and stupid, and at this time he didn't know what to say. He stood on one side like a wooden stake.

Lin Qun said: "How is it? What do you want to do?"

"Of course." Xu Jie said: "Mr. Lin, you may not know. Our air force, competing with those warships of alien civilizations, how much we envy their high-performance warships, our fighters have no advantage over them. We dream of being able to drive our human warships and compete with them on the same level."

Speaking of the latter, Xu Jie's eyes were already shining with tears.

She thought of the Battle of Daxing.

Many of her comrades died under the warships of alien civilizations.

The human air force and the warships of others are not on the same level at all, but they have no way out, they can only fight to the death and fight blood all the way, paying a heavy price, and using their lives to exchange for time.

This has never been a fair contest.

Lin Qun didn't say anything about this, just explained the precautions, and then said: "Then this is left to you. This warship has a teaching system, you can learn it, I hope this warship can form combat effectiveness as soon as possible and become my vehicle. I also believe in your ability and technology.

"In addition, there is another ugly thing I want to say in advance.

"You have come to me. No matter who you served before, you are now my people and must obey my command.

"And I have the highest authority over this battleship.

"I can give you the right to use it, and I can take it back at any time."

Xu Jie and Han Leshan looked at each other, stood at attention, and said: "Mr. Lin, don't worry, we will never mess around."

Lin Qun nodded.

He and the military will use this attacker battleship together, but it will still be his main vehicle, and then an air war platform.

However, Lin Qun was a little curious about how the contribution points of killing alien civilizations by this attacker battleship would be calculated?

He guessed that it should be automatically calculated according to the proportional method that the military had told him before.

And Lin Qun also had a more comprehensive understanding of this battleship.

This battleship is 150 meters long and has all the functions. It can not only carry two fighters, but also has very strong firepower.

On top of the battleship, there are four sets of twin-mounted turbolaser cannons, and the output power is almost the same as the triple-mounted turbolaser cannons that Lin Qun had obtained before.

And under the battleship, there are two ion cannons.

On the middle and rear side of the battleship, there is a complete set of shock missile launch systems, and there are two high-speed short-range cannons on the secondary side, all of which are turrets prepared for space warfare.

On the battlefield of Blue Star, with the firepower of this attacker battleship, theoretically, any battleship of an alien civilization cannot withstand its full-scale fire.

It can penetrate directly from the front.

Lin Qun is still very satisfied with this.

Four turbolaser cannons alone are equivalent to four C-level cards.

And he also considered preparing to install the previous triple turbolaser cannon.

In this way, the triple turbolaser cannon that has been used as a wandering turret can also have a real "home" this time.

At present, the attacker battleship has been released, but it does not have the ability to fight and fly. Lin Qun temporarily handed it over to Xu Jie and Han Leshan for research, and he ran back to practice.

There is still some time before the Fairy's Gaze Card cools down. The human coalition army is gathering again. All the alien civilizations around have run away. There is no war to fight for the time being. Lin Qun doesn't want to waste time. His single ward is now his temporary base, and he practices here.

Impact the second level of sword control.

That is the corresponding realm of the middle stage of Qi Refining.

The pace of the civilized war is too fast. Lin Qun has never had much time to practice. He basically grows up in the battle. The last time he broke through the first level of sword control was during the battle between Zhenze Lake and the insect swarm. This period Over time, he has been practicing while fighting, and has experienced the world of high-level experts many times. He is growing up little by little, and now he has touched the door to the second level of sword control.

But before that, Lin Qun first tried his own multi-shadow clone technique.

He had already used the skill card before, fully acquiring the skill of multiple shadow clones.

He didn't change too much, he divided out 20 points of dark energy each, and divided himself into two.


Lin Qun raised his head.

Suddenly, two identical versions of him appeared in the room, three people with six eyes. You looked at me and I looked at you. The scene was a bit funny.

If there were other people here, they would probably be shocked - there were actually three Mr. Lin standing in this room!

He tested it and found that the shadow clones can indeed use any ability that does not require energy. For example, they can transform into giants. This means that Lin Qun's countless shadow clones before him transformed into super giants. The idea is feasible.

Moreover, they also completely inherited all the attributes of Lin Qun. You can even activate cartoon powers.

The last time the cartoon power was used was during the Battle of Daxing. The twelve-hour cooling time had long ended. With a thought in his mind, he activated the cartoon power.

The shadow clones are activated simultaneously.

In an instant, three identical cartoon forest groups appeared on the field.

But in the cartoon power state, the dark energy of the clones is consumed at an accelerated rate, and their existence time is even shorter.

Lin Qun also discovered at this time that shadow clones cannot use dark energy recovery potions. Although they are the same as Lin Qun, they are still dark energy in essence, not living creatures. They cannot use any recovery potions. Therefore, Lin Qun... They can use as much dark energy as they are given when they start to become shadow clones. If they release skills that consume dark energy, the dark energy will be consumed faster, and their existence time will be shortened.

A thought came to my mind.

Lin Qun took the initiative to end the shadow clone technique, and his brain was in a daze for a while.

The other two memories and perceptions came back at the same time. He seemed to have suddenly changed from one perspective to three perspectives, and was a little confused. However, his energy level is quite high now, and he has experienced the baptism of Superman's super senses. This influence , it was nothing. He stabilized for more than ten seconds and then recovered.

Then a bold idea came to mind.

The technique of multiple shadow clones, combined with giant transformation, etc. is one way to use it.

What about the combination of Cartoon Power and Cartoon Kingdom?

Is the self transformed from his multiple shadows a cartoon creature?

When the cartoon kingdom is expanded, if his shadow clone dies, if the effects of the cartoon kingdom can be triggered for judgment, wouldn't it take off?

There is no need to wait any longer, just let the clone go directly to deliver it. If the clone dies, it will draw a cartoon card. Wouldn't that be a heaven-defying combo?

Abilities from different worlds, when used in combination, may produce more powerful effects.

If it can really be realized, it will be a card bug. Using the power of cartoons and the art of shadow clone, there is no need to sacrifice the real cartoon life, and the card draw can be directly realized at zero cost!

You only need to spend some dark energy to use effect 2 and keep drawing cards!

Every ten minutes, a round of cards will be drawn directly.

Lin Qun rubbed his chin and pondered whimsically: In this case, if I use animal creation while in the cartoon power state, can I turn others into cartoon sheep? Then use the cartoon kingdom effect to draw cards?

In this case, can we use alien civilization to draw cartoon cards?

However, sheep don’t seem to be members of the same species...

At this thought, Lin Qun's thoughts ran away.

However, these cannot be tried yet. He has no goal in making animals, and there are no alien civilizations around him. He can't try it on living people, and using Cartoon Kingdom requires too much energy, so it's best not to use it lightly. The most important thing is that using Cartoon Kingdom to create animals The noise coming out is definitely not small. Now, Cartoon Kingdom and Shadow Clone are Lin Qun's powerful combination of punches. They are his new trump cards and must not be exposed easily.

After the Battle of Daxing and the War of the Insect Swarm, no alien civilization in the world dares to treat humans as weak indigenous people, especially top-level civilizations. If they want to win the Blue Star battlefield, they must look here and stare. It reflects the state of mankind, especially Lin Qun, the most popular person in mankind.

The battleship is displayed because there is no need to hide the battleship. If it is hidden, it will not be able to play its role. However, the Cartoon Kingdom and Shadow Clone do not need to be revealed now. Lin Qun's other methods are enough to deal with miscellaneous fish. These two abilities can deal with the top experts of foreign civilizations. They cannot let others know about it. The later they are revealed, the more surprises they will have.

Afterwards, Lin Qun went to his room and tried his best to attack the second level of sword control.

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