After the communication with Li Zheng ended, Lin Qun became excited and immediately put on the Mark 50 suit and prepared to set off, fearing that the Wolf Head Civilization would run away if it knew that humans were going to kill them.

But before leaving, Lin Qun thought of his battleship.

Found Xu Jie and Han Leshan directly.

They did not disappoint Lin Qun.

Xu Jie quickly said: "Mr. Lin, we have been running in with the Raider warship for nearly ten hours. Han Leshan and I are all ready and ready to go to war at any time!"

These two people are both veteran pilots. They are familiar with the operation mode of the battleship and it is easy to get started.

This was what Lin Qun was waiting for. He said directly: "Take me to Pingyang City!"

He also enjoyed the feeling of being driven to the battlefield in a battleship - once standing in the bridge, Lin Qun felt like he was getting better, and now he felt like a civilized boss!

The speed of the Raider battleship is by no means weaker than the Mark 50 Nano suit, and can even exceed it by accelerating casually - this is a space battleship after all.

Before Lin Qun officially set off, he asked Chu Youwei, Huang Qizheng and others who wanted to go with him.

Everyone was injured and their injuries were not healed. Only Chu Youwei took the initiative to stand up: "I want to go."

Arriving on Lin Qun's battleship, Chu Youwei couldn't hide the curiosity and surprise in her eyes. She looked left and right before finally focusing on Lin Qun. Her face was still pale, but her posture was already very... Standing erect, no one needs support, and holding Mjolnir in his hand. At first glance, apart from the lack of Thor's iconic suit, he actually still looks like a fierce female Thor.

"Are you really good? How strong is your physique?" In fact, Lin Qun felt that Chu Youwei's injury was extremely serious, but she replaced it with a robotic arm, and in less than three days, she could actually do it He stood in front of him as if nothing was wrong, and wanted to kill the enemy with him.

Chu Youwei's recovery speed was astonishingly fast, almost catching up with him.

He guessed that Chu Youwei's physique was probably higher than Huang Qizheng's!

She has a cold face, but a very calm personality, and she doesn't like to be public. No one knows her true depth.

Chu Youwei shook her head and said: "Being the main force is no longer enough, so I'll have no problem picking up the slack with you."

Lin Qun: "..."

Chu Youwei pursed her lips and smiled, raising the hammer in her hand: "It's actually much better to have this baby."

At this time, the two pilots, Xu Jie and Han Leshan, were already in place and started the battleship directly.

Amidst the exclamations below, the attacker warship broke through the sound barrier, roared over Daxing City, flew into the sky, and advanced towards Pingyang City at high speed.

Below, inside and outside Daxing City, no one was not attracted, with eyes shining with envy.

In one night, no one knew about this battleship that suddenly appeared. This is a real battleship, who wouldn't want to sit in one? At this time, seeing it rising into the sky, accelerating to a terrifying level in an instant, and flying away at a rapid speed, everyone was filled with envy, wishing they could sit in it and become its "passenger".

Because it was their first time to officially drive a warship into battle, Xu Jie and Han Leshan were still a little conservative and did not dare to drive too fast. It was estimated that it would take ten minutes to cross the 300 kilometers distance.

Lin Qun stood on the bridge. The battleship was moving very fast, but he felt very stable. He looked ahead and said, "Ten minutes is enough. In ten minutes, unless everyone in this wolf-headed civilization has wings, ten thousand With so many troops, no one can escape!”

This time, although it was the first time that the Raider warship went into battle, the battle was rushed after all, and the entire Raider warship was almost unequipped. The large warship, with just a few of them, seemed a bit empty and deserted. But this is enough. With the firepower of this battleship and the combat power of Lin Qun, the Wolf Head Civilization will not be enough to see, let alone ten thousand people, even tens of thousands of people!

Chu Youwei sat on one side, looking at the clouds passing by quickly outside the window, and said with a complicated expression: "I think this time I know what it feels like when those alien civilizations chase us with their warships."

Lin Qun glanced at her: "Now, we stand up, it's us who drive the battleship to kill others!"

His words made everyone on the bridge look filled with emotion.

Yes, everything has changed!

They were the ones driving battleships to kill others!

How many people sacrificed their lives for this change in identity?

At this moment, Xu Jie in front suddenly said: "Mr. Lin... there seems to be a group of disguised alien civilizations below!"

The radar of the raider warship scanned the wilderness ahead of them that they were about to fly over rapidly. There was a small spot of light. It was not human, it was an alien civilization!

When Lin Qun heard this, his eyes suddenly filled with murderous intent!

The unit responsible for the blitzkrieg attack on the Langtou Civilization in Pingyang City was the 613th Armored Division of the Northeastern Army. It was a fully mechanized unit and equipped with the most advanced weapons from the Federation. They had the highest mobility and had the smallest previous losses. The order they received was to march ahead of the group army. , leaving the Langtou civilization in Pingyang City.

Let them pay the price for their greed, and let other alien civilizations see: now this is the world of mankind!

The commander of the 613th Armored Division, Dai Qisheng, was a tall, militant maniac. He was very excited to receive this order. He was even more excited when he heard that Mr. Lin would also participate in the blitzkrieg.

What kind of evolver, he had never seen, he didn't know how powerful it was, and he didn't know what value Mr. Lin had killed an evolver, but he and his troops were also there in the battle with the Zerg, and the rumbling of the ground displayed by Lin Qun convinced them. Fighting with Lin Qun was a great honor and confidence.

When the army started, he encouraged morale and said: "Mr. Lin will work with us to kill this group of wolf-headed civilizations. Cheer up and don't embarrass our 613th Division in front of Mr. Lin."

But what he didn't expect was that when he turned around and asked Mr. Lin when he would catch up, he got a news that stunned him.

Mr. Lin was the last to start, and he was already driving a warship ahead of them, and the 613th Division that set out first was almost 30 kilometers away.

And Mr. Lin said that he would reach the battlefield in the shortest world, and let their 613th Division just clean up the battlefield.

Dai Qisheng almost smashed the communication device and was immediately anxious.

"This is not a coordinated battle, this is asking us to eat dust behind Mr. Lin, this won't do, the entire 613th Division has us, let's go out immediately and march quickly!"

He admired Mr. Lin's strength, and didn't want him and his team to appear useless in front of Mr. Lin, which would make him lose face, so he rushed out to fight, following Lin Qun's footsteps, and marched towards Pingyang City.

Wang Tiansheng was surprised to find that he didn't urge him at all, and Dai Qisheng and his 613th Division sped up as if their butts were on fire.

Lin Qun didn't mean to embarrass Dai Qisheng, he was worried that if he went too late, the Wolf Head Civilization would hear the news and run away. This is 10,000 contribution points for Lin Qun, wouldn't it be a big loss if he ran away? It takes at most ten minutes to drive a warship, even if there is something on the way, it will only take half an hour. It will take at least two or three hours to go with the armored forces, which means a pursuit battle.

Lin Qun didn't want to fight a pursuit battle, he just wanted to kill the lives of the 10,000 Wolf Head Civilizations in Pingyang City!

But what Dai Qisheng didn't expect was... they really caught up with Lin Qun.

However, the scene they saw when they caught up with Lin Qun shocked Dai Qisheng and his 613 Armored Division so much that they almost forgot to move forward!

Lin Qun met a group of Titan beast civilization life on the road.

Except for another group of walking contribution points - alien civilization life - there was nothing that could make Lin Qun stop on his way.

From the radar of the attacker warship, this group of alien civilization life on the ground was just a few small spots of light, but in fact, these were all behemoths.

They were a group of Titan beast civilization life.

There were nine of them.

Because of their huge size, they were afraid of being discovered and moved slowly. While moving forward, they disguised themselves as natural mountains and rivers, but they were still discovered by the attacker warships that passed over their heads.

Lin Qun had never seen so many Titan beast civilization life appear together.

Their civilization was quite special, and most of them acted alone.

But now that he saw it, Lin Qun had no reason to let it go. He was eager to try, so he asked Xu Jie and Han Leshan to slow down, and he rushed down from the battleship!

"Wait for me, I'll be back soon, it won't take much time."

In the air, golden arcs flashed, accompanied by billowing steam, and Lin Qun had already transformed into a super giant, rushing towards the Titans in front of him.

Each of these Titans was extremely huge.

There were nine in total, and the smallest one was more than 60 meters tall. The largest and most powerful one was nearly 80 meters tall, which was even bigger than Lin Qun's super giant.

In fact, with the ability of the Titans, they could tear apart ordinary super giants by hand.

But they were not facing ordinary super giants at the moment.

Lin Qun's basic attributes were already exaggerated enough.

Even if the agility was reduced, the agility attribute of the incarnation of a super giant was not low, and the other doubled attributes were even more terrifying.

Lin Qun's strength was directly capped at 999, and his real attributes had already exceeded 1,000.

No matter how huge these Titans are, who can fight against such a Lin Qun?

When Dai Qisheng and his men came here, they saw such a scene: Lin Qun, who had transformed into a super-large giant, directly staged a scene of tearing a Titan beast apart with his hands in the endless wilderness!

That scene was like a giant collapsing a mountain with his bare hands!

A 60-meter-class Titan beast was beaten to death by Lin Qun's punches!

The skin was torn and the flesh was flying.

Lin Qun's heavy punches didn't seem to hit the Titan beast with thick skin and flesh, but like hitting a piece of rotten meat that was already broken.

The terrifying beast was vulnerable.

Collapsed with a loud bang!

Contribution points and experience were credited.

Then, Lin Qun turned to the next target.

The Titan beast was huge, and it was not possible to shoot the head in one go with the headshot girl skill, so the benefit was not great. Iron fist was the best means of attack.

He took heavy steps and rushed towards the Titan beast.

They also went crazy, howling and surrounding Lin Qun.

The earth was shaking, and creatures as huge as mountains were fighting in the wilderness. This scene was like the scene of giants fighting huge monsters in the ancient world and mythology.

Every punch shook the earth.

The earth cracked.

The mountains and rivers were broken.

Dai Qisheng and others were stunned.

What was even more shocking was undoubtedly the amazing force displayed by Lin Qun here.

The nine Titan beasts were tough opponents no matter where they were or who they were in front of.

But to the forest group, they seemed vulnerable.

In just a few minutes, Lin Qun demonstrated the fastest ability to collapse a mountain with his bare hands.

Knowing that they could not escape, the eight titan beasts surrounded him with all their strength, but fell down one after another, their bodies shattered by Lin Qun's heavy punches.

Prove it with practice...

When the strength attribute reaches a certain level, there is no need for weapons, strength is the weapon!

If you are a giant Titan dozens of meters tall, how many punches can you withstand?

Among the nine giant beasts, the largest one, the 80-meter Titan beast, was killed by Lin Qun in just a few seconds!

In the sky, inside the raider battleship.

Xu Jie and Han Leshan looked at each other.

Instinctively he glanced at Chu Youwei, who was familiar with Lin Qun.

His eyes were filled with shock.

They have all heard of Mr. Lin's power, but because of the different battlefield locations, they have never seen it with their own eyes.

But now...

Seeing Lin Qun tear apart the Titan beast with his hands, this scene is too shocking!

"This... less than two minutes, only one of the nine Titans is left... Mr. Lin said it wouldn't take long, but it really won't take long!"

Han Leshan, who spoke little, couldn't help but sigh deeply from the bottom of his heart.

Such combat power and such exaggerated fighting methods were something he had never dreamed of.

However, Chu Youwei never spoke.

Because at this moment, Lin Qun stopped and did not launch an attack on the last 70-meter titan beast.

On the contrary, he seemed to be showing some weird means to the Titan beast.

But in the end, he gave up and punched him to death. He quickly released the super giant transformation and boarded the Raider warship. He glanced at him and said, "What are you doing standing around here? Let's go, make such a big noise, the Wolf Head Civilization is Even a fool knows we are coming. If we speed up, no one can escape."

The nine titans only had nine contribution points, but they had a lot of experience. The nine of them brought a total of tens of thousands of experience points to the forest group.

In fact, what Chu Youwei had just noticed was correct. Lin Qun wanted to use the beast-making method on the last titan. He found that the animal-making method could indeed be used against any target, even such a huge titan. He can use this animal-making technique to turn the opponent into a normal-sized lamb.

But he didn't do it in the end.

The use of animals here is too eye-catching.

The test can wait until Pingyang City uses the life test of the Wolf Head Civilization. It is very hidden, so don't rush it and don't scare other people.

Therefore, Lin Quncai finally did not take action, returned to the battleship, and ordered to advance quickly.

The attacker quickly broke through the sound barrier and flew through the air, leaving behind Dai Qisheng and others, looking at each other with complicated expressions.

After a long while, Dai Qisheng said complicatedly: "We don't have to rush all the way. Let Mr. Lin go first."

In fact, the Wolf Head Civilization did notice the big noise made by the forest group. They were all frightened and wanted to run away, but within ten minutes, they were too late even if they wanted to run away.

At the speed of the Raider warship, Lin Qun would still have enough time to kill a few Titans in the middle.

Therefore, when the life of the Wolf Head Civilization was in panic and wanted to run away, Lin Qun had already arrived on a battleship.

Standing on the bridge, looking at the wolf-headed civilized life at his feet, Lin Qun sneered and directly ordered: "Fire freely, and give it a fucking shot!"

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