Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 339 Super Weapon: Iron Curtain Device

[Name: Peach Garden Oath]

[Type: Effect Card]

[Effect Card Grade: A-level]

[Description: Use this card to restore the life injuries of all contestants and indigenous peoples in a planetary unit in a civilized battlefield from far to near. ]

[Special Note 1: This card is limited to a certain range, and there is no limit on the number of targets that can enjoy the effect of this card within the range. Dead individuals cannot enjoy the effect of this card. This effect cannot regenerate broken limbs, but it can quickly heal wounds and solve any diseases caused by viral and bacterial infections. Dying individuals will have a 70% chance of survival. ]

[Special Note 2: The effect of this card may be partially offset by other abilities or card effects. ]

The golden card has something that Lin Qun is slightly familiar with. It is the pattern of Peach Garden Oath in the classic card game Three Kingdoms Kill.

"Isn't this the Peach Garden Oath in Three Kingdoms Kill?"

He was a little dumbfounded.

The first reaction was: This useless card in Three Kingdoms Kill that you may not even use when you get it, can it be A-level?

Until he saw the effect.

It takes effect within the planet.

Indiscriminate treatment.

Except for those who have died, everyone will benefit from it.

There is a 70% chance of survival in the dying state. Those who can be rescued in time will survive because of this card, but those who are dying due to the loss of important organs will not survive.

The effect of this card, placed in the civilization battlefield, is a miracle card!

Of course, this card itself is similar to the effect in the Three Kingdoms Kill. All members recover blood, and can be offset by invulnerability, etc.

But this scale is terrifying enough.


This card is not so easy to use.

On the battlefield of Blue Star, there are many alien civilizations. If this card is used, a large number of humans will benefit, and alien civilizations will also benefit.

The golden card appeared in the palm of his hand, and it felt cold, but Lin Qun reacted.

Maybe he was wrong.

This card was not started during the civilization battlefield.

If there is such a day, humans can drive out aliens, regain control of Blue Star, and make human civilization the only civilization on this planet. Then, using this card will not benefit alien civilizations, and it can also help humans quickly get through the post-war pain period because of its super-large-scale influence ability.

All members' injuries are healed, with no upper limit. All the injured do not need to rest, and they can directly return to normal, and the entire civilization will speed up its pace of progress.

Or in the future, civilization will fight against other civilizations, and Blue Star is the homeland. Within the homeland, activating this card will naturally have countless benefits.

How can such an ability not be worthy of an A-level?

Lin Qun carefully put this card away.

He looks forward to the day when he can use this card without worries on this planet.

And no alien civilization will benefit from it.

It will play its due role at that time.

At this time, the third golden A-level card has also quietly emerged.

Gold flashes, this time, it is a skill card!

[Name: A Certain Scientific Railgun (LV5)]

[Type: Skill Card]

[Description: Use this card to obtain the ability of the anime character Misaka Mikoto: A Certain Scientific Railgun (LV5)]. You will be able to manipulate high-voltage current, electromagnetic waves, and magnetism at will. And based on this ability, you can derive derivative abilities such as the Super Electromagnetic Gun, Thunder Giant, Lightning Spear, etc. 】

【Special Note 1: If you want to use this ability well, it is best to study and deduce it first. And the use of this skill will continue to consume dark energy according to the output of high-voltage current, the scale of electromagnetic waves and magnetism. 】

【Special Note 2: This skill card has a certain chance to evolve into "Absolute Power Super Electromagnetic Gun (LV6)": In this state, the individual will undergo drastic changes and become a life form of other dimensions, with extremely powerful power, and will be physically and mentally destroyed before and after approaching or reaching this level. 】

【Special Note 3: Hey, have you seen Misaka Mikoto 10032? 】

【Load? 】

This is...

Super Electromagnetic Gun!

Lin Qun almost couldn't sit still.

The front of this skill card shows Misaka Mikoto's classic action, holding a metal game coin and releasing the classic poss of the skill Super Electromagnetic Gun.

Looking at this picture, Lin Qun's two-dimensional soul moved, and the war song seemed to ring in his ears.

Unfortunately, that is impossible.

There is no such anime in this world. Sister Misaka's war song can never be heard in reality except in his memory.

But this ability itself is extremely powerful.

Level 5 Great Power User.

This is the setting and character in the anime Magical Index.

Misaka Mikoto is definitely a powerful character in the original anime, and because of her personal character, her combat power has never been fully demonstrated. Only what has been shown is terrifying.

Control electrical energy.

Super electromagnetic gun.

Lightning gun that strikes at the speed of light.

It can even gather thunderclouds and thunder!

The super electromagnetic gun shot from the fingers in the form of a coin is its most classic skill. The small coin is calculated and accelerated and shot from the hand. The initial velocity can reach three times the speed of sound, and the destructive power is extremely amazing. Misaka Mikoto can be said to be a mobile turret.

She can even use electromagnetic ability to destroy and invade other people's electronic systems.

It can also attract and pull metal objects like Magneto, turning iron sand into swords.

Although this ability is called the Super Electromagnetic Cannon, its effect is very comprehensive.

Of course, some functional abilities may not be used by Lin Qun with his current rich abilities, but the combat power it can bring to Lin Qun alone is already very impressive.

However, as a skill from the Academy City.

Any application of this ability must be mastered through "learning, familiarity, and calculation".

Ability is just ability.

To what extent the ability can be exerted and how to use it depends on the development of its superpower user. Most of these abilities of Misaka Mikoto are also realized in this way. Although according to the setting of the original work, those who can become LV5 are born strong, but Misaka Mikoto herself has also worked hard.

This ability, Misaka Mikoto has been running-in and applying it from childhood to adulthood, so that she can use it like an arm.

Now Lin Qun only has this ability itself, and if he wants to apply it, he still needs to keep running-in.

But Lin Qun thought of a cheating "shortcut" method.

That is to combine this ability with Mark 50.

The Super Electromagnetic Gun can charge Mark 50, and Mark 50, although it does not have Friday, has a supercomputer and can calculate for Lin Qun in the armor, helping Lin Qun to cheat and directly use the ability of the gun sister efficiently.

Therefore, he has just started this ability. But with the help of Mark 50, even if he cannot reach the level of proficiency of the original owner of this ability, Misaka Mikoto, it is not a problem to play its due ability.

This will save Lin Qun a lot of trouble and let the Super Electromagnetic Gun ability play its due combat power in the shortest time.

Moreover, it can also allow Mark 50 to be further enhanced, saving the contribution points and trouble of purchasing and replacing energy for Mark 50 nano suits!

Mark 50 and Super Electromagnetic Gun are also a novel combination punch!

Lin Qun blinked.

The A-level skill cards are really more upscale than the other!

However, Misaka Mikoto's abilities are not infinite. In the original work, if she continues to use her abilities, she will run out of them.

When it becomes a skill card, its use also consumes dark energy.

The extent to which his super-electromagnetic cannon ability can be exerted is also directly linked to the dark energy that Lin Qun can pay.

Lin Qun thought: I wonder how many super-electromagnetic cannons I can fire with my more than 400 dark energies?

At this moment, the last card in front of Lin Qun is slowly emerging.

The first three cards, except for the Peach Garden Oath, which is temporarily unusable, are all good cards. Lin Qun is also very much looking forward to this last card!

The golden light flashed, this time, it was an A-level item card!

[Name: Iron Curtain Device]

[Type: Item Card]

[Item Card Grade: A-level]

[Description: Use this item card to materialize a super weapon, building, and iron curtain device. This is a support super weapon based on Wheeler's delay experiment and Einstein's quantum theory. It requires a whole technical team and at least one high-power nuclear power plant to supply energy. It can regularly produce a dark ionization barrier in about three hours, covering non-organic matter in a square area of ​​300 meters in length and width, providing it with an iron curtain shield that lasts for 30 seconds, which can block any attack from all directions. Energy attacks that exceed the output limit of the iron curtain device can penetrate the ionization barrier generated by the iron curtain device. 】

[Special Note 1: If the iron curtain generated by this device directly covers an unprotected organic life form, the organic life will be killed directly if the physical attribute is less than 100. 】

[Special Note 2: The scope of use of this device is the planetary range under the entire atmosphere (based on the blue planet). 】

On the golden card, there is a dark red iron egg with a sense of future technology.

Isn't this thing the super weapon of a certain camp that cannot be spoken directly in the Red Alert world-the iron curtain device?

When Lin Qun saw this last card, he stood up directly.

The iron curtain is covered, and all poisons are not invaded!

In the game, its role in actual combat is even greater than that of heavy super weapon nuclear bombs.

Of course, the iron curtain device that Lin Qun pulled out at this moment has also changed according to the actual situation of the Blue Star battlefield.

For example.

In the game, it can be used as soon as it lands and has electricity, but in reality, you have to consider someone to operate it.

In order to make it work, a whole technical team is indispensable. It also needs a nuclear power plant to supply energy. You can build one at will in the game, but in reality, Lin Qun pondered: This iron curtain device may have to be placed near the nuclear power plant.

This iron curtain device is a whole building. It is not like the romantic turrets before. Once it is stuck and put down, it is almost impossible to move. You must choose a good location.

Fortunately, this iron curtain works on the whole map.

No matter where you put it, the whole Blue Star can enjoy its effect.

Every three hours, you can get an iron curtain shield that lasts for 30 seconds!

In the game, it is invincible. Even heavy super weapon volleys can do nothing to the units covered by the Iron Curtain. Only some methods using the mechanism can cleverly deal with the units covered by the Iron Curtain. But in reality, it is obviously impossible to be absolutely invincible like in the game, and the energy attack outputting the maximum output of the Iron Curtain device can also achieve breakdown.


Lin Qun can make judgments without data.

In the third-level civilization battlefield, within the planetary battlefield, I am afraid that few people can have such means.

It is a shield that is almost invincible for thirty seconds.

The golden card appeared in his hand, and Lin Qun immediately looked at the battleship at his feet.


His raider warship will no longer be crispy.

Thirty seconds is very short, but on the ever-changing battlefield, it is already long enough.

On the battlefield, Lin Qun's crispy imperial warships will have a body of steel and can be used on other armored units, allowing them to move forward indomitably.

You can even use it on yourself wearing Mark 50...

Lin Qun's heart skipped a beat when he thought of this.

Isn't this another combo skill?

He immediately thought of a combo.

Railgun + Iron Curtain Device + Mark 50 + Desperate Reincarnation.

Isn't this a thirty-second one-on-one showdown between real men and a super discharge ability?

Lin Qun took a deep breath.

Under the level 4 card pool, his combat power is soaring rapidly. At present, with this combat power alone, he can still fight even without the headshot female skill.

Maybe, the evolved person can weigh it up.

Lin Qun suddenly felt confident!

Next, Lin Qun quickly contacted Chen Weiang and Li Zheng, preparing to hand over the Iron Curtain device to them.

For this thing to work, it needs the military to operate it.

Li Zheng and Chen Weiang were shocked when they heard that Lin Qun had such an object again.

"Mr. Lin, you...tell me the truth, are you a son of civilization? You won the Battle of Daxing, and the supporters behind you gave you equipment?"

Li Zheng and Lin Qun were familiar with each other, and they were so surprised that they both said something.

Before, Lin Qun suddenly took out a Raider warship with hyperspace jumping capability. This was shocking enough, because the contribution of that thing's value was huge. The most important thing is that its technology is not even available in top civilizations. In the hands of humans, it is absolutely "super class".

And how long has it been?

Not even a day had passed, not even twenty-four hours, but Lin Qun had come up with another Iron Curtain device!

Li Zheng and Chen Weiang had never heard of this thing. After listening to Lin Qun's introduction and knowing the function of the Iron Curtain device, they were even more shocked.

Although this Iron Curtain device is not as advanced as the hyperspace jump ability, the hyperspace jump ability is almost useless to humans now. If you want to copy it, it will be impossible to build it in a short time due to the huge technological gap. That is There is no plan to build a giant ark with the ability to jump through space to take humans to escape, but this Iron Curtain device is different. This is a war weapon that can be used on the current battlefield!

Moreover, this is absolutely black technology!

One day before and after, two epoch-making advanced technologies were brought out. This...

How could Li Zheng not be surprised?

Li Zheng's reasonable guess is that this is the only answer.

Lin Qun is truly a son of civilization!

Because he won the battle of Daxing, his supporters behind the scenes were very happy and sent him good things!

Ready-made warships, ready-made black technology facilities...

Lin Qun smiled bitterly after hearing this.

This Li Zheng, why didn't I realize that he was so clever before?

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