Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 350: Card draw! Divine sword and thunder control secret

The forests in Rehe City are disappearing one after another. Several shadow clones were quickly counterattacked by Lin Qun.

He has reestablished contact with the Raider warship and command center. Facing the incoming inquiries, his answer is very simple and powerful: "I can fight. I fought against the evolvers of the Shengui Civilization, and I won a small victory."

This news made Xu Jie and others in the raider warship almost jump with excitement.

They also speculated that Lin Qun might have fought against the evolvers of the Shengui Civilization.

And how can we not feel excited about this current result?

At the frontline command center, Wang Tiansheng heard the news and clapped his hands excitedly, saying: "As expected of Mr. Lin, the evolution of the divine civilization sets up ambushes and attacks, and there is no return. He is not an evolver, but more like an evolver!"

Xiao Zhongguo, on the other hand, was much more sensible. He quickly issued an order: "Immediately pass this news to the entire army. I will let all three armies know: Mr. Lin has repelled the evolution of the divine civilization!"

Many people actually don't know what the Evolver means and what its weight is, but those who have participated in the Daxing War know what the Evolver means. As long as the atmosphere is hyped, this is enough to inspire.

Word is spreading fast.

On the battlefield of a statue of a mysterious civilization, Chu Youwei stood on a high place, holding the hammer of Thor, with the remains of the statue of a mysterious civilization behind her. When she heard the news, she instinctively looked in the direction of Rehe City, with a faint smile on her lips. .

Xia Qing on one side said: "He seems to be getting more powerful. Every time he wins a battle, Lin Qun's combat power seems to be able to leap up a level at a speed that we can't imagine."

And somewhere in the rear army.

Professor Wang, who was following the army, raised his head, with an extremely complicated expression on his face.

He was surrounded by people who had followed Bai Yiming.

Now there are tears in my eyes.

"Professor Wang, he chose the right person. In the Battle of Daxing, he is not yet a match for the prophetic civilization evolvers. He is asked to help, but it has only been a few days and he has already..."

"When did he miss it? No matter where Lin Qun goes, we will follow the person he chooses. Even if he doesn't know who we are, we have to fight behind him. This is not following Lin Qun. This is I’m following Mr. Bai!”

"I regret it very much. I shouldn't have left him at that time."

"Blood Emperor... He has always been right. He has helped all of us in Daxing City, and now, he is also helping us."

Unlike other people's excitement, they have different feelings about it.

In their hearts, after the Daxing War, Lin Qun was the continuation of Bai Yiming's life, carrying Bai Yiming's dreams and hopes.

The Battle of Daxing was over. They were not part of the military. They could have left and there was no need to come here. However, they still chose to come and actively signed up to participate in the battle in the Shengui Civilized Area in order to follow what they had followed. people, this is also their reward for the guilt in their hearts.

They all regretted that they misunderstood Bai Yiming and chose to leave him.

And in the location of Rehe City.

A large number of human troops have begun to move forward to clean up the weird things in Rehe City.

Lin Qun's multiple shadow clones also completely dissipated, leaving only the last one of himself.

However, with so many shadow clones returning to their homeland, and countless memories and thoughts, including a large number of death memories, superimposed on each other, Lin Qun's steps seemed a bit frivolous.

But after all, he had experienced super senses, and he quickly maintained his state and came to the last animal-creating sheep.

The remaining sheep of the Shengui Civilization Evolvers have all been killed by the forest group.

Every time an animal-creating sheep is killed, part of its body is dissolved, which is a direct weakening of the evolution of the divine civilization, such as cutting off the flesh and blood of the human body.

But Lin Qun deliberately left the last one behind.

He took out Kirby's magnifying glass from his arms and applied a negative buff to the sheep.

He didn't know what the buff was, but he didn't kill the sheep and let it go away and return.

Not less than this one.

It is better to let it bring back a negative buff to the divine civilization evolver.

But unfortunately, the evolved civilization seemed to be aware of it. The sheep stumbled away for a few meters and suddenly fell to the ground and died suddenly.

The evolver of Shengui Civilization cut off this part of the body himself.

The means of B-level items were easily detected.

Lin Qun had no choice but to clap his hands and stand up.

In this battle, he narrowly defeated the Shengui Civilization Evolver, but he also revealed several trump cards.

The next time we take action, it may be a life and death battle.

However, Lin Qun's greater gain was that he discovered that although the evolvers of the Shengui Civilization could copy their own abilities, their cartoon power could not be copied, and neither could their spells.

It has never copied either the animal creation or the golden light spell.

Is it too late or is it impossible?

Lin Qun prefers the latter.

After this battle, he also had some vague guesses and judgments about the abilities of this mysterious civilization evolver——

This should not only be due to simple reasons such as restraint.

The skills of the headshot girl, the giant transformation, and even the revenge demon transformation are all abilities, but spells are different. Spells come from the system. Lin Qun can use the Golden Light Mantra and the Animal Creation not only because he has these skill cards. To activate them, he needs the support of the realm of the monk. Although all energy is unified as dark energy, Lin Qun's dark energy is more pure and has the unique attribute of monk spells. Only such dark energy can activate the use of spells such as the Golden Light Mantra. Even if the means of the evolvers are powerful, their super energy roots also need to be stimulated by dark energy. The application standards of spells need to be adapted by the dark energy of the monks, and it has nothing to do with whether they are evolvers or not.

Its own dark energy cannot be adapted, so naturally it cannot copy the Golden Light Mantra and Animal Creation displayed by Lin Qun.

Similar deduction. It is also a reason that it cannot use cartoon power. Since it cannot copy Lin Qun's cartoon energy, how to activate cartoon power?

But so far, the evolutionary of the Shengui civilization has not shown much of its own power in front of Lin Qun, which is worth vigilance.

The army has entered Rehe City.

The strange soldiers in the city were defeated.

The five statues were also being quickly annihilated by human forces.

The failure of the evolutionists of the Shengui civilization this time meant that the Shengui civilization had completely lost its resistance in the marginal area. As the military judged, the top combat power could not take down Lin Qun, and the most advantageous means of the Shengui civilization could not be taken out, and they could only watch the human advance the front line.

Xiao Zhongguo also seized this opportunity and pressed forward, striving to reach the deep area of ​​the Shengui civilization within the next twenty hours, and directly approach the core of the occupied area of ​​the Shengui civilization, aiming at its evolutionists!

Lin Qun did not leave Rehe City, but returned to the attacker's warship.

He directly asked Xiao Zhongguo to replenish the dark energy recovery potion in a large bottle.

The small bottle of primary recovery potion was a bit troublesome for Lin Qun to use.

His current skills consume dark energy very quickly, and the small bottle of drugs cannot be restored. Instead, it wastes time and is prone to dark energy interruption and ability interruption, which is troublesome.

However, this is also a bit difficult for the military.

The large bottle of dark energy recovery potion that Lin Qun needs has several specifications in the contribution point mall. The higher the price, the more it can recover.

The lowest price is fifty-one bottles, and one bottle can restore one hundred and ten points of dark energy. In terms of cost performance, it is definitely higher than the primary and intermediate dark energy recovery potion, but...

"Mr. Lin, I will try my best to collect the dark energy recovery potion you want, but at most, I can only collect fifty-one bottles of recovery potion. It is difficult to collect one hundred contribution points or two hundred contribution points. You also know that we are an indigenous civilization. We do not have the authority to gather contribution points of the contestant civilization. The contribution points are scattered in the hands of the warriors, and there are not many warriors who have so many contribution points. This time, we did not gain any contribution points in the attack on the Shengui civilization, so..."

Xiao Zhongguo was a little helpless.

Whatever Lin Qun said now, they would cooperate. When the soldiers below heard that they were exchanging recovery potions for Mr. Lin, they were all very enthusiastic and did not care about spending their hard-earned contribution points.

But objective problems still exist.

The price of a recovery potion with too high specifications is also high. A recovery potion of fifty contribution points is nothing to a strong man of Lin Qun's level, but it is definitely not a small amount for ordinary people.

"I understand. I want as many as you can get, and you don't have to force it."

Lin Qun certainly understands the difficulties of the military.

This is an objective factor.

Xiao Zhongguo immediately responded: "I will try my best to collect and deliver it as soon as possible."

He knew that the dark energy recovery potion and the energy recovery potion were Lin Qun's ammunition, and he dared not delay it at all.

Especially this battle in Rehe, which made Xiao Zhongguo more aware that he could die in the whole army, but Mr. Lin could not fall or lose.

Lin Qun said: "Thank you."

He returned to the attacker battleship and quickly returned to his room to rest.

The impact of the large number of deaths caused by the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique is still there, and he needs to digest it.

Countless deaths are also experience and accumulation for him, and another kind of improvement in disguise. And the feedback from this kind of clone experience is not just as simple as death feedback. In other aspects, it will have a strong positive effect...

The return and overlap of clones from multiple perspectives are very useful for him to review the battle and improve his experience.

In the future, he can also use the characteristics of clones to obtain intelligence. Multiple of him can appear in multiple places, and as long as he takes back the clones, he can know what happened in each place.

In less than half an hour, Lin Qun has recovered almost everything, and the impact has been basically eliminated. He also took a look at the intelligence presented by the military.

That is the news of the other two major battlefields on the blue planet.

On the American continent, Linyuan civilization is unstoppable, Wuxie civilization is retreating step by step, and the situation is very clear: it is expected that Wuxie civilization will be defeated by Linyuan civilization in at most five days.

Linyuan civilization is very unfamiliar to Lin Qun. They are too far away from the Huaxia region, and the main attack direction has never been here, and there is almost no intersection. But from the current intelligence, Linyuan civilization is extremely powerful.

Wuxie Civilization, a top civilization, was at a disadvantage right from the start of the war, and it looked like it had almost no chance to fight back.

On the non-European battlefield, the situation was extremely tense, with the fronts of the Black Sheep Civilization and the Silicon-based Civilization completely intertwined, and neither side had yet seen a clear advantage or disadvantage.

However, humans' intelligence capabilities are limited. This information was all from half a day ago and is relatively general.

What made Lin Qun a little excited was the information from Chen Weiang.

There is only one thing: the Iron Curtain device has been tested and can be used in actual combat for the first time in twenty-four hours at the latest!

Iron Curtain Device!

Lin Qun was excited.

I didn't expect them to move so quickly...

Chen Weiang and the others are very fast. Perhaps, in the next battle with Shengui Civilization, the Iron Curtain device can come into play.

After browsing through the information, Lin Qun withdrew his gaze and prepared to start drawing cards.

His current contribution points are more than 28,000.

We are fighting against the divine civilization, but there are not many contestants from the divine civilization to kill. From Lin Qun to the whole army, everyone has been fighting for a while, but they have not gained any contribution points, but Lin Qun is now ranked in the overall human rankings First, even if there are no alien civilizations to kill every day, the contribution points for this ranking settlement are still very considerable. Therefore, the contribution points are still growing slowly.

He originally wanted to wait until he collected 40,000 contribution points from Shengui Civilization before taking action.

But judging from the current situation, it is no longer realistic.

The Shengui civilization is very cunning. It uses the weirdness in the edge zone to consume human troops, and does not release any contestants, and does not give Lin Qun and the human army a chance to earn contribution points.

But now, the human coalition brought by Xiao Zhongguo is advancing in full force and is about to reach the deep area. The final war may break out at any time. Lin Qun can't wait any longer, so he simply draws cards now.

Extreme good luck.

Draw two cards directly.

The first shining golden card quickly appeared.

The first card is a skill card!

[Name: Divine Sword and Thunder Control Technique]

[Type: Skill Card]

[Description: Using this card, you can obtain the Divine Sword and Thunder Control Skill from the world of Zhu Xian. The Divine Sword's Thunder Control Technique is a Taoist miraculous technique that can attract thunder for its own use. When casting the spell, it will naturally lay an invisible shield around the caster through the magical weapons, triggering the power of heaven and earth with a mortal body, supplemented by the sharp blades of the magical weapons. , leading the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder to attack. Using this skill requires a large amount of dark energy. 】

[Special Note 1: Jiutian Xuansha, turned into divine thunder. The brilliant power of heaven is drawn with the sword. 】

[Special Note 2: Before using this spell, it is best to practice it first. 】

【Load? 】

Lin Qun blinked. Isn't this the classic skill of the Qingyun Sect in Zhu Xian's novel?

It is a real sword art!

Lin Qun's sword control skills have not yet been refined to the level where he can use the advanced sword skills that come with the sword control skills. Unexpectedly, he drew out a sword skills first, and this skill is also a very advanced skill in the original work. Yes, the power is impressive.

Pulling out a ready-made card, Lin Qun judged from the description of this card that the power of this skill should depend on how much thunder it can induce and how much dark energy it can pay.

The most important thing is that this is also a Taoist ability to drive away evil spirits. It should be quite restrained against the life of the divine civilization. Drawing this card now will be quite useful for Lin Qun.

When Lin Qun looked at this skill card, he instinctively thought of the ability of the electromagnetic gun.

Good guy...

Putting these two abilities together, he truly became a discharger.

However, I wonder if the ability of the electromagnetic gun can double the ability of the Divine Sword and Thunder Control Technique?

Also, if the Evolver of the Divine and Crafty Civilization uses scarlet lightning storm, and I use this move at the same time, can I use the lightning that is not thunder from the Evolver of the Divine and Crafty Civilization for my own use?

If this can be done, that would be extraordinary.

Lin Qun was deep in thought.

The second card is also slowly emerging.

What surprised Lin Qun was that this second card was actually a card from the Zhuxian world!

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