Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 387 Human, you have no way out!

That sword light was submerged in the flames and the scorching air.

But at this moment, it also cut through the flames and the air.

It became the most dazzling flash in Lin Qun's eyes.

With a swish.

The head of the black sheep was chopped off.

Its upper body had completely turned into a sheep's body, and it was cut off by a sword at this moment.

Clean and neat.

Without any obstruction.

Like cutting a piece of tofu.

Lin Qun's power attribute was sufficient.

The Sword of Promise of Victory was made of meteorites from outer space and was sharp enough. And this part of the body of the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver had also turned into a sheep, and there was no other bonus except for the basic physical bonus.

Lin Qun's figure and the figure of the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver intersected and separated in an instant.

A sword beheaded like a stream of light.

Under the art of animal creation, no matter whether the key point of this Black Sheep Civilization Evolver is the sheep head or not, it has been forced to be the sheep head, because its state under the influence of the art of animal creation is already a "sheep", and naturally it must conform to the biological state of a sheep. Under the influence of animal creation, it can only maintain its basic attributes and the initial consciousness.

Therefore, facing this blow, as long as the sheep head is cut off, it will definitely die even if it is an evolver.

In a flash, the two passed each other, and Lin Qun could not stop the momentum of rushing forward and crashed into the final blow of the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver.

The "meteorite" that destroyed the world.

But the expected destruction did not come.

The devastating blow was accompanied by the "sheep head" of the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver being cut off and instantly dissipated like bubbles, turning into a diffused light in the sky.

Those were free and chaotic dark energy, which was too condensed and presented a physical state. And because of the remnants of the power characteristics of the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver, it showed this flame-like red.

In the air, they were like a piece of upside-down setting sun, spreading and covering the sky. They looked magnificent and formed a completely different picture from the storm behind Lin Qun, like a bloody and dim rainbow.

But they were no longer a threat.

Lin Qun "bumped" into this rainbow, feeling like a breeze on his face, a little confused and a little at a loss.

He didn't know that this was because the attack came from the ability of the Evolver's alternate dimension, and when the Evolver died, the alternate dimension they controlled would also disappear and no longer exist, which was equivalent to losing the support of the condensed state, and this attack would also disappear, and it would be completely annihilated with the death of the Evolver of the Black Sheep Civilization.

But this is good news.

The attack of the Evolver of the Black Sheep Civilization had the momentum of destroying the world.

And on the battlefield.

Lin Qun was rising slowly.

He held a long sword with blood on the blade, and rose into the sky with a rolling dark energy thread, and in front of him, the world and the last attack of the Evolver of the Black Sheep Civilization collapsed, and its headless corpse fell to the ground under his feet.

At the moment of the intersection, life and death have been decided, blood was brought out, and Lin Qun was still proud in the sky!

And the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver was directly killed by Lin Qun with a sword and died on the spot!

Its half-sheep, half-black sheep corpse fell to the ground, and the golden eyes on the sheep's head were completely dim at this moment.

The life of the Black Sheep Civilization is indeed somewhat similar to the sheep in the human world turning into humans. At this moment, it was killed in this form, which was also somewhat ironic.

However, at this moment, no one on the battlefield in the entire Ankarazhi area paid attention to this evolved person who had been killed.

The focus of everyone's attention was Lin Qun, who was riding the storm and bathing in the light at this moment!

His shocking blow, like a god-killing unstoppable force, defeated the arrogant Black Sheep Civilization Evolver!

Such a record exceeded everyone's imagination.

Even if the lives of the top civilizations all saw that Lin Qun's blow was for his life, no one thought that a dignified evolver would be easily killed by this human!

And he was not even an evolver!

Still far from reaching the level of an Evolver!

In the flagship of Linyuan Civilization, the beings of Linyuan Civilization were discussing.

"He really succeeded."

"The Evolver of Black Sheep Civilization is dead. Who would have thought? Black Sheep Civilization has suddenly become the world's biggest loser!"

In the giant ship of Silicon Civilization, the Knight Commander just got the latest news.

"Master Knight Commander, the accurate news is that the Third Fleet of Black Sheep Civilization is lurking near the European region under our control and has just revealed its presence. Black Sheep Civilization Qingqi should be in this fleet of Black Sheep Civilization."

The purpose of Black Sheep Civilization is obvious.

The Knight Commander just shook his head and looked at the rainbow spreading across the sky in the distance, saying: "No need to open fire with them, pass on the news here, I think the fleet of Black Sheep Civilization will naturally retreat."

The Evolver is dead.

The Black Sheep Civilization has fallen from the altar in this battle.

For them, no matter what the original plan was, it is meaningless now. Accelerating the retreat and preserving the strength of civilization as much as possible is the best choice.

The Knight Commander believed that as long as this news reached the lives of the Black Sheep Civilization, they would definitely make the right choice.

But at this time, it felt a faint sense of sadness in its heart.

This may be the war of civilizations.

When a civilization is strong, it is proud and cautious, but perhaps it will fall into the dust and become fragile and vulnerable in just one battle.

But the Knight Commander quickly retracted his gaze.

It knew.

The battle is not over yet.

The end of the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver is just the beginning.

At this moment, Lin Qun has reached the top in the sky, and data is rolling in front of him.

Contribution point +1.

Experience value +5500000.

Five and a half million experience points.

This is similar to what Lin Qun guessed before. The evolvers of the prophet civilization also brought him at least about five million experience points!

Killing an evolver can jump three levels directly!

Now Lin Qun's level has reached fifty-two. Every step up in the level means a large bonus to all attributes, and even the attributes of each level increase are higher than the standard value of ordinary humans. The gold content of these three levels is quite high.

The blessing from the true owner of the Sword of Promised Victory only lasted for a short moment. After the sword was completed, the data returned to normal.

But now is not the time to think about these things. His eyes quickly moved down and looked at the battlefield below.

Fighting with evolvers, every second counts. Any hesitation and waste of time may lead to one's own defeat.

Moreover, at this moment, the attack of the other two evolvers has come-

Just as Lin Qun and the evolver of the Black Sheep Civilization decided the winner.

The evolvers of the Shengui Civilization and the Linyuan Civilization also defeated the storm in the sky.

The black storm wall was completely disintegrated, and the strong wind that just dragged Lin Qun up was the last help given by Janna.

Her slender and graceful body seemed to be lifted by the wind, and she still looked light and beautiful under the intertwined and explosive power of the two evolvers. She rose into the sky and turned into wind. She took a last look at Lin Qun.

Then she disappeared.

The wind made her.

When she left, she turned into wind again.

Her original body has never come.

This is just her incarnation, and it is the reappearance of her power condensed in this world through the space barrier.

But that's all.

In the setting of the alliance, she is not an infinitely powerful existence, but a wind spirit, growing up in the baptism of long years, and gaining the power to transcend and control the storm.

But at this moment, her power is still crushed by the power of the two evolvers.

The wind dissipated.

The storm was over.

In front of Lin Qun, there were two worlds of completely different colors, pressing down on him magnificently.

On one side was a gray and dark alien space.

On the other side was a golden and magnificent world.

At this moment, they were the last two evolvers of the alien civilization on the entire Blue Star battlefield.

But they were also invincible on the battlefield.

Lin Qun was taking drugs like crazy.

He wanted to retreat and distance himself.

But they were already pressing forward step by step.

The evolvers of the Shengui civilization rarely synchronized with the evolvers of the Linyuan civilization.

This time, they showed pure power.

The evolver of the Linyuan civilization, Yegus, transformed into a golden giant statue, and pressed his palm downward. A golden brilliance instantly enveloped Lin Qun, making him feel an unprecedented terrifying power, like a mortal body carrying a huge mountain, and his body fell uncontrollably.

And below him.

In the desolate wilderness outside Ankara, darkness surged like a tide, and a dark, flowing huge blade emerged from the ground, rising upwards, with the blade pointed at the suppressed Lin Qun.

Both attacks were mediocre, and were the embodiment of pure dark energy, to block Lin Qun from top to bottom and kill him with one blow before pure power.

Lin Qun used all his trump cards in a round of killing moves. This was the weakest moment, and they naturally wanted to seize this opportunity.

Lin Qun's body was forced to descend, and he roared in the center of the battlefield, rushing left and right.

He wanted to return to the vicinity of the Cartoon Kingdom.

But he failed.

The two evolvers had never cooperated before, but the first cooperation was close and seamless. Their power locked every direction of Lin Qun. It seemed that it was just suppression from the sky and the ground, but in fact, their power had blended to form a huge cubic space.

No matter which direction Lin Qun rushed to, he would be absolutely suppressed.

Pure power bombarded and suppressed him all the way back.

With the power of Escanor, Lin Qun's body became sturdy and strong. His palms burned with flames like the sun, and he threw them far away.

That was the application of Escanor's ability.

But this attack was still annihilated by the blockade on all sides.

Two worlds were pressing down on Lin Qun.

The evolvers standing in them were like two unshakable gods, coldly suppressing the humans who dared to resist them.

Lin Qun rushed left and right, desperately charging, but was defeated step by step, and was pushed back and shot down again and again.

He fell little by little to the huge sharp blade below.

The sword of the oath of victory in Lin Qun's hand burst into flashes and slashed towards the sky, but the golden flash bombarded the golden iron curtain woven by Yegus, the evolver of Linyuan civilization, and instantly exploded, in vain.

Lin Qun fired a super-electromagnetic cannon at the dark blade under his feet, and the dazzling flash bombarded the darkness.

Those darkness melted instantly like ice and snow.

But it was only a moment. The next moment, they rose from the ground again, surging and boiling, and gathered into a huge blade pointing to the sky.

As Yegus continued to attack, weaving and reinforcing the surrounding blockade, the space around the forest group could already see the golden border with the naked eye. It was square and locked him in it, pressing him down to the blade below little by little. The black blade was huge, rising with the rise of countless darkness, actively facing the falling human, like an execution blade, to behead this human in the center of the battlefield where everyone was watching.

Same as the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver.

On the battlefield, it was a desperate scene.

After the shock of killing the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver with just one blow, at this moment, he felt deeply powerless.

Andor and others looked at this scene and no longer knew what to do.

He ordered the Ankara area to mobilize artillery bombardment, but their attacks could not shake the two evolvers at all.

They could only watch helplessly as their strong men were severely suppressed.

In the world of two evolvers.

The evolver of the mysterious civilization condensed a dark body at the edge. The body was similar to a human being, but it had no face and no organs. The body leaned forward, overlooking the struggling and dying human beings at the feet.

On one side, Yegus was equally indifferent.

Its sound penetrates the battlefield.

Echoes here.

"Human, there is no need to struggle, you have no way out!"

This sentence, coming out of its golden world, is magnificent and shocking, like a god's judgment on the fate of mortals.

And the current scene seems to be the official trial of the strong against the weak.

Lin Qun had used up one set of killing moves, and had not prepared the second set, let alone used it. They had already seized this opportunity and worked together to suppress him, blocking all his remaining possibilities. Relying on pure strength, Suppress it.

Everyone is trying their best, and no one can give anyone a chance. Everyone who can live to this day and live to this level knows that giving others a chance means giving up his own chance.

Especially now, the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver is dead. At least for Yegus, its purpose has been achieved. It would be stupid not to take full action now. Cooperate with the Shengui Civilization Evolver to kill this human being, and the remaining Below, this Blue Star Civilization battlefield is the competition between Linyuan Civilization, Shengui Civilization and Silicon-based Civilization.

In any case, Lin Qun has not reached the level of an evolver.

Even the basic attributes are far inferior to those of evolvers.

There was no chance to replicate the success of killing the evolvers of the Black Sheep Civilization just now. With the art of creating animals, Lin Qun couldn't even get close to them, and without Janna's help, he didn't have enough time. Even if there is, the Shengui Civilization Evolver and Linyuan Civilization Evolver Yegus are not fools. They have just seen with their own eyes how Lin Qun killed the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver with the art of making animals. For the same spell, they must If they have to be careful, and if the strong ones at their level are careful, Lin Qun will not be able to succeed again. With the art of making animals, after one kill, there is no possibility of succeeding in the second shot.


Yegus was right.

He seems...

I can only wait to die.

Lin Qun gritted his teeth.

Once again he was shot out of the sky.

This time, he chose to embark on a desperate situation of reincarnation.

The two evolvers are not afraid that he will enter the desperate situation of reincarnation at all, because with the evolution of the divine civilization, they can enter the desperate situation of reincarnation simultaneously, or two against one.

But Lin Qun's eyes were blood red.

At this moment, he had no choice.

Yegus's judgment was correct. As an evolver, he knew very well that the human being was in this situation and there was no way out.

But what it doesn't know is...

Lin Qun has one last card.

The Remnant Sword of Killing Immortals.

The reincarnation space cuts off their connection with their own world.

Then kill the Immortal Killing Broken Sword...

This will be Lin Qun's last chance.

But what he doesn't know is...

The evolvers of Shengui Civilization are also waiting for Lin Qun to start the desperate situation of reincarnation again.

Only it knows that it has borrowed power from its own god. Its goal is not only to kill all the humans here and the forests here, but also to strangle the evolvers of other civilizations.

And anywhere on the Blue Star battlefield, if it shows super-standard power, it will be caught behind the scenes of the civilized battlefield, and it will be kicked out due to violations.

But there is only one exception...

That is the desperate situation of human reincarnation.

That is not the ability of an evolver.

But a real alien space field!

Independent from Blue Star Battlefield.

If you reveal your trump card there, even if you break the rules, you won't be discovered.

The power it borrows can only be used once by the evolution of the divine civilization.

The last time the four of them entered the desperate situation of reincarnation simultaneously, it wanted to take action, but Lin Qun activated the time belt first, causing everything to be reversed. It was very regretful and has been waiting.

Although it can also activate the desperate situation of reincarnation, it can only pull one person in. Only when Lin Qun activates it and it activates simultaneously can everyone appear in this weird space of this human being in one breath.

It only has one chance to take action and wipe out all the enemies here!

This is also the goal that it most wants to achieve by inciting many civilizations to deal with humans!

ps: Please ask for monthly votes again on the last day of this month!

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