Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 389 A man chases and attacks two evolvers!

Darkness rolls back.

The sword energy also rolled back.

The moment the two collided, the entire reincarnation situation seemed to be shaken, and the sword light that penetrated Amano also rolled back at this moment.

Lin Qun clearly felt an unimaginable terrifying force coming back, almost making him unable to hold the Zhu Xian Broken Sword in his hand.

The intensity of the evolvers of the divine civilization at this moment far exceeds that of the evolvers.

Lin Qun also heard Yegus's shout just now. He also saw the changes in the Evolver of the Divine and Strange Civilization. He probably also understood that he had his own methods, and the Evolver of the Divine and Strange Civilization also had his own plan.

The trump cards on both sides were revealed at the same time!

The evolvers of the Shengui Civilization obviously cheated and showed the power of a "source energy level" powerhouse.

This was the first time Lin Qun had heard this term, and he didn't know what it meant. But it was conceivable that what could make an evolver like Yegus exclaim must be beyond the level of an evolver.

At this moment, the same is true of the combat power displayed by the opponent.

A black ocean was rising in the desperate situation of reincarnation. The terrifying aura almost covered the entire field of vision in front of Lin Qun. However, just after a sword energy collision, only a small area of ​​​​the collision position in the center of the front was rolled back. Back, the remaining darkness swept out from other directions, turning into huge twisting arms in mid-air, spreading from all directions. They kept bifurcating, forming huge branches one after another high in the sky, one second after another. In a matter of minutes, time has turned into a dark ocean. Except for the middle part which was swept back by the sword energy, the rest swept towards the forest group in the center!

The third second when the desperate situation of reincarnation unfolds.

The whole world has been filled with the power of this fuzzy shadow. Every dark shadow it differentiates is crawling. They are like countless lives, forming a huge black vortex in the desperate world of reincarnation, rushing towards the center. Lin Qun!

It was like a glimmer of light falling into an abyss.

At this moment, Lin Qun and the glowing Zhuxian Broken Sword in his hand have become the last light in the entire world. And this light, in the darkness, seems to be as weak as a candle, and will soon be completely swallowed up. Completely annihilate it!

At that moment, even Yegus felt that Lin Qun was dead.

The divine civilization evolver cheated...

Although the broken sword in the human's hand is a bit weird, it is obviously not strong enough. If he hits it with all his strength, he will probably die suddenly in the next second!


next moment……

The fourth second...

That little light suddenly became grand.

No, that's not grand.

And suddenly it split into two!

Lin Qun activated the second Zhuxian Sword Qi!

In an instant, the sword light stretched hundreds of meters across, two sword energy swept to both sides, and thousands of darkness were separated by one force!

That scene was like the beginning of Pangu!

The layers of dark arms that looked like living creatures were split into two in an instant.

In the fifth second, Lin Qun rose from his position.

The remaining sword of Zhu Xian in his hand was emitting a terrifying blood light!

At this moment, the other two sword energies were swinging in two directions.

In the center of the two sword lights, the third sword light in Lin Qun's hand was rising. However, the blood color and ferocious aura in it overshadowed the righteousness of Haoran. Compared with the two sword lights just now, it seemed more powerful. To be fierce and powerful.

And when the third sword energy rose, at this moment, the aura of Lin Qun holding the Zhuxian Broken Sword was almost as good as the blurry shadow that came.

His sword technique activated.

Dark energy passes at high speed.

The simultaneous appearance of three sword energies was his limit.

This is not only a waste of energy, but his dark energy pool is close to one thousand and eighty, and it can hardly support the three sword energies.

Without waiting for fifteen seconds to pay the next round of energy limit, his three sword energy will disappear due to the lack of dark energy supply.

But the three sword energy in these few seconds was completely enough.

At the sixth second, Lin Qun had arrived in front of the blurry shadow.

At this moment, the darkness of the desperate situation has been dispelled. Wherever the sword light went, the darkness receded. And directly below the forest group, shrouded in the bloody sword light, this vague shadow was also reflected at this moment. A sad blood red color.

It raised its head, seemingly surprised, as if it had no idea that this human being could have such power.

But in the face of this blow, it made no preparations. Just at the moment when the sword energy was about to fall, its tall and blurry shadow twisted and disappeared completely.

He left here.

Leaving the body of the evolver of the divine civilization.

He actively cut off Advent.

And the darkness of the evolution of the divine civilization was almost wiped out by the forest crowd here. Sweeping by the sword energy, in the desperate situation of reincarnation, it had no way to hide, no way to avoid it, and screamed in terror at every place where there was darkness. There was a sound, and he desperately escaped under the shroud of sword light.

Lin Qun was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that the other party would give up on his own initiative.

When the other party left, he sent a voice to Lin Qun.

It sounded in Lin Qun's heart.

It's human language, but it seems extremely twisted.

"Interesting human, we will meet again."

The being who descended had higher strength and judgment. He knew very well that when Lin Qun fired the third sword light, there was no suspense in this battle, and his arrival could no longer achieve the expected effect. Rather than struggling in vain, it is better to leave immediately.

And when He left, only the evolvers of the divine civilization were left to face all this.

It had been seriously injured under the two sword rays just now. Facing three Immortal Killing Sword Qi at this moment, Lin Qun had no choice but to run for his life in a hurry!

But in the desperate situation of reincarnation, where can it run? It can only continue to subdivide the colors that make up its own body, increase its number, and make it take longer for the Zhuxian Sword Qi to kill itself. In this way, it tries to survive the end of the desperate situation of reincarnation.

Without the arrival of its god, Lin Qun might have had enough time to kill him, but because of the help brought by the evolution of the divine civilization, Lin Qun's limited time in the desperate situation of reincarnation was consumed.

Lin Qun immediately made a judgment: at the last second, it was absolutely impossible for him to completely kill the evolver of the Shengui Civilization with the Killing Immortal Sword Qi.

So, he immediately changed direction and attacked Yegus.

One sword energy was left behind to continue attacking the evolver of the divine civilization, and the remaining two sword energy came out in a mighty manner, all attacking Yegus!

For Yegus, the changes in these seven seconds were dizzying for even a powerful person at his level of evolution. Everything changed too fast. Just now when the evolution of the divine civilization invited higher-level beings to come, It thought that both itself and the human were dead, but it didn't expect that the human had the means to beat away even a source-level descendant!

Now it’s the other way around, chasing them and killing them!

What is all this?

Are indigenous civilized life forms superior to others? !

Suddenly it became that they were in turn threatened by this human being!

Even though Yegus was well-informed and had participated in many civilized battlefields, he never expected such a situation.

However, at this time, the situation changed so quickly that it no longer allowed it to think about anything.

At this time...

The seventh second of reincarnation's desperate situation has arrived.

Yegus was horrified to find that he had been locked by the two swords of this human being. Here, it could not avoid it and could only resist it forcefully. A bright golden light lit up on its body, terrifying and huge. The incarnation appeared. Before, its incarnation could suppress one party, which was a significant feature of its ability. But now, under the two sword energies, the huge incarnation it created was as fragile as paper, and was directly destroyed by Lin Qun. The sword energy of the two remaining Immortal Killing Swords was chopped into pieces!

Yegus was seriously injured instantly!

But it was just this moment.

The desperate situation of reincarnation is finally over.

As soon as seven seconds passed, the evolution of the divine civilization already knew the time limit. Its body was already gone and it was in an extremely miserable state. It had been waiting for this moment, the moment when the desperate situation of reincarnation disappeared, it immediately restrained what was left of it. The remains of his body formed a black arrow in an instant, shooting straight into the distance.

Yegus, the evolver of Linyuan Civilization, made the same choice almost at the same time.

Its golden body was destroyed by Lin Qun's Immortal Killing Sword Qi in an instant. It did not hesitate and stopped fighting. It turned around in an instant and rushed in another direction, escaping for its life with the evolvers of the Shengui Civilization. !

Behind them, the desperate situation of reincarnation disappeared, and Lin Qun's figure was also revealed.

He is in the center.

Three sword qi, a hundred meters long, ran through the sky and wild fields, gazing at the entire battlefield!

The lives outside, the Linyuan Civilization’s fleet, and the silicon-based civilization’s giant ships, countless people were all dumbfounded!

Including the human power of Ankara.

Seven seconds ago, the desperate situation of reincarnation unfolded, and they were all extremely nervous. They realized that this time the three of them disappeared simultaneously, which was likely to be the beginning of the decisive battle.

Judging from the situation at that time, the two top civilization evolvers of Shengui Civilization and Linyuan Civilization joined forces, and the human forest group was obviously at a disadvantage. In this case, it seemed that the outcome was almost doomed, and they would join forces to kill that humans, and then decide the winner against each other.

The hearts of the humans governed by Ankara are already in their throats. Just now, Andorra has even begun to prepare to issue the final order to preserve human power.

But seven seconds can be a time of reversal and reversal for the evolution level battlefield, but to the outside world, there is no real sense. It can even be said that to outsiders, it is only a moment. moment.

But just like that, when the seven seconds ended and Lin Qun and the other three people reappeared under everyone's gaze, the situation exceeded everyone's expectations and imagination!

Cong Linqun was suppressed and beaten by two evolvers.

Now, it turned out to be a group of forest men looking around, carrying a broken sword and chasing the two evolvers in panic!

"What is going on? Did I read that correctly? He is a human native, not even an evolved person, but he is chasing two evolved people to kill him?!"

In the giant ship of the silicon-based civilization, the Lord Knight was dumbfounded.

They are all ready to intervene in the battle, harvest Ankara and try to activate the final weapon, trying to keep the evolvers of the two civilizations, Linyuan Civilization and Shengui Civilization, here.

This is actually the same for Linyuan Civilization. They have anticipated the possible actions of the silicon-based civilization and have begun to be wary.

Because no top civilization has ever imagined that human beings will win.

Even though this human being has shown amazing strength and replaced the Black Sheep Civilization Evolver, judging from the situation just now, this is already its limit.

It is already incredible that a non-evolved indigenous civilization life can achieve this level, and it is impossible for him to do more.

From the very beginning, it has been the inevitable defeat of mankind. This is a tacit fact among the four civilizations and will happen soon.

But now, this fact has been bloody broken!

The black sheep civilization evolver was killed.

In the blink of an eye, two more remaining evolvers from the top civilization were chased by Lin Qun with swords!

This is almost beyond the endurance of these top civilizations!

Even Andor and others were dumbfounded.

I didn't expect this result at all. Seeing this scene, Ankara's command center "frozen", and for a while, no one could respond effectively.

They are all ready for defeat.

Who would have thought?

Seven seconds passed. Was it Mr. Lin who looked down at the battlefield and killed the two evolvers and fled?

On the battlefield, those who react the fastest and understand the situation most clearly are undoubtedly the three "parties" who have just come out of the desperate situation of reincarnation.

The Shengui Civilization Evolver and Yegus were frightened at this moment and stayed away from the forest group without hesitation.

Needless to say, the Evolver of the Divine Creation Civilization had its trump cards revealed and was beaten back by Lin Qun. It almost died in the desperate situation of reincarnation. At this moment, Lin Qun was extremely terrifying in its eyes. Where could there be anything else? Options? Run away quickly and get as far away from this human as possible. Never in its wildest dreams did it imagine that it was confident enough to reveal its winning trump card. As a result, this human actually had a trump card even more powerful than its own!

Also, it's cheating.

Now that human being's sword energy has spread across the battlefield, but it has not triggered any counterattack on the civilized battlefield. This proves that that human being is fully using his abilities in compliance with regulations.

This makes Shengui Civilization even more depressed and aggrieved.

As an evolver, it can't even defeat an indigenous civilized life by cheating. If such a thing is allowed to happen, who would dare to do something new?

As for Yegus, it no longer was as powerful and proud as before, and was running away desperately at this moment!

I was afraid that if I were slower, I would be killed.

It knew very well that if Lin Qun's three sword rays all attacked it, it would definitely die!

One sword qi is sure of it, two sword qi may be dangerous, three sword qi, it is no match!

So and so...

If you don’t run now, when will you wait?

Looking back at Lin Qun, at this moment he was neither chasing Yegus nor the Evolver of Shengui Civilization, because he knew very well that with the ability of the Evolver, if he wanted to run away, even if he could catch up, it would take a lot of time. He couldn't maintain the Immortal Killing Sword Qi for that long.

In the end, he died in the pursuit of these evolvers.

At that time, victory will turn into defeat again.

None of these evolvers are stupid. They will run away immediately when they see something wrong. However, if they find that the situation is different and there is a problem in the forest group, they will definitely find it as soon as possible and fight back.

Without the constraints of the desperate situation of reincarnation, it is unrealistic to cooperate with the power of the Zhuxian Remnant Sword to eliminate the evolvers in one go.

However, if Yegus wants to run away, he can't stop him, but the same cannot be said for the evolution of the divine civilization!

It was seriously injured, its body was in shreds, and it was in an extremely miserable state. Even if Biegus got a step ahead, it would still fall behind Yegus, the evolver of Linyuan Civilization.

And Lin Qun had already set his sights on it!

Among the four top civilizations, if Lin Qun killed who first, it was the Shengui Civilization!

The desperate situation of reincarnation disappeared, and Lin Qun's three Immortal Killing Sword Qi swept out at the same time. In the trembling life of Yegus's dead souls and countless people paying attention to the battlefield, they directly killed in three directions, strangling the evolutionists of the mysterious civilization who were frantically running for their lives!

Of the two evolvers, he could only leave at most one.

Today, Lin Qun will let this divine evolutionizer of civilization stay here forever!

The evolvers of Shenwei Civilization are no longer as arrogant as before. At this moment, they are watching Lin Qun's sword aura, terrified, trying to escape, and extremely embarrassed!

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