Flames flowed on the ground.

The black mountain-like buildings of the Black Sheep Civilization Forward Base collapsed one after another.

The Thunder Giant was like a god descending on the battlefield, with thunder snakes surging and rolling, and everything in the surrounding world was pierced and collapsed.

A large number of Black Sheep Civilization lives fled in a panic, hiding here and there, but without exception, all were shot and pierced.

Whether they rose up to resist or knelt down to beg for mercy, they all had only one end!


Lin Qun had no mercy.

Wherever he passed, corpses were everywhere.

Under the terrifying power of the Thunder Giant, many Black Sheep Civilization lives were even burned to charcoal by Lin Qun!

The earth was sinking.

Lin Qun, with the power of Escanor added to him, combined with the dark energy recovery potion, could maintain the activation of the super-electromagnetic cannon through crazy slaughter. The Thunder Giant trampled everywhere, and wherever he passed, there was a ruin and scorched earth behind him.

In front...

A group of Black Sheep Civilization lives were fleeing.

Among them, several Black Sheep Civilization heavy machinery moved slowly, trying to fire at Lin Qun.

This time, Lin Qun controlled the Thunder Giant to chase the Black Sheep Civilization creatures in another direction, while he jumped down from the front and attacked with the Sword of Victory, directly sweeping away the Black Sheep Civilization's ground armored forces in front.

Explosions exploded everywhere!

Fires flew like rain.

Lin Qun fell heavily to the ground.

There was a raging sea of ​​fire all around, and on the ground, there were deep marks left by the Sword of Victory.

In the corner, there was a lucky Black Sheep Civilization creature that had not died. Only half of its body was left under the horrific blow, but it had stopped running and leaned against a sea of ​​fire. Most of its remaining body had even burned, but it seemed to ignore it. It held the simultaneous interpretation device tightly in one hand and stared at Lin Qun: "You are not civilized, you are a bloody butcher."

Lin Qun stepped forward, crushed its chest with one foot, and said: "Bullshit. What civilization do I need to kill you?"

Immediately, he rose from the battlefield and released the Sword of Victory like crazy.

The sword light was everywhere.

Up and down, left and right, four flashes directly tore apart the largest forward base of the Black Sheep Civilization in the African region!

The ground was cracked.

The buildings of the Black Sheep Civilization collapsed in the raging fire.

Their magma devoured themselves in the explosion.

In the sea of ​​fire, most of the Black Sheep Civilization had died tragically, being mercilessly strangled by the Lin Qun. However, in such a large area, there were always some who slipped through the net, waiting to die in despair, or huddling on the ground, trembling, hoping that the human devil could leave as soon as possible before the fire burned them to death.

Behind the Lin Qun, the space channel of the Black Sheep Civilization had been converging and completely closed.

The Black Sheep Civilization had also given up on the people who had not been able to evacuate in time from this forward base.

Just now, the Black Sheep Civilization's homeland was also terrified.

"The space channel must be closed. What if he kills us? We no longer have any evolvers. What should we do if he kills us in our homeland?"

"The people below are already hopeless, quick! Quick! Quick!"

"Close the channel immediately and complete the evacuation now! We can't take care of so many people!"

At this moment, the Black Sheep Civilization was like a frightened bird. Not only were the remaining troops on Blue Star terrified and unable to control themselves, but even its homeland had been terrified by the crazy massacre of the Lin Qun!

And this was just the beginning.

Before Lin Qun finished rolling the contribution points +1, he once again took off at high speed, tearing the air in the sound of sonic boom, and advancing at high speed - his goal was the next Black Sheep Civilization base.

He had recorded the Black Sheep Civilization's several places in Africa through the space channels he had seen when he just came, and through the intelligent system of Mark 50. Even now, the Black Sheep Civilization was completely closing all the space channels leading to the Blue Star battlefield, he could still find the location of the remaining troops of the Black Sheep Civilization through the previous records.

They had too many people, and the speed of evacuation was slow. They were also spread out in Africa. This time, they never thought that they could be killed by humans. Therefore, even now, a large number of people were abandoned here.

These abandoned Black Sheep Civilization lives were all crying in despair at this moment.

Watching the end of the sky, Lin Qun approached with a dazzling flash of light, carrying the horrible sonic boom of the wind.

The clouds rolled up and took on a cone shape.

Anti-city treasure.

Release directly.

The golden flash of the Sword of Promise of Victory instantly connected the sky and the earth, like a flashing bridge connecting the Milky Way and the ground. Then, this magnificent light crashed down, tearing apart one Black Sheep Civilization base after another.

In some places, the Black Sheep Civilization life had already given up resistance.

They watched their civilization abandon them. Before Lin Qun arrived, the space channel had been completely closed. They collectively walked out of the bunkers and facilities, listening to Lin Qun's terrifying sonic boom, and fell to the ground, crawling and crying, hoping to get a way out.

They were densely packed, spreading across the desolate land of Africa.

Their eyes were filled with fear, confusion and anxiety.

Looking at Lin Qun with prayers and desire.

That was the desire for life.

They wanted to live.

But what greeted them was the same flash as always.

The Sword of Promise of Victory in Lin Qun's hand bloomed mercilessly in an instant.

Sweeping the land.

No matter who they are, as long as they are aliens, surrendering and begging is meaningless, and they will be killed without mercy!

Lin Qun, not so noble!

From the Magic City to today, he has witnessed the deaths of those who fought desperately for their homeland and sacrificed their lives.

If he is worthy of them, he will not be merciful.

If he is worthy of himself, he will not let go of any contribution point!

However, since these left their facilities and surrendered, Lin Qun just killed them all, without destroying the facilities of the Black Sheep Civilization behind them, waiting for future humans to receive them, which is also a wealth for human civilization.

In addition to these, there are some Black Sheep Civilization lives that have seen that returning home has become a luxury, so they use various methods to escape from their bases and flee to the vast African land.

Lin Qun saw that there were not many of them, and he did not chase them, because at this moment, he was still on the way to attack the bases where the Black Sheep Civilization lives were densely concentrated.

This is just the beginning!

The second and third bases were destroyed by Lin Qun one after another.

A large number of contribution points were credited, and Lin Qun's contribution points increased rapidly in thousands.

8,000 contribution points...

15,000 contribution points...

20,000 contribution points...

40,000 contribution points...

Lin Qun actually saw humans.

He was probably surprised.

Human vitality is tenacious. Even in places occupied by the Black Sheep Civilization for more than two months, there are still human fires. They hid in the homes that once belonged to them, watching their companions around them become fewer and fewer, and tried to survive until today, and now, they can come out again.

Because they saw and heard... the destruction of the Black Sheep Civilization!

That was the scene they had imagined countless times.

However, their number was very small, just a small convoy, maybe not even a hundred people.

Lin Qun thought they were excited to follow him at first, but later realized that they wanted to lead him to a distant place.

That was a location without a space channel.

The Black Sheep Civilization life kept a large number of humans here.

When retreating, the final massacre was being carried out here.

However, due to panic, the massacre was not carried out smoothly. Most of the Black Sheep Civilization life here ran away, leaving only a few people. They spent a lot of time to place explosives around the place where humans were kept.

They were about to detonate.

Lin Qun descended from the sky with wind and thunder.

This place of confinement was a huge cage.

It was square and covered an area of ​​more than 4,000 square meters. There was no shelter. The cage itself was the entire place, and it was full of humans.

They were exposed to wind and rain here, and they were in a mess. Some people were half-dressed and could not even be seen as human beings.

The scene here was more terrifying than the several places where humans were kept in captivity that Lin Qun had seen before.

There were more people, and the dead and the living were completely together here, and the stench was overwhelming.

They didn't even know what was happening outside, let alone that the Black Sheep Civilization had been defeated. Until this moment, when Lin Qun appeared in the sky, they looked up in disbelief.

"Is that a human?"

"That looks like a human..."

"Oh my God, how could a human appear here? Could it be..."

In front, the remaining, crazy Black Sheep civilization life stood on a high place, holding the detonator in his hand high, roaring angrily, saying: "Back off, get out of here, leave the African land, let us go, otherwise, we will perish with you humans now!"

Lin Qun has not answered yet.

The people in the cages burst into angry roars and shouts.

Each of them was weak and sick, and their voices were weak, but together, they were equally deafening roars.

"Don't worry about us..."

"Kill them!"

"Revenge! Revenge! Revenge ah ah ah..."

The most shouting inside was revenge.

That means that the vast majority of people are shouting these two words frantically, and some people are even unconscious, but they also remember the monstrous blood hatred with the Black Sheep civilization, not seeking their own lives, but only the death of the Black Sheep civilization life!

The Black Sheep civilization life standing on the high place also became panicked.

But Lin Qun made his move at this moment. He fell from the sky at a terrifying speed, and these people couldn't react in time.

The leader of the Black Sheep Civilization life, who was shouting to die together, was stared to death by Lin Qun, and the rest of the people wanted to come up and snatch it without knowing whether to live or die.

Lin Qun gave them the Pegasus Meteor Fist!

One hundred and twelve punches in one second!

This was the first time Lin Qun used the Pegasus Meteor Fist, but he found that this skill was more useful than he thought. When he punched, he felt very refreshed. Every punch he threw out carried dark energy. This skill itself seemed to have energy. Even if only one unit of dark energy was injected, the power was still terrifying - the fist and arm were rolled with a dreamy light, but because of the high speed, they were connected in a line. The two Black Sheep Civilization lives in front were directly smashed after taking more than a dozen punches from Lin Qun!

The ones behind were no exception.

They were beaten to death by random punches!

For the last punch, Lin Qun infused one hundred points of dark energy and threw a punch. A meteor-like light burst out from his hand, as if it had wings, and whizzed out, directly hitting a Black Sheep civilization life in front of him, which was seven or eight meters away from Lin Qun. With one punch, he knocked it out more than three hundred meters away, and its body was directly shattered!

This Black Sheep Civilization life is the second most powerful among all the Black Sheep Civilization lives, except for the one who just led the group. All attributes may be above 200, and it can even fly for a short time.

But this is meaningless.

Killed by Lin Qun with one punch!

This feeling of hitting the flesh and killing with each punch, even Lin Qun feels a kind of hearty pleasure.

Damn them!

Lin Qun's eyes were full of blood and rage. He glanced at the people under his feet, and the next second, he continued to soar into the sky.

These people don't need him to save them, the survivors behind will come to rescue them.

The news that the Black Sheep Civilization is finished will also be spread throughout Africa!

And watching this scene, watching the Black Sheep Civilization life that bullied them being killed, these humans all burst into tears!

And Lin Qun's killing is not over yet.

He traveled across Africa.

Slaughtering all the way!

Blood and corpses were everywhere.

None of the Black Sheep Civilization lives were his enemy!

Contribution points soared wildly.

Lin Qun became more and more crazy as he killed more and more people, and he himself seemed to be unaware of his own state.

At first, he used the Sword of Victory to kill, but as time went on, he began to pursue a slaughter that made flesh and blood splash with every punch!

He wanted to see the Black Sheep Civilization life wailing, torn into pieces, and covered in blood!

The Pegasus Meteor Fist had just been acquired, and in this most direct slaughter and practice, Lin Qun applied it to perfection and became extremely proficient.

He immersed himself in it.

It became a nightmare for the Black Sheep Civilization life.

He killed until the sky was dark, his eyes were red, blood was all over his body, and the murderous aura was soaring.

Even if he didn't make a move, just looking at the Black Sheep Civilization life would scare them directly!

That was the real killing aura, not any means, but just the horrible deterrence that came with the hostility!

At a certain moment, he suddenly woke up.

He found himself standing in the middle of the endless ruins.

There were mountains of corpses and seas of blood around him.

The flames were raging, and the thick smoke rushed to a height of hundreds of meters.

There was no living Black Sheep Civilization life.

But he just felt dry mouth and seemed to want to kill more.

What even shocked him was that his energy, which had been recovering little by little, was reduced to only three points at this moment.

And he was unaware of it. Just now, he seemed to still think that he could kill indefinitely.

And if the Black Sheep Civilization had not begun to retreat and evacuated many people, Lin Qun's number would probably be even higher!

Looking again, the Mark 50 nano-suit had been on the alarm for more than ten minutes, reminding Lin Qun that his life state was different.

The anger of the Zhuxian Broken Sword that Lin Qun had just suppressed was surging again with Lin Qun's killing, almost devouring his mind.

But he had completed the massacre.

Sweeping the Black Sheep Civilization, he gained more than 90,000 contribution points. With the remaining contribution points, Lin Qun's total contribution points directly reached 100,000!

He was like a fierce ghost and demon, and wherever he was, there was murderous aura. Mark 50 was turned red by the blood of the Black Sheep Civilization.

They deserved to die.

Lin Qun didn't think there was anything wrong with the killing.

Now that the battle was over, he took a deep breath and did not stop. He activated the Mark 50 nanosuit and silently operated the mind-concentration technique. He rose from the African land and rushed straight into the sky. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared at the end of the skyline without a trace.



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