Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 402 If I were you, I would flee with my entire family!

European land.

In the world of steel.

The giant ship of silicon-based civilization rises. They are retreating rapidly. Not only the battleships, but also a large number of silicon-based civilization life forms with the ability to fly and mechanized life forms are also leaving on their own.

Because of the special characteristics of civilization and life forms, they retreat the fastest and with extremely high efficiency.

As long as you think about it, it will take less than two hours for the entire army to evacuate and leave the battlefield of Blue Star Civilization.

At this moment, during the great retreat, the knight commander of the silicon-based civilization was standing here, staring into the distance.

Behind, a being from a silicon-based civilization said unwillingly: "Master Knight, do we really have to give up like this?"

"Linyuan Civilization is also leaving. We alone are no match for humans. The stalemate is meaningless. As long as the losses are not big, we still have a chance." The Knight Commander said, "And now, the war has just ended, and humans have not yet pursued us. This is the best opportunity, otherwise if we wait any longer, we won’t be able to leave even if we want to.”

Another senior silicon-based civilization life on one side, a life with almost the same status as the Knight Commander, couldn't help but said: "The Linyuan Civilization should have the same judgment - who would have thought? This time on the civilized battlefield, we ended up without any problems. Aboriginal civilization?”

This sentence caused a moment of silence.

They were rising from the earth in a spaceship, looking at the world they had conquered below.

Some people are unwilling to give up, and some people's eyes are filled with fear.

The knight commander said deeply: "We have no choice. We stay, unable to bear the wrath of that human being and its entire civilization.

"Now we can only run away like cowards.

"The only thing to be thankful for is: we lost to a respectable civilization.

“Leave today and start all over again without regrets.

"Moreover, we are looking up at the same starry sky as these humans. We may... meet again."

And rule in Ankara.

As if he also noticed his abnormality, Yegus paused for a moment, and his tone returned to calmness. Those slight doubts disappeared, and he said firmly: "I know what you are thinking, but the death of others has nothing to do with us. What? The Kingdom of God is real and eternity is real. Will you and your civilization give up eternity for this?”

His words made Lin Qun think.


This is a word that Lin Qun also longs for.

Who does not want to attain eternal life and supreme evolution?

Compared with wealth, power or even strength, eternity is more meaningful. This may be the reason why so many civilizations want to win the battle of civilization at all costs.

If what Yegus said is true, then the road to the Kingdom of God is a shortcut.

How many civilizations and lives in this world can achieve eternity? Even if you can, how much time will it take to get through the ups and downs? Compared with this, the price paid and the battles in the civilized battlefield seem too insignificant.

And in the civilized battlefield, as long as you are not an indigenous civilization, even if you lose, you still have a chance to make a comeback. If you can stop the loss in time, you can even bring the possibility of progress to your own civilization through contribution points...

When he thought of this, even Lin Qun felt a sense of longing.

This is a real shortcut.

I don't know why, but Lin Qun always has a vague feeling that all this may not be that simple.

Although Yegus's attitude has become firm again, Lin Qun will not just listen to one side of the story.

Yegusi is a foreign civilization, and it and Linyuan Civilization obviously don't know more about it.

Therefore, Lin Qun only half-listened to and half-believed their information, leaving his own thoughts to himself.

If given the chance, he really wanted to see the people from the Kingdom of God that Yegus mentioned. Maybe that would completely dispel his doubts.

Or, learn more from other sources…

If the Kingdom of God is really what Yegus said, then perhaps it is a place where you can choose.

But if not...

While Lin Qun was thinking, Yegus's voice continued. It had completely returned to normal and no longer radiated. He said to Lin Qun: "The Kingdom of God created the civilized battlefield where you and I are. They are the initiators and the The founders, they built all of this, and their power surpasses the entire universe, so the rules here cannot be broken or violated——

“Once the civilized battlefield is opened, a blockade will form around it, and other civilizations in the surrounding areas can only be blocked even if they want to intervene.

"This is both fair and unfair. High-level civilizations can never enter the battlefields of low-level civilizations, but low-level civilizations can enter the battlefields of high-level civilizations."

"Can we still enter a higher level battlefield?" Lin Qun was slightly stunned. These are not included in Brent's information.

Although there is a lot of information in Brent's USB flash drive, it is all the basic rules of the civilized battlefield, and there is very little information about the upper-level civilized battlefield.

"Of course, the civilization battlefield strictly restricts the flow of high-level civilizations and life to low-level battlefields, but the restrictions on the flow of low-level civilizations to high-level civilization battlefields are very small." Yegus said lightly, "For example, you and I are both in the third-level civilization battlefield. As long as our civilization has a planet, we can go to the second-level civilization battlefield. If we can control a galaxy, or have at least one master-level strongman or the same level of technical strength, we can enter the first-level civilization battlefield. Of course, as far as I know, it is more difficult to obtain contribution points in the second-level civilization battlefield. The total number of contribution points in a second-level civilization battlefield may not even be more than that of a third-level civilization battlefield. Behind this is the progress of civilization, and there are also deliberate actions of the Kingdom of God...

"Of course, it is meaningless and unnecessary to tell you this now.

"When we retreat and the Blue Star Civilization Battlefield ends, you will naturally get these optional permissions when you survive as an indigenous civilization and receive rewards from the Civilization Battlefield. But I want to remind you that your son of civilization is gone, and you have become a branch of civilization in the judgment of the Civilization Battlefield. The permissions you have when a branch participates in the war will be greatly reduced."

Yegus's words contained too much information. Lin Qun was still thinking about what it said before, and before he could think clearly, he was attracted by the information behind it, especially the content behind Yegus, which was directly related to the interests of the current federation. He couldn't help but ask immediately: "What does this mean?"

At this time, the voice of the supreme commander came from Lin Qun's communication channel; "Mr. Lin, the latest news is that the silicon-based civilization has already begun to retreat. Our news is lagging behind, and they have almost retreated."

Linyuan civilization chose to give up the initiative to retreat, which was even more difficult for the silicon-based civilization to support alone.

Although they were unwilling, they seemed to have chosen the same retreat.

Yegus had obviously made a judgment earlier. From what it had just said, it could be seen that it had concluded that the battlefield of Blue Star Civilization was over.

Lin Qun replied to the Supreme Commander in text that he knew.

Human information was lagging behind. When they found that others were retreating, they had almost left. Silicon-based civilization is not a black sheep civilization. They are famous for their technology, with a large fleet and excellent performance. If they really want to leave, they can retreat faster than Linyuan civilization. If Lin Qun rushed over here, he would only eat dirt. Therefore, he was very calm about the news and did not show anything. He just continued to look at Yegus in front of him and waited for it to continue.

This information is very important.

Human civilization is an indigenous civilization. It seems that the whole people have good talents for awakening, but even if the whole people have awakened their talents, the majority are still unknown. Only a few people have gained real power because of this. In contrast, the many permissions that the indigenous civilization does not have are what human civilization needs more.

Many humans cursed that this was unfair, but the battlefield of civilization was relatively fair, because humans were never contestants, let alone the protagonists in the battlefield of civilization. They were the background of others, so how could they enjoy the treatment that others enjoyed?

Yegus said: "It means literally - the son of civilization, saying that they are people with potential chosen by the Kingdom of God. It sounds like they are outside the rules, but they are also within the rules. But I don't know much about the information of these indigenous civilizations. After all, you also understand that few indigenous civilizations in the battlefield of civilization can be like you, and slaughter a group of ants. I don't care about their way of survival and the laws that apply to them.

"I have only heard similar information: once the son of civilization of an indigenous civilization is selected, he will automatically become the main branch of the civilization. If this indigenous civilization has the opportunity to be promoted to a contestant civilization in the future, then most of the authority will also be will all fall on him, such as high-level civilization malls, contribution points that exceed a certain limit, and even the right to exchange blockades...

"Your son of civilization has escaped and is far away from the blue star. Unless he comes back, otherwise, after the distance between you and him exceeds a certain limit, you will be judged as his branch civilization. This is because the number of people here is large enough. You can choose to enter the civilization battlefield to participate, but you do not have his and his authority, and can only enjoy some of the authority of the branch civilization."

Lin Qun listened, and his heart sank. No one had expected this, and even the information Brent left for them did not mention it.

At this time, Yegus could not lie to him, and there was no need to lie to him about such things.

But now, where can they find Brent?

He did not leave any contact information at all, and no one knew where he had gone.

Looking at Lin Qun's expression, Yegus showed an expression that he did not know whether it was a smile, and said: "Also, I have to remind you-I don't know if you know that there is a space fleet outside your star system, and it has come a long time ago.

"Translated in your human language, they are'nomads'.

"The evil wolves in the universe are specifically looking for and sweeping away planets like you that have been selected as battlefields for civilization."

Lin Qun's thoughts were pulled back.

The Linyuan civilization actually knew about the existence of this fleet in space.

As the "natives" of the Blue Planet, humans were beaten so badly that they fled in panic, without even the time and ability to look up at the stars. However, these contestants can observe the stars and even know the arrival of the enemy.

Lin Qun did not say anything, but waited for Yegus to continue.

"In a civilized battlefield, contribution points and experience are the most important resources, but in a starry sky without civilized battlefield rules, resources have a very wide meaning. There are many powerful civilizations without resources, and a life is born from one Planets are full of resources. Such planets are difficult to find, but once they are selected as civilized battlefields and blocked, they will be discovered. Nomads are the civilizations that search for resources in the universe. Collectively, they do not participate in civilized wars, but only serve as scavengers and garbage collectors on civilized battlefields.

"They are also very troublesome for high-level civilizations, but for us civilizations on the battlefield of third-level civilizations...

"There is no doubt about their power..." Yegus said: "If I were you, I would flee as a whole."

Listening to Yegus's words, Lin Qun instinctively looked to the sky. At this moment, the starry sky above Ankara was quiet and bright, revealing a sense of tranquility that was completely different from the war that this land had suffered.

Of course he understands.

They are a civilization in the starry sky, and no matter how fiercely they fight, in fact they have not even stepped out into the starry sky. Strictly speaking, they are still primitive people fighting around in the planet.

Through this vast galaxy, Lin Qun seemed to be able to see the nomadic fleet displayed in the starry sky and outside the Blue Star star system. Its cold armor was spotless in the starry sky, pointing sharply at the Blue Star, just waiting for civilization. After the battle on the battlefield is over, they pounce on them like wandering vultures to bite them.

This is a group of robbers.

But this is from a human perspective, but from the perspective of the starry sky and civilization, this is a cruel reality. No matter whether civilization or individuals, they all need resources. It is completely reasonable to fight for resources. Invading other people's planets, What does killing the lives of other civilizations have to do with our own civilization?

The civilization in the starry sky does not care about civilization, but only about strength and survival.

But Lin Qun was a little unwilling. Just as they saw the hope of victory on the civilized battlefield, would they be driven out of their home by bandits from the stars?

But they were unprepared. Even if they wanted to leave, how could they leave?

"Maybe I can try."

Lin Qun said softly.

He did not upload this part of the information to the two places.

Yegus looked at Lin Qun with a look of pity in his eyes, as if he was looking at a primitive man ignorantly waving a big stick in his hand, and said:

"I admit, you are amazing. In the battle of Ankara, one against three, you also killed all the evolvers of the Shengui Civilization and the Black Sheep Civilization. I have never seen any non-evolved person reach this level. I There is no guarantee that we can defeat you, so we can only give up this victory on the battlefield of Blue Star Civilization.

"But...even if you have defeated the shadow caused by the cheating of the evolution of the Shengui Civilization, that shadow itself is a strong man on the battlefield of the first-level civilization and the god of the Shenwei Civilization. When it comes, it is subject to many restrictions. , the strength has not yet been developed, it has only reached the source energy level - and the strength of the source energy level it showed at that time was only strength, no ability, and it was chopped up and beaten back by you without showing anything...

"Normally, only strength is enough, but they may not have thought that you have such a powerful force.

"But the source energy level is no joke. The real source energy level is far beyond the power of the evolvers. It is definitely not the short-lived intensity of the 'god' they believe in that the evolvers of the divine civilization brought to the world.

"There are three recognized levels for strong people who transcend the data level: evolver, source energy level, and master level. Each level is a huge leap. And to become a civilized battlefield swept by the nomad fleet, there must be at least one source energy level.

"At this moment, the Nomad fleet that came here to sweep the third-level civilization battlefield may be the worst among the Nomad fleets, but it is not something you can solve.

"Even if you can fight and kill them all, there is still the most objective and realistic problem in the universe. Do you have a battleship that can fly into the stars? If so, what will you do if it is damaged?

"I am an evolver, but if I don't have a battleship, I can only wait for death in despair in the starry sky.

“You can reach several times or even ten times the speed of sound in a planet like Blue Star, and you can even shrink to an inch and take a thousand miles in one step. On the scale of the starry sky, this is a very small distance and an insignificant moving speed.

"Even if you can see a planet in the distance, the distance is still unimaginable. You may die of exhaustion or starvation on the way there. Even if you get there, it may be a desolate planet with nothing to do with the universe. Both, as for intercepting passing spacecraft, that is even more impossible.

“In the future, maybe you can become an evolver or even a source energy level, but now, they are still too far away from you, and you still need time.

"The road to becoming an evolver is very difficult. Even if the attributes meet the standard and all exceed a thousand points, and you become a top powerhouse, there is still a gap between the top powerhouse and the evolver, and many lives may be stuck for a lifetime. Here, because to become an evolver, you will be a true evolver, and therefore it is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

"Maybe you have a chance. If you can become an evolver, you will definitely be more powerful than any evolver I have ever seen.

"But only if you survive until that day."

Yegus's words and eyes were a bit hurtful, but Lin Qun was also speechless.

What Yegus said was a completely different vision, a concept of the universe that Lin Qun had never been exposed to before.

The ideas behind it and the description of evolvers were something that Lin Qun had never thought of before and was completely unaware of.

Lin Qun really thought that maybe with the Zhu Xian Broken Sword, he could try to rush in and intercept the opponent's fleet outside the Blue Star. He had the Raider warship, but it was a pity that he was attacking the stars.


What if his Raider ship was destroyed?

Even if he is still in Blue Star's star system, he will probably not be able to return to Blue Star!

Yegus's words also answered Lin Qun's doubts when he was in the desperate situation of reincarnation.

There are levels above the evolvers...

Source energy level, dominance level...

Yegus just said a few words, and outside the battlefield of Blue Star Civilization, a huge world in the universe seemed to have appeared before Lin Qun's eyes, and that world was even more dangerous.

And the Evolvers...

Is it as difficult to ascend to the realm of evolvers as to ascend to heaven?

This seems to be the case. In the Blue Star Civilization battlefield here, with so many civilizations and so many lives, how many evolvers are there?

How long have these top experts been experiencing? But have never been able to become an evolver?

But Lin Qun thought to himself: I seem to be in trouble... maybe... it doesn't have to be as difficult as climbing to the sky?

Yegus didn't know what Lin Qun was thinking. It had left here and had confirmed that it was almost impossible to meet with human civilization, let alone start a war again. At this time, its attitude towards humans was no longer that of an enemy, but like an enemy. It is the generous guidance of a person who has already walked a long way on a bumpy and thorny road to the promising civilization behind.

Yegus is not a warlike evolver, but its civilization also wants to be strong, so it comes here. When the war is going on, all other civilizations are enemies, but now, all this will end, and it also It breaks out of the rules and regulations of civilized battlefield warfare.

It said: "To be honest, it's not easy for you to get to where you are today. If we weren't enemies and we didn't meet on the civilized battlefield, maybe our civilization would help you. You are also the most amazing indigenous civilization I have ever seen. , the most powerful non-evolved person I have ever seen. Even if you benefit from the technology of the Kingdom of God, the technology of the Kingdom of God is only a guide. How far you can go depends on the individual and civilization. Therefore, although I hate it, You made us fail again, but I personally still admire you and your civilization.

"That's why I told you this. I even told you some information that I could have not told you at all. Of course, this is all I can do. Although it is almost impossible for us to see each other again, In the boundless universe and in the long years, no one knows whether an accident will happen. I want to be worthy of my civilization. My appreciation for you and what I can give you are also limited. This can only be this——

"My advice is still: I suggest you flee. There is another reason for this. You may not know that there are very few indigenous civilizations that can survive in civilized battlefields, and although indigenous civilizations have no other advantages, indigenous civilizations, Everyone has acquired the talent of awakening because of the civilized battlefield. You should also know this very well. This is nothing in the civilized battlefield, but in the starry sky, it is a miracle that only the Kingdom of God can survive the civilized battlefield. In the eyes of higher-level civilizations, the life of indigenous civilizations is itself a resource.

"They all dream of acquiring the technology of the Kingdom of God. The entire population is awakening their innate abilities. If this succeeds, what does it mean to a civilization?

“This is meaningless to us lower civilizations, because we can’t study anything at all, but for powerful civilizations, this is a huge temptation and unlimited possibilities.

"When the blockade of the civilized battlefield is lifted, the nomads discover that you are an indigenous civilization, and they will bring you endless troubles, and even attract the attention of the galaxy's dominant civilization!

"According to the classification, the evolver level corresponds to planet-level combat power, the source energy level corresponds to star-level combat power, and the dominator level corresponds to galaxy-level combat power!

"So, I still recommend that you flee as a family."

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