Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 406 Draw a card again! One Punch Man times card?

Lin Qun rode the cheering landing ship and shuttled around the Blue Star. The top civilization retreated. His strength was already rampant!

As they continued to kill alien civilizations, Lin Qun's contribution points slowly increased.

After four draws in a row in the last round, he had consumed 40,000 contribution points, leaving 60,000 contribution points of 100,000.

As for Lin Qun, who swept all the way, his contribution points could barely reach 69,000, not yet reaching 70,000.

There is no way, there are indeed very few alien civilizations left.

However, the cooldown time of the fairy's gaze card is over.

He rearranged his formation inside the cheering landing ship, preparing for another four-stroke draw.

As soon as the civilized battlefield ends, threats from space will arrive.

Preparations must be made as soon as possible.

There is a lot of space in the Cheer landing ship, and Lin Qun can just find a lounge to draw cards.

This time the ceremony was ordinary.

Lin Qun started this round of drawing cards directly.

The golden light shines, and the first card is drawn.

A skill card.

[Name: Pure Sky/Clear Sky]

[Type: Skill Card]

[Description: Use this skill card to obtain the skill Clear Sky. By consuming dark energy to use this skill, you can achieve the effect of purifying the weather, clearing away bad weather within a range of at least three kilometers and at most the entire planet, including but not limited to fog, clouds, rain, and snow. You can also Remove miasma and special effects. 】

【Load? 】

This skill...

Is it a large-scale heaven-purifying ability?

Weather modification?

Lin Qun suddenly thought that he might be able to use this ability to coordinate with his Escanor ability.

Clear sky disperses clouds in the sky, creating an area of ​​excellent lighting.

No clouds, no rain, nothing, pure light.

The power of this skill is that it can affect the weather within the entire planet. This is an exaggerated ability, but...

This is obviously a functional skill rather than a combat ability.

Lin Qun scratched his head, but immediately chose to load. After loading, he could see more details and found that the cost of this skill was very small. It was basically activated and consumed 30 points of dark energy to dispel the skills mentioned in the skill description. The bad weather within a three-kilometer range, and in addition, for every additional fifteen points of dark energy paid, an additional one-kilometer range can be purified.

For every 150 points of dark energy, an additional ten kilometers of range can be purified.

If enough dark energy is injected, it can sweep across the world.

As a large-scale skill, its consumption is quite low.

At this time, the second card was slowly emerging.

This card actually made Lin Qun a little excited.

This is actually a picture...

"Peat, One Punch Man times card?!"

[Name: One Punch Man "Serious Punch\

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